Oral Cavity Flashcards
Name the mucous membranes of mouth
Alveolar mucosa Palatine mucosa Lingual mucosa Oral mucosa (floor of mouth) Buccal mucosa Labial mucosa
Which muscles control the size of oral fissure
Orbicularis Oris Risorius Buccinator Zygomaticus minor Zygomaticus major Levator labii superioris Depressor labii inferioris Depressor anguli oris Levator angulii oris
Types of gingivae???
gingivae proper (attached)
Superior and inferior lingual gingivae
Superior and inferior labial gingivae
Superior and inferior buccal gingivae
Gingivae improper (unattached)
Alveolar mucosa
Name the surfaces of teeth
Occlusal surface Distal contact surface Mesial contact surface Vestibular (labial/buccal) surface Palatal (lingual) surface
What is periodontium?
Alveolar periosteum surrounding the alveolar process of maxilla and mandible outward and inward cement
Function of root canal?
What surrounds it?
Transmit nerves and vessels from apical foramina towards the pulp cavity
Surrounded by dentine
Enamel continues into neck and root as?
What us odontoblast layer
It surrounds the pulp cavity and root canal
Name the joint of teeth
Gomphosis/dento alveolar syndesmosis
Which membrane is present in gomphosis and what is its importance?
Periodontal membrane/periodontium is present between cement of root and periosteum of alveolus.
It is supplied with pressoreceptive endings for detecting pressure
Which area is superior to soft palate?
What passes through incisive fossa?
Nasopalatine nerves
Sphenopalatine arteries
What makes the palate?
Ant 2/3: Palatine process of maxilla and horizontal process of Palatine
Post 1/3: moveable, suspended from hard palate
Anteriorly–> Palatine aponeurosis
Posteriorly–> muscular part
Soft palate is joined to tongue and and pharynx by?
Tongue: palatoglossal
Pharynx: palatopharyngeal
fauces is the space between?
Oral cavity and pharynx