Opening Lead Against Suit Contracts Flashcards
The main difference between suit and NoTrump leads is it no longer pays to establish __________ suits.
Long, due to ruffing
True or False? In suit contracts you are more likely to lead singletons and doubletons
True to set up ruffing opportunities
No Trump and Suit leads are the same with ____exceptions ( a number)
Exception #1(suit vs NT leads):
In a suit contract at Trick 1, you would lead the ____ from AKxxx.
Later in the hand, you would lead the ____
(memory clue - A is first letter of the alphabet)
Exception #2: Suit vs NT Leads;
In a suit contract from King-Queen, (for example KQxxxx), always lead the -____
Our top choice for leads in suit contracts are _____ and ______
AK and KQ
Exception #3 in suit vs NT leads;
True or False? In suit contracts avoid leading suits that only contain an Ace (no other Honor)
If you Must lead the suit then play the Ace.
True or False? The Top of a Sequence takes precedence over BOSTON.
Suits that only contain the Ace:
In suit contracts, lead __________
The Ace (try to AVOID this play!)
In NT if you have a suit that only contains the Ace honor (no other Honor) , play the ___________ card
Best leads in suit contract:
From the Ace (AKxx) (king)
Tops of sequences
Partner’s suit
Suits unbid by opponents
Short suits (doubleton, singleton)
A _______ trump trick is a trick you will always win, no matter what
Defensive Suit Lead
True or False? When holding natural trump tricks or four trumps, lead a short suit
Suit Defensive Lead
With four trumps your most effective defense is to lead ____________________
Your longest suit
True or False? If there are 2 unbid suits and you have the Ace and not the king in one of those suits, you should lead the suit in which you do not have the Ace.