Operant Learning Theory Flashcards
What is the operant learning theory?
States that if a specific behaviour results in reward it will be repeated but if a behaviour results in an undesirable outcome it will not be repeated. It’s positive reinforcement vs punishment.
What is the experiment for operant conditioning?
B.F Skinner.
Skinners box was an experiment to see if animals learn through consequences. In the experiment a mouse pressed the lever and was given food as reinforcement and so as a result the mouse kept pressing the lever, negative reinforcement in the source of a electric shock was used to stop the mouse from doing certain behaviours.
What was jeffery’s theory ?
Criminal behaviour is learned through the reinforcement of particular behaviours, so if crime is more rewarding than punishing for someone they will more likely commit the crime again. Rewards could be financial or emotional like the respect of pairs.
What are some evaluations for the operant learning theory?
Strengths- finding and suggestions can be applied to offending which gives it external validity.
Limitation- the study’s theory is based on animals and not crime in humans.