Operating Systems C1 Flashcards
Operating System
It is the chief software component that manages all hardware and software, controlling files, devices, memory, and processing time, as well as user access and system usage
What are the 4 Roles of an operating system software (subsystem)
Memory management
-Processor management
-Device management
-File management
Memory Manager (MPDF)
A subsystem manager in the operating system responsible for managing main memory, including tasks like memory allocation, deallocation, and protection
Processor Manager (MPDF)
A subsystem manager in the operating system that allocates the Central Processing Unit (CPU) and tracks process status
Device Manager (MPDF)
A subsystem manager in the operating system that connects with devices like printers, disk drives, and ports, managing resource allocation and device operations
File Manager (MPDF)
A subsystem manager in the operating system that tracks and manages files, enforcing access restrictions, controlling modifications, and allocating space on secondary storage
User Interface
The part of the operating system that enables direct interaction with users, including graphical user interfaces (GUI) and command-line interfaces.
Network Manager
A subsystem in the operating system that coordinates services for multiple systems to work together and manages shared network resources
what are some of the responsibilities of Ram
check validity and legality of memory space request
-reallocating memory to make more useable space available
-deallocating memory to reclaim it
-protecting space in main memory occupied by operating system
What are the Five categories of Operating systems
– Batch
– Interactive
– Real-time
– Hybrid
– Embedded
Define the Batch systems
a batch system handles all the task by itself without the help from the user interface
Define the Interactive systems
an interactive system handles many task it is Batch>inter>RT
they are there to make quck program fixes, use smart thricks to share power with complex algorithms
Define the Real-time systems
ensuring dependable performance in urgent situations like spacecraft, traffic control, aircraft, industry, and medical systems.
Hybrid systems
its a combination of batch and intercative processing it managers light intercative tasks while runnung batch programes in the back
What is an Embedded systems
Embedded systems are computers integrated into other products like automobiles, digital music players, elevators, pacemakers, etc
What are the Two types of real-time systems
Hard real-time systems: face total system failure if deadlines are missed
* Soft real-time systems: experience performance degradation due to missed deadlines.
What is the File Management responsible for
– Enforcing user/program resource access restrictions
* Uses predetermined access policies
– Controlling user/program modification restrictions
* Read-only, read-write, create, delete
– Allocating space for a file on secondary storage
* One large storage area or smaller linked pieces
– Retrieving files efficiently
Network operating systems
A special class of software that allows users to perform tasks using less local resources, often associated with cloud computing and wireless networking capabilities
A technique from the 1960s that involves loading multiple programs into memory for execution, with passive multiprogramming using interrupts and active multiprogramming using time slicing
operating system to execute multiple programs using a single processor machine
Utilizing many processors for parallel program execution,
a feature that became prominent in the 1980s with the evolution of personal computers and high-speed communications
Multicore processors
CPUs with two or more processor cores on a single chip, becoming prevalent in the 2010s
Virtual memory system
Virtual Memory System: 1970s solution, use disk as extra RAM, boost CPU efficiency.
Virtual machines
a 2000s solutions
-allowed multiple os to run toeghter
-share resoursed easy with a overseeing manager
divides programs into parts and keeps them in sec storage bringing each part into mem when actally needed
Define RAM
requires constant flow of electricity to hold data
what are some of the shared network resources
memory spcae
M PP on DA
what are some of the shared network resources
memory spcae
What is cloud computing
( cloud computing ) is the practice of using internet connected resources to perform storage, processing or other operations
What is ROM
another type of memory it holds firmware and is non-volatile and content retains when the power is switch off on your computer
What are input/output devices
all peripheral devices in the ystem
such as printers
disk drives
cd and dvds
What are the 2 primary type of user interface
1- GUI // input from pointing devices // menu options
2- Command line interface // keyboard-typed commands
What is the role of cloud computing
- accessing resourses
- managing the system efficiently
Define CPU
The CPU (Central Processing Unit) controls interpretation and execution of instructions, initiating and performing operations like storage, data manipulation, and input/output.
No single manager performs tasks in isolation True or False
If True explain your answer
- True, Each element of an operating system
– Performs individual tasks and
– Harmoniously interacts with other managers
Define Hardware
physical machine and electronic components
Explain Moore’s Law
- Gordon Moore, 1965
– Each new processor chip compared to its predecessor - Twice as much capacity
What are the Two distinguishing features OS
– Response time
– Method of data entry into the system
What are the Two types of real-time systems
Hard real-time systems: risk total system failure if the predicted time deadline is missed
* Soft real-time systems: suffer performance degradation as a consequence of a missed deadline
Complete the sentence Dr. Grace Hopper’s research journal included the first computer bug……
the remains of a moth that became trapped in the computer’s relays, causing the system to crash
What is the Most common overall goal in Design Considerations
– Maximize use of the system’s resources (memory, processing, devices, and files) and minimize downtime
What are the Factors included in developmental efforts
– RAM resources
– CPUs: number and type available
– Peripheral devices: variety likely to be connected
– Networking capability
Security requirements, etc