Online Goods & services Flashcards
What is application software?
•An application is any program, or group of programs, that is designed for the end user to achieve a specific task
Provide at least 3 examples of application software
Any sort of browsing software (e.g. Chrome, Internet Explorer), word processing (MS Word, Google Docs), multimedia (VLC Player, Quicktime), or spreadsheet software (MS Excel) is considered application software
Games and mobile applications such as “Clash of Clans,” SoundCloud, Spotify and Uber, are also considered application software
Where is locally installed software saved?
Locally installed software means that a program is installed on your computer
What are the advantages of locally installed software?
- Works without being online
- You have the license to use the software
- You control access to the computer so security is good
What are the disadvantages of locally stored software?
- Takes up a large amount of file space
- Must download and install upgrades and patches to fix bugs
- All data is stored locally so it must be backed up
Where is hosted software software saved?
Hosted software runs on the web
How does the user access the hosted software?
- User logs in through internet
- software runs on a web server over the internet
What are the advantages of hosted software?
- Software does not take up any file space computer
- Users can access from different locations
- More than one person can access doecument at the same time
What are the disadvantages of hosted software
- Cannot work without internet connection
- Not as secure due to possibility of hosting company being hacked
- Response time depends on network speed
How have commercial software providers responding to SaaS?
- Make their products more appealing and of better quality by including more features and functions
- Provide “bundled” software, ie. it is already installed on new computers and laptops
- Provide technical support, help services and training materials Use copyright to protect their products to stop similar free products being offered as a software service
- Offer their own versions of SaaS
What is proprietary software?
Software that legally remains the property of the organisation, group, or individual who created it
What is Open Source Software?
- Open source software is free and openly available to everyone.
- People who create open source products publish the code and allow others to use and modify it.
What is local data storage?
Files are stored on the digital device you are using
What is online data storage?
Files are stored on a server elsewhere which you access through the internet. Referred to as “in the cloud”.
Can you name at least 3 advantages of online storage?
- Data can be accessed anywhere in the world with an internet connection
- Easy to share data with others
- Data can be protected if there is damage to the site where the original data is help
- Data is backed up for you
- A company does not need to employ someone to be responsible for data backup if they use on online company
- No need to purchase a device – so you can spend your money on other things
- Some online data storage services are free
What are the disadvantages of online storage?
- You have less control over your data
- Access to the data requires an internet connection
- Hackers may try to target the host company
Can you name at least 3 advantages of local storage
- You have control over access to your files and the security of the data
- Data can be accessed quickly
- You do not need an internet connection to access data
- Need to trust the organisation storing your data will keep your data secure
- Less control of your data as you do not know where your data is stored
What are the disadvantages of local storage?
- You are responsible for keeping data safe
- Difficult to share data with others
- Data needs to be backed up
What is online shopping?
Online shopping refers to the buying and selling of goods and services using websites accessed through the Internet
How do online shops work?
- Website displays the goods for sale
- Customer places items in virtual shopping basket
- Check out Payment is made and confirmed
- Goods and services are dispatched and delivered to the customer
Can you name 5 features of an online shopping?
- Can sort and search for goods
- Images of products provided
- 24/7 availability
- Comparison of prices to similar products
- Suggestions of future purchases
- Customer reviews of products
- Comparison sites
- Bookable delivery service, ie for food.
Can you identify 5 advantages of Online Shopping?
- Greater choice of products available people are not limited to one geographical area!
- People can shop all day, everyday.
- Price comparison sites mean that people can find better deals.
- People do not need to leave the house / do not need to travel / so more convenient
- People have the right to return goods within 7 days of delivery unless they are customised.
- People can read reviews that others have written about products.
- Check to see if produce is available
- Receive confirmation immediately
- Being able to view others’ ‘ratings’
- Select product
- Compare prices from different sources
- No pressure from sales staff
Can you identify 5 disadvantages of Online Shopping?
- People need Internet access and computer skills to shop online.
- Cash is not accepted.
- People cannot see or touch products or try on clothes.
- Delivery is usually an added expense.
- People have to submit personal information through a website to shop online.
- Greater risk of fraud as people risk not receiving goods or having personal details stolen on fraudulent websites.
Can you identify 3 advantages of shopping on high street rather than online?
- You can try out / touch / feel goods
- Can play using cash
- More personal experience / you can deal with a person face to face
- Can negotiate a price / deal
- Less chance of being scammed
- Don’t have to wait or pay for delivery
- Easier to return goods
What has been the impact of online shopping on businesses?
- Online businesses can be located anywhere so they do not have to pay expensive High Street rents.
- Online businesses often need less staff, again saving money.
- Online businesses can have a greater range of products because they do not have to have anything on display.
- Online businesses can attract custom from all over the world
Impact of online shopping on lifestyles
- Easier access for people with physical disabilities or young children
- More choice for people in remote areas
- Reduced carbon footprint
- Available any time for people who work unsocial hours
Advantages of operating online for retailers
- No need to distribute goods to shops
- Easy to make changes to products and prices
- Customers only need a web browser, an internet connection and means of paying electronically
- Inexpensive way to reach new markets
- Minimal start up time and investment needed- can be set up from home
- Organisation can be located wherever it likes
Disadvantages of operating online for retailers
- Skilled staff are required to develop and run an efficient website
- Ensuring online payment security is difficult
- Need a delivery service and the facilities to handle returns
- Customers limited to those with access to internet and those who can pay electronically
- If retailer has high street shops too, they may find high street shops suffer and have to close down because they cannot compete with online shop.
How do online auctions work?
- Seller and bidder create online accounts
- Seller supplies a description and photograph of an item for auction
- The bidder with the highest bid at a scheduled time wins the item
- The bidder is obliged to buy the item they have won in the auction
- The seller and bidder exchange emails to arrange payment and delivery
What are the key features of online auctions?
- You can search for items you want
- Bidders can see status of their bids
- Changes can be made before the scheduled end time
- Users of the auction service can rate each other
- Sellers can choose to make an item available for purchase immediately rather than have bidders bid for it
- Secure payment is arranged by the auction site
Can you name 3 advantages of online auctions?
- You can search for the good you require
- A community of users which builds trust by rating both buyers and sellers
- Third party payment options for secure payment Large number of sellers
- A large number of sellers competing for business means lower prices for consumers
How does online education and training work?
- Student creates online account and selects courses
- Teaching material is provided on a website
- Assignments are submitted and returned to students electronically
What are the features of online education and training
- Interactive teaching material
- Communities of students interacting online
- Provides personalised learning
- Students work from home
How do online information services work?
- News reports are written by newspaper and TV companies and they are made available online for free or through subscription
- Users access websites to read the news or select news using RSS feeds
What are the features of online information services?
- Easy to search for and sort news items
- Up to date news available worldwide
- Review news items from different sourcess
- Allows users to select news
- News presented in text, images and videos
- Extra content provided for subscribers
- Users can add comments Users can subscribe to content
How do online banking and other financial services work?
- User creates a secure online bank account
- Money can be transferred electronically into the account
- Payments can be made to other accounts
What are the features of online banking and other financial services?
- View and download their bank statements
- Set up and view direct debits or standing orders
- Pay bills such as gas or electricity
- BACS transfer money to another account
- Send a message to their bank
- Check information online
What are the benefits to customers for Online Banking?
- Convenience - banking when it suits them, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year from any computer with an Internet connection.
- Higher interest rates - savings banks make through reduced staffing, fewer premises and increased automation mean they can offer higher interest rates.
- Increased market awareness - visit all the banks and find out what interest rates they offer online.
What are the disadvantages to online banking?
- The closure of small, local branches or reductions in opening hours.
- The security of online banking, specifically hacking and credit card fraud.
- Staffing reductions.
Can you name 4 positive effects of online news?
- News stories can break more quickly
- Increased availability of information
- Increase in choice of service providers (locally and globally)
- News becomes interactive
- News can be accessed based on personal preference
- Readers can share articles with networks of friends
- Gives more people a voice / more people can publish – more freedom of speech
- Relative small cost lowers participation barrier
- Competition drives traditional publishers to innovate with their provision of online content
- Stories / information popularised by public, not editors
- e-democracy - information is made available to/from politically ‘sensitive’ areas
- Wikileaks style anonymity increases accountability (of governments etc.)
Can you identify 3 negatives of online news?
- More people can publish – dilution of content / lack of credibility - FAKE NEWS
- More difficult to filter through more content. (Students may describe this as “information overload”)
- News sensationalised by public, not editors
- More difficult to track publishers of sensitive / libellous material
- Intellectual property rights of traditional publishers is put at risk