ONCOLOGY Flashcards
A 50/M was being treated for Lung CA. After initial chemotherapy, his tumor shrunk by 10% (computed from the sum of all perpendicular diameters) and further investigation did not reveal any new lesions. How is the patient’s response classified? (HPIM 20th ed. C65 P440)
a. Complete
b. Partial
c. Progressive
d. Stable
The correct answer is: Stable
A 50/M, smoker, consulted due to a pulmonary mass on chest x-ray. Subsequent CT showed a 4x3 cm mass on the left upper lobe with enlarged lymph nodes on the ipsilateral and contralateral hilar lymph nodes. What is the most appropriate treatment for the patient? (HPIM 20th ed. C74 P546)
a. Surgery
b. Chemoradiation
c. Systemic chemotherapy
d. Palliation
The correct answer is: Chemoradiation
What is the staging for a patient who was noted to have a colonic mass and after resection was noted to have an adenocarcinoma that reached the muscularis layer but with no note of nodal nor distant metastasis? (HPIM 20th ed. C77 P576 F77-3)
a. Stage I
b. Stage II
c. Stage III
d. Stage IV
The correct answer is: Stage II
A 60/F known melanoma patient consulted for progressive difficulty of breathing for the past week. This was associated dry cough and no note of sputum production, fever or weight loss. She had undergone chemotherapy for melanoma. Chest CT scan showed changes consistent with pulmonary fibrosis. What is the most likely offending agent in this patient? (HPIM 20th ed. C91 P675 T91-1)
a. Methotrexate
b. Vincristine
c. Cytarabine
d. Bleomycin
The correct answer is: Bleomycin
A 45/F presented in the ER with confusion. She was noted to have increased sleeping time over the past week. PE revealed decreased breath sounds with increased fremiti. Initial tests showed hyponatremia and a lung mass. Without the benefit of a biopsy, what is the most likely histopathology of the lung mass? (HPIM 20th ed. C89 P664)
a. Squamous cell carcinoma
b. Small cell carcinoma
c. Adenocarcinoma
d. Lymphoma
The correct answer is: Small cell carcinoma
A 36/F breast cancer patient who completed adjuvant chemotherapy last month, was admitted at the ER for dyspnea. On PE, facial edema and swelling of the right upper extremity were noted. She was placed her on oxygen support and diuretics. What is the next course of action? (HPIM 20th ed. C71 P511)
a. Administer intravenous steroid
b. Emergency referral to medical oncology for systemic chemotherapy
c. Emergency referral to radiation oncology
d. Referral to hospice and continue best supportive care
The correct answer is: Emergency referral to radiation oncology
What is the best time to perform breast examination during menstrual cycle? (HPIM 20, C75, p557)
a. Day 1-3
b. Day 3-5
c. Day 5-7
d. Day 7-9
The correct answer is: Day 5-7
Which of the following is not recommended for DCIS? (HPIM 20, C75, p558)
a. Breast preserving surgery is recommended if localized and with clear margins
b. Breast preserving surgery is followed by breast irradiation
c. Tamoxifen or anastrozole may be given
d. Axillary lymph node dissection is necessary
The correct answer is: Axillary lymph node dissection is necessary
A patient with recurrent massive pleural effusion but with no apparent lung mass underwent thoracentesis and yielded a cell block that is negative for malignant cells. Which of the following is warranted if a malignant pleural effusion is highly suspected in this case?
a. Repeat thoracentesis
b. Transbronchial biopsy
c. Sputum cytology
d. Pleural biopsy
The correct answer is: Repeat thoracentesis
In addition to whole body PET CT Scan, which of the following imaging modalities is recommended for the staging of all patients diagnosed with SCLC?
a. bone scan
b. thyroid scan
c. MRI of the brain
d. PET CT Scan alone is adequate for complete work-up
The correct answer is: MRI of the brain
A 55 year old female diagnosed with SCLC was noted to have involvement of the contralateral supraclavicular nodes and superior vena caval obstruction. Which of the following is the recommended treatment plan in this case?
a. platinum-based chemotherapy with curative intent and prophylactic cranial irradiation
b. platinum-based chemotherapy with and cranial irradiation for palliation purposes
c. platinum-based chemotherapy alone with curative intent
d. cranial irradiation alone for palliation purposes
The correct answer is: platinum-based chemotherapy with curative intent and prophylactic cranial irradiation
A 55 year old asymptomatic female undergoing colonoscopy was noted to have 5 adenomatous polyps. Given that all the polyps were excised with clean margins, when is the earliest time she should have her repeat coloscopy?
a. 1 year
b. 3 years
c. 5 years
d. 10 years
The correct answer is: 3 years
Among patients with gastric adenocarcinoma which of the following determines prognosis following complete surgical resection?
a. degree of tumor penetration
b. tumor vascularity
c. H pylori status
d. tumor size
The correct answer is: degree of tumor penetration
Among colon cancer patients, which of the following is the utility of preoperative CEA determination?
a. positive CEA determination confirms gastric lymphoma
b. high preoperative CEA value is predictive of tumor recurrence
c. low preoperative CEA value is a marker for less tumor invasion
d. negative CEA determination effectively rules out distant metastases
The correct answer is: high preoperative CEA value is predictive of tumor recurrence
A lung cancer patient was diagnosed with and managed as febrile neutropenia 3 weeks post chemotherapy. One week after initiation of oral antibiotics, there was note of fever resolution. There were no other signs of infection at this time but his absolute neutrophil count remains to be 250/uL. Which of the following should be your next step in his antibiotic regimen?
a. Antibiotic regimen maybe discontinued at this time since there are no overt signs of infection.
b. Antibiotic regimen should be continued until ANC > 500/uL.
c. Antibiotic regimen should be shifted to intravenous.
d. A broad spectrum antifungal regimen should be added to current regimen.
The correct answer is: Antibiotic regimen should be continued until ANC > 500/uL.
Which of the following clinical picture can be explained by a carcinoma with excessive production of IGF-II precursors?
a. hypoglycemia develops in association with fasting
b. migratory or recurrent thrombophlebitis
c. marked skin fragility and easy bruising
d. poor wound healing and predisposition to infections
The correct answer is: hypoglycemia develops in association with fasting
Which of the following is the primary neoplastic-initiating event for the most lethal malignancy in women?
a. Familial hereditary germline mutation in BRCA1 and 2 genes
b. Acquired germ
c. Infection with high-risk strains of HPV
d. Chronic polyposis
The correct answer is: Infection with high-risk strains of HPV
For cervical cancer, which of the following is the recommended population to receive vaccination as a form of primary prevention?
a. Postmenopausal women
b. High risk population at any age
c. Women with identified dysplasia at screening
d. Girls aged 11–13 years before the initiation of sexual activity
The correct answer is: Girls aged 11–13 years before the initiation of sexual activity
A 35 year old female was diagnosed to have a complete molar pregnancy with widely metastatic non-pulmonary disease and very elevated hCG. Which of the following is role of chemotherapy in this patient?
a. Curative
b. Palliative
c. Debulking
d. Neoadjuvant
The correct answer is: Curative
Which of the following characterizes the Pel Ebstein fever that maybe seen in Hodgkin Lymphoma?
a. Bouts of fever occurs daily (24-hour periodicity) for few hours
b. Fever occurs after an interval of two days (48-hour periodicity)
c. Fever persist for days to weeks, followed by afebrile intervals and then recurrence of the fever
d. Temperature remains above normal throughout the day with variation in temperature of more than 1°C in 24 hours
The correct answer is: Fever persist for days to weeks, followed by afebrile intervals and then recurrence of the fever
Adult T Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma is most commonly associated with which of the following infectious agents?
a. EBV
b. HIV
c. HTLV-1
d. Hepatitis
The correct answer is: HTLV-1
Which of the following are the two most common symptoms of carcinoid syndrome?
a. Impaired cognitive function and pellagra-like skin lesions
b. Tricuspid insufficiency and pulmonary stenosis
c. Asthma like symptoms and abdominal pain
d. Diarrhea and flushing
The correct answer is: Diarrhea and flushing
On histopathologic examination of resected sample from a patient diagnosed with colon cancer, tumor involvement was through the muscularis level with no nodal involvement. What is the expected 5 year survival rate of this patient?
a. 86 – 95%
b. 70–85%
c. 50–69%
d. 25–49%
The correct answer is: 70–85%
A 35 year old female had an incidental finding of a 3cm hepatic nodule on ultrasound. Which of the following should be the next step in her work-up?
a. Repeat ultrasound at 4 months
b. 4-phase CT Scan
c. T2* MRI
d. Biopsy
The correct answer is: 4-phase CT Scan
A 50 year old asymptomatic male had a pulmonary nodule on chest x-ray. The nodule is described as solitary, 3cm in diameter with well circumscribed smooth edges and a dense central nidus. These findings have been unchanged from x-rays done 3 years ago. What should be the next step in his work-up?
a. No further work-up needed at this time
b. Chest ultrasound
c. Chest CT Scan plain and with IV contrast
d. Tissue biopsy of the nodule
The correct answer is: No further work-up needed at this time
Which of the following non-small cell carcinoma histologic subtype of lung cancer is the most associated with heavy tobacco smoking?
a. Adenocarcinoma
b. Large-cell Carcinoma
c. Micropapillary Carcinoma
d. Squamous Cell Carcinoma
The correct answer is: Squamous Cell Carcinoma
A patient diagnosed with squamous cell lung cancer was brought to the ER due to vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation, polyuria and changes in sensorium. He had an unremarkable physical examination. Which of the following laboratory findings is most consistent with this paraneoplastic syndrome?
a. High Antidiuretic hormone
b. High Parathyroid hormone
c. Low Cortisol
d. Low ACTH
The correct answer is: High Parathyroid hormone
Which of the following diet types has been associated with an increased risk for colonic cancer?
a. High animal fat and high caloric content diet
b. Low fiber and high caloric content diet
c. High animal fat and low fiber diet
d. Low animal fat and low fiber diet
The correct answer is: High animal fat and high caloric content diet
Which of the following is the most effective class of chemopreventive agent for colon cancer?
a. Progesterone
b. Tocopherol
c. Vitamin D
d. Aspirin
The correct answer is: Aspirin
According to the American Cancer Society guidelines, how often should asymptomatic low risk individuals undergo an FOBT as form of screening for colorectal cancer?
a. once upon reaching age 60 then every 3 years if negative
b. quarterly until age 65 then yearly thereafter
c. FOBT has no role in colorectal screening
d. once a year starting at age 50
The correct answer is: once a year starting at age 50
Among patients with gastric adenocarcinoma which of the following determines prognosis following complete surgical resection?
a. degree of tumor penetration
b. tumor vascularity
c. H pylori status
d. tumor size
The correct answer is: degree of tumor penetration
A diffuse large B cell lymphoma patient came back for follow-up 2 weeks post chemotherapy. He is currently asymptomatic and afebrile but with an absolute neutrophil count of 110/uL. Which of the following should you advise the patient regarding antibiotic use?
a. No need for any antibiotics at this time as this is an expected event and patient should just be monitored.
b. No need for any antibiotics at this time but ideally he should be given Intravenous Immunoglobulin to reduce chances of infection.
c. Oral broad-spectrum prophylactic antibiotic should be initiated.
d. Intravenous broad-spectrum prophylactic antibiotic should be initiated.
The correct answer is: Oral broad-spectrum prophylactic antibiotic should be initiated.
A lung cancer patient was diagnosed with and managed as febrile neutropenia 3 weeks post chemotherapy. One week after initiation of oral antibiotics, there was note of fever resolution. There were no other signs of infection at this time but his absolute neutrophil count remains to be 250/uL. Which of the following should be your next step in his antibiotic regimen?
a. Antibiotic regimen maybe discontinued at this time since there are no overt signs of infection.
b. Antibiotic regimen should be continued until ANC > 500/uL.
c. Antibiotic regimen should be shifted to intravenous.
d. A broad spectrum antifungal regimen should be added to current regimen.
The correct answer is: Antibiotic regimen should be continued until ANC > 500/uL.
Which of the following dietary regimen is recommended among cancer patients ongoing chemotherapy to prevent infection?
a. Strict disinfection and sterilization of all food products should be observed
b. Increase raw fruits and vegetables in diet should be advised but vigorous washing of food products should be done prior to consumption
c. Avoid leftovers, deli foods, undercooked meat, and unpasteurized dairy products
d. Avoid canned or preserved food
The correct answer is: Avoid leftovers, deli foods, undercooked meat, and unpasteurized dairy products
The patient diagnosed with small cell lung cancer was diagnosed with SIADH. Which of the following should be your next step in management?
a. Discontinuation of chemotherapy
b. Start salt tablets and saline hydration
c. Start Demeclocycline or Tolvaptan
d. Fluid restriction
The correct answer is: Fluid restriction
Which of the following is a known risk factor for ovarian cancer?
a. multiparity
b. tubal ligation
c. aspirin use
d. obesity
The correct answer is: obesity
According to the American Cancer Society Guidelines, which of the following is the recommended cervical cancer screening for a 28 year old sexually active female?
a. Papsmear and HPV testing every 3 years
b. Papsmear screening every 3 years; HPV testing not recommended
c. Papsmear alone every 3 years or Papsmear and HPV testing every 5 years
d. No screening following adequate negative prior screening
The correct answer is: Papsmear screening every 3 years; HPV testing not recommended
For cervical cancer, which of the following is the recommended population to receive vaccination as a form of primary prevention?
a. Postmenopausal women
b. High risk population at any age
c. Women with identified dysplasia at screening
d. Girls aged 11–13 years before the initiation of sexual activity
The correct answer is: Girls aged 11–13 years before the initiation of sexual activity
Which of the following describes the clinical syndrome associated glucagonoma ?
a. acromegaly, weight gain, and muscle weakness
b. large-volume diarrhea, hypokalemia, and dehydration
c. dermatitis, glucose intolerance or diabetes, and weight loss
d. diabetes mellitus, gallbladder disease, diarrhea, and steatorrhea
The correct answer is: dermatitis, glucose intolerance or diabetes, and weight loss
A patient with chronic low back pain was noted to have anemia, lytic bone lesions, hypercalcemia, azotemia, serum M spike, and marrow plasmacytosis on work-up. Which of the following is the single most powerful predictor of survival for this disease?
a. Serum β2 –macroglobulin
b. Staging at time of diagnosis
c. Percentage of marrow plasmacytosis
d. Degree of hypercalcemia on diagnosis
The correct answer is: Serum β2 –macroglobulin
A patient diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma undergoing chemotherapy was noted to have new onset easy fatigability and exercise intolerance. On work-up lungs were noted to have architectural distortion, fibrosis and bronchiectasis. Which of the following is the most likely cause?
a. Anthracycline
b. Bleomycin
c. Cyclophosphamide
d. Steroids
The correct answer is: Bleomycin
A 55 year old chronic hepatitis B patient was noted to have a 5cm liver mass on contrast-enhanced CT Scan. Which of the following findings would point to a diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma?
a. vascular uptake in the arterial phase with washout in the portal venous phases
b. uneven calcification with a dense central nidus and pooling occurring in the arterial phase
c. homogenous solid mass with increased uptake in the delayed phase
d. masses >5cm would need biopsy confirmation regardless of CT Scan finding
The correct answer is: vascular uptake in the arterial phase with washout in the portal venous phases
A 22/M came in due to a lateral neck mass measured at 4cm in its widest diameter. Axillary LAD was noted bilaterally. The rest of PE was unremarkable. Initial CBC, serum chemistry and LDH were normal. Biopsy of the LN revealed Hodgkin’s lymphoma, nodular sclerosis subtype. CT scan showed mediastinal lymphadenopathy and the previously mentioned LADs. No infradiaphragmatic disease is observed. What is the most appropriate initial management for this patient?
a. Bone marrow biopsy
b. Chemotherapy
c. Radiation therapy
d. Staging laparotomy and splenectomy
The correct answer is: Chemotherapy
A 68/M underwent radical prostatectomy 2 years ago with regular serial PSA monitoring. Histopath showed localized prostatic disease (Gleason score 7), no nodal involvement and no distant metastases. All PSA levels were normal until 3 months ago which showed elevation > 15 ng/mL and less than 10 months doubling time. Imaging did not reveal active disease. What can you recommend thee patient?
a. Refer back to urology for salvage surgery
b. Refer to radiation oncology for radiotherapy
c. Refer to medical oncology for systemic cytotoxic chemotherapy
d. Start alpha-adrenergic receptor antagonist and phosphodiesterase-5
The correct answer is: Refer to radiation oncology for radiotherapy
The following are important risk factors in the development of melanomas, EXCEPT:
a. Presence of >30 melanocytic nevi
b. Giant melanocytic nevus (defined as having a size of >20 cm)
c. Family history of melanoma
d. All are strong risk factors
The correct answer is: Presence of >30 melanocytic nevi
Which of the following is not recommended for DCIS?
a. Breast preserving surgery is recommended if localized and with clear margins
b. Breast preserving surgery is followed by breast irradiation
c. Tamoxifen or anastrozole may be given
d. Axillary lymph node dissection is necessary
The correct answer is: Axillary lymph node dissection is necessary
70/M came in to your clinic due to 6-month history of urinary, frequency, urgency, weak stream, and sensation of incomplete voiding. He also complains of difficulty in ejaculating. He denied fever, urethral discharge, hypogastric or low back pain. You decided to perform a digital rectal exam (DRE). Which among the following is TRUE regarding DRE?
a. DRE is recommended as a screening for prostate cancer for men 55-69 years old
b. DRE significantly increases PSA level
c. Induration of the prostate on DRE is highly specific for cancer
d. Most prostate cancers occur in the peripheral zone and may be palpated during DRE
The correct answer is: Most prostate cancers occur in the peripheral zone and may be palpated during DRE
Which of the following is TRUE of paraneoplastic syndromes?
a. Endocrine paraneoplastic syndromes occur due to the cancer’s mass effect or invasion of endocrine glands resulting to excessive eutopic secretion of hormones.
b. Oncogenic osteomalacia is characterized by hyperphosphatemia and renal potassium wasting induced by phosphatonin commonly seen in mesenchymal tumors.
c. Paraneoplastic neurologic disorders are mediated by immune responses triggered by neuronal proteins expressed by tumors.
d. Paraneoplastic hematologic syndromes of solid tumors cause elevation of granulocyte, platelet and eosinophils due to the concurrent undiagnosed myeloproliferative disorders.
The correct answer is: Paraneoplastic neurologic disorders are mediated by immune responses triggered by neuronal proteins expressed by tumors.
A 50 year old asymptomatic male had a pulmonary nodule on chest x-ray. The nodule is described as solitary, 3cm in diameter with well circumscribed smooth edges and a dense central nidus. These findings have been unchanged from x-rays done 3 years ago. What should be the next step in his work-up?
a. No further work-up needed at this time
b. Chest ultrasound
c. Chest CT Scan plain and with IV contrast
d. Tissue biopsy of the nodule
The approach to a patient with a solitary pulmonary nodule is based on an estimate of the probability of cancer.
At present, only two radiographic criteria are thought to predict the benign nature of a solitary pulmonary nodule:
• lack of growth over a period >2 years
• certain characteristic patterns of calcification
Calcification patterns highly suggestive of a benign lesion:
• a dense central nidus
• multiple punctuate foci
• “bulls eye” (granuloma)
• “popcorn ball” (hamartoma)
The correct answer is: No further work-up needed at this time
Which of the following non-small cell carcinoma histologic subtype of lung cancer is the most associated with heavy tobacco smoking?
a. Adenocarcinoma
b. Large-cell Carcinoma
c. Micropapillary Carcinoma
d. Squamous Cell Carcinoma
WHO classification of epithelial lung cancers:
• small-cell lung carcinoma (SCLC)
• non-small-cell carcinoma (NSCLC)
o adenocarcinoma
o squamous cell carcinoma
o large-cell carcinoma
• squamous and small-cell carcinomas are most commonly associated with heavy tobacco use
With the decline in cigarette consumption adenocarcinoma has become the most frequent histologic subtype of lung cancer (in the United States at least)
In lifetime never smokers or former light smokers (<10 pack year smokers), women, and younger adults (<60 years) adenocarcinoma tends to be the most common form of lung cancer
The correct answer is: Squamous Cell Carcinoma
A patient with recurrent massive pleural effusion but with no apparent lung mass underwent thoracentesis and yielded a cell block that is negative for malignant cells. Which of the following is warranted if a malignant pleural effusion is highly suspected in this case?
a. Repeat thoracentesis
b. Transbronchial biopsy
c. Sputum cytology
d. Pleural biopsy
Tissue sampling is required to confirm a diagnosis in all patients with suspected lung cancer
Factors that affect biopsy diagnostic yield include:
• location (accessibility) of the tumor
• tumor size
• tumor type
• technical aspects of the diagnostic procedure
This becomes trickier when there is no apparent tumor where a tissue biopsy maybe taken.
Sputum cytology is inexpensive and noninvasive but has a lower yield than other specimen types due to poor preservation of the cells and more variability in acquiring a good-quality specimen.
In patients with a suspected malignant pleural effusion, if the initial thoracentesis is negative, a repeat thoracentesis is warranted.
The correct answer is: Repeat thoracentesis
A patient diagnosed with squamous cell lung cancer was brought to the ER due to vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation, polyuria and changes in sensorium. He had an unremarkable physical examination. Which of the following laboratory findings is most consistent with this paraneoplastic syndrome?
a. High Antidiuretic hormone
b. High Parathyroid hormone
c. Low Cortisol
d. Low ACTH
Paraneoplastic syndromes are common in patients with lung cancer, especially those with SCLC
Endocrine syndromes are seen in 12% of patients
Hypercalcemia is the most common life-threatening metabolic complication of malignancy, primarily occurring with squamous cell carcinomas of the lung
• Clinical symptoms include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation, polyuria, thirst, and altered mental status
• results from ectopic production of parathyroid hormone (PTH) or more commonly PTH-related peptide
The correct answer is: High Parathyroid hormone
A patient diagnosed with NSCLC was noted to have a new mass at the R lung apex with of involvement of the first and second right ribs. He reports having shoulder pain that radiates in the ulnar distribution of the arm. Which of the following is the most likely explanation of this shoulder pain?
a. metastasis into the central nervous system
b. involvement of the first and second thoracic nerves
c. extension of the tumor into the rotator cuff muscles
d. paraneoplastic neoplastic syndrome with tumor secretion of ACTH
Pancoast (or superior sulcus tumor) syndrome
• result from local extension of a tumor growing in the apex of the lung with involvement of the eighth cervical and first and second thoracic nerves
• present with shoulder pain that characteristically radiates in the ulnar distribution of the arm
• often with radiologic destruction of the first and second ribs
• often co-exist with Horner’s syndrome
Horner’s syndrome
• enophthalmos, ptosis, miosis, and anhydrosis
• Caused by sympathetic nerve paralysis due to regional spread of tumor in the thorax (by contiguous growth or by metastasis to regional lymph nodes)
The correct answer is: involvement of the first and second thoracic nerves
In addition to whole body PET CT Scan, which of the following imaging modalities is recommended for the staging of all patients diagnosed with SCLC?
a. bone scan
b. thyroid scan
c. MRI of the brain
d. PET CT Scan alone is adequate for complete work-up
In SCLC patients, current staging recommendations include a PET-CT scan and MRI of the brain (positive in 10% of asymptomatic patients)
If a patient has signs or symptoms of spinal cord compression (pain, weakness, paralysis, urinary retention), a spinal CT or MRI scan and examination of the cerebrospinal fluid cytology should be performed
All NSCLC patients are recommended to undergo a PET-CT scan for staging
For brain metastases, MRI is the most effective method. MRI can also be useful in selected circumstances, such as superior sulcus tumors to rule out brachial plexus involvement, but in general, MRI does not play a major role in NSCLC staging
The correct answer is: MRI of the brain
A patient with Stage IA NSCLC underwent resection of the tumor. Histopathologic analysis of the surgical specimen revealed clean margins. How often should chest CT Scan with contrast be done for monitoring after surgery?
a. every 3 months for the 1st 3 years
b. every 6 months for the 1st 3 years
c. every 3 months for the 1st 6 years
d. every 6 months for the 1st 6 years
In should be noted that all patients with resected NSCLC are at high risk of recurrence or developing a second primary lung cancer
• Thus, it is reasonable to follow these patients with periodic imaging studies.
• Most of recurrence occurs within 18–24 months of surgery
Periodic CT scans appear to be the most appropriate screening modality
Based on the timing of most recurrences, some guidelines recommend a contrasted chest CT scan every 6 months for the first 3 years after surgery, followed by yearly CT scans of the chest without contrast thereafter
The correct answer is: every 6 months for the 1st 3 years
Which of the following is the cornerstone of the cytotoxic chemotherapy regimens used for patients with metastatic NSCLC?
a. EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors
b. Immune checkpoint inhibitors
c. gemcitabine-based regimens
d. platinum-based regimens
A landmark meta-analysis published in 1995 provided the earliest meaningful indication that chemotherapy could provide a survival benefit in metastatic NSCLC as opposed to supportive care alone
However, the survival benefit was seemingly confined to cisplatin-based chemotherapy regimens (hazard ratio 0.73; 27% reduction in the risk of death; 10% improvement in survival at 1 year)
For a cohort of NSCLC patients, the presence of an oncogenic driver allows the use of oral therapies with significant tumor regression.
• Lung tumors that harbor activating mutations within the EGFR kinase domain display high sensitivity to small-molecule EGFR TKIs.
Immune checkpoint inhibitors are a novel class of agents that have significantly improved the quality of life and survival for a group of patients with advanced NSCLC. • Immune checkpoint inhibitors work by blocking interactions between T cells and antigen presenting cells (APCs) or tumor cells that lead to T-cell inactivation.
The correct answer is:
platinum-based regimens
A 55 year old female diagnosed with SCLC was noted to have involvement of the contralateral supraclavicular nodes and superior vena caval obstruction. Which of the following is the recommended treatment plan in this case?
a. platinum-based chemotherapy with curative intent and prophylactic cranial irradiation
b. platinum-based chemotherapy with and cranial irradiation for palliation purposes
c. platinum-based chemotherapy alone with curative intent
d. cranial irradiation alone for palliation purposes
Patients with limited-stage disease (LD) have cancer that is confined to the ipsilateral hemithorax and can be encompassed within a tolerable radiation port. Thus, contralateral supraclavicular nodes, recurrent laryngeal nerve involvement, and superior vena caval obstruction can all be part of LD.
Patients with extensive-stage disease (ED) have overt metastatic disease by imaging or physical examination.
Chemotherapy significantly prolongs survival in patients with SCLC.
• Four to six cycles of platinum-based chemotherapy has been the mainstay of treatment and is recommended over other chemotherapy regimens irrespective of initial stage.
Prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) should be considered in all patients with either LD-SCLC or ED-SCLC who have responded well to initial therapy.
• A meta-analysis with LD-SCLC who had achieved a complete remission after upfront chemotherapy yielded a 5.4% improvement in overall survival for patients treated with PCI.
• In patients with ED-SCLC who have responded to first-line chemotherapy, a prospective randomized phase III trial showed that PCI reduced the occurrence of symptomatic brain metastases and prolonged disease-free and overall survival compared to no radiation therapy.
The correct answer is: platinum-based chemotherapy with curative intent and prophylactic cranial irradiation
A 55 year old asymptomatic female undergoing colonoscopy was noted to have 5 adenomatous polyps. Given that all the polyps were excised with clean margins, when is the earliest time she should have her repeat coloscopy?
a. o1 year
b. 3 years
c. 5 years
d. 10 years
Following the detection of an adenomatous polyp, the entire large bowel should be visualized endoscopically because synchronous lesions are noted in about one-third of cases.
Colonoscopy should then be repeated periodically, even in the absence of a previously documented malignancy, because such patients have a 30–50% probability of developing another adenoma and are at a higher-than average risk for developing a colorectal carcinoma.
Adenomatous polyps are thought to require >5 years of growth before becoming clinically significant; colonoscopy need not be carried out more frequently than every 3 years for the vast majority of patients.
The correct answer is: 3 years
Which of the following diet types has been associated with an increased risk for colonic cancer?
a. High animal fat and high caloric content diet
b. Low fiber and high caloric content diet
c. High animal fat and low fiber diet
d. Low animal fat and low fiber diet
The weight of epidemiologic evidence, implicates diet as being the major etiologic factor for colorectal cancer, particularly diets high in animal fat and in calories
• Mortality from colorectal cancer is directly correlated with per capita consumption of calories, meat protein, and dietary fat and oil
• Migrant groups tend to assume the large-bowel cancer incidence rates of their adopted countries
• Population groups such as Mormons and Seventh Day Adventists, whose lifestyle and dietary habits differ somewhat from those of their neighbors, have significantly lower-than-expected incidence and mortality rates for colorectal cancer
• Despite correlations, dietary fat has not been proven to cause cancer
In observational studies, dietary fiber is associated with a reduced risk of colonic polyps and invasive cancer of the colon
• However, cancer-protective effects of increasing fiber and lowering dietary fat have not been proven in the context of a prospective clinical trial.
The correct answer is: High animal fat and high caloric content diet
Which of the following is the most effective class of chemopreventive agent for colon cancer?
a. Progesterone
b. Tocopherol
c. Vitamin D
d. Aspirin
The most effective class of chemopreventive agents in colon cancer is aspirin and other NSAIDs
• thought to suppress cell proliferation by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis
• regular aspirin use reduces the risk of colon adenomas and carcinomas as well as death from large-bowel cancer
• this effect of aspirin on colon carcinogenesis increases with the duration and dosage of drug use
Emerging data linking adequate plasma levels of vitamin D with reduced risk of adenomatous polyps and colorectal cancer appear promising
Antioxidant vitamins such as ascorbic acid, tocopherols, and β-carotene are ineffective at reducing the incidence of subsequent adenomas in patients who have undergone the removal of a colon adenoma
Estrogen replacement therapy has been associated with a reduction in the risk of colorectal cancer in women, conceivably by an effect on bile acid synthesis and composition or by decreasing synthesis of IGF-I
The correct answer is: Aspirin