Oral Disease Flashcards
What are fordyce granules?
Ectopic sebaceous glands not a/w hair follicles (as opposed to meibomian, Montgomery, Tyson)
Clinical appearance of Fordyce granules?
Multiple pinoint (1-2 mm) yellow-white papules on vermilion lips (upper > lower) and oral mucosa (mc buccal)
What is geographic tongue?
Well-delineated erythematous areas of atrophy missing filiform papillae (appear bald) partially surrounded by white serpiginous or scalloped
What is the histology of geographic tongue?
Essentially psoriasis (regular acanthosis, neuts in horn, parakeratosis)
What things are a/w geographic tongue?
Usually incidental and normal (2-3% of people)
- can be associated with atopy and psoriasis (pustular variant most commonly)
What is fissured tongue?
Multiple deep furrows on the dorsal tongue especially in midline
What things are associated with fissured tongue?
Down syndrome, Cowden, Melkerson-Rosenthal
- Often normal finding
What is Melkerson-Rosenthal syndrome?
- Young adults
- Triad of fissured tongue, orofacial granulomatosis (lip edema from granulomas), and permanent facial nerve paralysis
- A/w sarcoidosis and Crohn’s
What is black hairy tongue?
Keratin retention –> hypertrophic papillae from decreased sloughing
- Hairlike projections confluent elongated papillae
- Yellowish to brown-black staining from food, tobacco, or chromogenic bacteria
- Chromogenic bacteria mc seen post-abx therapy
What things are associated with black hairy tongue?
Poor hygiene, smoking, hot drinks
What is the treatment of black hairy tongue?
Treat by scraping or brushing the tongue +/- dilute H2O2
What is median rhomboid glossitis?
Well-demarcated central erythematous atrophic area on dorsum of tongue in front of circumvallate papillae (largest papillae at the back)
What can median rhomboid glossitis be associated with?
Found in ~1% of adults and often a/w overgrowth of candida
- Can be a sign of HIV or DM2 if extensive
Treatment for median rhomboid glossitis?
Treatment is clotrimazole or oral fluconazole
(treat the cause - candida)
What is atrophic glossitis?
Atrophy of papillae
- Smooth appearance, can be tender, burning sensation
- Can looks beefy and red
What deficiencies are associated with atrophic glossitis?
B1 thiamine, B2 riboflavin, B3 niacin, B6 pyridoxine, B12 cobalamin, folate, iron
can also be seen in candidiasis and Sjogren’s syndrome
What conditions are associated with desquamative gingivitis?
Seen in mucous membrane pemphigoid, LP, drug reaction, GVHD, autoimmune bullous disorders, EM, fixed drug, chronic ulcerative stomatitis, contact derm, foreign body
What medications are associated with gingival hyperplasia?
Phenytoin, phenobarbital, lamotrigine, valproate, vigabatrin, ethosuximide, topiramate, primidone (antiseizure meds)
Calcium channel blockers: nifedipeine, amlodipine, diltiazem, felodipine, verapamil