ON 259 Terroist Related Incidents Flashcards
Name the Five uk threat levels
Low Moderate Substantial Severe Critical
What is a NILO?
National inter-agency Liason Officer
What incidents is the NILO tactical advisor for?
Conventional terrorism CBRN terrorism Firearm retaliated incidents Public Disorder Crisis Management
When will Firefighters be recommitted to a MTFA incident?
Only when the ballistic threat has diminished
If caught up in a MTFA, at the earliest opportunity, what key information can we give to brigade control?
Number and exact location
Description of weapons
Description of assailants
What does MTFA stand for?
Marauding terrorist firearms attack
What does VaWA Stan for?
Vehicles as a weapon attack
At a VaWA incident, what should responders consider?
Anticipate further violent action
Treatment of injuried
Threat of further vehicles being used
Explain Step 1-2-3
Step 1 one person incapacitated with no obvious reason
Approach using standard protocols
Step 2 two people incapacitated with no obvious reason
Approach with caution using standard protocols
Step 3 three or more people in close proximity,incapacitated
Use caution and follow step plus
Explain step Plus
If cylinders are placed in vehicles what should be implemented?
Full cylinder procedures
What does IED stand for?
Improvised explosive devices
What categories do bomb incidents fall into?
No warning - device activated
Warning given- device activated
Warning given - device not activated,made safe
When at incidents what should everyone in general do?
Think- secondary devices
Think - safe cordon distances
Think-Saftey! Do not touch
What are the cordon sizes dependant on device size?
Up to suitcase size -more than 100m
Car/light vehicle- more than 200m
HGV - more than 400m
If you are in doubt of an IED size what is the minimum cordon?
When siting appliances/personnel what should be considered?
Not in direct line of site Away from glass Behind hard cover Upwind Be aware of secondary devices Request police
What physically should be done to appliances while attending terrorist incidents?
Faced away from IED windows open
What are the 5 Cs regarding the Explosive ordinance disposal officer
Confirm - location Clear - public Cordon Control - informed RVPs Check All the above
What are the 5 Ws regarding the EOD officer?
What - size components Where When - when found Why - why is it suspicious Who- witnesses