Responsibilities of the Operations Officer?
responsible to the CO for all facts of the operations department.
Responsibilities of the CIC Officer?
Division officer for the OI Division
What is the primary mission of the CIC/ CDC?
To provide the organized collection, display, evaluation, and dissemination of pertinent tactical information and intelligence to command-and-control stations.
What is the secondary mission of the CIC/ CDC?
Assist and control
What is the basic information flow functions of CIC/ CDDC? (GOOD PEOPLE DIE EVERY DAY)
What is Gathering?
Collection of combat information from various sources
What is Processing?
Sorting, inspecting, apprising, and correlating all information so the resulting filtered information may be displayed and disseminated as necessary
What is Display?
Displaying information on status boards or radar scopes
What is evaluation?
Considering and weighing all available information to arrive at a sound operational decision.
What is Dissemination?
Distributing evaluated information to the various control stations and other throughout the ship who need to know
Tactical Action Officer (TAO)
Direct advisor to the CO from the decision/ display area, the only other person with weapons release authority.
CIC Watch officer (CICWO)
Responsible for coordination of all CIC functions
Electronic Warfare Supervisor (EWS)
CTTs- Responsible for Collection and display of all available EW info.
Identification Operator (ID-OP)
Responsible for tracking and identifying all air contacts, and determining their intentions as they enter our security areas.
Surface Detection Tracker (SDT)
Responsible for tracking all surface tracks, platforms, and entering emergency points into SSDS
Air Intercept Controllers (ASTAC/AIC/HDC)
Responsible for positive control of all aircraft assigned for the completion of any assigned mission
Sensor Supervisor
Adjust RADAR sensitivity for clear RADAR display, and basic trouble shooter for all air search RADARs.
CIC Watch Supervisor (CICWS)
Supervises overall control of all watch stations in CIC
Shipping Officer
Responsible to the Navigator to ensure our course is clear of all contacts/ hazards. Manned during Navigation detail and Sea and Anchor.
Piloting Officer
Responsible to the Navigator for course recommendations and coordination between the CIC and Bridge. Manned during Navigation detail and Sea and Anchor.
Track Supervisor (TIC/TDC)
Responsible to make reports to MRICO who is the maritime regional interface control officer. There primary job is generate and maintain the link picture, as well as CEC (Cooperative engagement Capability)
Air Defense Weapons’ Coordinator (ADWC)
has weapons authority with TAO permission. Works with DWC
Defense Weapons’ Coordinator (DWC)
FC’s man this position. Fire CIWS, RAM, and NATO
The ESSEX’s platform is SSDS, what is SSDS? (OPS)
Ships self-defense systems
Operational Order (OPORDER)
Issued by a commander for the coordinated execution of an operation in the immediate future. It does not normally contain assumptions. Unless otherwise stated, an OPORDER is effective from the date and time signed.
Operational Plan (OPLAN)
A preliminary general sketch that gives the important features that will govern a completed plan, such as a campaign plan, a logistics plan, a base-development plan, ect.
Operational Tasking (OPTASK)
Unit specific guidance for execution of the plan
What is the task of the Amphibious Ready Group (ARG)
A task organized formed for the purpose of conducting an amphibious operation. An ARG always includes Navy forces and landing forces, with organic aviation, and may include maritime ships and air forces when appropriate.
What is the purpose of maintaining a navigational plot in CIC/ CDC?
While in range of land, the CIC assists the navigator in determining the ship’s position in order to help the ship remain in safe water. Used as a backup for the bridge and to correlate between CIC and the bridge. Assist in making landfall and identifying landmasses through the supply of RADAR info. Aids in SAR, shore bombardment and amphibious operations.
What is a data link?
connecting one location to another for the purpose of transmitting and receiving digital information (data communication)
How many types of links are there? (OPS)
TWO Link: Link 11 & Link 16
What is Link 11?
Alligator, secure, two way transmission. Ship to ship, ship to shore, and ship to air communications.
What is Link 16?
Timber, secure, two way transmission. Ship to ship, ship to shore, and ship to air communications.
What is the Proword for the MTJ (Multi TADIL-J)?