Oral Path Info Flashcards
Dentigerous Cyst (and hyperplastic dental follicle) Cause Commonality Most often which teeth Treatment
Cyst originating by separation of follicle. Fluid between reduced enamel epithelium and tooth crown Most common developmental cyst Mandibular 3rd molars Treatment: enucleation of cyst
Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma Originates from what Age and predilection Common region, exclusively on what Treatment
Originates from interdental papilla Age 15, 2/3 are female 50% in incisor/canine region Exclusively on gingiva Treatment: excision down to periosteum and scale adjacent teeth/ 15% RECUR from improper treatment
Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid Etiology Pathognomonic characteristic Most significant complication Treatment
Mucocutaneous autoimmune disease - Antibodies directed against Basement membrane Intraoral blister is pathognomonic Ocular involvement is most significant complication - can lead to blindness Treatment - possible referral to ophthalmologist Topical corticosteroids
Central Giant Cell Granuloma Neoplastic lesion? More common in which area Appearance is similar to what condition Treatment
Non-neoplastic More common in anterior jaw, midline Similar to Cherubism Treatment: Curettage with a 20% recurrence rate
Racial pigmentation Location Treatment
Most common on attached gingiva in darker complexioned patients Do nothing
Lichen Planus Def Identifiable characteristic 2 forms If confined to gingiva, called what Treatment Contraindications/risks of treatment
Chronic dermatologic disease Wickham striae Erosive and Reticular Gingiva - Desquamative gingivitis Treatment - Oral topical corticosteroids only when ulcerated - too much corticosteroids lead to candida, pain, burning Diabetics - steroids increase glucose
Fordyce Granules What is it Percent of population Where
Ectopic sebaceous glands 80% of population Buccal mucosa and lateral portion of vermillion of upper lip
Odontoma Commonality Types symptoms/discovered when Age Considered to be (what type of clinical description) Treatment
Most common odontogenic tumor Complex: Mass of enamel and dentin Compound: tooth like structures Asymptomatic, discovered on radiograph for failure of tooth eruption Age 15 considered to be a hamartoma Treatment: local excision, doesn’t recur
Torus/Exostoses Etiology Best known ones Other types Treatment
Localized bony protuberance arising form cortical plate Best known: Torus palatinus, torus Mandibularis Others: buccal exostoses, palatal exostoses, solitary exostoses Treatment: no treatment except removal if trauma is an issue (dentures)
Epulis Fissuratum Cause Appearance Location Associated with what condition (bump on the gums) Treatment
Hyperplasia of fibrous connective tissue in association with flange of ill-fitting denture Appearance: single or multiple folds of hyperplastic tissue in alveolar vestibule. Firm and fibrous, can be ulcerated and erythematous Facial aspect of alveolar ridge Also called Inflammatory Fibrous Hyperplasia Treatment: surgical removal, remake or reline denture
Mucocele Caused by Filled with what Most common location Treatment
Caused by trauma, rupture of salivary gland duct Mucin-filled Lower lip most common location Treatment: surgical excision with duct of minor salivary gland
Pemphigus Vulgaris Etiology Histo - 2 Treatment
Autoimmune disease - antibodies directed against desmosomes Histo: Acantholysis, Tzanck cells Treatment: Referral to dermatologist Corticosteroids
Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor (AOT) Radiographic term age Region of mouth, male female Origin Treatment
Snowflake Calcifications Age 10-20 (uncommon over 30) Mx>Md, F>M Tumor of odontogenic epithelium Treatment: enucleation
Lichen Planus Histo features - 4 (specific name of one feature) Treatment/Biopsy
Histo: 1. Pointed, saw tooth rete ridges 2. Band-like infiltrate of lymphocytes 3. Degenerating keratinocytes - Civatte bodies 4. Destruction of basal layer Bilateral and asymptomatic - no biopsy or treatment Asymmetric or symptomatic - biopsy and topical corticosteroids
Mucocele Most common locations Caused by Treatment Locations vs more serious conditions
Lower lip (most common), floor of mouth, anterior/ventral tongue, buccal mucosa Spillage of mucin into soft tissue, usually from trauma rupturing salivary gland duct Surgical excision with adjacent salivary duct Lower lip - benign mucoceles Upper lip - more likely to be salivary gland tumor Retromolar - tend to be mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Squamous Papilloma Cause Clinical Appearance - form, color, size Location Treatment
HPV types 6 and 11 Pedunculated, Exophytic, white red mucosal colored, enlarges to 5mm Tongue, lips, soft palate Treatment: Conservative surgical excision
Antral Pseudocyst How common Symptoms Increased prevalence during when Develops due to what
2-15% of population Asymptomatic Increase during winter months Due to accumulation of serum exudate (not mucous) beneath maxillary sinus mucosa
Odontogenic Keratocyst Etiology Recurrence Uni or multilocular Age Evaluate for what other condition Histo Treatment
Arises from cell rests of dental lamina 30% recurrence rate - up to 10 yrs after Both uni and multi-locular Young pts, less than 20 Evaluate for Gorlin Syndrome Histo: Palisading basement membrane Treatment: enucleate and curettage
Erythroleukoplakia Caused by Treatment Biopsy reveals what
Tobacco, Alcohol, Sanguinaria, UV, Microorganisms (syphilis, candida) Biopsy reveals advanced dysplasia Premalignant lesion
Angular Cheilitits Def Caused by what Treatment
Accentuated folds at corners of mouth C. Albicans or Staph Aureus Treatment: Antifungal
Lichen Planus Etiology 4 Ps of skin lesions Characteristic manifestation What two forms - which is more common
Common, chronic, immunologically mediated dermatologic disease Ps - Purple, Pruritic, Polygonal, Papules Wickham’s Striae - Lace-like network of white lines Two forms: Reticular (more common) Erosive
White Coated Tongue Scraped? Etiology - accumulation of what Causes Treatment
Can be Scraped Accumulation of bacteria and desquamated epithelial cells Lack of oral hygiene, High carb diet Periodic scraping/brushing
Peripheral Giant Cell Granuloma Cause age and predilection Distinct clinical/radiograph characteristic Similar to but different how, from what condition Treatment
Reactive lesion caused by irritation/trauma 35 yrs, 60% female Cupping resorption of alveolar bone Looks like Pyogenic granuloma, but more blue or purple Treatment: surgical excision down to bone, scale adjacent teeth 10% RECUR
Sialolith Cause Risk factors Most common location, why Symptoms Diagnose with what Treatment - 5
Calcifications developed in salivary duct Risk: mucous plug, bacteria, chronic blockage, xerostomia Location: Submandibular gland - long and tortuous duct with thick secretions Symptoms: Pain or swelling at meal time Dx: Radiograph, ultrasound, CT Treatment: Gentle massage, increased fluid intake, moist heat, sialogogue, surgery
Melanotic Macule types Oral counterpart to what Etiology Treatment
Oral counterpart to ephelis Etiology: brown asymptomatic macule produced by a focal increase in melanin production Treatment: can’t be distinguished clinically from early melanoma, biopsy required
Periapical cemento-osseous dysplasia Mostly in which gender Ethnicity Region in mouth Appearance of PDL Treatment
90% female 70% African American Periapical region of anterior mandible PDL will be intact, lesion not fused to roots Treatment: diagnosis definitive from clinical and radiograph exam, no biopsy required (same for florid)
Denture Stomatitis A type of what condition Caused by what Treatment
Type of Erythematous Candidiasis Caused by candida, not removing denture Treatment: Treat both denture and soft tissues Antifungal mouth rinse, soak denture in Nystatin
Ameloblastic Fibro-Odontoma (AFO) Age Location in mouth Origin Treatment
Age 10 Posterior jaw MIxed odontogenic tumor (odontogenic epithelium and odontogenic ectomesenchyme) Treatment: Conservative curettage
Geographic tongue also called what if not on tongue Kind of condition Symptoms Common in patients with what
Benign migratory glossitis Erythema migrans Inflammatory condition Burning / Pain Patients with fissured tongue