OpenSource SecTools (Nessus, nmap, Wireshark, Snort, Metasploit) Flashcards
What’s your experience with Nessus?
- Setup and Configuration
- Scan Analysis
- Reviewing a Scan
- Saving Reports
Basic steps in performing a vulnerability scan?
- Define scan parameters
- Create and Launch the scan
- Analyze results
Two methods for performing a vulnerability scan?
- Network scanning
(external details and vulnerability analysis) - Credentialed scanning
(internal misconfigurations and hidden vulnerabilities)
Vulnerability Management?
Vulnerability Management Phases
- Define the desired state of security
- Create baslines
- Prioritize vulnerabilities
- Mitigate vulnerabilities
- Monitor the Environment
What Security Tools to use for Assessing Vulnerability?
◦ Network Mapping Nmap ◦ Vulnerability Scanning ◦ Network Sniffing Wireshark ◦ Password Analysis Cain & Able
Nmap use?
❏ network asset inventory
❏ vulnerability assessment
❏ penetration testing
Nmap common options ?
sS: Syn (Until an RST is sent back)
sT: Full connect scan (establish three-way-handshake)
-sU: Sends UDP packets
-p: Specify a port number
-sn: Disables port scanning
-T: Flag for speed (T0 slowest - T5 fastest)
-sV: see the versioning of the software
Getting Help - NM?
All OS commands:
o “nmap -V” -> Nmap version information, platform running on and how it was
o “nmap” or “nmap -h” -> Provides the list of simple scan options available, with
o “nmap –script-help ” -> Provides details of the script, as published
by the author
Scan Phases of Nmap?
o Phase 1: Script Pre-scanning
o Phase 2: Target Enumeration
o Phase 3: Host Discovery
o Phase 4: Reverse-DNS resolution
o Phase 5: Port Scanning
o Phase 6: Version Detection
o Phase 7: OS Detection
o Phase 8: Traceroute
o Phase 9: Script scanning
o Phase 10: Output
o Phase 11: Script post-scanning
Nmap, Does the order of command options matter?
No. Can come before or after the target.
Nmap target options?
IP address(s)
Network w/cider notation
Nmap output options
- oN : Outputs results to text file in normal Nmap format.
- oX: Outputs to an XML formatted file.
- oS: Outputs to script kiddy file format
- oG: Greppable formate (for use with grep)
- oA : outputs normal, XML, and greppable format.
- v or -vv: determines the level of details/verbosity
Snort experience?
- Using Snort and Wireshark to analyze traffic
- Create custom rules
- Monitoring Network Traffic
- IDS Setup
Metasploite experience?
- Linux exploitation
(Vulnerable Apache and open SSL - Heartbleed)
(Bash and CGI_Apache - Remote Command Execution) - Using Armitage
- Using MSFVenom (Very high view)
Common Snort Commands?
- snort -V: Shows Version
- snort -l: Log file Location placement
- the -c: where to place snort.conf
- the -T: Test configuration
- the -r: Read the following capture file
Metasploit Hands-On Course?
- Metasploit Payloads & Stagers
- Vulnerability Scanners (Nessus)