Oral Pathology - ABGD Oral Board Review Flashcards
What is going on here?
Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telenglectasia
What should you examine a mucocele for?
- Examine carefully for presence of obstruction
- Foreign body
- Sialolith
What is going on here?
What is going on here?
Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome
What is going on here?
Dense Bone Island/Idiopathic Osteosclerosis
What is the suggested treatment for Minor Apthous Stomatitis?
- Option A
- No treatment
- Avoidance or irritating agents
- Option B
- Fluocinonide (Lidex), 0.05% gel
- Apply to affected areas 2-3 times per day
- Fluocinonide (Lidex), 0.05% gel
- CAUTION: Oral candidiasis
What is the suggested treatment for Erythema Multiforme?
- Patients often admitted
- Systemic steroids
- Prednisone, tapering dose
- IV immunoglobulins
- IV fluids
What are the 5 most common Odontogenic Tumors?
- Ameloblastoma
- Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor
- Ameloblastic Fibroma
- Ameloblastic Fibro-Odontoma
- Odontoma
What is going on here?
Fibrous Dysplasia
Describe a Peripheral Giant Cell Granuloma…
- Usually red/purple, bleed
- Associations: hyperparathyroidism (if intraosseous component)
- Histology: multinucleated giant cells
What is this an image of?
T1 of a Medulloblastoma
“Highlights differences in soft tissue densities”
What usually always favored the lower lip?
What is going on here?
What is going on here?
Fibroma, Giant Cell Type
What is going on here?
37 yo M with known Garner Syndrome, multiple osteomas
What are 3 terms to describe images in CT imaging?
- Hyperdense
- Hypoedense
- Mixed intensity/heterogeneous
What other diagnostic tests may be indicated in cases such as these (mixed red white lesions)?
- Incisional biopsy, with either routine histology (10% formalin) or immunofluorescence (Michel solution)
- Diagnostic devices that use cytology, reflectance, fluorescence or saliva analysis may be highly sensitive (they will
indicate disease when present) but less specific (many false positives); the evidence indicates these tests are less
specific than visual exam with magnification and illumination
What is a good rule of thumb regarding Salivary Gland Tumors and location?
80 - 50 - 20 rule
80% parotid benign, 50% submandibular/minor benign, 20% sublingual benign
What is going on here?
Lateral Periodontal Cyst (and/or botryoid variant)
What is going on here?
Dentinogenesis Imperfecta with Opalescent Dentin
What is going on here?
Leukemic Infiltrate
What is going on here?
Ameloblastic Fibro-Odontoma 14 yo
Image is seen with Odontoma Component
What is going on here?
Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma
What is going on here?
Fibrous Dysplasia
What is going on here?
Periapical Cemento-Osseous Dysplasia
What view is this?
What is going on here?
Ameloblastoma (crossing the midline)
- Most common odontogenic tumor
What is going on here?
Buccal Birfurcation Cyst
Inflammatory Cyst
What is going on here?
- Geographic Tongue
- Erythema Migrans or Migratory Glossitis
What is going on here?
17 yo, multiple central giant cell granulomas - cherubism
What kind of process is going on in regards to antral pseudocyst and what should you do about it?
- Inflammatory
- Secondary to sinus inflammatory process (sinusitis)
- Secondary to dental inflammatory process (periapical pathosis)
- “Relative Radiopacity” in sinus
- Consider vitality testing of the teeth in the quadrant
- Consider periodontal evaluation ofthe teeth in the quadrant
What do you know about Pemphigus?
- Autoimmune process (against epithelial cell-cell attchments)
- Look for ragged/irregular ulcers elsewhere (buccal, palatal)
- You are likely to elicit a Nikolski (blister formation)
- Histology: “suprabasilar acantholytic process”
What is going on here?
Stafne Defect
- Lingual mandibular salivary gland defect
What is going on here?
How would you treat this?
- Diagnosis: (ulcerated) fibroma
- Differential Diagnosis:
- Fibroma
- Pyogenic Granuloma
- Soft Tissue Tumor (Neuroma, Neurofibroma, Neuroma)
- Biopsy to exclude other soft tissue lesionsd (ex. pyogenic granuloma, neuroma, neurofibroma, lipoma)
What does MRI stand for?
What must you caution for?
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- No harmful radiation (uses a magnetic field)
- Caution:
- cardiac pacemakers
- certain metallic implants
What is going on here?
Primary Herpetic Gingivostomatis
What does a Cobweb Trabeculation apperance go with?
Odontogenic Myxoma
What are some contraindications to CT?
- Allergy to contrast agent
- Compromised renal function
What is CT imaging best used for?
Better hard tissue contrast
What is the suggested treatment for Major Apthous Stomatitis?
- Option A
- No treatment
- Avoidance of irritating agents
- Option B
- Fluocinonide (Lidex), 0.05% gel
- Apply to affected areas 2-3x per day
- Fluocinonide (Lidex), 0.05% gel
- Option C
- Clobetasol (Temovate), 0.05% gel
- Apply to affected areas 2-3 times per day
- Clobetasol (Temovate), 0.05% gel
- Caution: Oral Candidiasis
Observe this helpful image…
What is going on here?
What does Beaten Copper/Beaten Metal appearance go with?
Crouzon and Apert Syndromes
What is going on here?
Herpes Labialis and Whitlow
What is going on here?
Squamous Papilloma (human papilloma virus)
What is going on here?
Pyostomatitis Vegetan (ulcerative colitis)
What is going on here?
What % of all cases of idiopathic osteosclerosis are associated with root resorption?
What is going on here?
What can cause this?
- Gingival Overgrowth (medication induced)
- Anti-seizure medications
- Dilantin
- Chemotherapeutics
- Cyclosporine
- Calcium Channel Blockers
- Enalapril
What is going on here?
39 yo M, parathyroid disease, elevated PTH; biopsy; central giant cell granuloma
What is going on here?
What is going on here?
Multiple Myeloma
67 yo F, history of myeloma; prior pathologic fractures of L mandible
Describe a Peripheral Odontogenic Fibroma…
- Pink to red
- Associations: none specific
- Histology: epithelial odontogenic rests
What is going on here?
Squamous Cell Carcinoma (Stage IV; lymph node metastases arrows)
What is going on here?
What is this imaging dipicting?
PET scan of primary/nodal disease
What are some common bacteria in Oral Ulcers and Lymphadenopathies?
- Streptococcal and Staphylococcal species
- Treponema
- Bartonella
- Actinomycetes
What is going on here?
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- Differential Diagnoses:
- Exclusion of malignancy in an otherwise unexplainable red/white lesion
What is going on here?
- Differential Diagnoses:
- Pyogenic Granuloma
- Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma, Odontogenic Fibroma, Giant Cell Granuloma
- Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
What are some common Non-Odontogenic Tumors?
- Traumatic Bone Cyst
- Central Giant Cell Granuloma
- Aneurysmal Bone Cyst
- Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
How can the dental team manage nutritional deficiencies, and should they?
- Nutritional counseling can be performed by a dentist if an appropriate food diary is developed by the patient
- Nutritional supplementation, however, should be managed by a physician, nutritionist/dietician or other health care
professional trained in these areas; a thorough analysis including bloodwork may be required, and GI or other metabolic
diseases may need to be excluded
What is going on here?
Where can they be found?
- Lymphoepithelial Cyst
- Can be found
- Adenoids
- Palatine Tonsil
- Lingual Tonsil
- Foliate Papillae
What is going on here?
Amelogenesis Imperfecta (Hypoplastic)
What is this?
What would you consider doing about it?
- Peripheral Giant Cell Granuloma
- Consider
- Periodontal Probing
- Periapical Radiographs
- Vitality Testing
What is going on here?
Cat Scratch Disease (Bartonella)
If you are uncertain about what is going on when you observe Desquamative Gingivitis, what would you consider doing?
- Consider (direct) immunofluorescence (IF)
- Submit fresh tissue directly to the lab if you have capability
- Submit in Michel’s solution if you have to send the specimen
- Split specimens (half formalin, half MIchel’s)
What is going on here?
What is going on here?
Dense Bone Island/Idiopathic Osteosclerosis
What does a Sunburst/Sunray Opacification apperance suggest?
What is going on here?
Multiple Odontogenic Keratocysts; consider nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome
What exactly is a Ranula?
Ranula = mucocele in the floor of the mouth
What is going on here?
Dentinogenesis Imperfecta with Opalescent Dentin
What is going on here?
Pyostomatitis Vegetans (ulcerative colitis)
What is going on here?
What is going on here?
Central Giant Cell Granuloma
- May consider:
- Calcitonin
- Corticosteroids
- a-interferon
What is going on here?
Fibrous Dysplasia
What is going on here?
Dentinogenesis Imperfecta with Opalescent Dentin
What is going on here?
12 yo, multiple Odontogenic Keratocysts; Fam Hx of nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome
What is going on here?
Granular Cell Tumor
What is going on here?
What is going on here?
Herpes Zoster
What does a Punched Out Lesion appearance suggest?
Myeloma (in adults)
Lngerhands Cell Histiocytosis (in children)
What is going on here?
Multiple Myeloma
What is Dentinogenesis Imperfecta/opalescent dentin associted with?
- Pulpal defects
- Defects in or absence of root morphology
- Osteogenesis imperfecta
- Overlaps with dentin dysplasia
What is going on here?
What do you think is the etiology?
- Mucosal Slough
- Consider
- Mouthwash
- Dentifrice
- Dietary
What is this?
What would you consider doing about it?
- Pyogenic Granuloma
- Consider
- Periodontal Probing
- Periapical Radiographs
- Vitality Testing
What is going on here?
Lymphoma (non healing periradicular lesion following NSRCT)
If you see desquamative gingivitis, what are your 3 top differentials?
- Erosive Lichen Planus
- Pemphigoid
- Pemphigus
What is going on here?
What are 4 Soft Tissue Masses that are Neoplastic?
- Neuroma
- Neurofibroma
- Lipoma
- Granular Cell Tumor
What is going on here?
Dentinogenesis Imperfecta with Opalescent Dentin
What is going on here
Acinic Cell Adenocarcinoma
This would also be a common site for mixed tumor and Warthin Tumor
What is going on here?
Syphilis (Treponema)
- Primary
- Chancre
- Secondary
- Mucus patch
- “Split papule”
- Condyloma lata
- Tertiary
- Gumma
- Congenital
- Dental deformities
- Developmental delay
What is going on here?
Mucocele (superficial)
What is going on here?
What is going on here?
Morsicatio (frictional keratosis)
What % of formalin do you put biopsies in?
10% buffered formalin for routine histology
What is this?
What would you consider doing about it?
- Peripheral Odontoma
- Consider
- Periodontal Probing
- Periapical Radiographs
- Vitality Testing
What is going on here?
Apthous Ulcer (apthous stomatitis)
What is going on here?
What duct is near this location?
(painful hard nodule, Stensel’s duct)
What are some treatment complications for Antivirals?
Little or none in our context
Describe the clinical history of Necrotizing Sialometaplasia?
- Pain
- Rapid Onset
- Rapid Ulceration (“part of palate fell out”)
What usually favors the upper lip?
Favors Monomorphic (canalicular) adenoma
Favors pleomorphic adenoma
What are some abnormalities that have Enamel Defects?
- Consider spectrum of tricho-dento-osseous syndrome
- Consider spectrum of ectodermal dysplasias
What is going on here?
Paraneoplatic Pemphigus
What is going on here?
Paraneoplastic Pemphigus
What is going on here?
9 yo F, nelarged tongue, multiple cafe au lait macules
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia
In the world of Herpesviruses, what are HHV-1 through HHV-4 associated with?
- HHV-1 (HSV-1): Oral and mucosal herpetic lesions
- HHV-2 (HSV-2): Oral and mucosal herpetic lesions
- HHV-3 (VZV): Chicken pox, Herpes zoster
- HHV-4 (EBV): Infectious Mononucleosis, Oral Hairy Leukoplakia, Malignancies (Hodgkin’s, Nasopharynx)
How would a lymphom and an HPV-related oropharyngeal carcinoma be treated (differently)?
- Setting aside causes of HPV-related disease (early sexual activity, multiple partners, non-vaccinated) vs lymphoma
(multiple including genetics, cancer causing agents, some infectious diseases such as EBV-related Hodgkin lymphoma’
and Helicobaacter pylori association with GI mucosal related lymphomas), each may require chemoradiotherapy in
addition to any surgical intervention; the chemotherapy agents will differ, and outcomes may differ [HPV related oral
and oropharynx cancers are noted to have higher survival rates vs non-HPV related oral cancers; lymphomas are highly
variable in therapeutic response, depending on the specific diagnosis and genetic alterations]
Does Lichen Planus require treatment?
- Asymptomatic: not required, though biopsy may be indicated to exclude other diseases
- Symptomatic: consider topical steroid
- Fluocinonide 0.05% gel, DISP 30 gram tube, SIG apply to affected area twice per day, REFILLS = 1 (one)
Clobetasol Fluocinonide 0.05% gel, DISP 30 gram tube, SIG apply to affected area twice per day, REFILLS = 1 (one)
What is going on here?
Describe the transition of Cemento - Osseous Dysplasia
Usually begin radiolucemt and may opacity over time
What is going on here?
Lichenoid Mucositis
(with associated lichenoid dermatitis)
What is going on here?
Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma
If you see Central Giant Cell Granulomas…consider…
Parathyroid/renal disease
What is going on here?
Amelogenesis Imperfecta (Hypoplastic)
What is going on here?
Syphilis (Treponema)
- Primary
- Chancre
- Secondary
- Mucus patch
- “Split papule”
- Condyloma lata
- Tertiary
- Gumma
- Congenital
- Dental deformities
- Developmental delay
What is going on here?
Morsicatio (frictional keratosis)
What is going on here?
- Diagnosis: Mixed Tumor (pleomorphic adenoma)
- Differential Diagnoses:
- Salivary Gland Tumor
- Salivary PAthology (mucocele, necrotizing sialometaplasia)
- Other tumors (e.g. lymphoma)
What is going on here?
Mild to Moderate Epithelial Dysplasia
Where is Periapical, Focal, and Florid Cemento - Osseous Dysplasia typically found?
- Periapical: Usually limited to man anterior
- Focal: Usually limited to man or max posterior
- Florid: Multiple Sites
What is going on here?
Erythema Multiforme
What are 4 etiologies of Infectious Ulcerative Disorders?
- Viral: HHV, HPV, enteroviruses
- Bacterial: Mycobacterium, Treponema, Actinomycetes
- Fungal: Histoplasmosis
- Parasitic: Myasis (fly larvae)
What is going on here?
Alveolar Ridge Keratosis (frictional keratosis)
What is going on here?
How do you determine the diagnosis via histology or immunofluorescence?
- Tissues may be submitted in (10% buffered) formalin for routine histology, or Michel solution for IF; the specimen should
be split, laid on a suture card or sterilization wrapper to minimize curling, and then sent to a lab that manages IF (the
Michel solution can often be obtained by Dermatology or directly from the supporting lab) - Lichen planus demonstrates a linear deposition of fibrinogen at the basement membrane
Pemphigus demonstrates a ‘chicken wire’ deposition of immunoglobulins and/or complement
Pemphigoid demonstrates a linear deposition of immunoglobulins and/or complement at the basement membrane - Lichen planus demonstrates a band like lymphocytic infiltrate at or into the the epithelial base
Pemphigus demonstrates acantholysis (the epithelial cells detached from each other and leave a ‘row of tombstones’)
Pemphigoid demonstrates a complete epithelial split from the connective tussue
When you diganose by radiography, what does radiolucent, mixed radiodensity, and radiopaque apperances indicate?
- Radiolucent: Implies minimal or no hard tissues
- Mixed Radiodensity: Implies hard tissue component
- Radiopaque: Implies predominantly hard tissue
What is going on here?
Dense Bone Island/Idiopathic Osteosclerosis
What is this?
What would you consider doing about it?
- Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma
- Consider
- Periodontal Probing
- Periapical Radiographs
- Vitality Testing
What is going on here?
Ameloblastoma (in the periapical position; multiple failed endodontic procedures)
- Most common odontogenic tumor
What is going on here?
Melanocytic Blue Nevus
What is going on here?
Simple hemorrhagic/idiopathic/traumatic/soliary bone cyst
Surgeon reports entering into an empty cavity…
What does a Floating in Air appearance go with?
Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
What are Enteroviruses associated with?
Coxsackievirus & Echovirus
What is going on here?
Amelogenesis Imperfecta (Hypoplastic)
What does a Hair on End Pattern Suggest?
Sick Cell Anemia
What is going on here?
Florid Cemento - Osseous Dysplasia
What is going on here?
Palatal Perforation Secondary to Cocaine Abuse
What is going on here?
Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor
- Often second decade; often mimics dentigerous cyst, may be associated with impaction/failure to erupt
What is going on here?
12 yo, multiple Odontogenic Keratocysts; Fam Hx of nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome
What are 2 less common Odontogenic Tumors?
- Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst (Gorlin Cyst); often included as tumor
- Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor (Pindborg tumor)
What is going on here?
Focal Cemento-Osseous Dysplasia
Observe the flow of treatment…
What is going on here?
Antral Pseudocyst
(incidental radiographic finding)
What are the 3 pillars of oral cancer treatment?
- Surgery
- Radiation
- Chemotherapy
When you see central giant cell granulomas - one should consider what 2 pathologies?
- Hyperparathyroidism
- Renal Osteodystrophy
What is going on here?
Apthous Ulcer (apthous stomatitis)
What are some treatment complications for Steroids/immune suppressants?
- Fungal infections, burning sensation with some topical agents
- Immune/marrow suppression (opportunistic infections)
What is going on here?
What is Lidex?
- This medication is used to treat a variety of skin conditions (e.g., eczema, dermatitis, allergies, rash).
- Fluocinonide reduces the swelling, itching, and redness that can occur in these types of conditions.
- This medication is a strong corticosteroid.
What are some signs of MEN IIB?
- Pheochromocytoma (a hormone secreting tumor that can occur in the adrenal glands)
- Throid medullary carcinoma
- Mucosal neuromas
What is going on here?
Gingival Overgrowth (necrotizing gingivitis)
What is going on here?
How would you treat this?
- Differential Diagnoses:
- (Primary) Herpetic Gingivostomatitis
- Apthous Stomatitis
- AMnifestation of Systemic Disease (Crohn’s Disease, inflammatory bowel disease, autoimmune)
What is going on here?
Ameloblastoma (in the dentigerous position)
- Most common odontogenic tumor
What are the most common Non-Odontogenic Cysts?
- Nasopalatine Duct Cyst, medial palatal cyst
- Nasoalveolar Cyst, lacrimal duct cyst
- Nasolabial Cyst
- Stafne Defect/Lingual Mandibular Salivary Gland Defect
Regarding an MRI weighting and enhancements, what does a T1 image help with?
- “Fat Image”
- Differentiate water from fat
- Highlights differences in soft tissue densities
What is the importance of understanding HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer?
- Overlaps other malignancies in location (tonsils… lymphoma)
- Higher stage on diagnosis (often detected first as metastatic disease to lymph nodes of head and neck)
- Often requires additional diagnostic tests (PET/CT or ENT endoscopy to locate unknown head/neck primary)
- Higher 5-year survival rates
- Vaccinations are available for HPV-related disease; long term preventive and therapeutic benefits are well
documented in HPV-related cervical cancer and pathophysiology of HPV-related disease in other sites such as anal
cancers, oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal cancers may herald similar results [long term studies are ongoing] - HPV salivary testing is available; it’s highly specific and sensitive but there is little to no evidence base for
predictive value (just because HPV is detected in saliva, there’s no known correlation with disease) - There are social, moral, ethical and religious implications and as such we must be sensitive to our patients and their
What is going on here?
Herpes Zoster
What is going on here?
Metastatic Adenocarcinma
56 yo M being treated for “cancer” with extensive caries; periapical tissues #31 submitted for histologic evaluation
What is going on here?
Lichenoid Mucositis
What is going on here?
Herpes Zoster
What are some Autoinflammatory Ulcerative Disorders?
- Apthous Stomatitis
- Bachet’s Disease
- Lichenoid Mucositis
What are the most common sites for Malignancy regarding Salivary Gland Tumors?
- Sublingual Gland: 70-90% (usually malignant)
- Minor Glands: 46-82% (50/50)
- Submandibular: 37-45% (50/50)
- Parotid: 15-32% (usually benign)
What is going on here?
What can asymmeric tonsils suggest?
- Tonsillolith
- Tonsilloliths
- HPV-related carcinoma
- Lymphoma
What is going on here?
Dentin Dysplasia
How do Viral Diseases commonly present in the oral cavity?
- Single or multiple coalescing ulcers
- Usually (but not always) on ‘attached/keratinized mucosa’
- Gingiva
- Tongue
- Palate
- Primary forms may occur anywhere in the oral cavity
What are 3 Dentin Defects?
- Consider Dentinogenesis Imperfecta
- Consider Dentin Dysplasia
- Consider Osteogenesis Imperfecta
What is going on here?
Osteo (chemo) necrosis
72 yo M, non-healing extraction site, history of myeloma and IV zolendronic acid exposure (bisphosphonate)
Describe a Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma…
- Usually pink to red
- Associations: none specific
- Histology: bone or dystrophic calcifications (make a radiograph)
What is going on here?
Necrotizing Sialometaplasia
(47 yo M, palatal mass)
What is going on here?
Multiple Myeloma
67 yo F, history of myeloma; prior fractures of L mandible
Regarding MRI weight and enhancements, what does a T2 image help with?
- “Water Image”
- Differentiate water from fat
- Highlights edema
- Highlights CSF
What oral pathology is this picture related to?
What is going on here?
Recurrent Herpes Labialis
What is the most common site of Salivary Gland Tumors?
- Parotid: 64-80%
- Minor glands: 9-23%
- Submandibular: 8-11%
- Sublingual: 0.3-1%
What is a Nikolsky sign?
Is dislodgment of intact superficial epidermis by a shearing force, indicating a plane of cleavage in the skin at the dermal-epidermal junction. The histological picture involves thinner, weaker attachments of the skin lesion itself to the normal skin, resulting in easier dislodgement
What is HHV-1 (HSV-1) associated with?
Human Herpes Simplex Virus, Type 1
What is going on here?
Herpes Zoster
Do restorations need to be replaced in asymtomatic cases of Lichen Planus?
- No; however, lichenoid or interface mucositis as a histologic diagnosis is made in several situations and the clinician may
need to investigate and ask the patient questions:- Lichen planus, both oral and dermatologic (may also associate with eczema and psoriasis)
- Lichenoid reaction to mouthwash, dentifrice, dietary elements (ex. cinnnamon)
- Lichenoid reaction to topical and systemic medications
- Tobacco (both smoked and inhaled) and vaping products
- Autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus
- Graft versus host disease in the context of marrow transplant
What view is this?
What is going on here?
How would you manage this?
Oral Candidiasis (erythematous)
- Sample the patient
- Sample the prosthesis
- Request study for Candida
What is the most common Odontogenic Cyst?
Periapical Cyst
Describe Squamous Papillomas…
- Papillary (bumpy), usually white to pink
- Associations: Human Papillomavirus 6, 11 (low risk)
- Histology: bland papillary fronds, viral effects on nuclei
What are some treatment complications regarding antibiotics?
- Fungal infections
- Decreased efficacy of birth control
- Erythema multiforme reactions
What are the chances of RANKL inhibitors like Denosumab which is used in Osteoporosis causing Medication Related Osteonecrosis of the jaw?
0.017 - 0.04%
What is going on here?
67 yo F presented with associated pain and fever
What is going on here?
Focal Cemento - Osseous Dysplasia
What is going on here?
10 yo, multiple Odontogenic Keratocysts, front bossing, calcified falx (NBCCS)
What is going on here?
Amelogenesis Imperfecta (Hypoplastic)
What solution is used for immunofluorescence?
- Michel’s solution (presevative)
- Potassium citrate buffered
What is going on here?
Calcifying or Ghost Cell Odontogenic Cyst 12 yo
- May mimic dentigerous cyst or ‘AOT’, often associated with impacted tooth
Can you name some Benign Salivary Gland Tumors?
- Pleomorphic Adenoma
- Myoepithelioma
- Warthin Tumor
- Oncocytoma
- Monomorphic Adenoma
- Canalicular Adenoma
- Basal Cell Adenoma
- Trabecular Adenoma
- Cystadenoma
What does a Honeycomb Pattern apperance suggest?
Hemangioma / AV Malformation
What is going on here?
Gladnular Odontogenic Cyst
- Developmental cyst; most often 6th decade up
What is going on here?
Nasopalatine Duct Cyst
What is going on here?
Patient presented with pain, expansiona and sensory changes
- Consider Osteosarcoma:
- PDL widening
- Suprecrestal bone
- “Sun Ray” and sensory changes
What is going on here?
Pyostomatitis Vegetan (ulcerative colitis)
What is going on here?
Recurrent Herpetic Gingivostomatis
What is going on here?
- Diagnosis: Geographic Tongue/Migratory Glossitis/Erythema Migrans
- Differential Diagnoses:
- Geogrpahic tongue/migratory glossitis/erythema migrans
- Nutritional disorder
- Exclude taste or sensory changes that may suggest ‘burning mouth syndrome’
What is going on here?
If you see gingival lesions present (erythema/ulcer/vesicle) would should you favor?
Virus, Not Apthous!
What are 3 terms to describe images in Plain Radiography?
- Radiopaque
- Radiolucent
- Mixed density
What is going on here?
Melanotic Macule
What is going on here?
Osteo (chemo) necrosis
69 yo F, exposed bone R maxilla, history of lung cancer with bone metastases, IV Zometa treatment
What is going on here?
Dense Bone Island/Idiopathic Osteosclerosis
What is going on here?
Amelogenesis Imperfecta (Hypoplastic)
What is going on here?
Paraneoplastic Pemphigus
What is necrotizing sialometaplasia typically associated with?
- Viral Infections
- Local Ischemia
- Anorexia/Bulimia Nervosa
What is going on here?
Herpes Zoster
What is going on here?
White Sponge Nevus
What is going on here?
Squamous Papilloma
What is going on here?
Simple/hemorrhagic/idiopathic/trauamtic/bone cyst
Surgeon reports entering into an empty cavity…
What are the most common benign and malignant salivary gland tumors respectively?
- Pleomorphic Adenoma (mixed tumor)
- Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma
What is going on here?
Melanotic Macule
What is going on here?
Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (mimicking periapical lesion)
What is going on here?
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
What is going on here?
What is going on here?
48 yo M, multiple nodules, face/upper extremities
Neurofibromas associated with Neurofibromatosis Type I
What are 4 Soft Tissue Masses that are Developmental in orgin?
- Lymphoepithelial Cyst
- Gingival Cyst
- Nasolabial Cyst
- Fordyce Granules
What is going on here?
Stafne Defect
- Lingual Mandibular Salivary Gland Defect
What is going on here?
Ameloblastoma (crossing the midline)
- Most common odontogenic tumor
What does “PET” stand for?
What does it assess?
- Positron Emission Tomography
- Assess metabolic activity and physiologic function
What is going on here?
Mucosal Burn (thermal/pizza)
What does this image depict?
What is going on here?
Polymorphous Adenocarcinoma
What view is this?
Volume Render
Describe Peripheral Odontomas…
- Pink to red
- Associations: none specific
- Histology: depends on the tumor!
- Consider odontomas (make a radiograph)
- Consider ameloblastomas, odontogenic kertocysts, etc
What contrast mediums are used for an MRI?
- Godalinium
- Iron oxide, Iron platinum
- Manganese
What is going on here?
Ranula (mucocele)
What is going on here?
Primary Herpetic Gingivostomatis
What is this an image of?
- T2
- Fat suppression
- Squamous cell carcinoma, base of tonuge
What is this?
What would you consider doing about it?
- Fibroma
- Consider
- Periodontal Probing
- Periapical Radiographs
- Vitality Testing
What is going on here?
Ameloblastoma (in the periapical position)
- Most common odontogenic tumor
What is going on here?
Oral Candidiasis
(Pseudomembranous, secondary to inhaled corticosteroids)
What is Amelogenesis Imperfecta associated with?
- Taurodontism
- Hair, nail and ectodermal defects (including ectodermal dysplasia)
- IS NOT associated with osteogenesis imperfecta
What do you know about Pemphigoid?
- Autoimmune process (against basement membrane components)
- Look for bullae (blisters or large vesicles) elswhere
- Look for other mucosal lesions (ocular, intranasal)
- You may elicit a Nikolski (blister formation)
- Histology: subepithelial split
What is going on here?
Squamous Cell Carcinoma (Stage IV: cancer invades osseous structures)
For a fibroma, is excisional or incisional biopsy indicated?
Are there other things to look for?
- Excisional biopsy; this is favored to be benign and excisional biopsy provides both diagnosis and treatment
- Yes; any fractured cusps, prosthetic clasps, sources of trauma should be resolved to minimize recurrence
What’s the significance of Neurofibromatosis?
- NF (type I) is associated with mucosal and skin neurofibromas
- The significance lies with an association with these neurofibromas trnasforming to sarcomas and with multiple bening and malignant nerve tumors in areas such as the GI tract
- Dentists may recognize the neurofibromas as well as cafe-au-lait spots
What can you take for pain if you have Osteoid Osteoma?
- Pain responsive to aspirin/NSAIDs
- Lesion thought to produce prostaglandins (pain mediators)
Observe this helpful image…
What is going on here?
Medication Induced Pigmentation (quinine)
What is going on here?
Lichenoid Mucositis
How wold a lymphoma be treated differently (if at all) from a salivary tumor?
- Salivary tumors are typically treated surgically (excision), + lymph node dissections if encountered
- Lymphoma, though potentially excisable, will often also have associated bone marrow analysis (to exclude marrow or
leukemia involvement) - In either case, distant metastases may require chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy
- IMPORTANT: nodules can be many things; salivary gland tumors and lymphomas can both occur in the oral cavity and
present as soft tissue nodules, ulcerated or fiungating masses, or resemble other cancers
If you see multiple Odontogenic Keratocysts…consider…
Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome
What is going on here?
Lichenoid Mucositis
What is the % chance of getting medication relatd osteonecrosis of the jaw after taking IV Zolendronic acid?
0.7 - 6.7%
Does ‘burning mouth syndrome’ require treatment, and by whom?
- It may, especially if it’s a component of nutritional, anxiety or other disorders
- Diagnosis and treatment is controversial but may be associated with neuropathies and rheumatologic disorders in a
Specific patient population - Engage primary care, neurology and rheumatology; these providers may aide in management and medications used
(such as anti-anxiety medications) may best be prescribed by them
What is going on here?
Focal Cemento-Osseous Dysplasia or Ossifying Fibroma
What is going on here?
Fibrous Dysplasia
What is going on here?
Ameloblastoma (in the periapical position)
- Most common odontogenic tumor
What is the % chance of getting medication related osteonecrosis of the jaw from oral bisphosphonates?
What are some treatment complications for antifungals?
Liver Toxicity
What is going on here?
Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma
What is going on here?
12 yo, muiltiple odontogenic keratocysts; Fam Hx of nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome
What is going on here?
Nasopalatine Duct Cyst
What is going on here?
Primary Herpetic Gingivostomatis
If you see multiple osteomas, odontomas, unerupted supernumerary teeth…consider…
Garnder Syndrome
Potential for malignant GI polyps
What is going on here?
(painful hard nodule, floor of mouth)
What is going on here?
Osteo (chemo) necrosis
69 yo F, exposed bone R maxilla, hisotry of lung cancer with bone metastases, IV Zometa treatment
What is going on here?
Carcinoma In Situ
- Differential Diagnoses
- Exclusion of malignancy in an otherwise unexplinable red/white lesion
What is going on here?
Osteo (chemo) necrosis
72 yo M, non-healing extraction site, history of myeloma and IV zolendronic acid exposure (bisphosphonate)
What is going on here?
Where else can these be found?
- Lymphoepithelial Cyst
- Adenoids
- Palatine Tonsil
- Lingual Tonsil
- Foliate Papillae
What does a Ground/Etched glass/Orange Peel appearance suggest?
Fibrous Dysplasia
What is going on here?
Gingival Overgrowth (leukemic infiltrate)
What are 3 Soft Tissue Masses that are reactive?
- Fibroma
- Pyogenic Granuloma
- Mucocele
What does a Symmetric PDL widening suggest?
What is going on here?
Multiple Odontogenic Keratocysts; consider nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome
What is going on here?
Patient presented with associated pain and fever
What does Onion Skin Opacification apperance go with?
Osteomyelitis with Proliferative Periostitis
Ewing Sarcoma
What is going on here?
7 yo, multiple central giant cell granulomas - cherubism
What is Clobetasol?
- This medication is used in adults to treat a variety of skin conditions (such as eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis).
- Clobetasol reduces the swelling, itching and redness that can occur in these types of conditions.
- This medication is a very strong (super-high-potency) corticosteroid.
What is going on here?
Traumatic Ulcer
Observe the flow of treatment…
What is going on here?
Condyloma Acuminatum (human papillomavirus)
What is going on here?
Apthous Ulcer (apthous stomatitis)
What structures do malignant lesions typically travel to?
- Breast
- Lung
- Thyroid
- Colon
- Kidney
- Prostate
What is going on here?
Periapical Cemento-Osseous Dysplasia
What does this image depict?
Dense Bone Island (another variant)
What is going on here?
HPV - Related Squamous Cell Carcinoma
What is going on here?
Herpes Labialis and Whitlow
What are the 2 types of Mucoceles?
Which one is the most common?
- Extravasation Type
- Mucus pooling outside the duct system
- Most common type of mucocele
- Retention Type
- Mucus pooling within the duct system
- May see terms ductal ectasia, salivary duct cyst or cystadenoma (describe increasing dilation of the duct)
What is going on here?
What is going on here?
Syphilis (Treponema)
- Primary
- Chancre
- Secondary
- Mucus patch
- “Split papule”
- Condyloma lata
- Tertiary
- Gumma
- Congenital
- Dental deformities
- Developmental delay
How would treatment differ between apthae from viral ulcers?
- Acyclovir 400-800mg, DISP 25 tabs, SIG take 1 (one) tablet 5 (five) times per day, REFILLS = 1 (one)
- Valacyclovir 1000mg, DISP 4 (four) tabs, SIG take 2 (two) immediately then 2 (two) 12 hours later
REFILLS = 1 (one) - Valacyclovir (Valtrex) may be exended to twice per day for immunosuppressed, recurrent cases
- There is no evidence base for efficacy of either drug over the other; both are equally effective but patient compliance may improve with a twice per day regimen rather than 5 times per day
What is going on here
Dentigerous (follicuar) cyst
Developmental cyst; most common developmental odontogenic cyst - usually simple cyst lining
What is going on here?
Dense Bone Island/Idiopathic Osteosclerosis
What does this image depict?
Dense Bone Island (one variant)
What are some different ‘liths’ you could note in your differential diagnosis list?
- Sialoliths
- Rhinoliths
- Antroliths
Other Include:
- Tonsilloliths
- Phleboliths
- Choristomas (osseous, chondroid)
- Stylohyoid Ligament
- Vascular Calcifications
- Lymph Nodes
- Foreign Bodies
What types of treatment can be performed for Squamous Cell Carcinoma?
- Surgery
- Chemotherapy (often therapies are now personalized or targeted)
- Radiation therapy (often this is intensity modulated radiotherapy or IMRT, and spares many tissues
- Effects may include:
- Mucositis that may mimic other oral ulcerative diseases
- Xerostomia and xerostomia-related caries
- GI disturbances (nausea, vomiting)
- Dermatopathologic changes (hair loss, skin ulcerations, etc.)
- Poor wound healing
- Secondary malignancies (radiation induced sarcomas, chemotherapy induced leukemia, etc.)
What is going on here?
What is going on here?
What is going on here?
Dentigerous Cyst
- Developmental cyst; most common developmental odontogenic cyst
What is going on here?
How would you treat this?
- Differential Diagnoses:
- Apthous ulcer/apthous stomatitis
- Traumatic ulcer (physical, thermal, chemical)
- Suggestions focus on topical corticosteroids and include:
- Flucinonide 0.05% gel, DISP 30 gram tube, SIG apply to affecged area twice per day, refills = 1
- Clobetasol Fluocinonide 0.05% gel, DISP 30 gram tube, SIG apply to affected area twice per day, Refills = 1
- Note that both may result in oral candidiasis (thrush); this may be treated with a topical antifungal
- This case also affords opportunity to discuss approprite prescription writing
What does a Cotton Wool Opacification appearance go with?
Paget’s Disease
What is going on here?
What are some contraindications/conerns for MRI imaging?
- Allergy less a concern
- Pacemakers
- Metallic (cochlear) implants
- Aneurysm clips
What is HHV-3 associated with?
Varicella Zoster Virus
What is going on here?
What is going on here?
Minocycline Pigmentation
What is going on here?
Physiologic Pigmentation
What is going on here?
Cat Scratch Disease (Bartonella)
What is this?
What would you consider doing about it?
- Squamous Papilloma
- Consider
- Periodontal Probing
- Periapical Radiographs
- Vitality Testing
What is going on here?
Antral Pseudocyst
(59 yo F, incidental radiographic finding)
What are 3 Autoimmune Ulcerative Disorders?
- Pemphigus
- Pemphigoid
- Systemic Lupus
What are the 3 Ps?
- Pyogenic Granuloma
- Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma
- Peripheral Giant Cell Granuloma
What are some characteristics of Ossifying Fibroma?
- May vary in radiodensity but usually have some radiopaque component
- Often expansile
- May be symptomatic
- Usually do not affect tooth vitality (test for it!)
- Usually do not affect the PDL (make periapical XRs!)
- Often displace teeth as they expand
- Often excised as a discrete (firm/fibrous) mass
What is going on here?
Melanoma in situ
What is this?
Observe the flow of treatment…
What is going on here?
Ameloblastic Fibroma 12 yo
- Often first 2 decades, often impaction or failure of eruption
Can you name some Malignant Salivary Gland Tumors?
- Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma
- Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma
- Polymorphous Adenocarcinoma
- Acinic Cell Adenocarcinoma
- Carcinoma ex. mixed tumor
- Salivary Duct Carcinoma
- Epithelial-Myoepithelial Carcinoma
What are some chaacteristics of Paget’s Disease?
- More often ill-defined (as compared to the other BFOLs)
- May vary in radiodensity
- The term “cotton wool” is used for Paget’s Disease
- May be symptomatic (if impinging on nerves)
- May affect the PDL (make periapical XRs!)
- Often will result in loss of all PDL architecture
- Often displace teeth as they expand
- Age is not necessarily helpful as these lesions can expand, ‘recur’ and continue to present throughout life
- A diagnosis warrants full body evaluation for polyostotic disease and possibly other disturbances (endocrine)
What are 2 terms to describe images in MR imaging?
- High signal intensity
- Low signal intensity
What is going on here?
Fibrous Dysplasia
Is an Odontoma considered a Hamartoma?
What is a Hamartoma?
- Odontomas are often considered Harmartomas
- Harmartomas (normal tissue, but malformed or excess)
What does an MRI highlight?
- Soft tissues
- Bone appears dark on image
- Soft tissue appear lighter/whiter (high signal intensity)
- Bone and air appear darker/black (low signal intensity)
If you see multiple Fibro-osseous/bone remodeling lesions consider…
Fibrous Dysplasia
Endocrine Disorder (McCune-Albright)
What is going on here?
Oral Mucosal Melanoma
Primary tumor circled, lymph node metastases arrows
What is going on here?
Granular Cell Tumor
What does this image depict?
What does Snow driven/Snowplow Calcification apperance suggest?
Celcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor
What is the difference between a Cementoblastoma and Osteoblastoma?
- Union of the lesion with the root = cementoblastoma
- Lesion discrete from root = osteoblastoma
Can you describe some of the symptoms of Sjogren’s Syndrome?
- Ocular Symptoms
- Dry eyes
- Need artificial tears
- Oral Symptoms
- Dry mouth sensation
- Frequent liquid intake
What is going on here?
Metallic Tattoo
When you have an absense of PDL, one would think which two pathologies?
- Hyperparathyroidism
- Osteodystrophy
What is going on here?
Odontogenic Keratocyst (appearing in the “dentigerous’ position)
Observe the flow of treatment…
What is the significance of Central Giant Cell Granulomas + cherubism in a child?
- Cherubism is a syndrome with a genetic association; these children often have endocrinopathies
What does a Soap Bubble Trabeculation apperance suggest?
What is going on here?
Ameloblastic Fibrom-Odontoma 14 yo
Image seen with Odontoma Component
What is going on here?
How would you manage this?
Oral Candidiasis (Erythematous)
- Sample the patient
- Sample the prosthesis
- Request study for Candida
In the world of Herpesviruses, what are associated with HHV-5 through HHV-8?
- HHV-5 (CMV): Ocular Disease, Herpangina-like diseases
- HHV-6: Pediatric skin rashes (roseola)
- HHV-7: Pediatric skin rashes (roseola)
- HHV-8 (KSV): Kaposi sarcoma, some lymphomas
What is going on here?
Melanotic Macule
The best oral cancer diagnostics will have high or low sensitivity and specificity?
The best tests will have high sensitivity and high specificity
What is HHV-2 (HSV-2) associated with?
Human Herpes Simplex Virus, Type 2
What is going on here?
Lichenoid Mucositis
What is going on here?
10 yo, multiple Odontogenic Keratocysts, front bossing, calcified falx (NBCCS)
What is going on here?
Focal Cemento-Osseous Dysplasia or Ossifying Fibroma
What is going on here?
- Geographic Tongue
- Erythema Migrans or Migratory Glossitis
What is going on here?
49 yo F, enlargement of L mandible, with aching pain
- Consider Osteosarcoma
- PDL widening
- Suprecrestal bone
- “Sun Ray” and sensory changes
What’s the significance of multiple endocrine neoplasia?
- MEN type IIb (III) is associated with mucosal neuromas
- The significance lies not with the neuromas but with endocrine tumors such as pheochromocytoma and thyroid medully carcinoma
- Dentists may recognize the neuromas as well as the cafe-au-lait spots described in this syndrome and other endocrine syndromes such as McCune-Albright Syndrome (fibrous dysplasia, cafe-au-lait spots, endocrinopathies)
What is going on here?
Odontogenic Kertocyst (appearing in the ‘primordial’ or ‘residual’ position)
What is this an image of?
T2 of an Medulloblastoma
Highlights edema, highlights CSF
What is going on here?
What should you do about it?
- Mucosal Slough
- Consider:
- Bleaching
- Mouthwash
- Dentifrice
- Dietary
What is going on here?
Periapical (radicular) Cyst
Inflammatory cyst; most common odontogenic cyst
What are 4 causes of Traumatic Ulcertive lesions?
- Physical
- Thermal
- Chemical
- Electrical
What is going on here?
Garnder Syndrome, multiple osteomas and odontomas/supernumerary teeth
What is going on here?
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
What is going on here?
39 yo M, parathyroid disease, elevated PTH; biopsy: central giant cell granuloma
What is going on here?
Amelogenesis Imperfecta (Hypoplastic)
What is going on here?
Smokeless Tobacco Use
What is going on here?
Langerhans Celll Histiocytosis (mimicing intrafurcal lesion in a 4 yo)
What is the diagnostic criteria for Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma?
- Basal cell carcinoma before 20 years of age or excessive numbers of basal cell carcinomas out of proportion to prior sun exposure and skin type
- Keratocystic odontogenic tumor before 20 years of age
- Palmar or plantar pitting
- Lamellar calcification of the falx cerebri
- Medulloblastoma, typically desmoplastic
- First degree relative with nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome
What are some signs and symptoms of Neurofibromatosis I?
- Multiple neurofibromas
- Cafe au lait spots (6 or more)
- Axillary/inguinal freckling
- Osseous (sphenoid) dysplasia
- First-degree familial history
What is going on here?
Focal Cemento - Osseous Dysplasia
What is this?
What would you consider doing about it?
- Fibroma (Giant Cell Type)
- Consider
- Periodontal Probing
- Periapical Radiographs
- Vitality Testing
What cyst isn’t truly a cyst but rather an anatomic variation?
Stafne Defect
When these cysts are located in proximity to teeth, it is advisable to test the teeth for vitality, consider periodontal probing, gutta percha tracting (radiograph) and evaluate the periodontal ligament space (best accomplished with a periapical radiograph
What is going on here?
Traumatic Ulcer
What is going on here?
- Differential Diagnoses
- Multiple Fibromas
- Neuromas (and exclusion of endocrine neoplasia syndromes)
- Neurofibromas (and exclusion of neurofibromatosis)
What is going on here?
Gardner Syndrome, multiple osteomas and odontomas/supernumerary teeth
What do you know about Erosive Lichen Planus?
- Thought to be a T-cell mediated process
- Look for a striated component somewhere else (buccal mucosa)
- Look for restorations (including composites) nearby
- You may elicit a Nikolski (blister formation)
What is going on here?
Dentinogenesis Imperfecta with Opalescent Dentin
What does CT stand for regarding imaging?
What contrast can you use with it?
- Computed Tomography
- Without contrast
- With contrast
- Iodine (Isovue)
- Barium Sulfate
What does a Motheaten Radiolucency apperance suggest?
Ewing Sarcoma
What would you call the foreign body in this Pano?
What is going on here?
Melanocytic Nevus (‘mole’)
What are some characteristics of Cemento Osseous Dysplasia?
- Usually non-expansile
- Usually asymptomatic
- Usually do not affect tooth vitality (test for it!)
- Usually do not affect the PDL (make periapical XRs!)
- Often excised in multiple fragments
- Gender and ethnicity not as helpful as though
- Do tend to bre more common in black, Hispanic, Oriental
- Do tend to be more common in females
What is the most common Developmental Odontogenic Cyst?
Dentigerous Cysts
What view is this?
What are some characteristics of Fibrous Dysplasia?
- More often ill-defined (as compared to the other BFOLs)
- May vary in radiodensity
- The term “ground glass/orange peel” is used for fibrous dysplasia
- May be symptomatic (if impinging on nerves)
- May affect the PDL (make periapical XRs!)
- Often will result in loss of all PDL architecture
- Often displace teeth as they expand
- Age is not necessarily helpful as these lesions can expand, ‘recur’ and continue to present throughout life
- A diagnosis warrants full body evaluation for polyostotic disease and possibly other disturbances (endocrine)
What is going on here?
Florid Cemento - Osseous Dysplasia
How can Bacterial Diseaeses present in the oral cavity?
- Perioral Dermatitis (lip licking, often circular erythema around one or more lips)
- Impetigo (lips, face, often crusted or ‘corn flake’ appearance)
- Fungating and granulomatous ulcers
- Non-healing sites of trauma (denture sores)
- Non-healing sites of surgery (extractions, periodontal)
- Palatal perforation
What is an MRI best used for?
Better soft tissue contrast
What is going on here?
Mixed Tumor (pleomorphic adenoma)
Observe the flow of treatment…
What is going on here?
Carcinoma in situ
Does Geographic Tongue require interevention?
- No; however, a history and questions to exclude nutritional deficiency, burning mouth, etc. may be warranted
- Geographic tongue has also been reported to have association with psoriasis in some studies
What is going on here?
Cherubism (bilateral central giant cell granulomas)
What is going on here?
Ameloblastoma (in the dentigerous position)
- Most common odontogenic tumor
What is going on here?
Odontogenic Kertocyst (appearing in the ‘lateral periodontal” position)
What is going on here?
What does a Snowflake Calcification apperance suggest?
Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor
What is going on here?
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
What is going on here?
Paraneoplastic Pemphigus
What is going on here?
What is going on here?
Lichenoid Mucositis
(with associated eczema/psoriasis)
How do you distinguish apthae from viral ulcers?
- Apthae typically do not affect the gree gingiva; when gingival ulcerations are present, along with fever/malaise, a viral origin should be considered
What is going on here?
What are 3 differentials?
- Tonsillar Hyperplasia
- Hyperplasia (sleep apnea)
- Tonsilloliths
- Tonsilitis
What odontogenic cysts has the highest recurrence rate?
Odontogenic Keratocyst
5% up to 60%
What is going on here?
Dentinogenesis Imperfecta with Opalescent Dentin
What is going on here?
What is going on here?
Mucosal Burn (aspirin)
What is going on here?
Syphilis (Treponema)
- Primary
- Chancre
- Secondary
- Mucus patch
- “Split papule”
- Condyloma lata
- Tertiary
- Gumma
- Congenital
- Dental deformities
- Developmental delay
What is going on here?
Dense Bone Island/Idiopathic Osteosclerosis
What is going on here?
Central Giant Cell Granuloma
What is the most common non-odontogenic cyst?
Nasopalatine Duct Cyst
What is going on here?
Erythema Multiforme
What is going on here?
Gingival Overgrowth (local factors)
What is this?
Pyogenic Granuloma
What is going on here?
What is going on here?
What is going on here?
Fibrous Dysplasia
What is this?
What would you consider doing about it?
- Fibroma, Odontogenic Type
- Consider
- Periodontal Probing
- Periapical Radiographs
- Vitality Testing
What are the high risk sites in the oral cavity?
- Lateral/ventral tongue (50%)
- Floor of mouth (35%)
- Oropharynx
- Retromolar trigone
What is going on here?
Syphilis (Treponema)
- Primary
- Chancre
- Secondary
- Mucus patch
- “Split papule”
- Condyloma lata
- Tertiary
- Gumma
- Congenital
- Dental deformities
- Developmental delay
What is going on here?
What are 4 other differentials this could be?
- Epidermoid Cyst
- Midline Developmental Cysts:
- Epidermoid Cyst
- Dermoid Cyst
- Cystic Teratoma
- Thyroglossal Duct Cyst
What is the most common Odontogenic Tumor
What is going on here?
What is going on here?
- Dx: Lichenoid Mucositis
- Differential Diagnoses:
- Lichen planus or other inflammatory/immune mediated diseases
- Lichenoid reaction to dental materials, dentifrice, mouthwash, medications, etc.
- Frictional keratosis
Describe a Giant Cell Fibroma…
- Papillary (bumpy), usually pink
- Associations: none specific
- Histology: enlarged/stellate/multinucleated fibroblasts
What is going on here?
Focal Cemento-Osseous Dysplasia or Ossifying Fibroma
What is going on here?
- Diagnosis: Lymphoma
- Differential Diagnoses:
- Lymphoma
- Oropharyngeal or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (esp. HPV-related carcinoma)
- Infectious and Inflammatory (fungal, bacterial, tonsillitis, tonsillolith, etc.)
Describe a Pyogenic Granuloma…
- Usually red, often ulcerated, bleed easily
- Associations: Trauma, poor hygiene, pregnancy
- Histology: granulation tissue
Where is necrotizing sialometaplasia typically found?
- Most often on palata
- Cases reported in tongue and in prior surgical sites
What is going on here?
Apthous Ulcer (apthous stomatitis)
What is going on here?
- Natural Killer/T Cell Lymphoma
- Palatal perforation and midline/nasal destructive lesion
Does necrotizing sialometaplasia or a mucocele require treatment? If so, what?
- Because either of these entities can resemble a nodule, ulcer or even cancer, at minimum an (incisional) biopsy is
indicated to exclude these other entities - NSM will often resolve once the inciting agent/process resolves or runs its course (ischemia, trauma) but NSM may be
associated with infections (often viral) or eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia) so those may require intervention - A mucocele may be associated with an obstruction (sialolith, mucus plug, mass/tumor in the area); this may require
removal of the obstruction and/or excision of the gland; additionally, removal of any feeder glands is recommended to
minimize recurrences
What are the chances of a RANKL inhibitor like Denosumab which can be used to treat cancer of causing Medication Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw?
0.7 - 1.9%
In regards to MRI weight and enhancements what does a “FLAIR” image stand for and help visulize?
- Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery
- Suppressed fluid/water signals
- ex. brain imaging, to suppress CSF and highlight intracranial pathology
What is the suggested treatment for Lichenoid Mucositis?
- Option A
- Fluocinonide (Lidex), 0.05% gel
- Apply to affected areas 2-3x per day
- Doxycycline (Periostat) 20 mg
- 2x per day
- Fluocinonide (Lidex), 0.05% gel
- Option B
- Clobetasol (Temovate), 0.05% gel
- Apply to affected areas 2-3 times per day
- Doxycycline (Periostat) 20 mg
- 2x per day
- Clobetasol (Temovate), 0.05% gel
- Caution: Oral Candidiasis
What are the main etiology/factors that contribute to oral cancer?
- Tobacco
- Alcohol/phenols
- Betel nut
- Radiation
- Vitamin Deficiency
- Genetics
- Immunosuppression
- Infectious agents (esp. HPV, HHV-8, EBV)
What is this and what would you consider?
- Hemangioma
- Diascopy
- Diascopy is a test for blanchability performed by applying pressure with a finger or glass slide and observing color changes. It is used to determine whether a lesion is vascular, nonvascular, or hemorrhagic. Hemorrhagic inflammtory lesion and nonvascular lesions do not blanch; inflammatory lesions do.
What is staging of cancer and why is it important?
- Tumor size (T), presence of involved lymph nodes (N) and metastasis (M) are married as a group of histologic,
microscopic and advanced imaging studies (MRI, PET, CT scan) to determine a stage; higher stage tumors herald lower
(5 year) survival rates and may drive additional therapy (surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy)
What is going on here?
Paraneoplastic Pemphigus
What are some characteristics of Osteoblastoma/Cementoblastoma/Osteoid Osteoma?
- May vary in radiodensity but usually have some radiopaque component
- May be expansile
- May be symptomatic
- May affect tooth vitality (test for it!)
- May affec the PDL (make periapical XRs!)
- May displace teeth if they expand
- Cementoblastoma excised attached to the tooth
- Osteoid osteoma are often (but not always) painful
What is this?
Necrotizing Sialometaplasia
(40 yo M, sudden onset of pain/swelling)
What is going on here?
Florid Cemento - Osseous Dysplasia
What is going on here?
Dense Bone Island/Idiopathic Osteosclerosis
What is going on here?
Paraneoplastic Pemphigus
What is this?
What would you consider doing about it?
- Fibroma (Giant Cell Type)
- Consider
- Periodontal Probing
- Periapical Radiographs
- Vitality Testing
What is going on here?
Lichenoid Mucositis
What is HHV-5 associated with?
What is the suggested treatment of Viral Stomatitis?
- Option A
- Palliative
- Analgesia
- Contact percautions
- Option B
- Topical or systemic antiviral (most effective @ prodrome)
- No significance acyclovir 5x/day vs. valacyclovir 2x/day
- Consider:
- Ophthalmology/Dermatology referral for zoster
- Post herpetic neuralgia management
What does this image show?
Early to late Cemento Osseous Dysplasias (variations from radiopaque to mixed density to radiolucent)
What are 5 etiologies of Granulamatous Ulcerative Disorders?
- Traumatic: Traumatic ulcer of tongue
- Bacterial: Mycobacterium, Treponema, Actinomycetes
- Fungal: Histoplasmosis
- Sarcoidosis
- Wegener’s Granulomatosis
If you do not see gingival lesions, you should favor what?
Favor Apthous! Not Virus…
What are 5 Developmental Odontogenic Cysts?
- Primordial (no tooth develops)
- Dentigerous/follicular cyst
- Odontogenic Keratocyst
- Orthokeratinizing Odontogenic Cyst
- Glandular Odontogenic Cyst
What are 3 Inflammatory Cysts?
- Periapical Cyst
- Buccal Bifurcation Cyst
- Residual Cyst (remaining cyst after treatment)
What is going on here?
12 yo, multiple Odontogenic Keratocysts; Fam Hx of nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome
What is going on here?
Recurrent Herpes Labialis
What is going on here?
Pyostomatitis Vegetans (ulcerative colitis)
What are some common patient scenarios where you would likely encounter fungal infections?
- Immune compromise (HIV/AIDS, organ/marrow transplant, marrow suppression)
- Poorly controlled endocrine disorders (diabetes mellitus, etc.)
- Antibiotic use
- Oral inhaled steroid use (asthma)
- Systemic steroid use (immunosupppresion for SLE)
- Dental prostheses (i.e. poorly managed prostheses, overnight wear)
- Substance abuse (ex. cocaine abuse)