Opioids Flashcards
Opiate definition
Refers to the “natural” opioids. Includes heroin, morphine, codeine
Opioid definition
Includes natural, semisynthetic, and synthetic opioids
Papaver somniferum
A species of poppy plant that opium is derived from. It is native to the middle east and is now cultivated throughout Asia and the Middle East. After the petals fall off, they leave a seed pod. The sap can be extracted and allowed to dry. This dried sap is opium, which can be consumed orally or by smoking.
Early history of papaver somniferum
There is evidence it was used by Sumerian and Assyrian civilizations (6 thousand years ago). In Egypt, medical uses were discovered 3500 years ago. The Greeks and Romans began to utilize opium for medical uses in 130 CE. It was also utilized in the middle east and China
Medical uses of opium by the Greek and Romans (3)
- Pain relief (analgesia)
- Cough suppressant
- Antidiarrheal properties
Use of opium in the Middle East
In the middle east, there are prohibitions against many drugs, like alcohol. However, there is no prohibition against opium, and use is widespread. This scenario demonstrates that cultural and societal values matter in terms of what drugs people decide to do
Use of opium in 19th century China
During this time, opium was not a big issue for Europe or the US yet. In China, opium was widely available in medicines (like laudanum). It was taken orally in a liquid form (“opium eating”). Soon, there was widespread recreational use of opium
When did opium use become prevalent in the west?
By the late 1800s, opium was widely used in the West- there was recognition of opium dependence as a western problem. Withdrawal effects were horrible and painful
F.W. Serturner
In 1803, he separated the morphine from opium- morphine is 10 times more potent, and was called “morphine” after the the Greek god of dreams, Morpheus. Morphine was widely available by the mid 1800s, the the invention of the hypodermic needle allowed the drug to reach your brain faster.
Soldier’s disease
Morphine was used widely during the Civil War. It was revolutionary for treating pain after surgery for injuries from war. However, many soldiers returned from the war dependent on morphine, so morphine dependence was termed “soldier’s disease”. People vulnerable to addiction also include people experiencing depression, sadness, or emotional distress, which is another reason why men in the military were so predisposed to addiction. Sometimes, recovery from morphine withdrawal was even worse than recovery from the initial injury.
How did the invention of the hypodermic needle increase the risk of addiction?
Once morphine was able to be injected through a hypodermic needle, effects occurred more quickly and were more intense, increased likelihood of addiction
Uses of morphine in the 19th century (2)
- Recreational use
- Used to recover from injuries, severe wounds, and surgery
How was heroin invented?
C.R. Adler Wright produced a new alteration of morphine called diacetylmorphine (what would later be called heroin). The compound went unnoticed until 1898, when Heinrich Dreser (German pharmacologist) rediscovered the compound and determined it was more potent than morphine. The drug had “heroic” properties, hence the name
How is heroin different from morphine?
Heroin (diacetylmorphine) is not really chemically different from morphine. However, heroin is lipid soluble and crosses the blood brain barrier more rapidly. It is therefore much more likely to produce dependence, and is twice as potent as morphine.
Initial uses of heroin
Used as a cough suppressant and pain reliever
1914 Harrison Narcotics Act
The law required opiate access to be controlled by physicians. Later laws placed further restrictions on who can be prescribed/how much/under what circumstances. The act created a market for illegal opioids and changed the demographics for addiction
How did the Harrison Narcotics Act change the demographics for addiction?
Prior to the act, people of all classes could purchase opioids at the drugstore and use the drug. After the act, opioids were generally used in large cities (where organized crime provided the supply). People developing addictions were more likely to be young, poorly educated, and men
Hser et al (2001) heroin addiction study
The study followed 581 heroin addicts over a 33 year period. Half of the participants died (50-100 times the death rate in the general population). Of the survivors, 20% were still using heroin (10% refused to be tested) and 14% were in prison. Addicts are also at higher risk of HIV/AIDs, hepatitis, and death by overdose
Medical use of opioids after the Harrison narcotics act
There are many medical uses, and the drugs are mainly used to treat severe and acute pain. They are generally only used after surgery or for traumatic injuries. People are usually only prescribed these drugs for a few days at a time
1970s synthetic opioids (2)
- Hydrocodone (Vicodin)
- Oxycodone (Percodan)
These drugs were still used and prescribed cautiously at the time
During which time period did opioid prescriptions drastically increases?
Between 1999-2011, prescriptions quadrupled. Physicians began prescribing opioids for chronic pain, and were driven by a belief (based on a small study) suggesting that opiate drugs were not addictive. The pharmaceutical industry developed more opioids to treat
Developed in 1996, and was designed to treat severe and chronic pain. It was a higher dose of oxycodone in a time release form (over a period of 12 hours). People found that you could crush and snort- delivering a very large dose quickly. Doctors felt increasing pressure to prescribe opioid drugs during this time period
Opioid abuse prevalence by the mid 2000s
By the mid-2000s, the death rate due to opioid overdose was greater than the death rate from car accidents. Nearly 10% of US adolescents (age 12-17) reported use of illicit prescription opioids. There are no differences between African Americans, Hispanic, Asian, and Non-Hispanic white populations
Often, crack-down on one opioid will lead to
An uptick in the use of others. As prescriptions for opioids go down, heroin and fentanyl are being smuggled in at an alarming rate. Heroin deaths are now increasing substantially
What is the prevalence of opioid misuse/addiction among people who have been prescribed opioids?
More than 20% of people prescribed opioids for chronic pain misuse the drug, and 8-12% of people prescribed opioids develop a use disorder. 2014 data- more than 2 million people have a substance use disorder related to prescription opioid medication. 2021 data- almost 71,000 people died from overdose involving synthetic opioids
A synthetic opioid that is the most powerful opioid drug ever developed. It is 100 times more powerful than morphine and has a shorter duration of action. This is not a new drug. It was available in the 1960s, and only recently started flooding the market from international suppliers