Oral Guide Flashcards
<p>If the SIC has less than 100 hours in make and model of an aircraft requiring a type rating, in what conditions may the SIC not perform the takeoffs and landings unless the PIC is a check airman? </p>
<p>135.4(a)(3)(ii) - Visibility at or below 3/4, RVR at or below 4,000 feet, runway has water, snow, slush, ice, or similar contamination, braking action less than "good", crosswind over 15 knots, wind-shear, PIC determination deems so.</p>
<p>If a pilot deviates from a rule in emergency, how long do he or she have to make a report to the FSDO in charge of the operator? </p>
<p>135.19(c) - 10 days.</p>
<p>May an aircraft operate with inoperable instruments or equipment? </p>
<p>135.179(a)(5) - The aircraft is operated under all applicable conditions and limitations contained in the Minimum Equipment List and the operations specifications authorizing use of the Minimum Equipment List. </p>
<p>These altitudes must not be used in the event of loss communications unless ATC has specifically advised the pilot to expect these altitudes/speeds as part of a further clearance?</p>
<p>The "expect" altitudes/speeds.</p>
<p>How can airborne radar help a pilot avoid volcanic ash clouds?</p>
<p>AIM 7-5-9 - They are not displayed. </p>
When must an aircraft use the position lights?
91.209(a)(1) - Sunset to sunrise.
<p>If solicited weights from passengers are to be used, what factor must the PIC add? </p>
<p>GOM B-1 - 10 pounds added to the weight given.</p>
<p>For the purpose of destination planning, if the runway is forecast to be wet or slippery at the time of landing, the pilot must multiply the landing distance he is planning to use by \_\_\_. </p>
<p>135.385(d) - 115%.</p>
<p>Hail should be anticipated with what type of thunderstorm?</p>
<p>AC 00-6A Chp 11 p115 - Any type of thunderstorm.</p>
<p>The braking action reported on a given runway must be better than \_\_\_ for an AB Jets aircraft to use that runway. </p>
<p>GOM P-20 - nil. </p>
<p>What is the size of the automatic TFR that exists over every major sporting event?</p>
<p>91.145(e)(2) - 3NM radius from the center and 2,500 ft. AGL, but not greater than the minimum airspace necessary for the management of aircraft operations in the vicinity of the specified area. </p>
<p>What is commonly associated with passing frontal systems, thunderstorms, temperature inversions, and strong upper winds (greater than 25 kts)?</p>
<p>PHAK 12-11 - Low-level wind shear. </p>
<p>What is required for instrument currency?</p>
<p>61.57(c) for SIC - 6 instrument approaches, holding procedures and tasks, intercepting and tracking courses through NAVAIDS. </p>
What minimum weather is required at your filed alternate airports in order to depart IFR part 135?
135.221 OpsSpec C055 -
Airports with at least 1 operation navigational facility: Add 400 ft to MDA or DA, Add 1 SM or 1600 M to landing minimum.
Airports with at least 2 operational navigational facilities: Add 200 ft to higher MDA or DA, Add 1/2 SM or 800 M.
<p>During cruise, your passenger becomes belligerent while demanding that you take an alternate routing, may the PIC discontinue the flight and seek an alternate airport?</p>
<p>135.120 - No.</p>
<p>May a crewmember exceed the flight time limitations of Part 135? </p>
<p>135.263(d) Circumstances beyond the control of the certificate holder (Adverse weather conditions). </p>
<p>A clearance, which authorizes a pilot to fly the published altitudes of a SID, may be issued using what phraseology? </p>
<p>AIM 5-2-8 - "climb via".</p>
<p>Who has the responsibility to check for open discrepancies prior to flight? </p>
<p>GOM E-I-3 - PIC.</p>
<p>When taxiing in slush or snow, how will the aircraft configuration differ from that of a taxi in normal conditions? </p>
<p>GOM APP B-1 - Keep flaps retracted. </p>
<p>You change your permanent address. How long do you have to notify the FAA?</p>
<p>61.60 - 30 days. </p>
Are disabled persons permitted to be seated by an exit?
GOM K-2 - No handicapped person will be seated next to an emergency exit, unless it is determined the handicap will not hinder that person from locating the emergency exit, recognize the emergency exit opening mechanism, comprehend the instructions for operating the emergency exit, operate the emergency exit, assess whether opening the emergency exit will increase the hazards to which passengers may be exposed, follow oral directions and hand signals given by a pilot, stow or secure the emergency exit door so that it will not impede use of the exit, pass expeditiously through the emergency exit, and assess, select, and follow a safe path away from the emergency exit.
<p>May any crewmember use social media to disseminate or discuss any aspect of an incident or accident? </p>
<p>GOM D-1, D-2 - No. Only police officers, NTSB representatives, and FAA representative. </p>
<p>What type of EFB is AB Jets permitted to use? </p>
<p>A061 - Class 1 device with Type B software. </p>
<p>What is the airspeed limit in Class B airspace?</p>
<p>91.117(b) - 250 knots.</p>
<p>May an eligible on-demand operator use a destination airport analysis program for selecting an alternate? </p>
<p>135.385(b) - Yes, if full stop within 80%.</p>
<p>If there is no minimum applicable cruise altitudes for IFR in a particular area, what is the minimum altitude above terrain within 4NM of the intended course to used in mountainous areas? Non-mountainous? </p>
<p>91.177(a)(2)(i-ii) - Mountainous: 2,000 feet above highest obstacle within 4NM course to be flown. Non-Mountainous: 1,000 feet above highest obstacle within 4NM course to be flown. </p>
<p>Where are the RVR conversions for high minimum captains? </p>
<p>C054 - OpsSpecs C054-1(a).</p>
<p>If a pilot has less than 100 hours in a type of airplane, what additional requirements are added to the authorized landing minimums on a given approach? </p>
<p>135.225(e) - The MDA or DA/DH are increased by 100 feet and 1/2 mile visibility; but not to exceed the ceiling and visiblity minimums for that airport when used as an alternate airport. </p>
<p>What minimum fuel is required to be on board to operate under IFR? </p>
<p>135.223(a) - To your first point of intended landing, to your alternate (if you have one), and to fly 45 minutes at normal cruising speed.</p>
<p>From 10 to 18 NM, the limit of localizer coverage is \_\_\_ on either side of the antennae. </p>
<p>AIM 1-1-9 - 10*. </p>
<p>Regarding icing, what should a pilot's first course of action?</p>
<p>AC 00-6B 18-7 - To leave the area of visible moisture.</p>
<p>Before crossing any intersecting runway, what steps must an AB Jets crew take? </p>
<p>GOM P-20 - Visually scan to the left and to the right, including the full length of the runway and its approach paths, and coordinate verbally that the scan area is or is not clear. </p>
<p>A child restraint system must bear what markings if it is to be used on board AB Jets aircraft? </p>
<p>GOM K-3 - "This child restraint system conforms to all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standards." AND "THIS RESTRAINT IS CERTIFIED FOR USE IN MOTOR VEHICLES AND AIRCRAFT." in red lettering.</p>
<p>What is required if a crewmember exceeds the limitations of flight time during a duty period? </p>
<p>135.267(e) - 11 hours: No more than 30 minutes. 12 hours: 31-60 minutes. 16 hours - More than 60 minutes.</p>
What are the alternate airport weather minimums permitted for AB Jets crewmembers?
C055 - Airports with at least 1 operation navigational facility: Add 400 ft to MDA or DA, Add 1 SM or 1600 M to landing minimum.
Airports with at least 2 operational navigational facilities: Add 200 ft to higher MDA or DA, Add 1/2 SM or 800 M.
<p>If an inspector from the FAA presents his or her safety credential must he or she be given access to the flight deck? If so what seat is to be used? </p>
<p>135.75 - Yes. A forward observers seat or forward passenger seat with headset or speaker.</p>
<p>May an AB Jets crew-member depart from an airport under IFR conditions at which the weather is less than authorized IFR landing minimums? If so, what conditions apply?</p>
<p>135.217, OpsSpec C079 - </p>
May an airplane be flown to the next destination if discrepancy does not have a corrective action? If not what action must the PIC take?
GOM E-I-3 - A Special Flight Permit may be issued to get the aircraft to a maintenance facility. PIC must notify the Director of Maintenance first.
<p>May AB Jets use alternate weather reporting allow for eligible on-demand operations? </p>
<p>A057 - Yes by 135.225.</p>
<p>How will AB Jets publish a temporary change to the GOM?</p>
<p>GOM 1-9 - Bulletins.</p>
<p>What type of structural icing is usually at higher altitudes?</p>
<p>AC 00-6A Chp 13 p145 - Rime. </p>
<p>When must a passenger briefing be given? </p>
<p>135.117(a), GOM K-1 - After loading, before takeoff.</p>
<p>May AB Jets provide GOM revisions to crewmembers in a digital format?</p>
<p>GOM 1-9 - Yes. </p>
<p>May a pilot takeoff in excess of the takeoff weight found in the AFM? Must the ambient temperature and airport elevation be considered? </p>
<p>135.379(a) - No. Yes.</p>
If a customer wishes to change the itinerary of a flight, what action must a PIC take?
GOM L-1, L-2 - Communicate with the Chief Pilot or Director of Operations ASAP. Receive info setting forth details of any revised compensation required prior to the start of any requested services. Must receive info from Director of Maintenance to ensure inspections/scheduled maintenance will not be a factor.
Does simulator experience within the last 6 months satisfy the recent experience requirements for a pilot? If so, under what conditions?
135.247(a)(3)(ii) - 12 months. Approved training program and simulator set up 1 hour after sunset - 1 hour before sunrise.
<p>Who has the responsiblity to ensure that the airplane isn't refueled within the vicinity of thunderstorms? </p>
<p>GOM J-1 - PIC.</p>
<p>For a flight under IFR, the PIC is responsible for familiarizing his or herself with what items of information prior to flight?</p>
<p>91.103(a) - Weather reports and forecast, fuel requirements, alternatives, ATC known delays, runway lengths, takeoff and landing distance.</p>
<p>Who must be notified to "close-out" the days flights?</p>
<p>GOM L-1 - Principal operations office (A call or visit). After business hours: The Chief Pilot, The Director of Operations, or an individual designated by one of the fore-mentioned persons. </p>
<p>For the purposes of destination planning, an eligible on-demand operator may plan to land at weight at which a large turbine powered aircraft uses \_\_\_ of the effective length of the runway under a destination airport analysis program. </p>
<p>135.385(f)(2) - 80%.</p>
<p>What is pilot flying's (PF) the immediate response to the Go-Around callout? </p>
<p>GOM P-20 - The execution of the go-around maneuver. </p>
<p>By what distance horizontally is a large turbine powered aircraft required to clear obstacles within the airport boundary? Outside the airport boundary? </p>
<p>135.379(d)(2) - 200 feet. 300 feet.</p>
<p>May a pilot manually enter the waypoints for an approach procedure not stored in the databse? </p>
<p>AIM 1-1-17 - No. All approach procedures to be flown must be retrievable from the current airborne navigation database supplied by the equipment manufacturer or other FAA-approved source. </p>
<p>When must at least one pilot don and use an oxygen mask at all times? </p>
<p>135.89(c) - Operated at altitudes above 35,000 feet MSL whenever the cabin pressure altitude exceeds 12,000 MSL.</p>
<p>What clearance authorizes a pilot to continue cruise, descend and use intermediate level-offs, to meet published restrictions and laterally navigate on a STAR?</p>
<p>AIM 5-4-1 - "descend via". </p>
<p>What form is used to notate discrepancies or mechanical irregularities? </p>
<p>GOM E-I-3 - Form AM-1. </p>
<p>Are AB Jets aircraft permitted to fly into Columbia? </p>
<p>B450 - Overflight only. </p>
<p>A pilot must not takeoff a large turbine powered aircraft at a weight greater than a weight that would permit the aircraft's net takeoff flight path to clear an obstacle by what distance vertically? </p>
<p>135.379(d)(2) - 35 feet.</p>
Other than information related directly to the flight, for what additional piece of information is he or she responsible?
GOM A-5 - A PIC is responsible for any actions or duties required or conducted by other flight crewmembers assigned to the PIC’s flight.
<p>How does AB Jets the flight locating requirements of Part 135?</p>
<p>135.79(c), GOM L-1 - Filing a flight plan before every flight. </p>
What type of wind shear will cause the airplane to pitch down to regain trim speed?
AC 00-54 2.3.4 - Microburst.
<p>May a flight operated by AB Jets use an alternate weather source not located on teh airport at which an instrument approach will be begun? If so, under what conditions?</p>
<p>135.225(b) - The alternate airport has a weather reporting facility operated by the U.S. National Weather Service, a source approved by the U.S. National Weather Service, or a source approved by the Administrator,. Latest weather reports includes current local altimeter setting, if no altimeter setting is available, the pilot may use the current altimeter setting provided by the facility designated on the approach chart. </p>
<p>When may you deviate from an ATC clearance without an amended clearance? </p>
<p>91.123 - An emergency exist or responding to traffic alert and collision avoidance system resolution advisory. </p>
<p>Does AB Jets require that a flight plan be filed when operating its aircraft? </p>
<p>GOM L-1 - Yes.</p>
<p>Which malfunctions are required to be reported to the FAA by the operator? </p>
<p>135.415(a)(1-16) -
Fires during flight and whether the related fire-warning system functioned properly.
Fires during flight not protect by related fire-warning system.
False fire-warning during flight.
An exhaust system that causes damage during flight to the engine, adjacent structure, equipment, or components.
An aircraft component that causes accumulation or circulation of smoke, vapor, or toxic fumes in the crew compartment or passenger cabin during flight.
Engine shutdown during flight because of flameout.
Engine shutdown during flight when external damage to the engine or aircraft structure occurs.
Engine shutdown during flight due to foreign object ingestion or icing.
Shutdown of more than one engine during flight.
A propeller feathering system or ability of the system to control over-speed during flight.
A fuel or fuel-dumping system that affects fuel flow or causes hazardous leakage during flight.
An unwanted landing gear extension or retraction or opening or closing of landing gear doors during flight.
Brake system components that result in loss of brake actuating force when the aircraft is in motion on the ground.
Aircraft structure that requires major repair.
Cracks, permanent deformation, or corrosion of aircraft structures, if more than the maximum acceptable to the manufacturer or the FAA.
Aircraft components or systems that result in taking emergency actions during flight (except action to shut-down and engine).</p>
<p>What is likely to be encountered when flying in regions of low humidity near the surface, with convective clouds present?</p>
<p>AC 00-54 2.4.1 - Microburst producer. </p>
<p>Thunderstorms need what three elements to form?</p>
<p>PHAK 12-23 - Sufficient water vapor, unstable lapse rate, and an initial lifting action. </p>
<p>The pre-takeoff contamination check must include a \_\_\_ check in which the pilot must exit the aircraft to perform. </p>
<p>GOM APP B-2 - Visual. </p>
<p>May a passenger drink alcohol that is not served by AB Jets?</p>
<p>135.121(a) - No.</p>
<p>When will an FMS unit automatically scale from terminal sensitivity +/- 1 NM to approach sensitivity +/- 0.3 NM? </p>
<p>AIM 1-1-17 - 2 NM prior to the FAWP. </p>
<p>What portable electronic devices are approved for use by passengers on board AB Jets aircraft? </p>
<p>135.144(c), GOM K-2 - Portable voice recorders, hearing aid, heart pacemakers, electric shavers, portable oxygen concentrators.</p>
<p>For the purpose of destination planning, a pilot may not takeoff a large turbine powered aircraft unless the weight at landing, accounting for normal cruise fuel burn, allow the aircraft to land at a weight at which the landing distance required would exceed \_\_\_ of the effective length of the runway. </p>
<p>135.385(b) - 60%.</p>
<p>What is the key difference between an ILS and an LDA/Glideslope type approach?</p>
<p>AIM 1-1-9 - Because the final approach course is not aligned with the runway centerline, additional maneuvering will be required compared to an ILS approach. </p>
<p>For the purposes of refueling, what is the definition of a thunderstorm? </p>
<p>GOM J-1 - Thunderstorms with visible electrical activity within an estimated/measured distance of 3 miles from the fueling area. </p>
<p>If an intercepting aircraft circles an airport, what is the meaning of this signal? </p>
<p>AIM 5-6-1 - Land at this airport.</p>
<p>What is the recommended phraseology for reporting windshear?</p>
<p>AIM 7-1-23 - To state the loss or gain of airspeed and the alttutdes at which it was encountered. </p>
<p>What is the duration of medical certificates? (Your position). </p>
<p>61.23 - SIC, 12 calendar months.</p>
<p>When should the PIC brief the passengers on the location and oepration of the survival equipment? </p>
<p>GOM K-1 - Beyond gliding distance of land. Also over rough or isolated terrain. </p>
<p>What recent experience must a pilot have in order to operate under part 135? </p>
<p>135.247(a)(1) - Preceding 90 days: 3 takeoffs and 3 landings as the sole manipulator. </p>
<p>How many satellites are in the GPS constellation? </p>
<p>AIM 1-1-17 - 24.</p>
<p>Must control locks be installed when the aircraft is unattended? </p>
<p>GOM A-6 - Yes. </p>
<p>At international locations, what is the PIC required to do? </p>
<p>GOM J-2 - Ensure that a fuel quality check has been accomplished.</p>
<p>Speed restrictions of 250 knots below 10,000 feet do now apply when? </p>
<p>AIM 4-4-12 - Beyond 12 NM from the U.S. coastline in Class E, below Class B &amp; VFR Corridor. </p>
<p>When there is adeath, serious illness and/or medical emergency on board, the PIC will take what action? </p>
<p>GOM M-1 - Radio for any assistance and land as soon as practical.
<p>What is the max IAS in a procedure turn?</p>
<p>AIM 5-4-9 - 200 KIAS.</p>
<p>Must each AB Jets aircraft carry passenger briefing cards? </p>
<p>GOM K-2 - Yes.</p>
<p>For each duty assignment, what is the minimum amount of rest required during any 24 consecutive hour period? </p>
<p>135.267(d) - At least 10 consecutive hours.</p>
<p>May a family member of an employee be carried on-board an AB Jets aircraft without operating the flight under Part 135?</p>
<p>135.85 - No.</p>
<p>During cold weather, when must an AB Jets crewmember implement operation deicing/anti-icing procedures? </p>
<p>GOM APP B-1 - If any contaminates are found to exist or expected to exist. </p>
<p>How many satellites are need to the RAIM function?</p>
<p>AIM 1-1-17 - 5 satellites or; 4 satellites and barometric altimeter input (baro-aiding). </p>
At 38,000 ft., what is the range standard service volume for a high altitude VOR?
AIM 1-1-8 -
High - From 1,000 feet AGL up to and including 14,500 feet AGL at radial distances out to 40 NM. From
14,500 AGL up to and including 60,000 feet at radial distances out to 100 NM. From 18,000 feet AGL
up to and including 45,000 feet AGL at radial distances out to 130 NM.
Low - . From 1,000 feet AGL up to and including 18,000 feet AGL at radial distances out to 40 NM.
Terminal - From 1,000 feet above ground level (AGL) up to and including 12,000 feet AGL at radial distances out to 25 NM.
<p>What minimum weather is required at your filed destination in order to depart under IFR part 135? </p>
<p>135.219 - The latest weather reports or forecast indicate that weather conditions at the estimated time of arrival at the next airport of intended landing will be at or above authorized IFR landing minimums.</p>
<p>Who is the Director of Operations? </p>
<p>GOM A-7 - Mr. David Turner.</p>
<p>Where can the telephone numbers for the NTSB offices be located? </p>
<p>GOM D-4 - Operations Manual: Page D-4.</p>
<p>Is there any notification required for offenses involving a DUI?</p>
<p>61.15 - 60 days, FAA's Security and Investigations Division. </p>
<p>During what conditions should the pilot be alert for icing?</p>
<p>PHAK 12-24 - The temperature approaches 0* and visible moisture is present.</p>
<p>Is AB Jets permitted to use a destination airport analysis program?</p>
<p>135.385(f)(3), OpsSpec C049 - Yes.</p>
<p>If an intercepting aircraft circles an airport, what is the meaning of this signal? </p>
<p>AIM 5-6-1 - Land at this airport.</p>
<p>Who is responsible for determining whether or not an assignment may be completed within the due time or hour limits stated on the AIS-1? </p>
<p>GOM E-I-2 - PIC.</p>
<p>What personal qualifications must the PIC ensure are current prior to flight?</p>
<p>GOM A-5 - Initial and recurrent pilot tests, instrument check every 6 months, line check every 12 months.</p>
<p>Is AB Jets permitted to carry HazMat?</p>
<p>A055 - Yes.</p>
<p>In simple terms, what emergency equipment must be on board during extended over-water operations?</p>
<p>135.167 - Life preserver, life rafts, survival kit. </p>
What are the 3 methods of checking VOR receiver accuracy?
AIM 1-1-4 -
VOT or a radiated test signal from an appropriately rated radio repair station.
Certified airborne check points.
Certified check points on the airport surface.
For which aircraft servicing operation is the SIC directly responsible?
GOM A-6 - Conducting a visual preflight inspection prior to the first flight of the day, maintaining aircraft flight logs, ensuring refueling procedures are utilized, parking and securing the aircraft, ensuring wheels are chocked, locking the controls (when unattended).
Who should normally have the function of resetting circuit breakers tripped for an unknown reason on the ground?
GOM P-2 - Maintenance.
<p>For the purpose or landing distance for destination planning, the pilot must consider the lesser which two runways lengths? </p>
<p>135.385(b)(1,2) - 1) Airplane landed on the most favorable runway and direction, in still air. 2) Airplane landed on most suitable runway considering the probable wind velocity and direction and the ground handling characteristics of the airplane, and considering landing aids and terrain. </p>
<p>Is a cockpit accessible fire extinguisher required for part 135 operations? </p>
<p>135.155(b) - Yes.</p>
<p>May the PIC use standard weights during load manifest preparation? </p>
<p>GOM B-1 - Actual weights.</p>
<p>You lose your wallet with all airman certificates while away from home. How can you legally continue to fly? </p>
<p>61.29 - From the FAA Aeromedical Certification Branch or the Airman Certification Branch. </p>
<p>If one pilot leaves a duty station, what action must the other pilot take?</p>
<p>135.89(d) - Above 25,000 MSL, the remaining pilot should put on and use an approved oxygen mask until the other pilot returns.</p>