Ondine's Curse Flashcards
What happen if there is no phox2b neurones or they are dysfunctional ?
you suffer inadequate breathing
What disease does ondines curse match?
CCHS- congenital central hypoventilation syndrome
she cursed her husband to have to stay awake to breathe as if he fell asleep he would forget to breathe and die
What are the symptoms of CCHS?
usually presents with adequate breathing while you are awake and diminished respiratory effort while your sleeping and in extreme cases patients may require ventilation help while they sleep - life threatening hypoventilation during sleep
life-long disease
inability to appropriately adapt ventilation to environmental demands nor arouse from sleep in response to physiologic compromise
altered or absent perception of shortness of breath when awake
diminished tidal volumes and monotonous respiratory rates in both behaviour states
individual require a tracheostomy with mechanical ventilation during sleep and in severe cases additional mechanical ventilation or diaphragm pacing while awake
What is the cause of CCHS?
mutations in the phox2b gene- causes substantial changes in cell functioning as phox2b is a transcription factor
mutation is an expansion = polyalanine repeat
- the more repeats the more disrupted the gene and the more severe the syndrome is
How do ccRTN phox2b neurones act as chemoreceptors?
increase activity when inspired co2 or H+ increases
may be the central chemoreceptors
play an important role in respiration
express the RNA encoding the transcription factor phox2b
Other than the RTN are phox2b cells expressed else where?
other cells around the brainstem express it
What type of neurones are the phox2b-ir neurones of the RTN?
they are glutamatergic
identified as glutamatergic due to expression of vesicular glutamate transporter 2 which takes glutamate into vesicles
also showed that they didn’t express GAD67 so they are not GABAergic
What 2 factors are expressed in other phox2b positive cells but not in ccRTN phox2b cells ?
phox2b is present within cholingeric (ChAT) and catecholaminergic (TH) cells
BUT the phox2b cells that are ccRTN cells dont contain these 2 markers and are present in the ventral medulla- restricted cells
What was demonstrated about phox2b expression in rodents ?
in the medulla/pons there are other phox2b cells including those in the NTS that are involved in autonomic and respiratory control
What is not present in phox2b mutant mice?
ccRTN cells are absent
these mice had the same mutation as ondines curse, 27 alanine repeat
demonstrated that it was only the ccRTN phox2b cells that were missing not all the phox2b cells due to the transgenic mice model
What was seen in the phox2b 27ala/+mice ?
using plethysmography - the mutants dont breathe as regularly or respond to hypercapnia compared to wt
the mutants also suffer from more apnoea- periods with no breathing in a 5 mine period of recording
mice die neonatally - humans with this mutation dont die neonatally so it may not be an exact model for human but it helps to determine whats wrong with humans
In the phox2b 27ala/+mice what was shown about the activity in the when visualised by fluorescence calcium imaging ?
there was limited respiration and not much rhythmicity of calcium levels in the RTN whereas in the WT there was rhythmic fluorescence changes
What cell types seem to be normal in phox2b mutant mice?
pre-BotC and 5ht cells
How did they record how CCHS patients breathe when they are awake ?
they used surface scalp electroencephalographic signal recordings with a 12 electrode cap
averaged tracings examined for the presence of an inspiratory premotor activity in the form of a slow upward shift of the EEG signal starting between 2 and 0.5s before inspiration- pre-inspiratory potential
it demonstrated signals within the supplementary motor cortex
Why might humans not die neonatally from a phox2b mutation yet mice do ?
because humans have higher cortical control and therefore they can tell themselves to breathe
people with CCHS teach themselves to breathe without conscious thought
What was the difference seen between control patients and CCHS patients when looking at their EEG recordings in different states?
in control subjects, normal breathing and even when carbon dioxide stimulated breathing there is no activity within the supplementary motor cortex, there is only activity within this area when you tell the people to think about breathing
in CCHS patients there is activity in the supplementary motor cortex just before inspiration under normal conditions and when you tell them to think about breathing their recordings are similar to the control group because they are always thinking about breathing
What is the theory of breathing during an awake state and why are CCHS patients able to breathe during this state?
in awake state RTN receives central command but so does the rest of respiratory central pattern generator therefore RTN only supplies little fraction of drive
subsequently if no RTN is present like with CCHS then they can still breathe in this state as the rest of the CPG is receiving central commands
What is the theory of breathing during sleep state and why are CCHS patients unable to breathe during this state?
in sleep the central command for breathing is missing so therefore breathing driven by co2 is via the RTN
if no RTN like CCHS patients then breathing is not possible - no cortical function telling you to breathe
What surprise discovery was seen in a CCHS patient ?
in 2006 looked at patients breathing during increased co2 and there was no response, she required ventilation when she slept
when her breathing was looked at again in 2009 in same conditions the ventilation had increased
HOW had this process corrected its breathing ???
the only thing that had changed was the fact the woman had started taking desogesterol, a progesterone agonist
it is now under clinical trial