Operational procedures Flashcards
What term do Prison staff use instead of Riot or Disorder
Incidents in Prisons
Concerted indiscipline
WHat information is pertinent on a Prison ORD?
Incidents in prisons
-Vehicle access points
-Personnel access
-RVP’s / Marshalling
-Fixed installations
-Comms (consider PACE)
- Control room location
- Any existing pre-planning
What information abot the appliance and it’s contents should be included in all briefings to crews
Incidents in Prisons
Alot of brigade equipment can be used as a weapon, so security of the appliance must be maintained.
What item maye prison staff request before entry to the facility
Incidents in Prisons
Appliance mobile - (personal mobiles may also be held)
If disorder is taking place, what messasge should be sent?
Incidents in Prisons
PRIORITY - Civil disturbance in progress within the confines of _HMP Belmarsh / ISIS Young Offenders / Immigration detention centre”
Under what conditions would the IC consider initiating FF operations?
What mode would be adopted?
Incidents in Prisons
Save saveable life
TMD - as for civil disturbance
Who can the IC request additional information from?
Incidents in Prisons
What should an IC do if crews personal safety is at risk?
Withdraw - DRA - only proceed if benefits outweigh risks.
How should crews be rigged?
Incidents in Prisons
FULL PPE at all times, visors down if detainees are not contained within cells ot hatches are open
Can Prison staff ride on appliances
Incidents in Prisons
No - Prison staff will remain on foot
What considerations should be made towards the atmosphere within thbe facility
Incidents in Prisons
- Access through secured doors by Prison staff may be hampered by smoke
- Riot control gases may be in use or required, increasing provision for BA and resourcing
Is there any occasion where staff can work alone?
Incidents in Prisons
What additional factor needs to be considered for crews’ access and egress?
Incidents in Prisons
Control of secure doors - Crews should nevere be at risk of becomming trapped.
How can an IC compliment their situational awareness and joint understanding of risk?
Incidents in Prisons
Dedicated liaison officer located in Prison control room (min. rank - Sub. O.)
Should effective containment of inmates fail, what actions should the IC take?
Incidents in Prisons
- Withdraw crews to place of safety
- await assistance of Police
- Implement relevant parts of Civil Disturbance procedure