It is buried, watertight receptacles designed and constructed to receive wastewater from the structure to be served.
Septic Tanks
It separates solids from the liquid, provides limited digestion of organic matter, stores solids, allows the clarified liquid to discharge.
Septic Tanks
What are the three products of septic tanks?
It is called the “sinkable” solids (soil, grit, bones, unconsumed particles) settle to the bottom of the tank. Anaerobic bacteria works.
It is called the substances lighter than water (oil, grease, fats) float to the top.
It is called the clarified wastewater left over after the scum has floated to the top and the sludge has settled to the bottom.
It flows through the septic tank outlet into the drain field.
It is one of the parameters of septic tanks that refers to the liquid volume in the clear space between the scum and sludge layers.
Effective Volume
It is one of the parameters of septic tanks that refers to the time the water spends in the tank, on its way from inlet to outlet.
Retention Time
It is one of the parameters of septic tanks that refers to the function of the effective volume and the daily household wastewater flowrate.
Retention Time
What is the formula of retention time?
Retention Time (days) = Effective Volume (gal)/Flow Rate (gal/day)
A common design rule is for a tank to provide a minimum retention time of at least ____ hours, during which one-half to two-thirds of the tank volume is taken up by sludge and scum.
Under ordinary conditions (i.e., with routine maintenance pumping) a tank should be able to provide ___________ of retention time.
2 to 3 days
It refers to an artificially created water bodies.
Constructed Wetlands
It is typically a long, narrow trenches or channels to promote the occurrence of plug flow conditions.
Constructed Wetlands