Oral Exam Flashcards
What is the difference between research and development? What is the purpose
behind requiring an entity to meet the “test” before allowing development costs to
be capitalized?
Research is the process of performing activities to gather information on an idea where as development is formulating that idea into something feasible.
The test is designed to ensure that a company can demonstrate future economic benefits will derive from the development being completed. They must have the ability to use or sell the asset and demonstrate the technical and commercial feasibility of the asset before capitalizing costs.
Why does IFRS not allow entities to capitalize training costs?
Training is never capitalized because employees can leave at any time so it doesn’t make sense to capitalize those costs to the asset as you have no control over your employees.
We shouldn’t make over-arching generalized statements, but in general what is the difference between ASPE and IFRS?
In general, ASPE is a more simplified accounting standard for small businesses. It makes it easier for small business owners to properly account for their dealings.
An entity received a government grant to cover expenses for a three-year period.
They recorded the entire amount to grant revenue when they received the
cheque for the full amount at the beginning of the three years. Was that correct?
No the company should be recognizing the revenue as deferred income and recognize the revenue as the related expenses associated with the grant are incurred.
What are the main criteria that have to be met for a company to record a
provision. What amount would be recorded?
A provision is recognized when
1) a present obligation (legal or constructive) has arisen as a result of a past event (the obligating event)
2) payment is probable (‘more likely than not’)
3) the amount can be estimated reliably.
The amount recorded is the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the obligation. This can be the most likely amount or a weighted average probability of possible amounts.
An NPO received a donation of a van to use for deliveries. How can/should they
record the receipt of the asset?
They can record at cost or FMV. If FMV is undeterminable can record the van at a nominal amount. Since this is a donation and no cash being exchanged, they should record the van at FMV or a nominal amount
What is the point of recognizing stock option benefit over time? Explain the concepts behind the calculations.
Recognize it over time as you believe the stock options available to the employee are motivating them to work harder. Have to measure the economic benefit of your employees working harder over the vesting period.
Measured at the FV of equity instruments granted as it is impossible to measure the perceived increased work ethic of your employees.
What is a “timing difference” and how does it generate a deferred income tax asset or liability? What is an example of a DIT asset? Liability?
A timing difference is the difference between accounting and tax amounts because of the difference in recognition. An example would be CCA and amortization. A DIT asset would arise when the the amortization of an asset is greater than the CCA of that asset as the difference will create a reduction in taxable income in the future. A DIT liability would arise in the opposite situation.
What is the main difference between IFRS and ASPE in accounting for leases?
The main difference is in the classification of an operating lease or finance lease criteria. ASPE defines major part of economic life as 75% or more and substantially all of the FV as 90% or more
If an employee is allowed 10 sick days per year and only uses up 6 of them, will their employer have to account for the 4 they didn’t use at the end of the year? If so, how? If not, why?
Since sick days are non accumulating the employer will not have to account for the unused sick days.
Non accumulating benefits are recorded when the event occurs and do not carryforward
In pension accounting, what is an actuarial review and how is it accounted for?
An actuarial review is a complex calculation which estimates the value of the pension plan obligation. The difference between the actuarial estimate and final result is recorded as a gain or loss in OCI
If I say a company has a current ratio of 3.0 what does that mean? Is it good?Bad?Don’t know?
This means that for every dollar of current liabilities the company has $3 of current assets. In general this would be good as the company can easily cover their current liabilities with their current assets. But to have a more clear picture on the ratio, have to compare to the industry.
There are basic rules around impairment testing under IFRS. What are those rules? Why is it done?
Assets must be tested for impairment at the end of each reporting period, this includes PPE, inventory and intangible assets. Must compare the CV to the NRV and value in use to determine if there is impairment. Testing for impairment is done to ensure that the books are represented fairly and correctly
What is a bearer plant? How do we account for it?
A bearer plant is a living plant that
– is used in the production or supply of agricultural produce;
– is expected to bear produce for more than one period;
–has a remote likelihood of being sold as agricultural produce
Accounted for with IAS 16, recorded at cost and depreciated over its life.
If I am a home builder, when can I recognize the revenue on the homes I am building?
A home builder can recognize revenue over time as ownership is transferred over time as the house is being built. They can use the percentage of completion method to record revenue, this can be done using the input or output method.
A ski hill charges $300 for an annual pass. It is non-refundable. Can they recognize the full amount when they get the cash from the client? When they open for the year? Over how many months? I am so confused! Explain this to me.
No because they customer simultaneously receives and consumes the benefits provided as the entity performs. They will recognize the revenue over the months that they provide the service to the customer, so the months that the ski hill is open.
A company had a year end of March 31, 2020 and they had to 100% close down their operations completely due to COVID-19. You are performing their audit today. Do they need to report that fact or alter their financial statements in any way?
The financial statements would not need to be altered as it is an non-adjusting event. However, the company must disclose the nature of the event and the estimate of its financial effect.
FVTOCI vs. FVTPL investments: What is the difference? Why would a company chose one over the other?
FVTOCI reports changes in FV of the investment in OCI where as FVTPL reports those changes in NI. A company would choose FVTPL if they want the most accurate info in their net income and would choose FVTOCI if they don’t want their net income to be volatile due to their investments
Tell me about the different treatment between making an accounting error and making a change in accounting estimate?
Changes in accounting estimates are applied prospectively to current and future periods where as accounting errors are applied retrospectively, need to adjust beg balances for equity and restate all accounts affected by the error.
If a company is planning a significant restructuring that will result in the lay-off of many people, do they have to report anything? What if they are paying all of the former employees a severance package?
If they are simply planning a restructuring then they don’t need to report anything. However, the company has to record the liability and expense of the severance package at the earlier of when the company can no longer withdraw the offer or when the entity recognizes costs for the restructuring thats falls into IAS 37 provisions.
A company undertook a large marketing campaign in the fall of 2019. They ran ads and sent out flyers in December, 2019. The CFO feels the benefits of the marketing campaign will be realized in 2020, and as such capitalized the marketing costs at year end in order to match the costs to sales in future periods. Correct? Why/Why not?
This is not correct as marketing expenses cannot be capitalized. There is no way to know whether future economic benefits will be realized from the marketing performed. The only exception would be if the company had someway of proving that they will realize future economic benefits from the marketing.
In the spirit of, “we are all in this together” two small companies that follow ASPE entered into a barter agreement to exchange services during the COVID-19
shutdown. A courier company offered it services for free to a local restaurant to help them deliver meals to front- line workers. In return, the restaurant fed the drivers and their families for free. Would anything need to be recorded for accounting purposes? If so, how much?
Yes the companies would have to record the asset received at the more reliably measurable of the FV of the asset received and FV of the asset given up. If both are reliably measurable the FV of the asset given up is used to measure the asset received.
What happens to inventory that is worthless? I see racks of clearance items at stores all the time, and think that there is no way the store is making any money on those items!
Inventory shall be measured at the lower of cost and NRV. If inventory is worthless, it should be written off.
How would a company account for a signing bonus offered to an in-demand Employee?
A signing bonus would be a short term employee benefit and the company would have to record it as an expense.
Explain what component accounting is and how it is applied? Do you agree it is useful?
Component accounting is the process of depreciating different components of a PPE separately. The cost of the components are determined and depreciated separately. Yes it is useful because a piece of equipment can be made of many different parts with different useful lives, so it is more accurate.
You see goodwill on a set of financial statements. What does that tell you?
That tells you that there was a business combination and that the company paid more than the FV of the net assets of the company. The amount paid in excess is recognized as goodwill.
How does a company account for the sale of gift cards?
When the gift card is sold, cash is debited and unearned revenue is credited. As gift cards are redeemed, unearned revenue is debited and revenue is credited.