Oral anticoagulation e-book Flashcards
Pathophysiology of coagulation
Blood coagulation is a complex process fundamental to many haemostatic reactions. It undergoes a cascade pathway leading to haemostasis ultimately protecting from significant blood loss. This pathway functions to aid rapid healing and, furthermore, act to prevent spontaneous bleeding. Coagulation occurs through one of two pathways, either the intrinsic or extrinsic path, or both. Irrespective of the route by which coagulation incurs, both meet to form a common pathway leading to fibrin activation and the stabilisation of the platelet plug using a fibrin mesh. The intrinsic pathway is activated upon exposure of the endothelial collagen whilst the extrinsic pathway is activated due to external damage.
Pathology occurs in the coagulation process in the form of a thrombus (a clot). The formation of a thrombus depends on three factors: blood clotting components, abnormal blood flow and the blood vessel wall, and this is known as Virchow’s triad.
With regards to blood clotting, this happens when platelets become stuck together by fibrin and sometimes white and red blood can get caught in this clot. This clot can then remain wedged inside either an artery leading to problems such as a stroke or myocardial infarction,
or in a vein which can result in a pulmonary embolism or deep-vein thrombosis (DVT). A decrease in coagulation inhibitors such as antithrombin III, protein C and S and heparin cofactor can lead to hypercoagulation which can also lead to DVT
Deep Vein Thrombosis
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a thrombus that develops within a deep vein. It is a common post-operative complication and usually occurs in the large deep veins of the lower limbs. DVT. It has been reported that individuals with DVT can experience leg pain, swelling and in severe cases venous ulcers. An embolism is the most common cause of deaths relating to DVT
DVT is typically referred to as
● Provoked DVT is associated with a transient risk factor such as significant immobility, surgery, trauma, and pregnancy or puerperium. The combined contraceptive pill and hormone replacement therapy are also considered to be provoking risk factors
● Unprovoked DVT occurs in the absence of a transient risk factor. The person may have no identifiable risk factor or a risk factor that is persistent and not easily correctable (such as active cancer or thrombophilia). Because these risk factors cannot be removed, the person is at an increased risk of recurrence
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) risk
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is more likely to occur in people with continuing or intrinsic risk factors, such as: ● Previous venous thromboembolism. ● Cancer (known or undiagnosed). ● Age over 60 years. ● Being overweight or obese. ● Male sex. ● Heart failure. ● Severe infection. ● Acquired or familial thrombophilia. ● Chronic low-grade injury to the vascular wall (for example from vasculitis, hypoxia from venous stasis, or chemotherapy). ● Varicose veins. ● Smoking.
Risk factors that temporarily raise the likelihood of DVT include
● Immobility (for example following a stroke, operation, plaster cast, hospitalization, or during long-distance travel).
● Significant trauma or direct trauma to a vein (for example intravenous catheter).
● Hormone treatment (for example oestrogen-containing contraception or hormone replacement therapy).
● Pregnancy and the postpartum period.
● Dehydration.
Signs and symptoms
Suspect DVT in a person with typical signs and symptoms, and especially if the patient has high risk such previous venous thromboembolism and immobility. Signs and symptoms of DVT are:
● Pain and swelling in one or both legs.
● Tenderness, changes to skin colour and temperature.
● Vein distension.
For people with suspected DVT, two level DVT Wells scores assess the probability of DVT.
Based on the results of the two-level DVT Wells score; other tests are then carried out to confirm the possibility of DVT. A number of scoring systems have been created to help estimate the pre-test probability of DVT. One of which is the D-dimer assay which is highly sensitive but relatively low specificity (false positive results are common). During this test, D-dimer (a degradation product of fibrin which is generated by the fibrinolytic response to thrombus formation) is measured. Negative D-dimer assay determines that thrombosis is not occurring. A positive D-dimer results can indicate thrombosis, other possible causes of a raised D-dimer include liver disease, inflammation, malignancy, pregnancy, trauma and recent surgery. Whilst a negative D- dimer may be useful in excluding DVT, a positive
D-dimer is of no diagnostic value, and thus requires further testing.
DVT can also be diagnosed using real-time imaging such as duplex and colour-flow Doppler, and the computed tomographic pulmonary angiography (CTPA) can be used as a non-invasive test to diagnose pulmonary embolism
Pulmonary Embolism
A pulmonary embolism occurs when an emboli usually form a blood clot in the veins, which causes an obstruction in the pulmonary arterial system, forming an intra-pulmonary dead space. This then leads to a reduction in gas exchange of the affected lung tissue causing low oxygen concentration in the blood (hypoxaemia) and a decrease in cardiac output. The obstruction of the embolism also contributes to not only a high ventilation to perfusion ratio but also inflammation.This inflammation releases cytokines that leads to bronchoconstriction which reduces the amount of oxygen inhaled, explaining the origins of common PE
symptoms such as hyperventilation, tachypnoea and dyspnoea. Pleuritic chest pain is another common symptom that originates from the release of inflammatory mediators in the pleuretal pleura that trigger local pain receptors. Large or multiple emboli can result in shock, hypotension and sudden death. Previous history of a DVT can be a risk factor of a pulmonary embolism
There are two subtypes of pulmonary embolisms
- Provoked pulmonary embolisms: these PEs are associated with a transient risk factor, such as pregnancy, significant immobility, surgery of trauma. Medications
such as COCs and hormone replacement therapies can also be seen as risk factors.
Once these risk factors are removed i.e. patient stops medication or has given birth, the risk of recurrence is reduced. - Unprovoked pulmonary embolisms: These PEs occur in the absence of a transient risk factor. As these cannot be removed, the patient is at an increased risk of recurrence. The patient may have risk factors that are either difficult to identify or difficult to identify such as active cancer or latent diseases
Risk factors of PE
● Though PE is preceded by DVT, they do not exhibit all the same risk factors. In fact, the risk factors for venous thromboembolism vary widely and the magnitude of each
are uncertain.
● Along with Virchow’s triad (venous stasis, injury to the vein wall and enhanced coagulability of the blood), those with malignant neoplasm are more likely to acquire DVT
● The risk of DVT also increases among patients with neurologic disease, paralyzed legs and had previously had a stroke. Whereas, the prevalence of PE increases
amongst individuals with paraplegia.
● The identification of risk factors helps to ascertain a clinical diagnosis of VTE whilst also guiding decisions about prophylactic measures and the potential need for repeat testing in borderline cases
Sources of embolisms
● Pulmonary embolism occurs when a deep vein thrombosis breaks free, passes through the right side of the heart, and lodges in the pulmonary arteries.
● Only 15% of people with pulmonary embolism have signs of DVT although around 90% of pulmonary emboli come from the legs, with most involving the proximal (popliteal or more central) veins.
● Without anticoagulation, the risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism (DVT or pulmonary embolism) within 3 months of a pulmonary embolism is thought to be 50%
Clinical presentation of PE
Suspect pulmonary embolism (PE) in a person with:
● Dyspnoea
● Tachypnoea
● Pleuritic chest pain
● Features of deep vein thrombosis
The clinical effects of an embolus depend upon the extent of pulmonary obstruction, the duration of obstruction as well as the pre-existing condition of the patient. With all of these factors varying so widely from patient to patient, PE can produce hugely different clinical pictures
Parenteral anticoagulants to treat VTE
- Low molecular weight heparins (LMWH)- dalteparin, enoxaparin
- Fondaparinux sodium
Adverse effects - Parenteral anticoagulants to treat VTE
haemorrhage, thrombocytopenia
Parenteral anticoagulants to treat VTE - monitoring
During treatment of DVT and PE:
● Blood is taken for testing anti-Factor Xa 3-4 hours after a administering a dose of dalteparin
● The recommended plasma concentration of anti-factor Xa 0.5-1 Unit/ml
● Monitoring is not required for once-daily treatment and neither necessary for a twice daily dose.
Monitoring is necessary for patients with increased risk of bleeding (e.g in renal impairment [CrCl<30ml/min], underweight, overweight,patients with unexpected bleeding whilst on therapy).
● All patients should be monitored for platelet count in the first week of treatment or day one of repeat treatment to exclude thrombocytopenia(deficiency of platelets in the blood).
● Monitoring is not required in pregnancy
Low molecular weight heparins (LMWH)- dalteparin, enoxaparin
LMWHs have lower binding affinity for circulating and cellular proteins than heparin, and have a reduced ability to inactivate thrombin. The action of LMWHs occurs principally by inactivating FXa. LMWHs have a better bioavailability at lower doses, a prolonged biological
half-life and a more predictable dose response than unfractionated heparin. As a consequence, they have become the treatment of choice for most patients with VTE, providing a simplified treatment option that may be administered to outpatients since coagulation monitoring is not required.
Fondaparinux sodium
Fondaparinux is a direct FXa inhibitor licensed for the prevention of VTE in patients undergoing surgery and the treatment of superficial vein thrombosis. Fondaparinux binds to AT with a higher affinity than heparins, causing a conformational change in AT and increasing the ability of AT to inactivate FXa. It does not bind to thrombin or plasma proteins and cellular elements and has a lower affinity for PF4. Therefore, it is not likely to cause heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Fondaparinux has good subcutaneous bioavailability and a predictable dose response when administered daily and routine coagulation monitoring is not required. Extended anticoagulant treatment is necessary to prevent recurrent VTE and oral vitamin K antagonists are the treatment of choice.