Optimal occlusion Flashcards
What is the orthopedically stable joint position?
optimal joint relationship is achieved only when the articular disks are properly interposed between the condyles and the articular fossae
in this position, the articular surfaces and tissues of the joints are aligned such that forces applied by the musculature do not create any damage.
What are the characteristics of optimal functional tooth contacts?
more teeth contact provide more stabilization of the mandible and decrease forces to each tooth.
even and simultaneous contact of all teeth during mandibular closure
CO=MI (no slides)
In cusp-fossa occlusion, the centralizing force is directed toward ________________.
the long axis of the tooth
A slight mesial shift of mandibular teeth can cause ________________ occlusion.
cusp-marginal ridge
What are the two types of axial loading and which is best?
cusp to to flat surface
tripodization (best)
What are the goals of occlusal treatment?
to direct occlusal forces along the long axes of teeth (stable posterior contacts)
to furnish a smooth protrusive path guided by the anterior teeth withour any interference from occlusal contacts between the posterior teeth (posterior disclusion)
working contacts (group fxn or canine guidance) should not be prevented from contacting by non-working interferences