Optical Isomeriam Flashcards
Race mixture
Equal mixture of optical ismoers
Explain why such a mixture is formed in the reaction
Planor c=o
Describe how separate samples of each of these enantiomers could be distinguished
-plane polarised light
-rotate in opposite directions
Explain why the reaction produces a racemic mixture
-Planor carbonly group
-attack from either side
-with equal probability
Justify why it does not show sterioisomerism
Does not contain Chiral carbon
By considering the mechanism of the reaction, explain why the product has no effect on plane polarised light
-Nucleophlic attack
-planar carbonly group
-H ions attack from either side
-this exist in two chiral forms
-equal amounts of each enantomirer formed
-optical isomers rotate plane polarised light equally
- with racemic so effect cancels
State the relation shop between two chiral molecules with the same structural formula
Mirror image