Oncological Emergencies Flashcards
What is neutropenic sepsis as described by NICE?
A neutrophil count of 0.5 × 10^9 per litre or lower, plus one of the following:
- Temperature ≥ 38°C OR
- Other signs or symptoms consistent with significant sepsis
- Patient undergoing systemic anticancer treatment (SACT)
What are some of the causes of neutropenia?
Recent chemotherapy
- Malignant bone marrow infiltration
- Extensive radiotherapy
- Bone marrow failure secondary to non-malignant disease (e.g. aplastic anaemia)
- Hypersplenism
- Megaloblastic anaemia
- Drug-induced (e.g. clozapine)
What are some of the RFs for neutropenic sepsis?
- Patients over the age of 60
- Advanced malignancy
- Previous neutropenic sepsis
- Mucositis
- Poor performance status
- Significant co-morbidities (the risk increases further in the presence of multiple co-morbidities)
- Indwelling central venous catheters
- Corticosteroids (causes immunosuppression)
- Prolonged hospital admission
- Severe or prolonged neutropenia
What are some of the clinical signs of neutropenic sepsis?
- Hypotension: URGENT ATTENTION – involve outreach and consider escalation above ward care
- Fever
- Reduced urine output
- Altered conscious level or confusion/ impaired MMSE
- Mottled/ashen appearance
What investigations should be performed for neutropenic sepsis?
Bedside investigations
§Urinalysis: to look for urinary tract infection
§ECG: should be performed in all acutely unwell patients.
§Capillary blood glucose: to exclude hypoglycaemia.
Laboratory investigations
- Baseline blood tests (FBC, U&E, coagulation, CRP, LFTs): white cells may be low or raised and CRP may also be raised. Serum lactate, Group and save,
- Cultures (central and peripheral); urine
- Microbiological cultures: wounds, urine, stool, sputum, and line tip (if indwelling line infection suspected).
- Viral respiratory swab: if viral respiratory infection suspected.
§Chest X-ray: to look for evidence of pneumonia.
§High-resolution chest CT: if fungal pneumonia is suspected.
§Abdominal ultrasound or CT abdomen: if biliary or abdominal infection suspected.
Other investigations: Bronchoalveolar lavage: if an atypical chest source is suspected, such as Pneumocystis jirovecii.
How is neutropenic sepsis managed?
- The sepsis six care bundle should be completed.
- Pharmacological
- 1st line : IV piperacillin with tazobactam (tazocin). Some guidelines may also recommend the administration of gentamicin
- 2nd line (e.g. penicillin allergy) may include IV meropenem (dependent on local guidelines)
- Pharmacological
- Other:
- Additional anti-microbial cover (e.g. teicoplanin) for gram-positive organisms may be required for patients with indwelling central venous catheters.
- Anti-fungal treatment may be considered when the fever persists beyond 4 – 6 days
Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor: Recombinant granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) may be used for both prophylaxis and treatment of neutropenia to reduce the risk of neutropenic sepsis.
- Consider in patients who are profoundly septic/neutropenic
- Mechanism: stimulates bone marrow to produce neutrophils and may form part of specific chemotherapy regimens. E.g. filgrastim
What are some of the complications of neutropenic sepsis?
- Single or multi-organ failure (e.g. renal failure, heart failure and acute respiratory distress syndrome)
- VTE (e.g. PE), DIC, Opportunistic or hospital-acquired infections, Delirium, Psychological complications (e.g. anxiety regarding future infections and chemotherapy treatment)
- Delays in chemotherapy leading to worse cancer outcomes
What cancers are most commonly associated with metastatic spinal cord compression?
- lung, prostate, breast, myeloma, melanoma.
What is the incidence of MSCC?
- 3–5% of cancer patients have spinal metastases.
- ~15% of those with advanced cancers develop metastatic spinal cord compression
- 10% of patients with spinal mets develop MSCC
- Incidence may be as high as 19% in breast/prostate/lung cancer
- Breast, prostate and lung account for > 60% of cases
How does MSCC arise?
- Collapse or compression of a vertebral body due to metastases (common), direct extension of a tumour into vertebral column (rare).
- 10% by direct tumour (paraspinal mass) extension into the vertebral column
- Compression of cord initially causes oedema, venous congestion and demyelination which are reversible
- Prolonged compression -> vascular injury, cord necrosis and permanent damage
Where (location) does MSCC arise?
- 30-50% have > 1 area involved
- Below L2 vertebra =cauda equina compression of peripheral nerves and not spinal cord
What are some of the signs and sx of MSCC?
- Back pain ~95%. – earliest and most common
- Nocturnal pain and pain with straining.
- Spinal or radicular pain (8/10)
- Red flag: cervical/thoracic pain.
- Other: limb weakness, difficulty walking, sensory loss, bowel/bladder dysfunction
- Sensory loss in the saddle area
- Neurological signs: depend on the level of the lesion.
- Lesions above L1 – usually UMN signs in the legs and a sensory level.
- Lesions below L1 - usually cause LMN signs in the legs and perianal numbness. Tendon reflexes tend to be increased below the level of the lesion and absent at the level of the lesion
What features can be seen of MSCC on clinical examination?
- Spasticity (increased tone, clonus and hyperreflexia in limbs below level of MSCC
- Plantar reflexes up going (not cauda equina)
- Sensory loss with well defined dermatonal level
- Palpable bladder (urinary retention)
How is MSCC managed?
- Admit for bed rest with log rolling – lie pt flat
- Ix: Urgent (within 24h) MRI of whole spine.
- Pharmacological: Dexamethasone 16mg/24h PO + PPI (unless? lymphoma) for prophylatic gastroprotection and blood glucose monitoring.
- Thromboprophylaxis (compression stockings, LMWH: Consider if reduced mobility
- Urgent referral to clinical oncology/cancer MDT
- Radiotherapy is the commonest treatment and should be given within 24 hours of MRI diagnosis.
Decompressive surgery (Balloon kyphoplasty) Treatment of choice if fit and good prognosis (>3/12)
Prognostic indicators: Multiple myeloma, lymphoma, or breast, prostate or renal cancers
- Good motor function at presentation
- Good performance status
- Limited comorbidity
- Single-level spinal disease
- Absence of visceral metastasis
- Long interval from primary diagnosis
- Also for biopsy or stabilisation
Prognostic indicators: Multiple myeloma, lymphoma, or breast, prostate or renal cancers
- Urinary cathetarisation
- Supportive: Good nursing care; care re pressure areas; Analgesia; Laxatives; Bladder care; Monitor BMs; VTE prophylaxis; Physiotherapy; Occupational therapy
In which cancers is metastatic hypercalcaemia most commonly seen?
- Most common in SCC (lung, H&N, kidney, cervix).
- Also seen in breast cancer and multiple myeloma
How does hypercalcaemia arise?
- Tumour secretion parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP) (80%)
- Osteolytic metastases with local release of cytokines (20%)
- Tumour production of 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D (lymphoma)
What are some of the signs and sx of hypercalcaemia?
- Weight loss, anorexia, nausea, polydipsia, polyuria, constipation, abdominal pain, dehydration (thirstiness) , weakness, confusion, seizure, coma.
- Severe; N&V, ileus, delirium, coma and death
How is hypercalaemia managed?
- Aggressive rehydration: IV 0.9% Normal Saline – several litres
Bisphosphonates (if EGFT≥30 IV pamidronate 60-90mg or IV zolendronic acid 4mg
- Can cause renal failure so must make sure properly rehydrated first
- Takes 5-7 days to work
- Denosumab for refractory hypercalcaemia
- Calcitonin produces a more rapid (2h) but short-term effect and tolerance can develop. Long-term treatment is by control of the underlying malignancy.
What is SVCO?
- Reduced venous return from head, neck, and upper limbs.
- Due to extrinsic compression (most common), or venous thrombosis
- SVC Syndrome with airway compromise requires urgent treatment.
What are some of the most common causes of SVCO?
- >90% of svc syndrome results from malignancy (extrinsic compression)
Most common cancers: lung cancer (80%) – Occurs in 10% SCLC cases and 2% of NSCLC cases, lymphoma (10%), metastatic (eg breast), thymoma, germ cell.
- Other malignancies: metastatic seminoma, Kaposi’s sarcoma, breast cancer
- Aortic aneurysm
- Mediastinal fibrosis
- Goitre
- SVC thrombosis
What are some of the symptoms of SVCO?
- SOB (50%), Swelling of face and neck (40%) , Trunk and arm swelling (40%)
- Orthopnoea, stridor, plethora/cyanosis, oedema of face and arm, cough, headache, engorged neck veins (non-pulsatile ↑JVP), engorged chest wall veins.
- Headache and lethargy
What are some of the key sign(s) of SVCO?
- Pemberton’s test: elevation of the arms to the side of the head causes facial plethora/cyanosis.
- Others:
- Thoracic vein distension (65%)
- Neck vein distension (55%)
- Facial oedema (55%)
- Increased RR (40%)
- Plethora 15%, Cyanosis 15%, Arm oedema 10%, Advanced stages, Laryngeal stridor, Drowsy, Coma and death
What investigations can be performed to work out the underlying cause with SVCO?
- CXR Is there a mass?
CT with contrast
- Extensive collateralization
- Intraluminal thrombus of SVC
- Evidence of extrinsic compression
How is SVCO managed?
- Prop up. Assess for hypoxia (pulse oximetry, blood gas): Give 02 if needed.
- Pharmacological: Dexamethasone 16mg/24h. CT is used to define the anatomy of the obstruction.
Surgical: Balloon venoplasty and SVC stenting provide the most rapid relief of symptoms
- Stenting: can be use if not radio or chemotherapy sensitive. 95% response rate. Symptomatic relief only
Oncological management: Treat with radiotherapy or chemotherapy depending on the sensitivity of the underlying cancer.
- Small cell: chemotherapy + radiotherapy
- Non-small cell: radiotherapy
- Chemotherapy: Used for SCLC, lymphoma and teratoma response rate >70%.