Operation Procedures Flashcards
Max Hold Speeds (Company)
< 14,000 200 KIAS
> 14,000 225 KIAS
Max Hold Speeds (AIM)
MHA - 60000 200 KIAS
6001 - 14000 230 KIAS
>14000 265 KIAS
Distance to decelerate 10 Knots
one mile
Climb procedure
1) Set higher altitude in altitude pre select (both pilots verify)
2) Select speed on FCP - Verify on FMA
3) Adjust speed bug on FCP to desired
4) Advance thrust levers until N1 target met
- Announce “ALTS CAP”
- Decrease thrust to maintain desired airspeed
Decent Procedure
1) Set lower altitude in altitude pre select (both pilots verify on FMA)
2) Select VS in FCP - verify on FMA
3) Spin pitch wheel down to desired descent value
4) Reduce thrust to maintain desired airspeed
Abort TO issues AFTER 80 KIAS
1) engine failure
2) controllability problems
3) fires
4) ability of aircraft to fly is in question
PFD/Flight instrument pre takeoff scan
1) TO/TO present on FMA
2) PF indicator points to PF
3) flight director present and up 15 degrees
4) altitude pre select on FMA
5) takeoff V speeds set including V2+15
6) heading set
7) NAV source (white or green)
8) altimeter
Monitor start call outs
- “N2” - at first indication
- “N1” - at first indication
- “Oil Pressure” - at first indication
- “ITT Below 120” - Prior to 20% N2
- “Fuel Flow”
- “Light Off” - at first indication on ITT
- “Starter Cutout” - at 55% N2
Idle at 1500 FPM and 1200 FPM speeds
- 250 KIAS
- 200 KIAS
Wing Overheat Test
a) Press wing OVHT/DUCT fail switch/light and check
b) Wing OVHT/DUCT fail switch/light illuminates red
c) “wing overheat” aural is announced
d) WING OVHT warning message displayed on EICAS
e) Wing anti-ice ok advisory message displayed on EICAS
f) All associated indications disappear
TO abort reasons
Reasons for the abort are as follows:
80 knots to V1, we will abort for only the following items:
1) Engine Fire
2) Engine Failure
3) Loss of directional control
4) Safety of flight item
5) Any aural warning (red light)
PF Briefing
This will be a right/left seat departure from runway ______. After departure, we will fly _____ heading/ route and maintain _____ feet. (add special requirements of any published departure). On departure we will be using the speed and heading/ NAV modes. Weather is/ is not above landing minimums so we can/ cannon return to the field in case of emergency. Acknowledge any instructions received during Captain’s brief. Any questions?
APR Tested/Armed
a) On the engine control panel, ensure the APR switch is in the arm position.
b) Both engines running.
c) Select the APR test switch to the test 1 (2) positions in turn and check the following:
- APR icon illuminates on the respective engine N1 gauge.
- APR TEST 1 (2) OK advisory message illuminates on EICAS.
- APR TEST switch to off and ensure all previous messages extinguish.
a) Select the WING anti-ice switch to NORM and check the following:
- Amber bands appear on engine N2 gauges
- ITT rise on both engines
b) Select the 14th STAGE ISOL switch/light open (pressed in) and verify:
- 14th ISOL OPEN message appears on EICAS Status page.
c) Select the 14th STAGE ISOL switch/light closed (pressed out) and verify:
- 14th ISOL OPEN message extinguishes
d) Select WING anti-ice switch to OFF and check that they amber bands are removed from the engine N2 gauges and ITT decreases on both engines.
PFD before takeoff check
1) TO/TO present on FMA
2) PF Indicator arrow points to PF
3) Flight Director present Showing up 15 degrees
4) Correct altitude on altitude pre-select (FMA) (From departure instructions)
5) Proper takeoff V-Speeds set including V2+15 (total 5)
6) Proper NAV Source selected (green or white needles)
7) Correct altimeter setting