Operating Systems - Paper 1 Flashcards
Define operating system
An operating system is a suite of programs that manages and controls the computer.
List functions of an operating system.
- Controlling hardware components.
- Providing a platform for software to run on.
- Providing a user interface.
- Multitasking facilities.
- Managing the computer’s memory.
- Managing peripherals.
- Managing files.
- Managing users.
List examples of operating systems.
- Microsoft Windows
- Apple OS X
- Linux
- Android
Explain the features of different kinds of user interfaces.
- A CLI - Command Line Interface - is cheap and powerful, but difficult to use.
- A GUI - Graphical User Interface - displays everything, summed up by WIMP (Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointers).
- A Mobile UI - is similar to a GUI but operates with touch, found on handheld devices.
Explain multitasking as a function of the operating system.
If the computer has enough memory to hold more than one program in memory at a time, and the operating system supports it, multiple programs can be run side-by-side.
Explain memory management as a function of the operating system.
Computer memory must be managed to allow more than one program to be run at the same time, or more than one document to be open at the same time.
The operating system allocates memory to programs and moves data around.
Explain peripheral management as a function of the operating system involving drivers.
Peripherals are hardware devices connected to a computer, such as a monitor, printer, scanner or camera.
Device drivers provide instructions to communicate with peripherals, working with any operating system that the driver has an available version for.
Explain user management as a function of the operating system.
- Individual users can be created or deleted.
- Access levels can be given to users (e.g. administrator or standard user rights).
- User activities can be audited (logged).
Explain file management as a function of the operating system.