Opthalmology Flashcards
Ass with?
Short sightness
Increased risk of retinal detachment
Ass with?
Long sightness
Increased risk of angle-closure glaucoma
- def
- occurrence at which age group
- causes (5)
- treatment
- Lazy eye, defective visual acuity in one eye (or rarely, both eyes) which persists after correction of refractive error and removal of any pathological obstacle to vision
- Can only develop during the critical period
(upto approx. 8yrs old)
Strabismic – manifest squint
Anisometropic - unequal refractive error
Stimulus deprivation. e.g. ptosis, cataract
Meridional – astigmatism
Ammetropic - bilateral high refractive error - eye patch the healthy eye for certain hours each day
4 visual disturbances?
3 relavent FHx?
2 relavent SHx?
- Floaters
- Flashing light
- Shadows
- Glare
- Diabetes
- Hypertension
- Vascular disorder
- Smoking
- Alcohol
double vision
- Covering or closing one eye
- Head posture (repositioning head to avoid looking in the direction of double vision)
- Stick-on Prisms
Can only really help with diplopia occurring looking straight ahead
Small prisms can be incorporated into glasses prescription if symptoms stabilise
- Central vision
I. Snellen chart (both aided and unaided)
- test of visual acuity
- normally carried out at 6m
- results given as a fraction, nominator is the distance from the chart, and denominator is distance at which a person with normal visual acuity sees it (6/10: patient 6m away, can only lead the 10m line)
II. if not count fingers (CF)
III. if not see hand move (HM)
IV. if not perceive light (PL)
- Peripheral vision
confrontational field testing
- Look
I. Eyelids
- Should be examined for malposition (entropion, ectropion, ptosis)
- Eversion of the upper eyelid - to look for follicles, lumps, and foreign bodies
- Lash line
II. Conjunctiva, Cornea and Sclera
- use fluorescein staining - this causes yellow staining of an epithelial defect such as an ulcer or abrasion which is more apparent under a blue light
- Corneal sensation (mediated by the trigeminal nerve) - tested by touching a fine wisp of cotton wool on the cornea and checking for a blink reflex (mediated by the facial nerve)
III. anterior chamber
- Check for blood and pus
IV. Pupil
- Abnormal pupil shape
- Anisocoria (>4mm difference in pupil size)
- Reflexes
I. Direct light reflex
II. Consensual light reflex
III. Swinging Torchlight test
- tests for relative afferent papillary defect (RAPD): stronger consensual reflex than direct
IV. accommodation reflex: stare at distant, then focus on my finger
- Ocular move
- Lateral rectus CNVI
- Medial rectus CNIII
- Superior rectus CNIII
- Inferior rectus CNIII
- Superior Oblique CNIV (nasal-inferior move)
- Inferior Oblique CNIII (nasal-superior move)
- Levator palpebrae superioris CNIII
- opthalmoscopy
- The pupils need to be dilated using Tropicamide 1%. This can be combined with Phenylephrine 2.5% for a larger pupil dilatation and better peripheral retinal examination.
- red reflex at 15cm
- the right eye of the examiner is used to view the right eye of the patient and vice versa.
- disc
- macula
- peripheral fundus - Colour vision
Causes of a RAPD:
- Optic neuritis
- Optic atrophy
- Papillitis
- Retinal detachments
- Central retinal artery occlusion
- Widespread retinal disease
- Optic nerve compression
Opthalmoscopy exam
I. The Disc is examined for: - Size - Colour - Swelling - Cupping - cup:disc ratio
II. The Macula - is situated 2 disc diameters temporal to the optic disc. - In young individuals it has a bright foveal light reflex. It should be examined for: -Haemorrhage - Exudate - Pigment stippling - Loss of the foveal light reflex
III. The Peripheral fundus Should be examined for: - Haemorrhage - Exudates - Pigmentation - Calibre of blood vessels - New Vessels - Lesions etc.
lower eyelid folding inwards
lower eyelid folding outwards
upper eyelid droopy
Differentials for red eye (7)
- Lids
- Blepharitis
- Chalazion
- Malposition - Conjunctiva
- Conjunctivitis - Sclera
- Episcleritis
- Scleritis - Cornea
- Keratitis - Uveal Tract
- Uveitis - Trabecular Meshwork
- Acute Glaucoma - Periorbital Skin
- Preseptal cellulitis
- Orbital cellulitis
Lid disorders
I. Blepharitis
- cause?
- history findings? (3)
- examination findings? 2
II. Chalazion
- def
- cause
- occurs most commonly in?
- treatment? 3
III. Entropion
- Def?
- Causes
IV. Ectropion
- def?
- causes?
I. Blepharitis
- It is usually a combination of:
- Infection of the lid margins by staphylococcal bacteria
- Overproduction of sebum by the glands at the lid margin - Patients present with a history of:
- Chronic ocular irritation
- Watery eye
- Red eye - On examination there is:
- crusting and scaling of the lash line
- careful examination can demonstrate plugs of sebum in the meibomian gland orifices.
II. Chalazion - Chalazion - a meibomian cyst (lipogranuloma)
- . caused by meibomian gland dysfunction.
- . It occurs with increased frequency in patients with acne rosacea and seborrhoeic dermatitis.
- ## . initially with hot spoon bathing and antibiotics but often chalazia require surgical incision and curettage.III. Entropion
- Turning inwards of the lid margin, can affect the upper or lower eyelid , leading to eyelashes causing corneal abrasions
- Ageing (involuntional)
- Conjunctival scarring (cicatricial)
- Trachoma
- Stevens-Johnson syndrome
- Ocular pemphigoid
- ## Acute spastic entropion - spasm of orbicularis muscleIV. Ectropion
- Turning outwards of the lid margins, almost always affects the lower eyelid, exposed conjunctiva may become inflamed, scarred and keratinised.
- Ageing (involuntional)
- Conjunctival scarring (cicatricial)
- Paralytic - Facial nerve palsy
- Mechanical - caused by large lower lid tumours
I. Sebum?
II. Meibum?
- Microscopic exocrine glands in the skin secrete an oily or waxy matter, called sebum,
- to lubricate and waterproof the skin and hair of mammals
- gland at the rim of the eyelids inside the tarsal plate, supply meibum,
- an oily substance that prevents evaporation of the eye’s tear film.
I. Bacterial conjunctivitis
- Symptoms (4)
- Pathogens (3)
- Management? (2)
II. Viral Conjunctivitis
- Symptoms (4)
- Examination (3)
- Pathogens (2)
- Management? (4)
III. Adult inclusion conjunctivitis
- Symptoms (1)
- Examination (3)
- Treatment (2)
IV. Allergic Conjunctivitis
- 2 types
- Symptoms (4)
- Examination (4)
- treatments (5)
V. Vernal keratoconjunctivitis
- age
- course
- ass with
- Sx
- treatment
VI. Atopic keratoconjunctivitis
- age
- ass with
- Sx
- treatment
VII. Neonatal Conjunctivitis (Ophthalmia Neonatorum)
- age
- secondary to?
VIII. Iatrogenic conjunctivitis
I. Bacterial Conjunctivitis
- Sx:
- Red eye
- Eyelids stuck together
- Minimal pain
- Purulent discharge - staphylococcal aureus
- staphylococcal epidermidis
- streptococcus pneumoniae.
- Management
- although often a spontaneously resolving condition
- is usually via broad spectrum topical antibiotics such as chloramphenicol or fucithalmic acid.
- ————————————
II. Viral Conjunctivitis
- Sx:
- Red eye
- Watery discharge
- Usually bilateral
- Often preceding coryzal symptoms - Ex
- Conjunctival follicles
- preauricular lymph nodes
- Keratitis - Adenovirus (different serotypes)
- Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-1)
- resolves over 2 weeks, although symptoms of irritation and discomfort may persist for months.
- Lubricants - can be used for comfort
- Antibiotics (chloramphenicol) - to prevent secondary bacterial infection
- Topical Aciclovir (Zovirax) drops - if HSV-1 has been isolated
- ## Topical steroid drops - should only be used under ophthalmological supervision, and only if the inflammation is very severe.III. Adult inclusion conjunctivitis
- Sx
- Unilateral mucopurulent discharge - Ex:
- Large conjunctival follicles
- Preauricular lymphadenopathy
- Subepithelial corneal deposits - Treatment:
- Topical erythromycin ointment - 2 weeks
- Referral to GUM clinic for one of the following systemic antibiotic treatment:
- - - Azithromycin single dose
- - - Doxycycline
IV.Allergic Conjunctivitis - Seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis (allergen most commonly pollen with onset of ‘hayfever’ in summer months)
- Perennial allergic rhinoconjunctivitis (allergen such as house dust mite may cause symptoms throughout year)
- Sx
- Rapid onset
- Itching
- Red eye
- Often in children following exposure to an allergen usually pollen - Ex
- Usually bilateral
- Conjunctival papillae (Giant cobblestone papillae)
- Conjunctival Chemosis (Oedema)
- Preauricular lymphadenopathy - treatment:
- Topical Antihistamine - e.g: levocabastine
- Topical Mast Cell Stabiliser - e.g: Sodium cromoglycate
- Combination of both antihistamine & mast cell stabiliser - e.g. olopatadine
- Systemic antihistamines
- Topcial steroid use under ophthalmological supervision
- —————————————-
V. Vernal keratoconjunctivitis
- occurs in children
- seasonal (warm months)
- associated with family history of atopy (asthma, rhinitis, dermatitis)
- bilateral, ulceration and infiltration of upper cornea
- Treatment:
Chronic conjunctivitis treatment is similar to that of acute conjunctivitis, but the use of topical and oral steroids is required more often.
VI. Atopic keratoconjunctivitis - occurs in adults
- associated with atopy
- bilateral, can also cause corneal ulceration and scarring
- Treatment:
Chronic conjunctivitis treatment is similar to that of acute conjunctivitis, but the use of topical and oral steroids is required more often.
VII. Neonatal Conjunctivitis (Ophthalmia Neonatorum)
Occurs in newborns
Usually infectious secondary to N. gonorrhoeae or Chlamydia. trachomatis
VIII. Iatrogenic conjunctivitis
It should always be remembered that that the drops prescribed to patients can cause ocular irritation and red eye, which may necessitate cessation of the medication.
Chlamydial Conjunctivits serotypes and what they cause
- Serotypes A-C cause Trachoma (a chronic conjunctivitis, endemic to Africa and Asia)
- Serotypes D-K cause Adult inclusion conjunctivitis
Follicles vs papillae?
Main causes?
- Significant diagnostic importance
- Hyperplasia of lymphoid tissue
- Translucent avascular mounds of plasma cells and lymphocytes
- Each follicle is encircled by a small blood vessel
- Main causes include:
- –Viral infections including HSV
- –Chlamydial infections
- Non-specific and of less diagnostic value
- Hyperplastic conjunctival epithelium thrown into numerous folds
- Central vascular tuft
- Can be large - cobblestone or giant
- Main causes include:
- —Non-specific: can be seen in any conjunctival irritation or conjunctivitis
- —Allergic conjunctivitis
- —Bacterial infection
- —Contact lens related problems
2 types of chronic conjunctivitis
Chronic Conjunctivitis
- Both ‘vernal’ and ‘atopic’ keratoconjunctivitis are within a spectrum of chronic allergic conjunctivitis.
- Both result from repeated exposure to an allergen. Symptoms include itching, burning as well as red eye.
- pattern
- Sx (2)
- Ex (1)
- Treatment (3)
- The condition of episcleritits is common, self-limiting, frequently recurrent and occasionally there is an underlying systemic disorder.
- Sx:
- Mild discomfort
- Epiphora (watering) - Ex
- Unilateral redness - Treatment:
- Observation
- Simple lubricants - usually sufficient for most cases
- Topical steroids - may be required in persistent cases