One Flashcards
What is your study about?
What is the scope of your study?
Who will be most interested in your study?
What do we already know about anxiety coping skills in children with IDD?
What gap does this study address?
What do we already know about universally delivered SBMH for students with IDD?
Why is this study important?
How did you decide on the sources to include and exclude?
Why did you choose focus groups?
What are the limitations of focus groups?
Why did you choose multiple probe design?
What are the limitations of multiple probe design?
Why did you design a new intervention instead of adapting an already proven program?
If you could redo this study what would you do differently?
What are the strengths and limitations of the study?
Why did you focus in this age of students?
What obstacles did you encounter during recruitment?
What obstacles did you encounter during data collection?
Were there research questions you decided to add, omit, change during the process?
Why did you use content analysis?
How did you triangulate your data?
What sources did you use for data collection?
Why did you use tau?
Why did you use Wilcoxon signed rank?
Why did you use hedges g?
What results surprised you?
How generalizable are your findings?
What specific aspects of your findings can be taken in to your practice?
What are the key findings to your research?
Was there something you were expecting to find?
How do you explain the discrepancy between your findings and that of other studies?
Who should care about the results of your study and why?
What is the validity of your study?
What is the reliability of your study?
How can or will your research contribute to current thinking in the field?
How does the study for into the broader model of inclusion?
How does your study fit into the broader literature around Critical Disability Theory?
What are the main contributions of your study?
How does this study expand the research?
What are the limitations on this study?
What recommendations come from this study?
Tell me about how you enhanced rigour of the content analysis?
How is your study original?
How did you address research ethics?
What have you learned from the study?
What will you take with you from this?
Where do you want to publish this?
What are the research possibilities or spin-offs?
What motivated you to conduct this study?
What were the highs and lows of the process?
How will you communicate your findings to other scholars in the field?
How did your coursework prepare you for this?
How will what you learned throughout the study influence your future work?
What is your next research project?
What type of background research did you do to prepare for this study?
What do you plan to do professionally after you complete your studies?
How does your background or positionality affect the research?
What scholars have influenced you most?
How would you improve your work?
If you could redo the study what would you do differently?