OPNAVINST 5354.1F (Change-1) - Navy Equal Opportunity (EO) Policy Flashcards
Who issues policies and procedures as a separate instruction on Department of the Navy Civilian Discrimination Complaints Program?
Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy Civilian Human Resources (DASN CHR)
Whose objective is it to promote positive command morale and Quality of Life by providing an environment in which all personnel can perform to their maximum ability, unimpeded by institutional or individual biases based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, sex or religious stereotypes?
Command Managed Equal Opportunity (CMEO)
What are the possible disciplinary actions for persons who discriminate ?
(1) Informal counseling
(2) Comments in fitness reports and evaluations and punitive measures under the Uniform code of Military Justice
(3) Administrative Separation
(4) All of the above
(4) All of the above
What shall service members be evaluated on?
Individual merit, fitness and capability
What are the Navy’s focus when our Navy’s core values are not adhered to?
Good order, discipline and military readines.
Which article states that Navy personnel are prohibited from participating in organization that supports supremacist causes?
Article 1167
What are prohibited under this instruction regardless of who originates the action?
True or False: A service members may be punished for knowingly making a false accusation of unlawful discrimination or Sexual Harassment?
True or False: While in a supervisory or command position, it is lawful to condone or ignore unlawful discrimination or Sexual harassment of which individuals have knowledge or have reason to have knowledge as long as you are not the perpetrator?
Who shall advocate the Equal Opportunity (EO) program for Navy military and civilian personnel, and report Navy-wide climate assessment survey results to the fleet?
Chief of Naval Operations (CNO)
Who shall ensure leadership opportunities and an equitable assignment process exist for all personnel?
Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (DCNO)
Who shall maintain overall control of the military Equal Opportunity Assessment (MEOA), and provide information, assessment, and status reports on minority affairs matters as required by higher authority?
Diversity and Women’s Policy Branch
How often shall the Navy Equal Opportunity Office (NEO) provide an Equal Opportunity (EO) Climate Assessment describing the “health” and organizational effectiveness of the Navy (using the data collected from Naval Inspector General (NAVINSGEN), Office of the Judge Advocate General (OJAG), Fleet commanders, and Echelon 2 commands), by examining such factors as morale, teamwork, and communication?
Who shall provide overall direction, guidance, support and leadership for the management of fleet and force command climates?
Navy Equal Opportunity office (NEO)
What NEC is awarded to Equal Opportunity Advisors (EOA’s)?
Office of the Judge Advocate (OJAG) shall provide summary of fiscal year UCMJ article 138, and U.S. Navy Regulations, article 1150, actions relating to unlawful discrimination and Sexual Harassment annually to the Navy Equal Opportunity (EO) Office by what date?
November 15th
Who shall provide a summary of hotline allegations involving unlawful discrimination and Sexual Harassment by November 15th annually to the Navy Equal Opportunity (EO) Office?
Naval Inspector General (NAVINSGEN) and Echelon 2 Inspector Generals (IGs)
Who shall ensure an annual General Military Training (GMT) includes annual Equal Opportunity (EO)/Sexual Harrassment (SH) training and grievance procedure instructions as required?
Center for Personal and Professional Development
Who shall monitor Equal Opportunity status within subordinate commands?
Echelon 2 commanders
Immediate Superiors In Command (ISIC) shall ensure subordinate commanders assess their command climate within how many days of assuming command, and annually follow-up with assessments during their command tenure?
90 days
Who shall ensure that unlawful discrimination is absent in administrative and disciplinary proceedings?
commanders, Commanding Officers (CO’s), and (OIC’s)
What is the course number for Center for Personal and Professional Development (CPPD’s) Command Training Team Indoctrination training course?
CIN A -050-0001
What is the course number for Center for Personal and Professional Development (CPPD’s) Command Assessment Team Course?
Commanding Officers should assess their command climate within how many days of assuming command?
90 days
It is recommended that the Command Managed Equal Opportunity (CMEO) Manager be what rank?
E7 to E9 or an officer with four or more years of service
You must ensure completed copies of all NAVPERS 5354/2, Navy Equal Opportunity (EO) Sexual Harassment (SH) Formal Complaint Forms are maintained in the Command Managed Equal Opportunity (CMEO) Manager file for how long?
3 years
Who should you refer all unlawful discrimination or SH complaints against flag officers or Senior Executive Service (SES) officials?
Naval Inspector General (NAVINSGEN)
Who shall function as the single point of contact when practicable for Equal Opportunity (EO) issues, to include sexual harassment and discrimination, at the command?
Command Managed Equal Opportunity (CMEO) Manager
Who is responsible for coordinating and monitoring all command Equal Opportunity (EO) training?
Command Managed Equal Opportunity (CMEO) Manager
Who is responsible and accountable for reporting acts of unlawful discrimination and sexual harassment in accordance with article 1137?
Individual Servicemembers
When can commanders issue an order that only English be spoken in a work place?
When they have a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason for the rule
True or False: A rule requiring employees to speak only English at all times in the workplace is a burdensome term and condition of employment: therefore, personnel engaged in personal conversation off-duty should be allowed to communicate in the language of their choice?
Which form is the Navy Equal Opportunity (EO) Formal Complaint Form?
NAVPERS 5354/2 (Rev 03/06)
Which form is the Report of Disposition of Offenses?
NAVPERS 1626/7 (Rev. 12/88)
Anyone who is alleged to have committed a violation of the Equal Opportunity (EO) policy is known as what?
A representative assigned by the commander to ensure that complainant, accused, and witness in an Equal Opportunity (EO)/Sexual Harassment (SH) case are informed of the Equal Opportunity (EO)/Sexual Harassment (SH) complaint process and advised of available support and counseling services is known as what?
Anyone who is alleged to have committed a violation of the Equal Opportunity (EO)/Sexual Harassment (SH) policy, and is the subject of a informal complaint is known as what?
Alleged Offender
Which method is used to determine the “health” and functional effectiveness of an organization by examining such factors as morale, teamwork, and communication?
Triangulation Method
What is required by parent commands upon receipt of a formal complaint?
Naval Message
Who is responsible for developing and conducting education and training in the administration of military Equal Opportunity (EO), Equal Environment Opportunity (EEO), human relations, and diversity?
Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI)
Touching which could not reasonably be perceived in a sexual way (such as shaking hands or a friendly pat on the shoulder) is in what color zone?
Green zone
Behaviors that many people would find unacceptable and could be considered sexual harassment such as repeated requests for dates, leering, staring, or whistling, would fall under what color zone?
Yellow zone
Behaviors that are always considered sexual harassment which include sexual favors in return for employment rewards, threats if sexual favors are not provided, sexually explicit pictures (including calendars or posters) or remarks, using status to request dates, and obscene letters or comments falls into which color zone?
Red zone
A complaint should be made within how many days of the offending incident?
60 days
You should file complaints in good faith. Knowingly making a false official statement is a violation of which UCMJ article?
Personal receiving a formal complaint shall submit the complaint to the commander or other designated authority within how many calendar days of receipt?
Within how many hours of receipt of a formal complaint should advocates be assigned to each complainant, alleged offender and any witness to ensure they are informed about complaint processing?
24 hours
The investigating officer should be senior to the complainant and the alleged offender and the investigation must commence within how many hours of the complaint submission?
72 hours
A close out message must be sent describing action taken, within how many days of investigation commencement. If the investigation is not completed by that point, an updated message must be sent every 14 days thereafter until the close-out message describing the case disposition is released?
20 days
Commands follow up will include a determination of complainant satisfaction with the effectiveness of corrective action, timeliness, present command climate, and a review to ensure reprisal did not occur. Commands must conduct the follow up debrief within how many days after final action?
If the complaint results in a hostile work environment what will commanders do, when possible, during the course of the investigation in regards to the complainant?
Temporarily relocate
Final resolution of an appeal on a formal complaint will rest with whom?
Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV)
In processing this final appeal, the procedures applicable to the SECNAV review of UCMJ Article 138 complaints, as detailed in which chapter of the Manual of the Judge Advocate General (JAGMAN), shall be used?
Chapter III
Command Managed Equal Opportunity (CMEO) Managers should serve in their position for a minimum of how long?
One year
How many days of completing the command climate assessment must CO’s/OIC’s ensure that a Climate Assessment Executive Summary is submitted to the Echelon 3 EOA (as applicable) via the ISIS?
Who monitors the Navy’s progress toward accomplishing EO goals and positive command climates?
Which instruction outlines sexual harassment policy for civilian personnel?
Who serves as the primary advisor and subject matter expert to commanders and CMEO Managers as well as provides assistance to other members in the chain of command on EO issues?
Which objective test is used to determine if behavior meets the legal test for unlawful discrimination or Sexual Harassment?
Reasonable Person Standard
Which term is defined as taking or threatening to take an unfavorable personnel action or withholding or threatening to withhold a favorable personnel action, or any other act of retaliation, against a military member for making or preparing a protected communication?
What is defined as the right of all persons to participate and benefit from the programs and activities for which they are qualified?
Equal Opportunity (EO)
Which system resolve Equal Opportunity complaints at the lowest appropriate chain of command level?
Which type of behavior is not asked for and is considered as undesirable or offensive?
Where must unwelcome behavior occur in or impact to be considered Sexual Harassment?
Work environment
Which type of Sexual Harassment have personnel been subjected to when they are offered or denied something that is work-connected in return for submitting to or rejecting unwelcome sexual behavior?
Quid Pro Quo
What is the primary and preferred channel for identifying and correcting discriminatory practices?
Chain of Command
How many months must commands maintain completed Equal Opportunity complaints and investigations for?
How often must EOA’s conduct a review of subordinate commands’ executive summaries and provide a summary of the areas of concern to the commander?