Operations Flashcards
What are the downwind checks for a normal approach and landing?
Carburettor heat on
Brakes checked for pressure and park brake OFF
Undercarriage down and locked
Mixture RICH
Fuel selection, contents and pressure and pump ON
Hatches and harness secure
On a normal approach base leg, what is the flap setting and when?
25 degrees (2 stages) when speed below 100kt
What is the target airspeed for a normal approach on base?
What is the target airspeed during a normal approach on final?
70kt, may reduce to 65kt over boundary
During a normal approach when do you deploy full flap?
At 70kt on base
What is the best rate of climb with no flaps?
79kt full power
What is the airpeed for a normal and cruise climb (2500RPM)?
80kt and 90kt
What are the settings for obstacle clearing climb?
Full throttle, two stages of flap 52kt
What is power setting and speed for a normal circuit?
2300RPM, 100kt
What are the checks to perform before attempting a stall?
Height - sufficient to recover by 3000ft above terrain
Area - not built up
Security- no loose articles in cabin and harnesses secure
Engine- fuel selection, contents, mixture RICH, carby heat, engine instruments
Look out- 360 check and check all clear through 90 degrees after stall
What are stall speeds with no and full flap?
49kt and 43kt
What is the climb speed for a short field takeoff?
What is the first thing to do on engine failure?
Carby ht ON
Maintain height
Fuel- pump ON, mixture rich, change tank
Trim for 70kt
During a forced landing, and after CMFT and field selection, what is the next thing to do?
Fuel- check tank selection, contents, Pressure, Pump ON, Primer pump locked
Mixture- RICH, carby heat ON
Oil- Temp, Pressure
Switches- check magnetos, return to BOTH
Throttle- check through range (during practice repeat at 500ft intervals)
What is the last set of tests to perform during a forced landing?
Brakes-check for pressure and OFF
Unlock door, both catches
Switches- all OFF
Harness- secure, passengers braced