Oral Anatomy Flashcards
space between the teeth with the supporting alveolar processes and the lips or cheeks
Oral Vestibule
space bounded anteriorly and laterally by the teeth and alveolar processes
Oral Cavity proper
lowest part of the vestibule next to the mandible or the highest part next to the maxilla
Vestibuli fornix
fold of tissue at the midline that attaches each lip to the mucosa of the maxilla, or mandible
Labial frenum
attaches the cheek to the mucosa of the maxilla/mandible
Buccal frenum
Separated the oral cavity from the nasal cavity
the firm anterior part of the roof of the mouth
Hard palate
small elevated round tissue on the midline
Incisive papilla
covers the incisive foramen
incisive papilla
slightly elevated ridge of firm tissue running along the midline of the hard palate (union of right and left palate)
Palatine raphe
hook-shaped projection of the medial plate of the pterygold process
Pterygold hamulus
bulge of bone is located at the posterior part of the alveolar ridge
Maxillary tuberosity
separated the maxillary tuberosity of each maxilla
Hamular notch
protruding at the back of the maxillary tuberosity
Hamular notch
loathed posterior to the hard palate beginning at the vibrating line
Soft Palate
line that joins the hard and soft palate
vibrating line
two pits on the side of the median palatine raphae
Fovea palatini
fleshy structure hanging from the center of the soft palate
posterior boundary of the oral cavity
Anterior arch of fauces
Posterior arch of fauces
curtain-like connection between the maxilla and mandible
Pterygomandibular raphe
valley-shaped space between the tongue and teeth
Sublingual sulcus
attaches the tongue to the floor of the mouth
sublingual fold
attaches the undersurface of the tongue to the floor of the mouth
Lingual frenum
opening of ducts for Wharton’s ducts
Sublingual caruncle
curtain of mucous membrane along the medial, posterior portion of the mandible
a triangle protrusion, prominent elevation distal to the mandibular last molar
retromolar pad
area between the skin of the face and the red part of the lips
Mucocutaneous junction
two fleshy borders of the mouth that are connected at the commissure and are basically made up of muscles and salivary glands