Oncology Literature Flashcards
What chemo drug results in central neurotoxicity in ABCB1-1 mutation dogs?
Vincristine = Should NOT get full dose
Which chemo drug results in gastric hypomotility and what could be done about it?
• Vincristine results in gastric hypomotility in dogs
Tx with mosapride improved hypomotility and decrease adverse GI effects of vincristine
What can do done if extravasation of IV doxirubicin?
Recommend IV dexrazoxane within 6 hours to reduce injury
Did chemo induced sepsis affect MST?
NO :)
What is known about chemo induced sepsis?
• Chemotherapy induced sepsis: More common in dogs that weight less and dogs with lymphoma (compared to solid tumors)
○ Significantly more likely to have gotten doxirubicin or vincistrine
○ No difference in MST compared to controls
What has results in Acute hyperammonemia (1000umol/l) in dogs being tx for LSA?
What is true about FeLV expression in LSA cats?
• FeLV in Feline LSA: 80% T cells and 60% B cells have provirus DNA while only 21% T Cell and 11% B cell lymphoma have FeLV antigen expressed
How did p53 expression affect prognosis with LSA?
If + worse prognosis
Why should you use flow to stratify LSA dogs?
There is a T cell LSA (T-Zone LSA) that has an indolent course and a different prognosis
• T-Zone LSA: Unique immunophenotype (CD4 +, CD45 neg) - Indolent course
○ MST: 637 days. 40% Goldens, median age 10 yrs
○ Lymphadenopathy and lymphocytosis
Which was superior to predict immunophenotype in LNs, flow or PARR?
found that FLOW CYTOMETRY was superior to PARR in correctly predicting immunophenotype in LNs
○ FC agreement with IHC: 94%; PARR and IHC ONLY 69%
○ FC: Sen: 91% B cell; 100% T cell
○ PARR: Sen 67% B cell; 75% T cell
What is the outcome of dogs treated with bone marrow transplant for T cell LSA?
• Autologous peripheral blood Hematopoietic Cell Transplants can be used in dogs with T Cell Lymphoma
○ Peripheral blood mononulcear cells collected and infused after total body irradiation
○ 87% dogs (13/15) engrafted, 13% died (2/15)!
○ DFI: 184 days, Overall survival 240 days (15% alive over 700 days)
What is the outcome of dogs treated with bone marrow transplant for B cell LSA?
• Autologous peripheral blood hematpoietic cell transplantation can be used in dogs with B cell lymphoma
○ 87.5% engrafted, 8.3% died (1 dog had delayed engraftment and died 45 days later)
○ 1 had pulmonary fibrosis from total body irritation
○ FDI: 271 days; Overall survival 463 days
33% got transplant before relapse and they remain in clinical remission OS 524 days
What is known about tarsal LSA in cats?
• Tarsal lymphoma in cats (nonepitheliotropic) and high grade, with systemic involvement
○ MST: 190 days
In dogs with LSA that relapse after completed 6 month CHOP can they go back on CHOP?
• Retreatment with CHOP is effective in dogs that completed 6 month CHOP
○ Remission 78%, MST: 159 days
○ Second remission duration was associated with remission duration after initial chemo
What are predictors of long term survival (>2 yrs) in LSA?
BW >10 kg, PCV> 35%, no hyperiCa, centroblastic lymphoma, B cell, no BM involvement, Stage 1 -IV, no tx with steroids
○ Some of these dogs died of other cancers = Mainly OSA
What can be used to identify recurrence of LSA in dogs?
• Lactate dehydrogenase could be helpful in identifying episodes of recurrence in dogs with LSA
Should you immunophenotype CLL dogs?
• Immunophenotype is useful to predict survival in dogs with CLL
○ T cell CLL had 3 fold higher probability of surviving compared to B cell CLL (19X compared to atypical CLL)
○ Youngers dogs with B cell CLL and anemia dogs with T cell CLL has shorter survival
What significantly increased survival rates at 12 and 24 months for dogs with non-resectable MCT?
• Masitinib
What is true regarding cit-kit mutation status of primary MCT and mets?
• c-kit mutational status is conserved bwtn primary tumors and secondary mets of these tumors - Suggesting that both could be used to check c-kit mutation
Which breeds get thyroid carcinomas?
Goldens, beagles, Huskies are over represented
What is true about OSA in small breed dogs?
Seen in humerus and femur
MST after amputation w/o chemo LONGER than in large breed dogs (257 days) no significant increase in MST with curative chemo (415 days)
In dogs with OSA, what was associated with a better prognosis?
Dogs that got an infection at the sx site had a better prognosis
What is B-ALP related to in OSA?
• B-ALP expression quantity is proportional with cell density (if increased may just indicate increased tumor burden)
○ No mets = Positive correlation btwn B-ALP and absolute primary tumor size
○ If mets = B-ALP increased and coincided with development of macroscopic mets
○ Not associated with tumorigentic or met phenotypes in OSA
What is the prognosis of ulnar OSA?
Longer than other sites: 463 days
On a cytology slide what can you do to confirm OSA?
Stain for ALP
What was the rate of concurrent splenic and cardiac HSA?
• Concurrent Splenic and Cardiac HAS:
○ Splenic HAS: 8.7% had cardiac HAS too
○ Cardiac HAS: 29% had splenic HAS too
○ Rate of current = 8.7% (lower than previously reported)
○ If right atrial HAS, risk of mets to nonsplenic sites decrease with age
When is abdominal wall TCC seen more commonly?
• Abdominal wall TCC seen more commonly in dogs that had undergone cystotomy
○ Carries a poor prognosis
○ Uroplakin II expresses in tumors
What imaging techniques can be used to determine malignancy of mammary tumors?
• Elastography may help differentiate btw malignant and benign mammary neoplasia, based on deformity
○ Doppler may also help predict malignancy
Based on Cochrane like review what has been concluded about mammary tumors?
• Based on Cochrane like review the literature: the claim that neutering reduces risk of mammary neoplasia and age at neutering has an effect” are weak claims and not sound basis for recommendations!!!!