Opties Flashcards
How do calls and puts respond to dividends
Call prices will be lower, as cash dividends will decrease stock price increases.
Vice versa puts will be higher, as price increases are lower.
Stock-dividends are more complex, and accounted for in the contract.
Why may options be preferred over stocks?
They create a levered payout and can thus be useful if you want to achieve something with limited upfront payment. Conversely, risk is higher.
Through leverage, we can achieve insurance value. A relatively cheap options can insure against a disaster.
Name three main goals of options
Name some advantages of options
-Redundant assets (synthetically) but make risk transfer and speculation cheaper and more effective due to
-Reduced TX fees
-Lump many transactions together
-Provide ways to make leveraged bets
-Regulatory arbitrage: sometimes options can circumvent regulatory restrictions
Describe the covered call and its use
Long stock + short call
Reduces volatility by capping upside profits and reducing downside losses. To make money, you should correctly anticipate future stock volatility to be lower than market’s expectation.
Describe a protective put
Long stock, l;ong put
Strongest performane during bear markets. Protects the portfolio from decline, but you can capitalize on portfolio returns if the market performs very well.
Describe a collar
Long stock, long put, short call (different strikes)
Brackets the portfolio betweeen two bounds and reduces the cost of the protective put at the expense of giving up some profit potential.
Describe straddles and strangles
Bets on volatility. Pay off is a V-shape for a straddle, or a V shape with space in between for a strangle.
Straddle is better, but more expensive.
Payoff is achieved for both upward and downard volatility.
What is the put-call parity formula and intution
c + Ke^r-t = p + s0
Use it it to calculate prices, or find out arbitrage opportunities if violated
For European options, describe the impact of these factors on call & put option prices, so negative or positive relation
- Price of underlying
- Strike price
- Time to expiration
- Volatility of underlying
- Interest rate
- Dividends
Price of underlying: positive for call, negative for put
Strike price: negative for call, positive for put
Time to expiration: unknown
Volatility: both positive
Interest rate: positive for call, ngative for put
Dividends: negative for call, positive for put
so meaning: higher strike price is lower value for calls, since the relationship is negative.
For interest rates:
European Call Options:
Increase in Interest Rates: When interest rates increase, the present value of the strike price (which is paid at expiration) decreases, making it less costly to carry the position until expiration. Therefore, it’s cheaper to buy the stock at a later date for a fixed price, which increases the value of the call option.
Decrease in Interest Rates: Conversely, if interest rates decrease, the present value of the strike price increases, making the option less attractive since it becomes more expensive to buy the stock at the strike price in the future. Hence, the value of the call option decreases.
European Put Options:
Increase in Interest Rates: An increase in interest rates makes it more attractive to sell the stock at the strike price in the future since the proceeds can be reinvested at the higher rate. Additionally, the cost of holding cash (the proceeds you’d get if you sold the underlying asset now and held the cash until the option expiration) is higher. This makes the put option less valuable.
Decrease in Interest Rates: A decrease in interest rates reduces the future value of the cash you would get from selling the underlying asset at the strike price, making the put option more valuable because the alternative (holding cash) is less attractive.
What is the hedge ratio
The number of options that need to be held to hedge a stock..
(Payoff up - Payoffdown)/(Return up - Return down)
Probably not a formula that needs to be known. The intuition is that you would need 3 options to hedge 5 shares for example. Then the hedge ratio would be 3/5th (or -3/5th?)
What is the intuition behind the risk-neutral world for option pricing
Risk-neutral world is a hypothetical world in which investors do not require premium for risk, the expected return on all assets is the risk-free rate, but the option price computed in the risk-neutral world equals the option price in the real world.
Name the assumptions underlying Black-scholes
- No TX costs /taxes
- Riskless borrowing and lending and short selling are possible
- No arbitrage
(These assumptions imply perfect markets) - Underlying asset prices follows brownian motion -> lognormal distribution and continuous asset price ( no jumps)
- No dividends during life of derivative
- security trading is continuous
- Rf rate and vol are constant
If vol is time varying, asset price no longer has a lognormal distribution so returns are no longer normal.
If we cut δt small enough and add enough time steps, binomial tree converges to distribution behavior of geometric Brownian motion.
If stock price follows geometric Brownian motion, option price and stock price depend on the same underlying source of risk.
So also, in continuous time we can set up a riskless portfolio consisting of stock and option
Hedging argument: choose delta such that the delta of the stock - f is risk-free rate → Continuous rebalancing needed to keep portfolio risk-free
Portfolio is riskless (in this small-time interval) and must earn risk-free rate → Derive BS formula by solving PDE
Magic → Only volatility matters, we do not need to worry about risk and risk premium if we can hedge away the risk completely (in all states).
Under black scholes, does the option value depend on the expected rate of return on a stock?
No, this information is already built into the formula with the inclusion of the stock price, which already reflects the stock’s return and risk characteristics.
Given the BS formula: c = e^(-rT)[S_0 N(d1)e^(rT) - KN(d2)]
Describe N(D1) for calls or n(-d1)
and N(d2)
N(d1) is the delta for call and N(-d1) is the delta for a put. So appreciation per appreciation of 1 of the underlying.
N(d2) is risk-neutral probability that a call will be exercised. K*N(d2) is the expected cost of exercise in the risk neutral world.
What is the intuition behind delta for a stock/option
Stock delta is always 1, as it always increases by 1 relative to a 1 increase of the underlying (the stock itself)
Delta of an option varies. Deep ITM should be close to 1, deep OTM should be close to 0.
What kinds of volatility are there? Describe ways to calculate
- Investors own estimate
Calculate with historical volatility, EWMA, Garch
Used as input in BS - Implied volatility (forward looking)
Solve BS for volatility to determine what volatility is implied
Forward looking
In simple words, describe Delta, Gamma and Vega
Delta: impact of small change in asset price (similar to duration)
Gamma:P impact of large change in asset price - 2nd order effect (similar to convexity)
Vega: impact of change in volatility
Greeks are partial derivatives of the BS formula
Why use greeks? And what are their drawbacks?
-Simple to compute in real time (analytical expressions)
-Allow us to approximate change in position value when underlying risk factors change
-Express exposures of different positions to underlying risk factors in comparable terms (same scale)
-They can be aggregated across assets in portfolio
-Easy to hedge by trading in derivatives and underlying
-Greeks change when underlying risk factor changes → Should be recomputed frequently and hedge position should be adjusted
-Greeks depend on validity of pricing model used to compute them
-Greeks for American options need to be computed based on a tree
What is the delta for a call? And for a put? express in terms of a formula.
What are normal values?
Delta call = (Cu-Cd)/(Su-Sd)
Delta put = (Pu-Pd)/(Su-Sd)
Between 0 and 1 for a call and -1 and 0 for a put. Can be higher or lower when positions are aggregated.
What is an absolute value?
The numerical part of a value:
So absolute value of -1 equals 1, and absolute value of 1 equals 1.
Simply put, you take the value rather than the negative or positive value.
Will delta increase or decrease as maturity increases?
Delta will decrease for an in the money option, and increase for an OTM option.
Intuiton is that the longer the maturity, the higher the chance the option may not be ITM/OTM in the end.
Describe Gamma in relation to Delta
Gamma is the amount Delta will increase or decrease if the stock price changes with 1
So for a delta of 0.7 and a gamma of 0.2, if price increases with 1, delta will become 0.68 afterwards
So delta is a quick approximation, but you need gamma for the exact figures.
Explain option ‘‘convexity’’
Call options have positive convexity, stock price increase has larger effect on call price than stock price decrease (which is nice for option holder)!
This goes for both call & put, it’s the same for both
Option gamma measures rate of change of delta with respect to price of underlyinhg asset
So Delta can be seen as driving speed, gamma can be seen as acceleration
What does high gamma imply?
Frequent changes to delta, so frequent need for rebalancing to be delta-neutral, which makes hedging more expensive