Opinions Flashcards
Je pense que
i think that
i think that
je pense que
je trouve que
i find that
i find that
je trouve que
je trouve souvent que
i often find that
i often find that
je trouve souvent que
je crois que
i believe that
i believe that
je crois que
j’admets que
i admit that
i admit that
j’admets que
je considère que
i consider that
i consider that
je considère que
je dirais que
i would say that
i would say that
je dirais que
je dirais plutôt que
i would rather/sooner say that
i would rather/sooner say that
je dirais plutôt que
j’estime que
i think that
i think that
j’estime que
j’ai l’impression que
i have the impression that
i have the impression that
j’ai l’impression que
je m’intéresse (à)
i’m interested (in)
i’m interested (in)
je m’intéresse (à)
à mon avis
in my opinion
in my opinion
à mon avis
à mon sens
as i see it
as i see it
à mon sens
pour moi
for me
for me
pour moi
pour ma part
for my part
for my part
pour ma part
selon moi
according to me
according to me
selon moi
quant à moi
according to me
according to me
quant à moi
d’après moi
according to me
according to me
d’après moi
il me paraît que
it appears (to me) that
it appears (to me) that
il me paraît que
il va de soi que
it goes without saying that
it goes without saying that
il va de soi que
il va sans dire que
it goes without saying that
it goes without saying that
il va sans dire que
il me semble que
it seems to me that
it seems to me that
il me semble que
l’important, c’est
the important thing is
the important thing is
l’important, c’est