On the spot questions Flashcards
What are the British Values?
Rule of Law
Mutual Respect
Individual Liberty
Tolerance of different cultures & beliefs
What factors can trigger parental conflict?
New baby
Separation & Divorce
Poor mental health
Financial difficulties
Drug/Alcohol abuse
Children with SEN
What is cultural capital?
Providing experiences and resources children may not have access to at home, Ie: going on a bus or visiting a museum.
What are the Statutory Requirements in Early Years?
The EYFS framework sets the standards that early years providers must meet to ensure children learn and develop well and that they are kept healthy and safe. it sets the standards for everything we do: policies, safer recruitment, DBS checks, First aid qualification, ratio, training.
What is your role regarding Prevent?
To look for signs of radicalisation and report to the police & DSL if you need to act.
What is mean by the term “Fabricated illness”?
It is a form of child abuse, when parents exaggerate or make up a child’s illness.
What is safeguarding?
A preventative measure to protect children from harm.
What are our Earth Values?
What is witchcraft abuse?
Parents believe their child is a witch, wizard or has magical powers and abuses them because of this belief.
What should you do if you saw a colleague mishandle a child?
Ask them to leave the room and inform the DSL.
What are the characteristics of effective learning?
Playing & exploring, active learning & creating and critical thinking.
What are the 4 C’s?
Who do you report internet concerns to?
The Internet Watch Foundation
What is whistleblowing?
Whistleblowing is when an employee reports/records information that they believe shows wrongdoing/cover ups in the organisation.
What is private fostering?
When a foster arrangement has been made privately, without the involvement of a local authority.
Why is labia elongation carried out?
It is performed under the belief of sexual enhancement for the benefit of both partners.
What are the 7 areas of learning?
Maths, PSED, PD, Literacy, UTW, C/L & EAD.
What is infant oral mutilation (teeth worms)?
It is a dangerous and sometimes fatal traditional dental procedure, such as gouging out healthy tooth buds.
What does the term cuckooing mean?
Refers to, when a drug dealer takes over a vulnerable persons’ home to sell/make drugs from their premises.
What does VAWG stand for?
Violence against women and girls.
When should you contact Bromley children’s and family’s hub?
If you had safeguarding concerns.
What is parental conflict?
When parents disagree and continue arguing about the same things, important to note their s no physical violence.
What is forced marriage?
When people do not give consent to marriage.
What is child protection?
Protecting children who are suffering from harm because of abuse.
What is child on child abuse?
Bullying between children.
Where would you find safeguarding information?
Safeguarding folder is kept in the staffroom, posters all around the building, in all rooms, toilet & parent area.
What is breast ironing?
When breasts are flattened in young children to prevent development.
What is disguised compliance?
Involves parents and carers appearing to co-operate wit professionals in order to delay concerns and stop professional engagement.
What is the trio of vulnerabilities?
Mental ill health, Substance abuse & domestic abuse.
What does the term splash you, mean?
To stab someone with a knife, UK street slang.
What is chroming?
It is a form of volatile substance abuse- children inhaling solvents or other household chemicals.
Who are the mental health first aiders?
Mel & Martina
What is the Development matters?
It is non-statutory curriculum guidance on how children learn and develop, how progression is measured.
What is sextortion?
often involves victims being sent a nude picture before being invited to send their own in return, only to be blackmailed and threatened.
What is Pica?
Pica is a mental health condition where a person compulsively swallows non food items such as dirt, paper or mud, etc.
What is the intent of the non statutory guidance Development Matters?
It guides early years practitioners in delivering the EYFS,
If a child makes a disclosure, in what time frame should it be recorded?
24 hours.
What should you ask for if someone unfamiliar arrives to collect a child?
Ask for the password.
What is affluent neglect?
Children in wealthy families experiencing neglect, often emotional neglect which makes it harder to identify.
Where do we store mobile phones?
In the designated drawers, kept in the office.
Can you tell me what anaphylaxis is?
It is a severe, potentially life threatening allergy.
Where do you record concerns about a child?
In their individual file, on the front of the welfare sheet,
Where do you administer and epi-pen?
In the outer thigh.
What is meant by the term fabricated illness?
It is a form of child abuse, when parents make up or exaggerate a child’s illness.
If a colleague mishandled a child, what would you do?
Ask them to leave the room and inform the DSL.
If a parent comes to collect their child smelling of alcohol, what do you do?
Refuse to hand over the child, ask if someone else can collect them and report to the DSL and record it on the child’s welfare report.
Who should you report concerns about a child too?
The Designated safeguarding lead (DSL)
How many food allergens are there?
What is labia Elongation?
The labia is stretched using physical pulling or equipment such as weights to lengthen the labia.
What is extra familial harm?
A variety of harm types, such as modern slavery, bullying, criminal and sexual exploitation.