Oral/Maxillio lecture 2 Flashcards
Tb cause
Mycobacterium, tb bacterial, less common than other two
Common fungal disease
of deaths from TB
2-3 million per year
Infection of TB
Does not mean it’s active, most that get active disease are immunosupressed
Where Tb effects
Pulmonary, extrapulmonary
Tb in cervical lining
Lupus vulgaris
Skin tb
% of people w/active oral tb
.5-5%, non healing ulcer
PPD test
Skin test for TB, negative to positive=concern
Diagnosing TB
PPD, Sputum culture, histopathology
Microscopic features of Tb
Formulation of granulomas, ceseating granulomas wall from the body
Caseating granulomas
Pulmonary Tb multinucleated balls of macrophages
Langhans giant cells
Multi drug therapy
XDR-Tb (extremely resistant)
Mdr tb
Multi drug resistance
Candidiasis dimorphic fungus
Dimorphic fungus
Yeast form, hyphal form-disease causing
% of pop. With candidiasis
Common in elderly under dentures, doesn’t always cause disease
Thrush, white/yellow plague-red, removable, common in children and geriatric patients
Redness, baldness of tongue
Central papillary atrophy
On dorsal surface of tongue, old name is median rhomboid glossitis
Chronic multifocal
Many places in mouth, central papillary and palate
Denture stomatitis
Under dentures, often asymptomatic
Invade epithelium, will not rub off, byproducts are known carcinogens
Pseduomembranous candidiasis
Resembles cottage cheese
Burning mouth
Sore mouth
Bald tongue
Median rhomboid glossitis
Junction of ant. 2/3 and post 1/3 of dorsal tongue
Median rhomboid glossitis
Cause of median rhomboid glossitis
Caused by candidiasis, do not treat, triangular loss of papilla
Therapeutic diagnosis
Treat w/o confirming organism, retrospectively note if you were collect
Use commonly for perio diseases and candidiasis
Topical or oral for candiadis
Topical common, use systemic anti-fungal when needed
Double stranded DNA viruses
Recurrent, travels in nerve ganglia
Reactive hhv
Traumas, (UV, hormones, illness)
Asymptomatic shedders
Shed virus for 24hrs at a time w/o showing symptoms, 70% of people do
Site specific
Recurrent lesions found on vermillion border, attached gingiva
Differentiate ulcerous/canker sore cores from HHV
Canker sores-everywhere except gingiva and a hard palate
Tzanch cells
In recurrent herpes simplex, virus travels down nerve to epithelium, destroys connection between adjacent cells
Diagnosis of recurrent herpes simplex
Clinical, or serological (detect antibodies) which is less common