Online Sample Test Exam English Flashcards
грубое чувство юмора
Crude sense of humor
внутренний рейс
internal flight
обращаться к насилию
resort to violence
разносторонние мнения
Widely divergent opinions
something that happens as a result of other actions, events, or decisions
The upshot of things
if you buy sth this way, you can return it without payment if it is not satisfactory
Buy sth on approval
верить чему-л/добавлять убедительности
give/Lend/add credence to sth
an event, or the rate at which something happen; случай (напр. заболевания), встречаться (о явлении)
Incidence of left-handedness
to be true (of an argument, reason, explanation) (idiom, think of nature)
To hold water
злоупотреблять правилами
Bend the rules
вбить клин между кем и кем
To drive a wedge between sb and sb
describes something that is done to prevent other people complaining, although it is not sincerely meant and has no real effect
As the token woman
бурный роман
A whirlwind romance
выпускной вечер
Leaving celebrations
an amount of money that is paid in one large amount on one occasion
A lump sum on retirement
петь дифирамбы
singing sb’s praises / sing THE praises of sb/sth
have a strong desire for or to do (idiom, think of an organ)
set one’s heart (or hopes) on sth/doing sth
any sport that involves animals being killed or hurt to make the people watching or taking part feel excitement
Blood sport
about a situation when people have a different understanding of the same situation leading to mistakes
to get our wires crossed
a situation in which you come extremely close to a dangerous or unpleasant situation or only just manage to avoid it
A close call/shave
предварять свою точку зрения ч-л.
To preface one’s argument
убежденный холостяк
Confirmed bachelor
повлиять на чье-л. суждение
To cloud sb’s judgement
1 the most important facts and information about something
2 стучать на кого-л., выдавать внутренние сведения
to give a (2 the) low-down on sth
(of a plant) to become weak and begin to bend towards the ground, or (of a person) to become weaker, tired, or less confident
To wilt
to match or agree with something else, согласовываться
Tally with sth
1 (of a person) likely to do something suddenly, without considering the results of your actions
2 (of an action or thing) said or done suddenly, without considering the likely results
a speech, piece of writing, poem, etc. containing great praise, especially for someone who recently died or stopped working, панегирик
spoken or written attack is full of angry criticism
a man who enjoys having sex with a lot of different women without becoming emotionally involved with any of them
difficult to do or needing a lot of effort
Onerous (task)
Ask or beg for something earnestly or humbly
to announce in public that your past beliefs or statements were wrong and that you no longer agree with them
Recant (sb’s views)
able to work as intended or able to succeed
a very small distance or amount
To escape by / within / come within A hair’s breadth (of sth)
to object to, disagree and/or to take offence at sth
To take exception to sb/ sth (e.g. to the implication)
in a situation in which you are less likely to succeed than others
To be / place / put at A disadvantage in sth / doing sth
to seriously damage something, or to seriously hurt or kill someone, добить
Do for sb/sth
1 a slight smell, carried on a current of air
2 a slight sign of something
A Whiff of sth
1 an occasion when you seem to suggest something without saying it directly
2 an occasion when you suggest or show that someone is involved in a crime
2 of sb in sth