Operating Systems Flashcards
What does the Operating System do?
Controls the computer from tart up to shutdown
manages resources including:
processor, memory, storage space, and connected devices
- provides a user interface
- Lets you customize user interface
ROM stands for
Read Only Memory Chip
Power On Self Test
Random Access Memory
Core of OS
if a device is slow to process output
computer uses buffer to temporarily hold memory
placing data in a buffer so it can be used later
solid state drive
device driver
small program tells OS how to interact with a device. Each device must have a driver
Plug and play
when you plug something in, the OS tries to find the correct driver on its own
Graphical User Interface
Icon = small picture that represents program,
graphic you click to make a selection
sleep mode
aves open documents and programs in RMA
saves open documents and programs on the hard drive
a component the OS requires to perform work
Executable Files
Programs containing instructions telling your computer how to perform or execute specific tasks
Data Files
Contains data that you can manipulate
a short identifier separated from the main part of the file name by a dot. reflects the file format
Area in Mac OS X that displays icons for programs, files and folders
Item you can add and move to customize the Windows Start Screen
service pack
A collection of major operating system updates
file management software
lets you copy, move, rename, and delete files and folders
utility software
peroframs a specific, limited task, usually related to managing or maintaining a computer system
are searches case sensitive?
volatile memory
is erased when a device loses power
nonvolatile memory
keeps its contents when a device loses power
number help determine processor performance
a test to determine processor speed
bus width is measured in
high-speed, easily accessible storage space used by the CPU
a complex integrated circuit consisting of millions of electronic parts
a complex integrated circuit consisting of millions of electronic parts
multiuser operating system because it controls a central computer that can support many users
personal or desktop operating system
operating systems installed on a single computer
multipurpose operating system. can run on a desktop pc or a server
embedded operating system
electronic devices such as card readers use these
a program that runs in the background
a named collection of data on a storage medium such as a hard disk or usb flash drive
file format that an application can always open
a named collection of data on a storage medium
operating system software
widgets or gadgets are these types of programs
embedded operating system
built into device, meets a specific purpose, performs a single type of task
BIT is short for
Binary Digit
Number system that consists of only two digits
gigabyte has how many bytes
1 billion
a byte consists of how many bits
coding scheme
examples are Unicode and ASCII
Read Only Memory. Memory permanently installed on system when computer is manufactured. contains BIOS “basic input output system”
ROM performs POST
stored on chips on a memory module. Small circuit board that slides into slot on motherboard. Most RAM is volatile
RAM capacity is measured in
instructions on ROM
programmable rom types
PROM. Can write code on it. Once programmed cannot be changed.
EEPROM - Electrically Erasable Programmable Memory. Like PROM but can be reprogramed more than once
Flash Memory - can be electrically erased and reprogrammed
When an operating system employs ____ memory, it swaps files to the hard disk
When an operating system employs ____ memory, it swaps files to the hard disk
CPU is often called
microprocessor or process
performance of CPU is determined by
clock speed, bus speed, cache, cores
electronic channel that allows CPU and various devices in a computer to communicate. transfers data in mulitiple directions
Data Bus
transfers data
address bus
transfers location of information
bus width also called
word size. wider the bus, faster the info
storage space for frequently or recently used data that is quick to access. Improves processor speed
Types of Cache
Level 1 and 2 - built into processor chip
Level 3 - On a separate chip. slower
smallest unit of time a processor can measure
Performs arithmetic and logic functions in the CPU
Arithmetic Logic Unit
Hard Disk
Magnetic or Solid state
used to store operating system, software data
Hard Disk Exteneral
Magnetic or solid state
Used to store Backups, Movies, music
Magnetic. Used to store backups
CDs DVDS Blu-ray
Optical Storage. Used to store software, movies, music
Cloud Storage
Magnetic Optical and / or Solid State
Used to store backups, data shoring
Memory cards or flash drives
Solid State. Used to store Photos, Files to be transferred
Storage media uses 3 technologies
Magnetic, Solid State (non magnetic), Optical
Use magnetized particles to store data as binary bits
Solid State Drives
more durable
Function key used to display help in many programs
columns usually represented by
rows usually represented by
intersection of a single row and column is a
cell range
a group of cells
Name Box
The part of a worksheet that displays the cell address of the active cell
Text that describes the contents of another cell or cells in a worksheet
an action that occurs as you move from slide to slide in a presentation
you can use graphics software to work with two types of digital images
bitmap and vector
based on pixels - short for picture elements. a bitmap assigns a color to each pixel in a graphic
simple images like shapes, lines and diagrams, clip art images are usually stored as vector graphics. vector graphics use mathematical formulas instead of pixels
contains both vector and bitmap graphics
a set of instructions that tells the computer what to do
two types of software
system - controls a computer and its peripherals, such as keyboard and mouse
application - performs specific tasks
the legal right to copy, sell or modify
End User License Agreement
Digital Rights Management. technologies that include encryption to make digital content unreadable without a valid encryption key
Shrink wrap license
license agreement for packaged software, which is activated when you open the package
concurrent use license
license that lets you use a specified number of software copies at any given time
replaces a small section of existing software code to correct a single issue or bug
service pack
a collection of corrections or fixes bundled into a single release
disk defragmenter
Reorganizes the data on a amagnetic hard drive so that you can access files more quickly
disk cleanup utility
Removes unused files like temporary internet files from your hard drive
absolute reference
a fixed cell location that never changes
dual-boot system
more than one operating system installed
dual-boot system
more than one operating system installed
to save a Microsoft office file to onedrive
Save as option in backstage view
black hat
serious harm
white hat
less serious harm
system image backup
restores files, applications, and settings to the computer
Sound Card
Graphics Card
Mouse, printer, etc
Why is RAM considered volatile?
It disappears when the computer is shut down or restarted
Which internal component performs calculations and logical operations?
Do solid state drives have moving parts?
If you cannont access certain commands in the control panel, what is the most likely cause?
you do not have access rights to these commands
What determines the date and time settings on a computer that is not connected to a network?
a battery operated clock inside the computer
Where can the Magnifier be accessed through?
The Ease of Access Center
Before program source code can be used by a computer, it must be
compiled. changed into machine code which is an executable form
WHat does firmware refer to?
Built in software that controls how a device functions
What could cause an update to the operating system to fail 75% through the installation
You have insufficient hard disk space
Define Operating System
The software that supports a computer’s basic functions. Executing applications and controlling peripherals
What manages hardware, programs, and files?
An operating system
Define application software
processes software for the user
What does BIOS stand for?
basic input output system. built into computers. first software run when turned on
accdb file
database file
avi file
video file
bmp file
csv file
doc file
docx file
Microsoft word
flv file
mp4 file
one file
tiff file
graphics images
wmf file
graphics file
KB in Megabyte
KB in Megabyte
MB in GB
GB in TB
TB in Petabyte
Protocol for the communication of data using a local network or internet
Dynamic IP
number identifying a computer in a network that changes w hen reconnecting to a network
Fixed IP
number identifying a computer in a network that doesn’t change with time
Private IP
IP address of a computer included in a local network at home or in an office
Public IP
an IP address that is used to remotely access the internet
a device that connects a LAN to the internet
freeware license
usually includes a user license, allowing its redistribution, but with some restrictions. cannot be modified or sold
incremental backup
backs up all files that have changed since the lastbackup
CRM software
Customer Relationship Management