OPCF: Ontario Policy Change Forms Flashcards
What is OPCF 5?
Permission to Rent or lease automobiles
What does OPCF 5 cover?
Provides coverage to the lessee as if they were the named insured.
Any payment is made to the lessor, not the named insurer.
Also requires insurer to notify the lessor of any reduction of coverage or cancelation
This coverage is automatic at no cost.
What is OPCF 20
Coverage for transportation replacement
What coverage is in OPCF20?
Often referred to as the Loss of Use endorsement. Pays for transportation replacement (rental vast, taxi, Public transit) when the described vehicle is in the shop for something covered by section 7 - Loss or Damage Coverage. Dispenses with the 72 hope waiting period for theft and allows the insured to carry a higher limit than $900, if desired.
What is OPCF 23A?
Lienholder Protection
What coverage does OPCF 23A provide?
Provides protection for the lienholder’s interest. Any payment is made jointly to both the named insured and to the lienholder. Also requires the insurer to send a copy of all cancellation notices to the lienholder.
This is automatically applied at no cost
What is OPCF 32?
Use of Recreational Vehicles by Unlicensed Operators
What coverage is in OPCF 32
Examples of recreational vehicles include snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles (ATV). Allows those not authorized by law (no drivers license) to drive these vehicles. Specific to driving off of public roads and highways. (Private property) country kids coverage.
What is OPCF 43?
Removing Depreciation Deduction
What coverage does OPCF 43 provide?
In the event of a claim, the insurer agrees not to deduct the depreciation for 24 months.
What is OPCF 44R?
Family Protection Coverage
What coverage does OPCF 44R include?
Provides coverage to you or an eligible member of your family to the same liability coverage. Limits you carry when you or They are involved in an accident with an atfault driver who carries inadequate amount of liability coverage. will also cover any excess judgment not covered by your uninsured automobile coverage when you’re hit by an uninsured. Or an identified automobile. and no event. Will you receive more than your liability coverage limits from all sources. (Under insured motorist coverage)
What is OPCF 6A?
Permission to Carry Paying Passengers
What does OPCF 6A cover?
Remove the general exclusion of using your vehicle to carry paying passengers. (Driving clients, eg uber)
What is OPCF 16?
Suspension of Coverage
What coverage is in OPCF 16?
Delete certain road coverages on the described vehicle but maintain portable coverage. Minimum of forty five days require to see premium savings.
(Seasonal vehicles/Snowbirds)
What is OPCF 27?
Liability for damage to non owned automobiles.
What coverages is in OPCF 27?
Extends section 7- Loss or damage coverages to an other automobile (rental car) included
What is OPCF 28A?
Excluded driver
What coverage does OPCF 28A provide?
Except for certain accidental benefits, there is no coverage to drive describe vehicle.
What is OPCF 48?
Added coverage to offset Tort Deductible
What coverage is in OPCF 48?
Reduces the deductible associated with the court awards for pain and suffering by $10,000 for an insured person and $5,000 for a claimant under the Family Law Act. There is a $39,556.53 deductible on Judgment under $131,854.01 for an insured. There is a $19,778.27 deductible on Judgment under $65,926.46 for the insured’s family.
What is OPF 2?
Ontario Driver’s Policy
What coverage is in OPF 2?
For people who drive other people’s vehicle but do not carry insurance of their own vehicle. It provides backup coverage in the event they Drive an uninsured vehicle or one. With a low liability limits. It would also become primary coverage for an excluded driver when Driving the vehicle he is excluded on.
What is OAP 4?
Ontario Garage Automobile Policy
What does OAP 4 cover?
Covers risk engaged in sales repair or service to vehicle.
What is SPF 6?
Standard Non-Owned automobile Policy
What does SPF 6 cover?
Covers employees when they are held responsible for damages caused by employees using their own vehicles on company business. (Pizza delivery drivers)