Operant Consequences Flashcards
Law of Effect
Thorndike. Organisms learn througn the consequences of their actions.
Operant Behavior
Behavior that has an effect on the environment, and is primarily under the control of its consequences.
Operant Selection
The process of behavioral variability, selection by consequences, and behaviroal reproduction occurs throughout the organism’s lifetime.
Simplest type of operant contingency
R-S (Response-Stimulus)
An environmental change that follows a response and increases or maintains the future frequency of that behavior
Occurs when stimulus change immediately follows a response and decreases the future frequency of that type of behavior in similar conditions.
Positive reinforcement
An environemental change in which a stimulus is added or magnified following a response, that increases the future frequency of that response.
Negative reinforcment
An environmental change in which a stimulus is subtracted (withdrawn or removed) or attenduated following a response, and which increases or maintains the future frequency of that behavior.
Unconditioned Positive Reinforcement
Conditioned Positive Reinforcement.
Unconditioned Negative Reinforcement
Conditioned Negative Reinforcement
Unconditioned Positive Punishment
Conditioned Positive Punishment
Unconditioned Negative Punishment
Conditioned Negative Punishment
The discontinuing of a reinforcement of a previously reinforced behavior.
Behavior is modified by its consequences irrespective of the person’s awareness
Premack Principle
If the opportunity to engage in a “preferred” or “high probability” behavior is made contingent on engaging in a “less preferred” behavior, the future duration of the “less preferred” behavior will increase
A stimulus that, when presented following a response, increase or maintains the future frequency of the response.
Unconditioned Reinforcer
A stimulus that, usually, is reinforcing without any prior learning; that is, its effect is due to phylogenic provenance
Conditioned Reinforcer
A stimulus that initially has no innate reinforcing properties, but acquires reinforcing properties through pairing with unconditioned reinforcers or powerful conditioned reinforcers
Generalized Conditioned Reinforcer
A conditioned reinforcer that has been paired with a variety of other reinforcers and which is effective for a wide range of behaviors
Behavior that terminates an aversive stimulus
Terminates a “warning” stimulus; prevents or delays the onset of the aversive stimulus
warning stimulus
A conditioned aversive stimulus whose presence is correlated with the upcoming onset of an unconditioned aversive stimulus
unsignaled avoidance
No clear warning stimulus, but a response can still delay or prevent the occurence of the aversive event
Automatic Reinforcement
The response itself directly produces the reinforcing consequence. That is, the consequence is NOT mediated by another person.
Socially Mediated Reinforcement
The consequence is mediated by another person
Schedule of Reinforcemetn
Specifies the criteria for reinforcement in terms or number of response required and/or when the response occurs.
Planned reinforcement
A person explicitly arrange the contingency
Unplanned reinforcement
The contingency was not explicity arranged
Operant Extinction
The process by which a previously reinforced behavior is weakened by witholding reinforcement.
Operant Spontaneous Recovery
The sudden and temporary reappearence of a behavior following extinction
The reappearence of a previously extinguished behavior during the extinction of a more recently reinforced behavior
Unconditioned Punisher
A stimulus that, usually, is punishing without any prior learning; that is, its effect is due to phylogenic provenance
Conditioned Punisher
A stimulus that initially has no innate punishing properties, but acquires punishing properties through pairing with unconditoned punishers or powerful condition punishers.
Positive Punisher
An environmental change in which a stimluls is added or magnified following a response, that decreases the future frequency of that response
Negative Punishment
An environmental change in which a stimulus is removed or attenuated following a response which decrease the future frequency of that behavior
Time out from positive reinforcement
A procedure based on the principle of negative punishment; the organism cannot access generally specific reinforcers
Recovery from Punishment
The process by which a previously punished behavior is strengthened by withholding punishment.