Oral Group POINAS Flashcards
Depressor Anguli Oris O
Mandibular oblique line (more laterally)
Depressor Anguli Oris I
Skin at corner of mouth
Depressor Anguli Oris A
Depressor Labii Inferioris O
Anteriolateral body of mandible
Depressor Labii Inferioris I
Lower Lip
Depressor Labii Inferioris A
Draws lower lip downward and laterally; like a partial cringe
Mentalis O
mandible inferior to incisors
Mentalis I
Skin of chin
Mentalis A
Raises and protrudes lower lip
Corrugator Supercilii o
Medial end of superciliary arch
Corrugator Supercilii I
Skin of medial half of eyebrow
Corrugator Cupercilii A
Draws eyebrows medially and downward
Risorius O
Fascia over masseter
Risorius I
Skin in corner of mouth
Risorius A
Retracts corners of mouth (half-effort grin)
Zygomaticus O
Major: Lateral surface zygomatic bone (posterior)
Minor: Lateral surface of zygomatic bone (anterior)
Zygomaticus I
Major: Skin at corner of mouth
Minor: Upper lip, medial to corner of mouth
Zygomaticus A
Draws upper lip upward (showing teeth)
Orbicularis Oris O
Lots of muscles in the area; maxilla and mandible in midline
Orbicularis Oris I
Makes a complete “O” shape around mouth
Orbicularis Oris A
closes lips; protrudes lips
Buccinator O
posterior parts of maxilla and mandible
Buccinator I
Blends with orbicularis oris and into lips
Buccinator A
Presses cheek against teeth; compresses distended cheeks (think: play the bugle)
Platysma O
Below clavicle on upper throax
Platysma I
Medial fibers attach to chin, lateral fibers join muscles around the mouth
Platysma A
Tenses skin of the neck and can bring corners of mouth down