Online Tutorial 1 Part 1 Flashcards
Andrew sustained a severe liver injury from a motor vehicle accident and requires a liver transplantation. A small portion of a healthy liver lobe was transplanted to replace his injured liver. Two months later, a CT scan of his abdomen shows that the liver has nearly regained its size before the injury. Which of the following processes best explains this CT scan finding?
Maria accidentally tripped herself and fell down from the stairs. She suffered from bone fracture in her right leg and was therefore bandaged in a plaster cast. After her right leg has been immobilized for 8 weeks, the diameter of the left calf has decreased in size. This change is most likely due to which of the following alterations?
A 31-year-old woman was diagnosed with colon carcinoma stage 4 and her physician immediately initiate her FOLFOX chemotherapy. During the follow up session one month later, many foci with shrunken cells were seen in the histology of the metastatic lesion, with condensed aggregates of chromatin. Which of the following substances released into the cytosol has most likely triggered the above pathologic process?
Cytochrome C
What are the cellular adaptions to stress?
What are the morphological features of reversible injury?
List causes of cell injury.
What are the mechanism of cell injury in the body?
Define necrosis and apoptosis.
List types of necrosis clinical examples for tissue necrosis.
List endogenous and exogenous pigments that accumulate in cells.
What are the two types of pathological calcification? Which one is indicated by hypercalcemia?