Optics: Equations Flashcards
What is Maxwell’s equation for the (charged) source of an electric field in a vacuum?
∇ = del operator
E = electric field
What is Maxwell’s equation for the (charged) source of a magnetic field in a vacuum?
∇ = del operator
B = magnetic field
What is Maxwell’s equation for electromagnetic induction (Faraday’s Law)?
∇ = del operator
E = electric field
B = magnetic field
What is Maxwell’s equation for Ampere’s Law?
∇ = del operator
B = magnetic field
E = electric field
ε₀ = dielectric constant in a vacuum
µ₀ = permeability in a vacuum
c = speed of light
What is the wave equation for an electric field?
∇ = del operator
E = electric field
c = speed of light
What is the wave equation for a magnetic field?
∇ = del operator
B = magnetic field
c = speed of light
What is the equation for the wavelength in a vacuum?
λ₀ = wavelength in a vacuum
c₀ = speed of light in a vacuum
ν = frequency
What is the equation for the wavelength in a medium?
λ’ = wavelength in a medium
c’ = speed of light in a medium
ν = frequency
What is the solution to the wave equation in one dimension?
E₀ = amplitude (could also be B₀ for a magnetic wave)
k = wavenumber = 2π/λ
ω = angular frequency = 2πν
What is the solution to the wave equation in three dimensions?
E₀ = amplitude
k = wave vector
ω = angular frequency = 2πν
What is the solution of the wave equation for a plane wave?
E₀ = amplitude
r = (x, y, z)
k = wave vector
ω = angular frequency = 2πν
c.c = complex conjugate
What is the solution of the wave equation for a spherical wave?
E₀ = amplitude
r = |r| = √(x² + y² + z²)
k = wave vector
ω = angular frequency = 2πν
c.c = complex conjugate
What is the equation for the Poynting vector?
S = Poynting vector
E = electric field
B = magnetic field
µ₀ = permeability in a vacuum
What is the equation for the index of refraction?
c = speed of light in a vacuum
c’ = speed of light in a medium
εᵣ = ε/ε₀ = dielectric constant in the medium
µᵣ = µ/µ₀ = permeability of the medium
What is the equation for Snell’s Law?
n₁ = refractive index of medium 1
n₂ = refractive index of medium 2
θ₁ = angle of incidence
θ₂ = angle of refraction
What is the equation for the critical angle?
What is the equation for Fermat’s Principle?
t = time
d = distance
nd = L = optical path length (n = local refractive index)
c’ = speed in a medium
c = speed in a vacuum
What is the equation used to calculate the optical path length?
The minimal value of this equation is found.
L(r) = optical path length
n(r) = refractive index
A = initial point
B = final point
What is the imaging equation?
s = distance from object to optical element
s’ = distance from image to optical element
f = r/2 = focal length
What is the equation for magnification?
M = magnification
h’ = image height
h = object height
s’ = distance from image to optical element
s = distance from object to optical element
What is the imaging equation for image formation at a spherical surface?
n₁, n₂ = refractive index
s = distance from object to optical element
s’ = distance from image to optical element
What is the magnification equation for a spherical refractive surface?
M = magnification
h’ = image height
h = object height
n₁, n₂ = refractive index
s’ = distance from image to optical element
s = distance from object to optical element
What is the focal length of a thin lens that is curved on both sides?
f = total focal length
f₁ = focal length (side 1)
f₂ = focal length (side 2)
What is the imaging equation for a thin lens in a medium?
n₁ = refractive index of the medium
n₂ = refractive index of the lens
r₁ = radius of lens (side 1)
r₂ = radius of lens (side 2)
s = distance from object to optical element
s’ = distance from image to optical element
f = focal length
What is Lensmaker’s equation?
n₁ = refractive index of the medium
n₂ = refractive index of the lens
r₁ = radius of lens (side 1)
r₂ = radius of lens (side 2)
f = focal length