Once Upon A Grapevine Flashcards
Red: I suppose I am just a silly little thing. I’ll say no more. Another cup of tea with your Rice Krispie treats?
I c b w y S, W. H w a S a h t w t?
Cinderella: Please tell us
Cinderella: Yes, Stepmother
S u!
Woodsman: The Wolf
H t w t o b L R a h t g.
Cinderella: I can wash it off with this.
Cinderella: Yes, Stepmother?
S u!
Woodsman: Yes, I was mighty surprised to see it. I heard this laughing and thought I had better check on the old lady and there he was, the Wolf. He was telling some funny story about the duchess-
W i t w c t w t i t W i f t? N t b a t t l p o f b.
Stepsister: Yes! And after you left he pounced on the old lady and gobbled her up then he attacked Little Red and ripped her to pieces!
S h r, t h.
Woodsman: Oh, I don’t think so.
W c y p k, W? Y c e d m f o t.
Woodsman: I am sorry about that. Ma’am
J d l I h a.
Stepsister: oh I love purple! What do you think, Mama?
T c l. I t y t t t S n p.
Stepsister: Oh that would be nice!
G S! H, S y g a a t t m.
Cinderella: I think the purple is very becoming.
Cinderella: Yes, Stepmother?
S u!
Witch: the wolf, you say?
R t I t c. I a w t S L R a h l g w n e a!