oral and maxillofacial surgery Flashcards
alveolar osteitis
complication after removal of a tooth that results in severe pain from inflammation of the alveolar bone, associated with the disturbance of a blood clot
the surgical shaping and smoothing of the margins of the tooth socket after the extraction of a tooth
excisonal biopsy
surgical procedure in which tissue is cut from a suspected oral lesion
exfoliative biopsy
diagnostic procedure where cells are scraped from a suspected oral lesion for analysis
hard tissue impaction
tooth is partially to fully covered by bone and gingival tissue
impacted tooth
tooth that has not erupted
incisional biopsy
section of suspect oral lesion that is removed for evaluation
to dislocate, as a tooth from its socket
oral and maxillofacial surgeon
dentist who specializes in surgeries of the head and neck region
oral and maxillofacial surgery
dental surgery specialty that diagnoses and treats conditions of the mouth, face, jaws and associated areas
soft tissue impaction
oral condition in which a tooth is partially or fully covered by gingival tissue
indications for oral and maxillofacial facial surgery
- Extraction of decayed teeth that cannot be restored
- Surgical removal of impacted teeth
- Extraction of nonvital teeth
Preprosthesis surgery to smooth and contour the alveolar ridge
• Removal of teeth for orthodontic treatment
• Removal of root fragments
• Removal of cysts and tumors
• Biopsy
• Treatment of fractures of the mandible or maxilla
• Corrective jaw surgery
Surgery of the temporomandibular joint
Reconstructive surgery
Cleft lip and cleft palate repairs
Salivary gland surgery
• Surgical implant procedures
what advanced knowledge should the assist be aware of
patient assessment + monitoring
use of specialized instruments
surgical asepsis
surgical procedures
pain control techniques
operating room must be wide enough to fit ….
- operating table
- anesthesiology equipment
- mobile surgical trays, instrument, supplies
- overhead light
- monitoring equipment
standing room for operator, assistants and anesthesiologist
the act of stitching
if a scalpel is on the tray what is always beside it
what kind of post- op instructions should you give your patient, when should you give them
written and oral
before and after the procedure
control of bleeding
• After leaving the office, keep the pack in place for 30 to 45 minutes. Removing the pack too soon could disturb clot formation and may increase bleeding.
• Do not disturb the clot with your tongue or by rinsing your mouth vigorously.
• If bleeding continues and does not stop, call the dental office.
• Restrict strenuous work or physical activity for that day.
control of swelling
• During the first 24 hours, use a cold pack on a cycle of 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off.
• After the first 24 hours, apply external heat to the area of the face to enhance circulation in the tissues and to promote healing.
After the first 24 hours, begin gently rinsing the oral cavity with warm saline solution (1 tsp salt to 8 oz warm water) every 2 hours to promote healing.
what should you prescribe for mild pain
milf analgesic
3 parts of an implant
titanium screw
abutment post
cover screw
3 steps to implanting an implant
initial placement - titanium for osseointegration
abutment screw us screwed in
abutment post ur cylinder is attached