Oral Anatomy Flashcards
Papasa ka
Bounded by lips, laterally by cheeks, inf. to the floor of mouth, post. to the pharyngeal tissue
Oral cavity
Becomes deep when canine is gone
nasa-labial sulcus
union of the right and upper lip and forms a depression
determines the median of the face of a person
labial tubercle
has rich vascular supply
vermillion border
angle of the mouth junction between skin of face and mucous
anguli oris
rim of mouth
rim oris
portal opening of the mouth
oral fissure
depression under the lip
mento labial sulcus
bond of conn. tissue connecting the alveolar bone
labial frenum, frenum
attached to the lingual portion of the alveolar bone
lingual frenum
thin strands, (vessels’
plica fimbria
spinoys body ext. of the lingual portion of the alveolar bone
genial tubercle
covering tissue of the cheek
buccal frenum
space bet. ant. and post. teeth
buccal vestibule