Operating Limitations Rev 81 Flashcards
Stabilized Approach 1,000 ft. AFE
5 items
Steady rate descent not over 1,200 FPM Course + - 1 dot/ILS, .3 NM RNAV, half dot VOR Glidepath + - 1 dot Final landing config No GPWS
Stabilized Approach 500 ft. AFE
6 items
Course + - 1 dot/ILS, .3 NM RNAV, half dot VOR Glidepath + - 1 dot Final landing config No GPWS Steady rate < 1,000 FPM Target approach speed -5 to +15
Maximum crosswind
All Aircraft
35 kts
38 kts
Maximum tailwind 319 & 320
15 kts
10 kts
Maximum tailwind 321
10 kts
10 kts
Narrow Runway Operations
AC 227, 228, 229
Less than 148 ft/45m
Autoland not authorized
Dispatch not allowed with
- nosewheel steering inop
- one or more brake inop
Diversion recommended with some failures
Max wind for passenger door operation
65 kts
Max wind for cargo door operation
40 kts
If nose into wind 50 kts. If wind begins to exceed, door must be shut by 65 kts
Max airspeed VMO/MMO
350 kts/ 0.82 Mach
Recommended Turbulent Air Penetration Speed 319/320
Above FL310
FL200 to FL310
Below FL200
.76 Mach
275 kts
250 kts
Recommended Turbulent Air Penetration Speed 321
Above FL310
FL200 to FL310
Below FL200
.76 Mach
300 kts
270 kts
Max Landing Gear Speeds
VLO extension
VLO retraction
VLE 280 kts/0.67 Mach
VLO e 250 kts/0.60 Mach
VLO r 220 kts/ 0.54 Mach
Tire Max Ground Speed
195 kts
Windshield Wiper Max Operation Speed
230 KIAS
Cockpit Window Max Open Speed
200 KIAS
Max Taxi Speed in Turn 320/321
Weight greater than 167.550 lbs
20 kts
Cabin Differential Pressure
Safety Relief Valve
- 1.0 psi
9. 0 psi
8. 6 psi
Max Altitude for APU Start on Batteries
25,000 MSL
Autopilot Minimum Engagement Height: After Takeoff if SRS Indicated Enroute RNAV Visual Approach Non-Precision Approach Non-Autoland ILS with CAT 1 FMA Non-Autoland ILS with CAT 2/3 FMA Go-Around if SRS Indicated Autoland Approach
100 ft. AGL 900 ft. AGL 500 ft. AGL DDA/DA 160 ft. AGL 80 ft. AGL 100 ft. AGL Rollout/Taxi speed
Autoland required when:
Below Cat 1 Mins
If RVR/vis at or below 2400-1/2 mile brief/fly autoland
If one autoland requirement not met Cat 1 mins
Autoland Max Winds 320/321 Include Gusts Headwind Crosswind Tailwind Wind Correction: VLS + wind correction
30 kts
15 kts
10 kts
5 to 15 kts
Max Thrust Time Limit
TOGA and Go-Around
All Engines - 5 minutes
One Engine Inop - 10 minutes
Minimum Engine Oil Pressure
17.4 psi
Minimum Engine Oil Quantity CEO Aircraft
9.5 qt. + .5 qt per hour estimated flight time
Minimum Engine Oil Quantity NEO Aircraft
Minimum of:
- 6 qt. or,
- 0 qt + 0.5 qt per hour of flight
Engine Oil Minimum Temperature for Takeoff
19 C
Reduced Thrust Takeoff Prohibited:
3 items
- On slippery or contaminated runways
- When suspected, reported, known windshear
- When Special Departure Procedure requires full thrust
Flaps/Slats Max Extended Altitude
20,000 ft. MSL
Speed Brakes Limitations 319/All NEO
For approach, use below 240 kts not permited if:
GWCG above 35%
overweight landing conditions