oral diagnosis Flashcards
1) Case history
2) Clinical examination
3) Study models
4) Certain radiographs
a. Periapical radiographs
b. Bitewing radiographs
c. Orthopantomograms
5) Facial photographs and intraoral photographs.
1) Specialized radiographs
a. Occlusal views of maxilla and mandible
b. Selected lateral jaw views
c. Lateral cephalograms
2) Hand-wrist radiographs and other maturity indicators.
3) Electromyography to assess muscle activity
4) Endocrine tests
5) Estimation of basal metabolic rate
6) Occlusograms.
occupation and address
Rheumatic Fever
(1) Fever >38°
o ___________ (throat infection)
(2) M-Protein Epitome
o M-Protein epitope
o Molecular mimicry
(3) S/Sx: (JONES)
Group A strep
o Joint pain
o ♡carditis
o Nodules
o Erythema marginatum
o Sydenham’s chorea
Hay fever
* Atopic children may experience problems with a functional appliance during the summer months.
Allergic Rhinitis
– Affects 40-60 million Americans (1/6)
– Two different forms: Seasonal, Perennial
o ____________: Caused by pollens in the air. Usually shows up at spring and subsides by late Autumn. Warm, dry air (especially wind) carries pollens that are breathed in and trigger symptoms.
o ________: Caused by dust mites, pet dander, bugs, or mold that stays in your home’s air.
– Symptoms:
o Itchy eyes
o Runny nose
o Sneezing
o Stuffiness
height and weight
According to General Classification
Ø _______—Average physique with normal-sized dental arches.
Ø __________—Short physique with broad dental arches.
Ø _______—Thin physique with narrow dental arches.
Ø __________—Average physique.
Ø ________—Short and obese physique.
Ø ________—Tall and thin physique.
Cephalic Index Value
o _________
g Average shape of the head.
o ________
g Broad and short shape of the head.
o __________
g Long and narrow shape of the head.
- Facial index value = ____________ (Distance between nasion and gnathion) / __________ (distance between the zygomatic points)
Morphologic facial height
Bizygomatic width
Facial index value
o __________
g Average facial form.
o __________
g Short and broad facial form.
o __________
g Long and narrow facial form.
Gross asymmetry of the face must be noted, which may occur in the following conditions:
- Hemi-facial hypertrophy
- Hemi-facial atrophy
- First arch syndrome
- Congenital defects, such as cleft lip and palate Unilateral condylar hyperplasia
- Unilateral ankylosis
- Facial palsy
helps in diagnosing gross deviation in the maxillomandibular relationship. For example, an individual with concave profile may exhibit Angle’s class III malocclusion.
Facial Profile
- It is the line joining the forehead to the soft tissue point A.
1) First reference line
- It is the line joining point A to the soft tissue pogonion.
2) Second reference line
defined as an anterior or posterior inclination of mandible (lower face) relative to the forehead.
Facial Divergence
- Ideally, maxillary skeletal base is ______________ to the mandibular skeletal base in centric occlusion.
2–3 mm anterior
o If the index finger is slightly ahead of middle finger—it indicates ____________ skeletal base pattern.
o If the middle finger is ahead of the index finger—it indicates ______ skeletal base pattern.
class II
class III
- Clinical assessment of anteroposterior jaw relationship can be done by using the examiner’s index and middle fingers placed approximately at point A and point B, respectively.
Two-finger Test
In an ideal skeletal relationship, the distance between the glabella (a point between the eyebrow in the midline) and subnasale (base of the nose) is equal to the distance from the subnasale to the underside of the chin.
- Assessment of is done by measuring the ____________.
Assessment of Vertical Skeletal Relationship
FMA angle
The FMA angle is defined as the angle formed by the following two reference planes:
i. FH plane (Frankfort horizontal plane) — A line between the most superior point of the external auditory meatus and inferior border of the orbit).
ii. Mandibular plane (a line from menton to gonion)
- A well proportioned face can be divided into three vertical thirds using four horizontal planes at the level of the _______________________
hairline, the supraorbital ridge, the base of nose and the inferior border of the chin.
- Ideally, length of the nose is equal to _______ of the total facial height.
- Shape of the nose can be _______________.
straight, convex or crooked
- Normally nostrils should be ____ and ______________.
- The width of the nostril should be approximately __ the length of the nose.
- Stenosis of the nostrils may indicate impaired nasal breathing.
bilaterally symmetrical
Mentolabial Sulcus
Type Condition
Normal __________
Shallow __________
Deep __________
class I
bimaxillary protrusion
class ii div 2
- Hyperactivity of the mentalis muscle may be seen in __________ malocclusion and in patients with deleterious oral habits, such as thumb sucking.
class II division 1
- Prominent chin is usually seen in ________ malocclusion and recessive chin is observed in _______ malocclusions.
class III
class II
Normally, the nasolabial angle ranges from _______ degrees.
Ø An increased nasolabial angle (i.e. > 110 degree) may suggest maxillary anterior _______________.
Ø A decreased nasolabial angle (i.e. < 90 degree) may indicate maxillary ____________.
nasolabial angle
Type Condition
Normal ________
Increased _________
Decreased __________
Angle’s class I malocclusion
Angle’s class II div 2
Angle’s class II div 1
- When patient at rest, upper and lower lips fail to meet each other. It can be seen in open bite cases and bimaxillary proclination.
Incompetent Lips
Hypertrophied lips seen in Angle’s class II division 1 malocclusion
Everted lips
- ________ is a useful adjunct, which aids in the diagnosis of abnormal labial frenum attachment.
Blanch test