Opthalmology Flashcards
Types of Glaucoma
Open angle
Acute angle closure glaucoma
Normal pressure glaucomaG
Glaucoma is an
Damage to the optic disc, often due to an increase in IOP
Open angle glaucoma
Most common
Usually without symptoms - can slowly damage the eye without the person becoming aware of it
Often aqueous fluuid can not flow through the trabecular meshwork and drain properly
Acute angle-closure glaucoma
Sudden, sever pain in the eye, often iwth immediate disturbance of vision, such as coloured rings around lights, N&V.
Complete blockage of optic flow.
Surgical techniques to treat glaucoma
Laser treatment - improve flow of aqueous fluid, or destroy parts of ciliary body.
Topical - B blocker, A agonist
Retinal detachment process
Retinal tear or hole develops - fluid leaks between retina & choroid - detaches
Retinal detachment symptoms
Sudden onset of floaters and flashes, vision loss curtain
Lens becomes cloudy - images can’t focus properly
Cataracts treatment
Phacoemulsification & Surgery - removal and replacement of lens (intraocular lens implant)
Blind definition
<10 degrees central vision or vision <3/60
Low vision definition
< 20 degrees central vision or vision 6/18-3/60
worldwide leading cause of blindness
NZ leading causes of blindness
Macular degeneration (48%), glaucoma (16%), cataract (11%)
Beneath the retina is the
Where focus - super concentrated cones?
Optic disc
Where optic nerve enters
Optic disc look at
Colour, cup to disc ratio, contour
+ red reflex, retinal vessels
Cataracts symptoms
Painless, gradual loss of vision
Refractive change
Key issue = driving
Cataracts risk factors
Smoking, diabetes (possible ascertainment bias), steroid use
Cataracts examination
Red reflex absent
Fundoscopy - normal if can see through lens