Opposition Against the FRG Governments (1949-1989) Flashcards
What did the Social Democratic Party (SPD) protest about in the 1950s? What was Adenauer’s response?
They were critical of Adenauer ‘Atlanticist’ aim of establishing closer ties with the West. They were worried about this jeopardising relations with German Democratic Republic (GDR).
What did the German Communist Party (KPD) protest about in the 1950s? What was Adenauer’s response?
What did the the Socialist Reich Party
protest about in the 1950s? What was Adenauer’s response?
Identify two reasons that explain why opposition against Adenauer was so small in the 1950s.
What group began to protest against the FRG governments in the 1960s?
Name two student groups formed in the 1960s that protested against the government.
Identify five issues student groups protested on in the 1960s.
Identify the methods student groups in the 1960s used to protest.
How did opposition movements in the FRG change from the 1950s to the 1960s?
Why did opposition movements become more violent in the 1970s?
Identify three issues student groups protested about in the 1970s.
What methods did the West Berlin Tupamaros use to protest in the 1970s?
What methods did Kommune I use to protest in the 1970s?
What methods did the Socialist Patients Collective (SPK) use to protest in the 1970s?
What methods did the Baader-Meinhof Gang use to protest in the 1970s?
Why did the terrorist activity of the Baader-Meinhof Gang slow after 1975?
when was the Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV) set up, what was their aim and how was their power limited?
when was the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) set up, what was their aim and how was their power limited?
What was passed by the Bundestag on May 30, 1968?
What was the Beobachtende Fahndung (BEFA) system?
What was the employment ban (Berufsverbot) of 1950?
What was the Anti-Radical Decree, and when was it passed?
How did opposition against the FRG governments change from the 1950s to the 1980s?