Open Orifices Herbs Flashcards
Open Orifices herb for hot or cold type conditions, warming, invigorates Blood and relieves pain so it’s important in trauma medicine, mobilizes and unblocks all 12 channels, very expensive, very low dose - 0.1g max
she xiang
Open Orifices herb for cold closed disorders, disperses turbidity, relieves pain, for wind stroke or phlegm collapse, topical for chillblain, clears filth
su he xiang
Open Orifices herb that clears heat, alleviates pain, dissipates nodules, for fire constraint, drains fire, resolves toxins, for fainting and convulsions; topical to alleviates itching, pain, swelling of throat, skin disease, eye disease; clear eyes, remove superficial visual obstruction, generate flesh
bing pian
Open Orifices herb with a normal dosage range compared to the rest of the category, promotes blood flow, tonifies Sp/ST, excellent calm shen, guide to ears, benefit throat, hoarse voice, WCD bi, decocted, vaporize phlegm, popularly used
shi chang pu
sweetflag rhizome
Open Orifices herb that clears heat and eliminates toxins, transforms phlegm, arrests tremors and extinguishes wind, for red painful swollen or ulcerated throat, sores, carbuncles, boils, hot swellings, clear Ht and Lv
niu huang
Bovis calcanus
cattle gallstone/bezoar
Open Orifices herb that is a very low dose, for hot or cold type closed disorders
she xiang
Open Orifices herb that is warm for filth and pain
su he xiang
(resin of liquidambar)
Open Orifices herb that clears eyes, regenerates flesh, for nodules, itching, skin issues, used for hot or cold type closed disorders, cold according to Bensky but argued whether H or C, for fire and toxins
bing pian
Open Orifices herb that can be decocted, for middle jiao, ears, calm shen
shi chang pu
sweetflag rhizome
Open Orifices herb for wind and ulcerated throat, like dan nan xing but not as much phlegm
niu huang
Bovis calcanus
cattle gallstone/bezoar
- herb that intensely opens the orifices, revives the spirit, and unblocks closed disorder
- invigorates blood, dissipates clumps, reduces swelling, alleviates pain
- facilitates delivery and uterine expulsion
she xiang
- convulsions, delirium, fainting due to heat entering the Pc, closed disorders, tetanic collapse, phlegm collapse, seizures
- severe obstruction and pain due to blood stasis
- stillborn birth, delayed passage of afterbirth
she xiang
- open orifices, penetrates through turbidity
- opens constraint, clears away filth
su he xiang
- closed disorder, phlegm blockage, epidemic toxic diseases, especially for cold disorders
- stifling sensation, cold, fullness, and pain in the chest and abdomen
su he xiang
- aromatically opens the orifices and awakens the spirit
- disperses fire from constraint, alleviates pain, dissipates nodules, alleviates itching
bing pian
- fainting or convulsions
- painful and swollen throat, skin diseases (topically)
bing pian
- opens the orifices, vaporizes phlegm, quiets the spirit
- harmonizes the middle jiao, transforms turbid dampness
- reduces swelling, promotes blood flow
shi chang pu
- phlegm veling the sensory orifices; coma, withdrawal-mania, or impaired mental functioning due to phlegm-dampness veiling the consciousness
- chest and epigastric fullness and abdominal pain from dampness distressing Sp/ST
- ulceration of mucous membranes, WCD bi
shi chang pu
- clears the Ht, opens the orifices, awakens the spirit, vaporizes phlegm
- clears the Lv, resolves toxicity, extinguishes wind, stops tremors
- drains heat, resolves fire toxicity
niu huang
Bovis Calculus
- delirium or coma due to warm-febrile diseases; wind-stroke, convulsions, or seizures
- spasms, tremors, or convulsions with high fever from Lv heat
- red painful swollen or ulcerated throat; hot swellings or sores
niu huang
Bovis Calculus
Which herbs are used to open the orifices and treat loss of consciousness?
she xiang - musk
su he xiang - styrax
Which is the most intensely aromatic and penetrating substance in the materia medica and is therefore useful in treating trauma and sores?
she xiang
Which Open Orifices herb is similar penetrating action to she xiang but is weaker?
bing pian
Which Open Orifices herb is especially useful for wind-stroke with collapse due to phlegm?
su he xiang
Which Open Orifices herb is particularly effective in clearing heat and resolving toxicity?
niu huang
Bovis Calculus
Which two Open Orifices herbs are often combined in treating coma associated with heat disorders?
niu huang - Bovis Calculus
she xiang - musk
Which Open Orifices herb is primarily used for its aromatic action in dislodging phlegm?
shi chang pu
Which Open Orifices herb is used in eyedrops?
bing pian
Which Open Orifices herbs may be used for hot or cold closed type disorders?
shi chang pu - acorus
bing pian - borneol
Which Open Orifices herbs are tree resins?
bing pian - borneol
su he xiang - styrax
Which Open Orifices has a modern use for coronary artery disease and is only for cold disorders (herb is warm)? It opens up areas of constraint and clears away filth?
su he xiang
Which Open Orifices herb has a gentle, harmonious, and mild warming action and enhances the digestion?
shi chang pu
Which Open Orifices herb has a powerful cooling quality that resolves toxicity and clears heat, while its aromatic property dislodges phlegm and opens the orifices?
niu huang
cattle bezoar
Ht Sp Lv
acrid warm aromatic
she xiang
Ht Sp
sweet, acrid, warm, aromatic
su he xiang
Ht Lu Sp
acrid, bitter, mildly cold
bing pian
acrid, bitter, warm, aromatic
shi chang pu
Ht Lv
bitter, cool
niu huang
cattle bezoar
Which Open Orifices herbs are cooling?
bing pian - borneol
niu huang - cattle bezoar
(english start with a “b”)
Which Open Orifices herbs are warming?
she xiang - musk
su he xiang - styrax
shi chang pu - acorus
(all the ones that start with “s”)