Omnistudio Consultant Flashcards


What can a DataRaptor Extract do?
a. Create data in multiple related objects
b. Extract data from a spreadsheet
c. Retrieve data from multiple related objects
d. Load data from external sources


Retrieve data from multiple related objects

A DataRaptor Extract can retrieve data from multiple related objects. A DataRaptor Extract is a tool that can read data from a Salesforce object or invoke a Salesforce API, using SOQL queries or Apex methods. A DataRaptor Extract can also use filters, joins, and formulas to manipulate the data. A DataRaptor Extract can retrieve data from multiple related objects by using lookup or master-detail relationships in the SOQL queries or Apex methods

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A health provider company is building a new application for its medical officers. The company wants to display medical test reports for patients. Medical test reports is acustom object, related to the Patients object. For e< patient, the company needs to list each medical test report including the report name, date requested, and d generated. From each medical test report, the user should be able to take the following actions:

  • Approve
  • Print for Review
  • Send for Retest

Which OmniStudio tools should the consultant use to design a solution to meet these requirements?

a. Salesforce list view with custom buttons/links
b. Multiple FlexCards with single action
c. OmnlScript with multiple Step elements
d. Single FlexCard with multiple actions


Single FlexCard with multiple actions

Para diseñar una solución que muestre los informes de pruebas médicas de los pacientes y permita a los usuarios tomar acciones específicas (Aprobar, Imprimir para revisión y Enviar para retesteo), es importante elegir una herramienta que pueda:

  1. Mostrar una lista de informes de pruebas médicas.
  2. Incluir múltiples acciones contextuales directamente desde la lista.

Análisis de Opciones:

  1. Salesforce list view with custom buttons/links:
    • Descripción: Las vistas de lista en Salesforce pueden mostrar registros con botones o enlaces personalizados.
    • Relevancia: Aunque las vistas de lista permiten mostrar registros y añadir botones personalizados, no son tan flexibles ni personalizables como FlexCards para acciones contextuales específicas.
  2. Multiple FlexCards with single action:
    • Descripción: Varias FlexCards cada una con una sola acción.
    • Relevancia: Esto sería redundante y menos eficiente. Cada informe de prueba médica necesitaría una FlexCard separada, lo cual no es práctico ni escalable.
  3. OmniScript with multiple Step elements:
    • Descripción: OmniScript puede guiar a los usuarios a través de un proceso en múltiples pasos.
    • Relevancia: Aunque OmniScript es potente para flujos interactivos, no es ideal para mostrar una lista de registros con múltiples acciones contextuales directamente disponibles.
  4. Single FlexCard with multiple actions:
    • Descripción: Una sola FlexCard que muestra la lista de informes de pruebas médicas, cada uno con múltiples acciones disponibles (Aprobar, Imprimir para revisión, Enviar para retesteo).
    • Relevancia: Esta es la opción más adecuada, ya que FlexCards son ideales para mostrar datos de manera contextual y permitir acciones directamente desde la tarjeta.

La opción más adecuada para cumplir con los requisitos de mostrar los informes de pruebas médicas y permitir múltiples acciones contextuales es:

  • D. Single FlexCard with multiple actions

Las FlexCards permiten mostrar información de manera clara y estructurada, y pueden incluir múltiples acciones que los usuarios pueden ejecutar directamente desde la tarjeta, proporcionando una solución eficiente y escalable para los informes de pruebas médicas.

Por lo tanto, la respuesta correcta es:

  • D. Single FlexCard with multiple actions
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Which three of the following are functions of a Text Block element in OmniScript?

Choose 3 answers
a. Error conditions
b. User input fields
c. Links or images
d. Text formatting
e. Table formatting


Links or images
Text formatting
Table formatting

A Text Block element in OmniScript can perform three functions: display links or images, apply text formatting, and format tables. A Text Block element can use HTML tags to create hyperlinks or embed images in the OmniScript. It can also use CSS properties to style the text, such as font size, color, alignment, etc. Additionally, a Text Block element can use HTML table tags to create and format tables in the OmniScript

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In which two cases should an integration procedure be used as a data source for FlexCards and OmniScripts,

Choose 2 answers

a. To achieve elastic scaling
b. To retrieve multiple data sources in a single response
c. To minimize the number of elements to be configured
d. To separate the user interface from changes in thedata sources


To retrieve multiple data sources in a single response
To separate the user interface from changes in thedata sources

The two cases where an integration procedure should be used as a data source for FlexCards and OmniScripts are: To retrieve multiple data sources in a single response and To separate the user interface from changes in the data sources. An integration procedure is a tool that can execute multiple DataRaptor actions, such as Extract, Transform, and Load, and also invoke REST or SOAP services. The consultant can use an integration procedure as a data source for FlexCards and OmniScripts when they need to retrieve data from different sources, such as Salesforce objects or external systems, and store it in a JSON object for display. This way, the integration procedure can provide multiple data sources in a single response, without requiring multiple elements or actions in the FlexCard or OmniScript. The consultant can also use an integration procedure as a data source for FlexCards and OmniScripts when they want to separate the user interface from changes in the data sources. This way, the integration procedure can handle any changes in the data sources without affecting the FlexCard or OmniScript design or configuration.

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A company is beginning their first project using Calculation Procedures & Matrices. The developers on the tea are concerned about learning the new tool and how they will test their calculation procedures. The consultant recommends that they use the built-in simulator.

In this scenario, what benefit should the consultant highlight to the developer team?

a. It aggregates data elements that have been calculated separately.
b. It verifies data types in the algebraic calculations of the calculation procedure.
c. It generates sample input and output JSON that can be easily used to build DataRaptors.
d. It allows developers to create what-if calculations.


It generates sample input and output JSON that can be easily used to build DataRaptors.

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A company has deployed an OmniScript that is working as designed. During the process, the OmniScript has multiple steps that allow the user to review lists of cases, contacts, quotes, orders, and contracts for an accour

Eachstep uses DataRaptor Extract Actions to retrieve Salesforce data. However, the OmniScript is reaching performance limitations, and the development team warns that they may begin hitting Governor limits.

Which two suggestions should the consultant propose to address this concern?

Choose 2 answers

a. Replace the DataRaptor Extracts with DataRaptor Turbo Extracts
b. Add Limit filter in DataRaptor Extract
c. Combine the DataRaptors into an Integration Procedure
d. Add Order By filter in DataRaptor Extract


Replace the DataRaptor Extracts with DataRaptor Turbo Extracts
Combine the DataRaptors into an Integration Procedure

To improve the performance and avoid hitting Governor limits, the consultant should replace the DataRaptor Extracts with DataRaptor Turbo Extracts and combine them into an Integration Procedure. DataRaptor Turbo Extracts are optimized for speed and efficiency, and can retrieve large amounts of data without using SOQL queries. An Integration Procedure can execute multiple DataRaptor actions in one call, reducing the number of requests and processing time

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A business has been experiencing a downturn in customer satisfaction due to billing Issues. The business lear that when customers are allowed to schedule an inquiry call with an agent, customer satisfaction improves.

For this reason, the business decides to create an OmniScript that asks the customer to rate their customer satisfaction using a 1-5 rating scale. If the customer satisfaction is less than 2, it should allow the customer t request a call back on a certain date and then create a case that includes a list of bills from an external system the last 5 months in the case description.

In what order should the consultant design the elements of the OmniScript to meet these requirements?

a. Radio Input, Date Input, HTTP Action, DataRaptor Post Action
b. Date Input, Radio Input, HTTP Action, DataRaptor Post Action
c. HTTP Action, DataRaptor Post Action, Date Input, Radio Input
d. HTTP Action, Radio Input, Date Input, DataRaptor Post Action


Radio Input, Date Input, HTTP Action, DataRaptor Post Action

The order that the consultant should design the elements of the OmniScript to meet these requirements is: Radio Input, Date Input, HTTP Action, DataRaptor Post Action. A Radio Input element can display a list of options for the user to choose from, such as customer satisfaction rating. A Radio Input element allows only one option to be selected at a time, and can also have icons for each option. A Date Input element can display a field for the user to enter a date value, such as call back date. A Date Input element can also have validation and formatting options, such as minimum and maximum dates, calendar picker, etc. An HTTP Action element can invoke a REST or SOAP service to retrieve data from an external system, such as a list of bills from the last 5 months. An HTTP Action element can store the response data in a JSON object for further processing. A DataRaptor Post Action element can write data to a Salesforce object or invoke a Salesforce API, such as creating a case with the list of bills in the case description

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The design team creates a mock-up proposal of an OmniScript for sales that includes more than 25 steps. Th consultant reviews the proposal and sees that the OmniScript will be used for three different and complex sal processes: change of plan, new sale, and loyalty. The user will select the type of sale at the beginning of the interaction, and then the OmniScript will branch into either change of plan, new sales, or loyalty processes. E process will contain multiple decision points for the user.

Following best practices, what should the consultant recommend to improve the planned design of this OmniScript?

a. Pass the process type as an input parameter.
b. Add more conditional views to branch the OmniScript into logical sections.
c. Add more Step elements to create shorter pages.
d. Create a specific OmniScript for each business process.


Create a specific OmniScript for each business process.

The consultant should recommend creating a specific OmniScript for each business process to improve the planned design of this OmniScript. Having one OmniScript for three different and complex sales processes will make the OmniScript too long and complicated, and will affect the performance and maintainability. Creating separate OmniScripts for each process will make them more manageable and user-friendly, and will also allow for more customization and flexibility

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An Insurance agency wants to enable its call center agents to be more efficient when handling customer inqul…. After analyzing patterns in the call logs, the agency discovers that one of the top customer requests is to find total insurance premiums paid as well as the difference year over year. Agents need to relay this information the customer and then send them a summary report by email. The agency decides to implement this process using OmniScript.

What three OmniScrlpts elements should be used to meet the requirements?

Choose 3 answers
a. DataRaptor Extract Action
b. Email Action
c. DataRaptor Post Action
d. Messaging Element
e. Calculation Action


DataRaptor Extract Action
Email Action
Calculation Action

The three OmniScript elements that should be used to meet the requirements are: DataRaptor Extract Action, Email Action, and Calculation Action. A DataRaptor Extract Action can retrieve data from a Salesforce object, such as total insurance premiums paid and the difference year over year, and store it in an Interface object or a JSON object. An Email Action can send an email to the customer with a summary report attached, using data from an Interface object or a JSON object. A Calculation Action can perform mathematical operations on data from an Interface object or a JSON object, such as calculating the difference year over year

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In an Integration Procedure, what group element will control whether an individual action executes?

a. Conditional Block
b. Cache Block
c. Try-Catch Block
d. Loop Block


Conditional Block

The group element that will control whether an individual action executes in an Integration Procedure is Conditional Block. Conditional Block allows the designer to specify a condition that determines whether the actions inside the block will run or not. Cache Block is used to store data in memory for later use. Try-Catch Block is used to handle errors and exceptions. Loop Block is used to iterate over a collection of data.

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A company has a process that requires a birthday validation. At the beginning of the process, the user is asked to input their birthday. If the user is less than 18 years old. then the process should display an error stating that the age cannot be less than 18. The process should restrict users from continuing. If the user is 18 or older, then the process should proceed without any error message. Which two OmniScript features should the consultant recommend to meet this validation requirement? Choose 2 answers

A. Calculation
B. Messaging
C. Alert
D. Formula



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When designing OmniStudio solutions, what are two reasons that explain why Integration Procedures are recommended as the first choice of data sources for FlexCards and OmniScripts?

Choose 2 answers

a. They future-proof your front-end design.
b. They can retrieve Salesforce data from multiple objects faster.
c. They combine multiple actions into a single server call.
d. They enable better usability in digital interactions.


They future-proof your front-end design.
They combine multiple actions into a single server call.

Entiendo la confusión. Vamos a reconsiderar cuidadosamente las opciones dadas y la explicación adicional que has proporcionado.

Revisión de Opciones:

  1. They future-proof your front-end design:
    • Descripción: Las Integration Procedures pueden abstraer la fuente de datos del diseño del front-end, lo que facilita cambiar o actualizar la fuente de datos sin afectar la FlexCard o el OmniScript.
    • Relevancia: Esto es crucial para la flexibilidad y la capacidad de adaptación futura del sistema.
    • Conclusión: Recomendado.
  2. They can retrieve Salesforce data from multiple objects faster:
    • Descripción: Aunque las Integration Procedures pueden mejorar el rendimiento, la rapidez no es la razón principal destacada en la explicación adicional que proporcionaste.
    • Conclusión: No es la razón principal según la nueva información.
  3. They combine multiple actions into a single server call:
    • Descripción: Las Integration Procedures pueden ejecutar múltiples acciones de DataRaptor, como Extract, Transform y Load, e invocar servicios REST o SOAP en una sola llamada, reduciendo el número de solicitudes y el tiempo de procesamiento.
    • Relevancia: Esto mejora significativamente el rendimiento y la eficiencia.
    • Conclusión: Recomendado.
  4. They enable better usability in digital interactions:
    • Descripción: Aunque las Integration Procedures pueden contribuir a una mejor usabilidad mediante la optimización del rendimiento, esta no es una razón directa o principal para preferirlas.
    • Conclusión: No es la razón principal.

Conclusión Final:

Tomando en cuenta la información adicional que proporcionaste, las razones más destacadas para preferir las Integration Procedures como fuentes de datos para FlexCards y OmniScripts son:

  • A. They future-proof your front-end design: Proporcionan flexibilidad y adaptabilidad futura.
  • C. They combine multiple actions into a single server call: Mejoran el rendimiento y la eficiencia al reducir el número de solicitudes.

Por lo tanto, las respuestas correctas, basadas en la explicación adicional, son:

  • A. They future-proof your front-end design
  • C. They combine multiple actions into a single server call

Estas razones explican adecuadamente por qué las Integration Procedures son recomendadas como la primera opción de fuentes de datos para FlexCards y OmniScripts.

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A company wants to create a new customer buying journey for their website. The buying journey should include the following functionality:

  • Allow the user to enter contact and address information
  • Require the user to enter age, gender, and optionally income bracket
  • Compute a discount percentage per product based on the customer data provided
  • Save the list of suggested products including discounts

Which three OmniStudio tools should the consultant use to design a solution that meets these requirements7

Choose 3 answers

a. OmniScript
b. Integration Procedures
c. Calculation Procedures and Matrices
d. FlexCard
e. OmniStudio Action


Calculation Procedures and Matrices
OmniStudio Action


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The correct OmniStudio tools to design a solution that meets these requirements are OmniScript, Calculation Procedures and Matrices, and OmniStudio Action. OmniScript can be used to create a user interface for capturing customer information and displaying suggested products. Calculation Procedures and Matrices can be used to compute the discount percentage per product based on the customer data provided. OmniStudio Action can be used to save the list of suggested products including discounts to Salesforce or an external system. Integration Procedures are not needed for this scenario, as there is no data integration involved. FlexCard is not relevant for this scenario, as it is used to display contextual data on record pages.

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Which two functions can be performed by DataRaptors?

Choose 2 answers

a. Transform data
b. Combine requests into a single response
c. Read and write data to external systems
d. Read and write data to Salesforce


Transform data
Read and write data to Salesforce

DataRaptors are OmniStudio data tools that can perform various functions on data, such as reading, writing, transforming, and validating. They can work with Salesforce data and external data sources. The two functions that can be performed by DataRaptors are:

Transform data: DataRaptors can use transformation rules to manipulate data, such as changing the format, applying calculations, mapping values, etc.
Read and write data to Salesforce: DataRaptors can use SOQL or SOSL queries to read data from Salesforce objects and fields, and use DML operations to insert, update, delete, or upsert data to Salesforce.
The functions that cannot be performed by DataRaptors are:

Combine requests into a single response: DataRaptors cannot aggregate multiple requests from different sources into one response. This can be done using Integration Procedures, which can orchestrate multiple DataRaptors or REST calls into a single process.
Read and write data to external systems: DataRaptors cannot directly access external systems or APIs. They need to use Integration Procedures or REST elements to invoke external services and pass the data to or from DataRaptors.

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An auto insurance company has different rates for each state in the country. The company needs to manage the rates separately, but the formula to calculate the premiums is the same. All the input and output are the same; only the values in the rating tables differ.

Which OmniStudio tool should the consultant recommend to meet this requirement?

a. DataRaptor Transform with an interface Map
b. Aggregation Steps in a Calculation Procedure
c. Class-based Calculation Procedure
d. Grouped Calculation Matrix


Grouped Calculation Matrix


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The OmniStudio tool that the consultant should recommend to meet this requirement is Grouped Calculation Matrix. A Grouped Calculation Matrix is a tool that can perform complex calculations based on multiple input variables and output values within groups. The consultant can use a Grouped Calculation Matrix to define the input variables, such as state and other factors, and the output values, such as rates. The Grouped Calculation Matrix can then apply rules and formulas to calculate the rates for each state separately, but using the same formula

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What is the purpose of Step elements in OmniScript?

a. Allows the user to input data
b. Groups elements that extract data
c. Enables the use of repeatable blocks
d. Organizes the script into one or more pages


Organizes the script into one or more pages

Step elements are used to organize the OmniScript into one or more pages. They define the layout, navigation, and visibility of the OmniScript elements. They can also have pre- and post-actions that can execute DataRaptors, Integration Procedures, or other processes before or after the user completes the step.

The other options are not correct because:

Allows the user to input data: This is not the purpose of Step elements, but of Input elements, such as Text, Number, Date, Picklist, etc.
Groups elements that extract data: This is not the purpose of Step elements, but of Data Source elements, such as DataRaptor Extract, Integration Procedure Extract, etc.
Enables the use of repeatable blocks: This is not the purpose of Step elements, but of Repeatable Block elements, which allow the user to add or remove multiple instances of a group of elements.

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A company uses calculation procedures to determine product pricing. Due to the company’s pricing schedules, there is always more than one calculation procedure active at one time for a given date.

In this scenario, how will the calculation engine select which calculation procedure to run?

A. Date modified
B. Priority
C. Sequence
D. Date created



The calculation engine will select which calculation procedure to run based on Priority. Priority is a field on the calculation procedure object that determines the order in which calculation procedures are executed when there are multiple active ones for a given date. The lower the priority number, the higher the precedence. Date modified, Sequence, and Date created are not factors that affect the calculation procedure selection logic.

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A business wants to create a FlexCard for mobile plans to add to their Customer 360° console application. The FlexCard needs to include the following actions:

  • Start a process to retrieve plan consumption data
  • Create a new case
  • Open a promotions web page
  • Change the SIM card

which combination should the consultant use in designing the solution?

a. Custom Event and Redirect URL
b. OmniScript and Navigate
c. Event, Navigate and Card
d. Flyout and OmniScript


OmniScript and Navigate

The combination that the consultant should use in designing the solution is OmniScript and Navigate. An OmniScript is a tool that can design customer interactions using elements and actions. The consultant can use an OmniScript to display the mobile plans for the Customer 360° console application. A Navigate action is a button or a link that can redirect the user to another web page or URL. The consultant can use Navigate actions to add the following actions to the FlexCard: start a process to retrieve plan consumption data, create a new case, open a promotions web page, and change the SIM card

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A company has a requirement to create a 360° view of their customers using FlexCards. At this company, customer data is stored in Salesforce but also in external legacy systems. A consultant reviews the use cases needed and recommends a FlexCard canvas that contains 5 child FlexCards inside the state of the parent FlexCard.

How many different data sources can be configured using FlexCards in this scenario?

a. 2
b. 6
c. 5
d. 1



The number of different data sources that can be configured using FlexCards in this scenario is 6. A FlexCard can have one data source per state, and a state can have multiple child FlexCards, each with its own data source. Therefore, the parent FlexCard can have one data source for its state, and each of the 5 child FlexCards can have a different data source, making a total of 6 data sources

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When a customer wants to buy a new device, a discounted rate can be applied after considering the number lines and internet coverageon their current plan.

Which OmniStudio tool could a consultant recommend to get the discounted rate?

a. DataRaptor Turbo
b. OmniStudio Action
c. Calculation Matrices
d. DataRaptor Transform


Calculation Matrices

The OmniStudio tool that the consultant should recommend to get the discounted rate is Calculation Matrices. A Calculation Matrix is a tool that can perform complex calculations based on multiple input variables and output values. The consultant can use a Calculation Matrix to define the input variables, such as number of lines and internet coverage, and the output values, such as discounted rate. The Calculation Matrix can then apply rules and formulas to calculate the discounted rate for each combination of input variables

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A consultant Is designing a solution for a client using Omnistudio. The client wants to display data and launch actions from their Salesforce org.

Which OmniStudio tool should the consultant use to meet this requirement?

a. DataRaptors
b. FlexCards
c. OmniScripts
d. Integration Procedures



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A telecommunications company wants to create a 360° view of their customers, including all customer install products grouped by service address. During the discovery phase of the project, the consultant identifies that installed products can have 4 different statuses. Agents complete different processes, depending on status of installed product. The consultant creates an inventory of all statuses and processes as shown below.

  • Status = Active

o Pay bill

o Review usage

o Cancel service

  • Status = Suspended

o Pay bill

o Reconnect service

o Cancel service

  • Status = Pending installation

o Set up billing

o Schedule installation

o Cancel installation

  • Status = Canceled

o Reconnect service o Cancel service

  • Status = Pending installation

o Set up billing

o Scheduleinstallation

o Cancel installation

  • Status = Canceled

o Pay bill

o Disconnect service

o Reconnect service

Which two FlexCard features should the consultant use to meet these requirements?

Choose 2 answers

a. States
b. OmniStudio Action
c. Custom Style
d. Flyout


OmniStudio Action

The two FlexCard features that the consultant should use to meet these requirements are States and OmniStudio Action. A State is a condition that determines how a FlexCard displays data and actions based on certain criteria. The consultant can use States to filter the installed products by their status and display different fields and actions accordingly. An OmniStudio Action is a button that can invoke an OmniScript or an Integration Procedure from a FlexCard. The consultant can use OmniStudio Actions to enable the agents to complete different processes for each installed product, such as pay bill, cancel service, etc

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A company needs to create a quoting process for its internal agents. During quoting, the agent selects a product and specifies the grade (A, B. C, D. E) and the size (Small Medium, Large, X-large). The process should look up the unit price using the product code, the grade, size, and then multiplies the unit price by a discount factor.

Which two OmniStudio tools should the consultant recommend to meet these requirements?

Choose 2 answers

a. Calculation Matrix
b. DataRaptor Transform
c. DataRaptor Extract
d. Calculation Procedure


Calculation Matrix
DataRaptor Extract

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The two OmniStudio tools that the consultant should recommend to meet these requirements are: Calculation Matrix and DataRaptor Extract. A Calculation Matrix is a tool that can perform complex calculations based on multiple input variables and output values. The consultant can use a Calculation Matrix to look up the unit price using the product code, the grade, size, and then multiply the unit price by a discount factor. A DataRaptor Extract is a tool that can retrieve data from a Salesforce object or invoke a Salesforce API. The consultant can use a DataRaptor Extract to get the product code, grade, size, and discount factor from Salesforce

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A client wants to create an OmniScript to capture customer satisfaction. The process requires the following actions:

  • Present the user with a customer satisfaction question that allows them to select one option from a 1-5 satisfaction rating.
  • Create a case for an account team member to follow up.
  • Email a summary message to the user.

Which OmniScript elements should the consultant recommend to meet these requirements’

a. Radio Group, Remote Action, and Messaging Action
b. Multi-Select, Remote Action, and Email Action
c. Radio Group, DataRaptor Post Action, and Email Action
d. Edit Block, DataRaptor Post Action, and Messaging Action


Radio Group, DataRaptor Post Action, and Email Action

The OmniScript elements that the consultant should recommend to meet these requirements are: Radio Group, DataRaptor Post Action, and Email Action. A Radio Group element is an element that can display a list of options for the user to choose from, such as customer satisfaction rating. A Radio Group element allows only one option to be selected at a time, and can also have icons for each option. A DataRaptor Post Action is an action that can write data to a Salesforce object or invoke a Salesforce API. The consultant can use a DataRaptor Post Action to create a case for an account team member to follow up. An Email Action is an action that can send an email to one or more recipients, with optional attachments and templates. The consultant can use an Email Action to email a summary message to the user

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What is the purpose of a DataRaptor Load?

a. Write data to Salesforce objects
b. Post data to Salesforce APIs
c. Load data to an Interface object
d. Send data to a PDF template


Write data to Salesforce objects

The purpose of a DataRaptor Load is to write data to Salesforce objects. A DataRaptor Load can map data from an Interface object or a JSON object to one or more Salesforce objects, and perform insert, update, upsert, or delete operations. A DataRaptor Load can also use formulas and functions to transform the data before writing it to Salesforce

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A customer needs to create an OmniScript to capture payment Information. In the first step of the process, it user selects a payment type such as credit card, debit card, or direct bank account payment. Each payment t should display with a different icon. The process should check to see if the customer has any saved payment information of that type, and if there is, no further action is required. If there is no saved payment informatic then the user should be allowed to enter the information, and the process should save It.

Which three OmniScript elements should be used to meet these requirements?

Choose 3 answers

a. DataRaptor Transform Action
b. Select
c. DataRaptor Extract Action
d. Radio
e. DataRaptor Post Action


DR Extract Action
DataRaptor Post Action

The three OmniScript elements that should be used to meet these requirements are: Select, DataRaptor Extract Action, and DataRaptor Post Action. A Select element can display a dropdown list of options for the user to choose from, such as payment type. A DataRaptor Extract Action can retrieve data from a Salesforce object, such as saved payment information, and store it in an Interface object or a JSON object. A DataRaptor Post Action can write data to a Salesforce object, such as new payment information, and perform insert or update operations

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A company has a legacy application to display customer information. The application currently uses custom CS / HTML to display information in the company’s color scheme and fonts. The application also provides users will access to more than 25 processes. Recently, a new project was started to build a 360° view using FlexCards to replace the legacy application.

In this scenario, which three FlexCard features should the consultant recommend?

Choose 3 answers

a. Actions
b. Custom Styles
c. Menu elements
d. Data tables
e. Newport Design System


Custom Styles
Data tables

FlexCards are used to display contextual customer information in a compact and customizable way. They can also provide access to related processes or actions. In this scenario, the features that the consultant should recommend are:

Actions: These are buttons or links that can launch OmniScripts, DataRaptors, or other processes from the FlexCard. They can help the users to perform tasks related to the customer information displayed on the FlexCard.
Custom Styles: These are CSS classes that can be applied to the FlexCard elements to match the company’s color scheme and fonts. They can help the users to have a consistent and branded user interface.
Data Tables: These are elements that can display tabular data from one or more data sources on the FlexCard. They can help the users to see relevant data in a structured and sortable way.
The features that the consultant should not recommend are:

Menu Elements: These are elements that can display a list of options or submenus on the FlexCard. They are not suitable for this scenario because they do not provide access to processes or actions, but only to other FlexCards or pages.
Newport Design System: This is a design system that provides a set of predefined styles and components for OmniStudio applications. It is not suitable for this scenario because it does not match the company’s color scheme and fonts, and it may require additional customization.

Para responder adecuadamente a esta pregunta, es crucial considerar las características específicas que se necesitan para reemplazar la aplicación heredada con FlexCards, teniendo en cuenta la necesidad de mantener el esquema de colores y las fuentes de la compañía, así como proporcionar acceso a más de 25 procesos.

Requisitos Clave:
1. Acceso a procesos: FlexCards deben permitir la ejecución de diversas acciones y procesos.
2. Estilo personalizado: Mantener el esquema de colores y fuentes de la compañía.
3. Estructuración de datos: Mostrar información de manera estructurada y fácil de interpretar.

Análisis de Opciones:

  1. Actions:
    • Descripción: Botones o enlaces que pueden lanzar OmniScripts, DataRaptors u otros procesos desde la FlexCard.
    • Relevancia: Fundamental para proporcionar acceso a los más de 25 procesos mencionados.
    • Conclusión: Recomendado.
  2. Custom Styles:
    • Descripción: Clases CSS que pueden aplicarse a los elementos de la FlexCard para coincidir con el esquema de colores y fuentes de la compañía.
    • Relevancia: Permite mantener la consistencia y la identidad de marca en la interfaz de usuario.
    • Conclusión: Recomendado.
  3. Menu Elements:
    • Descripción: Elementos que pueden mostrar una lista de opciones o submenús en la FlexCard.
    • Relevancia: No directamente necesario para proporcionar acceso a procesos, pero útil para estructurar opciones.
    • Conclusión: Puede ser útil, pero no necesariamente prioritario.
  4. Data Tables:
    • Descripción: Elementos que pueden mostrar datos tabulares de una o más fuentes de datos en la FlexCard.
    • Relevancia: Útil para mostrar información de manera estructurada y fácil de interpretar.
    • Conclusión: Recomendado.
  5. Newport Design System:
    • Descripción: Sistema de diseño con un conjunto de estilos y componentes predefinidos para aplicaciones OmniStudio.
    • Relevancia: Puede no coincidir con el esquema de colores y fuentes de la compañía y requiere personalización adicional.
    • Conclusión: No es la mejor opción para este escenario específico.

Las características que el consultor debe recomendar para reemplazar la aplicación heredada con FlexCards, asegurando que los usuarios tengan acceso a los procesos y manteniendo la consistencia de la marca son:

  • A. Actions: Permitir acceso a los procesos.
  • B. Custom Styles: Mantener la consistencia visual de la marca.
  • D. Data Tables: Mostrar información de manera estructurada.

Por lo tanto, la respuesta correcta es:

  • A. Actions
  • B. Custom Styles
  • D. Data Tables

Estas características asegurarán que la FlexCard cumpla con los requisitos de la empresa para mostrar información de manera contextual y proporcionar acceso a los procesos necesarios, todo mientras mantiene la identidad visual de la marca.

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A consultant needs to design an OmniScript to capture the following information:

  • Select one payment method from a list of options
  • Enter the address information with autocomplete
  • Enter a phone number

Which OmniScript elements should be used to capture this information?

a. Radio, TypeAhead, and Telephone
b. Multi-Select. Address, and Telephone
c. Checkbox, Geolocation, and Number
d. Select, TypeAhead, and Number


Radio, TypeAhead, and Telephone

Radio: This element is used when you want the user to select only one option from a list, which is the case for selecting a payment method.
TypeAhead: This element provides autocomplete functionality, which is suitable for entering address information.
Telephone: This element is specifically designed to capture phone numbers. It can also include features like format validation.

Para determinar la respuesta correcta, es importante analizar cada elemento de OmniScript en el contexto de los requisitos específicos: seleccionar un método de pago, introducir una dirección con autocompletado y capturar un número de teléfono.

Requisitos y Análisis de Opciones:

  1. Select one payment method from a list of options:
    • Radio: Adecuado para seleccionar una opción de una lista.
    • Select: También adecuado para seleccionar una opción de una lista desplegable.
  2. Enter the address information with autocomplete:
    • TypeAhead: Proporciona sugerencias de autocompletado para campos de dirección.
    • Address: Aunque puede capturar direcciones, no necesariamente incluye funcionalidades de autocompletado, dependiendo de la implementación.
  3. Enter a phone number:
    • Telephone: Específicamente diseñado para capturar números de teléfono con validación de formato.
    • Number: Aunque puede capturar números, no es específico para números de teléfono y puede no proporcionar validación de formato adecuada.

Opciones Analizadas:

  1. Radio, TypeAhead, and Telephone:
    • Radio: Adecuado para seleccionar un método de pago.
    • TypeAhead: Proporciona autocompletado para dirección.
    • Telephone: Específico para números de teléfono con validación de formato.
    • Conclusión: Esta combinación satisface todos los requisitos de manera específica y adecuada.
  2. Multi-Select, Address, and Telephone:
    • Multi-Select: No es adecuado para seleccionar una sola opción.
    • Address: Puede no incluir autocompletado.
    • Telephone: Adecuado para números de teléfono.
    • Conclusión: No satisface el requisito de seleccionar una sola opción ni el autocompletado.
  3. Checkbox, Geolocation, and Number:
    • Checkbox: No es adecuado para seleccionar una sola opción.
    • Geolocation: No es un elemento de OmniScript estándar.
    • Number: No es específico para números de teléfono.
    • Conclusión: No satisface varios de los requisitos.
  4. Select, TypeAhead, and Number:
    • Select: Adecuado para seleccionar un método de pago.
    • TypeAhead: Proporciona autocompletado para dirección.
    • Number: No es específico para números de teléfono.
    • Conclusión: Satisface la mayoría de los requisitos, pero “Number” no es tan adecuado como “Telephone” para capturar números de teléfono.

Conclusión Final:
La opción “Radio, TypeAhead, and Telephone” proporciona los elementos más adecuados y específicos para capturar la información requerida:

  • Radio para seleccionar un método de pago.
  • TypeAhead para autocompletado de dirección.
  • Telephone para capturar números de teléfono con validación de formato.

Por lo tanto, la respuesta correcta es:

  • A. Radio, TypeAhead, and Telephone

Esta combinación asegura que cada requisito se cumpla de manera efectiva y apropiada.

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A company wants to create a new digital interaction process that allows customers to request a quote for service from a local retail energy supplier. The process requires the following actions:

  • Allow the user to select one or more energy products from a list
  • Get current energy usage data from an external system via an API
  • Save the data back to Salesforce as a lead

Which three OmniScript elements should the consultant recommend to meet these requirements?

Choose 3 answers

a. DataRaptor Post Action
b. Multi-select Input
c. Post to Object Action
d. Radio Input
e. HTTP Action


DataRaptor Post Action
Multi-select Input
HTTP Action

The three OmniScript elements that the consultant should recommend to meet these requirements are: DataRaptor Post Action, Multi-select Input, and HTTP Action. A DataRaptor Post Action is an action that can write data to a Salesforce object or invoke a Salesforce API. The consultant can use a DataRaptor Post Action to save the data back to Salesforce as a lead. A Multi-select Input is an element that can display a list of options for the user to choose from, such as energy products. A Multi-select Input allows multiple options to be selected at once, and can also have icons for each option. An HTTP Action is an element that can invoke a REST or SOAP service to retrieve data from an external system, such as current energy usage data. An HTTP Action can store the response data in a JSON object for further processing

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Which OmniStudio tool creates a Chatter post and sends to a Chatter feed?

a. DataRaptor Load
b. Integration Procedure
c. Calculation Procedure
d. FlexCards


Integration Procedure

The OmniStudio tool that creates a Chatter post and sends it to a Chatter feed is Integration Procedure. An Integration Procedure can execute multiple DataRaptor actions, such as Extract, Transform, and Load, and also invoke REST or SOAP services. One of the REST services that an Integration Procedure can invoke is Chatter API, which allows creating and sending Chatter posts to users or groups

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A business implements several OmniScripts and requests a design review to identify possible improvements. During the review, the consultant notices that each OmniScript needs to update address data, but each OmniScript collects the information differently using different labels and input elements.

What can the consultant recommend to improve these OmniScripts?

a. Create new versions of the OmniScripts to collect the address information.
b. Create a reusable OmniScript to update address information.
c. Use a DataRaptor Transform to standardize the data format.
d. Add an address typeahead element to all the OmniScripts.


Create a reusable OmniScript to update address information.

The consultant can recommend creating a reusable OmniScript to update address information. A reusable OmniScript is an OmniScript that can be embedded in another OmniScript as a sub-process. This way, the consultant can create one OmniScript that collects the address information in a consistent way using the same labels and input elements, and then use it in multiple OmniScripts that need to update address information. This will improve the design and maintenance of the OmniScripts.

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A company has designed a process that extracts a large amount of data from a Salesforce object. Due to the volume of data that will be retrieved, it is important that Governor limits are not exceeded.

What solution should the consultant recommend?

a. DataRaptor Extract with Chaining
b. DataRaptor Turbo Extract
c. Calculation Procedure and DataRaptor Turbo Extract
d. Integration Procedure and DataRaptor Turbo Extract


DataRaptor Turbo Extract

The solution that the consultant should recommend is DataRaptor Turbo Extract. DataRaptor Turbo Extract allows the designer to retrieve a large amount of data from a Salesforce object in batch mode without hitting governor limits. DataRaptor Extract is not suitable for this scenario, as it can only retrieve data from a single record or a small set of records. Calculation Procedure and DataRaptor Turbo Extract are not needed for this scenario, as there is no calculation involved. Integration Procedure and DataRaptor Turbo Extract are not needed for this scenario, as there is no data integration involved.

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The design team creates a mock-up proposal of an OmniScript for sales that includes more than 25 steps. Th consultant reviews the proposal and sees that the OmniScript will be used for three different and complex sal processes: change of plan, new sale, and loyalty. The user will select the type of sale at the beginning of the interaction, and then the OmniScript will branch into either change of plan, new sales, or loyalty processes. E process will contain multiple decision points for the user.
Following best practices, what should the consultant recommend to improve the planned design of this OmniScript?
A. Create a specific OmniScript for each business process.
B. Add more conditional views to branch the OmniScript into logical sections.
C. Pass the process type as an input
D. Add more Step elements to create shorter pages.


Create a specific OmniScript for each business process.

The consultant should recommend creating a specific OmniScript for each business process to improve the planned design of this OmniScript. Having one OmniScript for three different and complex sales processes will make the OmniScript too long and complicated, and will affect the performance and maintainability. Creating separate OmniScripts for each process will make them more manageable and user-friendly, and will also allow for more customization and flexibility

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A company has a requirement to create a 360° view of their customers using FlexCards. At this company, customer data is stored in Salesforce but also in external legacy systems. A consultant reviews the use cases needed and recommends a FlexCard canvas that contains multiple child cards inside the state of a parent FlexCard.

What is the advantage of embedding multiple child cards in this scenario?

A. Enables easier global styling changes
B. Allows multiple data sources to be used
C. Enables the FlexCard to be used on a community page
D. Allows conditional views with the Toggle element on each child card


Allows multiple data sources to be used

The advantage of embedding multiple child cards in this scenario is that it allows multiple data sources to be used. A child card can have its own data source independent of the parent card or other child cards. This way, the consultant can use different data sources for each child card, such as Salesforce objects or external systems, and display them in one FlexCard canvas

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Which OmniStudio tool can be used to invoke scheduled jobs?

A. Integration Procedure
B. DataRaptor Extract
C. DataRaptor Load
D. Calculation Procedure


Integration Procedure

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The OmniStudio tool that can be used to invoke scheduled jobs is Integration Procedure. An Integration Procedure is a tool that can execute multiple DataRaptor actions, such as Extract, Transform, and Load, and also invoke REST or SOAP services. An Integration Procedure can also be scheduled to run at a specific time or frequency using Apex Scheduler or Process Builder

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A company has an OmniScript that allows agents to schedule service calls. The first step displays the account name, primary contact name, and telephone number to the user for confirmation. On the second step, it displays available appointment slots, which are retrieved from an external service in XML and then transformed into JSON. The following actions are currently used in the OmniScript:

  • DataRaptor Extract Action
  • HTTP Action
  • DataRaptor Transform Action

Following best practices, what can the consultant recommend to reduce processing time?

A. Combine these actions into an Integration Procedure
B. Change DataRaptors to extract single objects
C. Add conditional views to the OmniScript
D. Add reusable OmniScripts for each step


Combine these actions into an Integration Procedure

The consultant should recommend adding a Set Errors element to meet this requirement. A Set Errors element can display an error message and prevent the OmniScript from proceeding if certain conditions are not met. The consultant can use a Set Errors element to check if the email address field is empty when the agent selects the checkbox to email the receipt. If it is empty, the Set Errors element can show an error message and direct the user to return to the first step and enter the customer’s email address

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A business has an existing Contact FlexCard that currently displays 5 actions. The business needs to add 3 m actions to the existing FlexCard. All 8 actions are equally important and used with the same frequency. The business wants to display the name and icon for each action. However, when reviewing the existing design, V consultant notices that the FlexCard is overloaded with actions.

What FlexCard design solution should the consultant recommend?

A. Add a menue element and include all the actions
B. Create a new contact FlexCard for the new actions
C. Add a flyout to the existing FlexCard
D. Use a block element to add these new actions


Add a menue element and include all the actions

The FlexCard design solution that the consultant should recommend is to add a menu element and include all the actions. A menu element can display a list of actions in a dropdown menu, with icons and labels for each action. The consultant can use a menu element to show all the 8 actions in the FlexCard, without overloading it with buttons or links. This will improve the user experience and the design of the FlexCard

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An insurance company wants to create an OmniScript that allows the user to review and change account number such as phone number and website. In this process, the following functionality is needed:

  • Enter the company’s website
  • Enter the account phone number
  • Each field should display on a separate line of the page

Which three elements should the consultant include in the OmniScript design solution?

Choose 3 answers

A. Number
B. Text Area
C. Telephone
D. Line Break
E. Text


Line Break

The three elements that the consultant should include in the OmniScript design solution are: Telephone, Line Break, and Text. A Telephone element can display a field for the user to enter a phone number, with validation and formatting options. A Line Break element can insert a line break between two elements, making them display on separate lines. A Text element can display a field for the user to enter text, such as a website URL

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A business needs a 360° view of their accounts, including a FlexCard to display all of the products sold to the account. The business identified 20 different data elements and 10 actions that users would need when view the product information. Once all of the elements are collected together on the FlexCard, it looks cluttered.

Which two FlexCard features should the consultant recommend to address this issue?

Choose 2 answers

A. Use a table or chart to display data
B. Use a flyout action to display additional information
C. Use a condition to hide data unless specific criteria are met
D. Put specific fields in a collapsible block


Use a flyout action to display additional information
Put specific fields in a collapsible block

The two FlexCard features that the consultant should recommend to address this issue are Flyout and Block elements. A Flyout is a pop-up window that can display additional information or actions for a FlexCard. The consultant can use a Flyout to show more details or options for each product without cluttering the main FlexCard. A Block element is a container that can group related fields and elements in a FlexCard. The consultant can use a Block element with the Collapse property enabled to allow the user to expand or collapse a section of the FlexCard, such as specific fields or actions

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When a call center agent interacts with a customer, the agent must have all of the customer’s related information available for a quick response. The business requires the agent to have access to:

  • A view with information about a customer account
  • A list of contacts and cases associated with the account
  • All information should be on one screen

What OmnlStudio tool should be used to meet this requirement?

A. Customer IntellView
B. Lightning Record Page
C. OmniScript
D. FlexCards



The OmniStudio tool that should be used to meet this requirement is FlexCards. A FlexCard is a tool that can display data and actions in a card format. The consultant can use FlexCards to show all of the customer’s related information on one screen, such as account information, contacts, cases, etc. FlexCards can also have actions that can invoke OmniScripts or Integration Procedures for further interactions, such as creating new records or updating existing ones

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A business has a requirement to display an account and all of the associated contacts on a page. The number of contacts will vary for each account. For each contact, the page should display first name, last name, email, at phone number with options to edit the contact information or send a message. The primary contact for an a should be highlighted with a blue border.

Which two FlexCards features should the consultant recommend to meet these requirements?

Choose 2 answers

A. Data table
B. Flyouts
C. States
D. Repeat Block


Data table
Repeat Block

The two FlexCard features that the consultant should recommend to meet these requirements are Datatable and Repeat Block. A Datatable element can display a list of records in a tabular format, with columns for each field and rows for each record. The consultant can use a Datatable element to display the contacts for an account, with options to edit or send a message. A Repeat Block element is a container that can display multiple instances of a FlexCard based on a data source. The consultant can use a Repeat Block element to display a FlexCard for each contact, and use a condition to apply a blue border for the primary contact

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which two of the following use cases are best solved using Calculation Procedures & Matrices?

Choose 2 answers

A. To apply the correct factor when determining a cost
B. To return output that is calculated differently based on the date
C. To determine the list of products to display to a customer
D. To retrieve text data and convert it to an integer


To apply the correct factor when determining a cost
To return output that is calculated differently based on the date

The two use cases that are best solved using Calculation Procedures & Matrices are: To apply the correct factor when determining a cost and To return output that is calculated differently based on the date. A Calculation Procedure is a tool that can perform complex calculations based on multiple input and output variables. A Calculation Matrix is a tool that can perform complex calculations based on multiple input variables and output values within groups. The consultant can use Calculation Procedures & Matrices to solve these use cases, because they involve applying rules and formulas to different data values and scenarios

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company needs to create an OmniScript with three steps.

  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3

Enter customer details

Select a product

Display a price retrieved from a REST API

The product’s price should automatically display in Step 3.

What should the consultant add to the design of the OmniScript to meet these requirements?

A. DataRaptor Post Action between Step 2 and Step 3
B. Integration Procedure Action between Step 2 and Step 3
C. DataRaptor Post Action inside Step 2
D. Integration Procedure Action inside Step 3


Integration Procedure Action inside Step 3

The consultant should add an Integration Procedure Action inside Step 3 to meet the requirements. An Integration Procedure Action can execute an Integration Procedure that invokes a REST API and retrieves the product price. The Integration Procedure Action can be configured to run automatically when Step 3 is loaded, and display the price in a field or label element

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A business wants to display customer 360° information in a console for their call center agents. The customer information will come from a variety of sources, and the information should be grouped together logically. The agents will need to take different actions depending on the context of each group of information.

Which tool should a consultant recommend to meet this requirement?

A. Omniscript
B. Lightning web components
C. Visualforce Page
D. FlexCards


Lightning web components

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The tool that the consultant should recommend to meet this requirement is Lightning web components. Lightning web components are custom HTML elements built using HTML and modern JavaScript. They can be used to create rich and interactive user interfaces that display data from various sources and allow users to take actions. In this case, a Lightning web component can be used to display customer 360° information in a console using FlexCards, OmniScripts, or other components. Omniscript is not a tool, but a type of component that can be used to create guided interactions. Visualforce Page is not suitable for this requirement, as it is a legacy technology that uses server-side rendering and does not support modern web standards. FlexCards are not a tool, but a type of component that can be used to display contextual data on record pages.

Anotación de otro:
Lightning web components
- Comes from a variety of sources
- Different actions depending on the context of each group of information

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Which three functions are performed by Action elements in OmniScript?

Choose 3 answers

A. Display error messages to the user
B. Get and update data through APIs
C. Organize data into multiple pages
D. Send DocuSign emails for signature
E. Get and update data in Salesforce


Get and update data through APIs
Send DocuSign emails for signature
Get and update data in Salesforce

The three functions that are performed by Action elements in OmniScript are get and update data through APIs, send DocuSign emails for signature, and get and update data in Salesforce. Action elements are used to perform various operations on data within an OmniScript. Display error messages to the user is not a function of Action elements, but of Error elements. Organize data into multiple pages is not a function of Action elements, but of Page elements.

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A business has a project that must be completed soon in order to meet important deadlines. However, the developer on the project has left the company, and the new team on the project has decided to use OmniStudio tools. The development work completed so far was done using APEX code. The new team must complete the project following these guidelines:

  • Minimize implementation time
  • Ensure end-user processes are as simple as possible
  • Find a way to ensure optimal UX

In this scenario, what two actions should the consultant recommend to the project team’

Choose 2 answers

A. Replace existing APEX using DataRaptors and HTTPActions
B. Create new LWC templates for branding and styling
C. Implement FlexCards and OmniScripts for the front-end
D. Use existing APEX classes as data sources


Replace existing APEX using DataRaptors and HTTPActions
Implement FlexCards and OmniScripts for the front-end

The two actions that the consultant should recommend to the project team are replace existing APEX using DataRaptors and HTTPActions, and implement FlexCards and OmniScripts for the front-end. Replacing existing APEX using DataRaptors and HTTPActions would reduce implementation time, as these tools are declarative and do not require coding. Implementing FlexCards and OmniScripts for the front-end would ensure end-user processes are as simple as possible, as these tools provide guided interactions and contextual data. Creating new LWC templates for branding and styling would increase implementation time, as this would require coding and testing. Using existing APEX classes as data sources would not ensure optimal UX, as this would limit the flexibility and scalability of the solution.


A business needs to create a FlexCard to display open cases for an account. The cases should display different depending on their priority.

  • Low or Medium priority cases should display case data and an Update Account Info action.
  • High priority cases should include a red border, an alert notification, and an Escalate action.

What is the most efficient way to meet these requirements?

A. Create a FlexCard with two card states. Use conditions on the state to filter for priority.
B. Create a FlexCard with one card state. Use conditions on the fields and actions to filter for priority.
C. Create two FlexCards with one card state each. Use conditions on the states to filter for priority.
D. Create two FlexCards, one for Low / Medium priority cases and another for High priority cases.


Create a FlexCard with two card states. Use conditions on the state to filter for priority.

The most efficient way to meet the requirements is to create a FlexCard with two card states. A card state defines how a FlexCard displays data and actions based on certain conditions. The consultant can use conditions on the state to filter for priority, and then customize the fields and actions for each state. This way, the FlexCard can display different information and options for low/medium and high priority cases


A company needs to implement new verification processes for contacts in their org. This process relies on three Contact record types: Recruiter, Candidate, and Trainer. The verification process is different for each type of contact. For example, recruiters must pass a background check; trainers must complete mandatory training classes, and candidates must achieve certifications.

Which OmniStudio tools should the consultant recommend to meet these requirements?

A. Specific FlexCards with Actions for each type of Contact
B. Multiple OmniStudio Actions that invoke separate OmniScripts
C. Single FlexCard with an Action to invoke an OmniScript
D. Single OmniStudio Action that invokes separate Omniscripts


Single OmniStudio Action that invokes separate Omniscripts
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The OmniStudio tools that should be recommended to meet these requirements are single OmniStudio Action that invokes separate Omniscripts. OmniStudio Action can be used to conditionally launch different Omniscripts based on the record type of the contact. Omniscripts can be used to implement the verification processes for each type of contact. Specific FlexCards with Actions for each type of Contact would require creating redundant FlexCards and Actions for each record type. Multiple OmniStudio Actions that invoke separate Omniscripts would require creating redundant Actions for each record type. Single FlexCard with an Action to invoke an Omniscript would not allow for different verification processes based on the record type.


A company needs a guided process for their internal support department that will provide the following functionality:

  • Allow the user to enter their employee id
  • Retrieve name, mobile phone, title, and email using the employee id
  • Display the user’s details on a page
  • On another page, allow the user to enter case details, including subject, category, severity, and description

Which three elements should the consultant recommend to meet these requirements using an OmniScrip?

Choose 3 answers

A. Messaging
B. DataRaptor Post Action
C. Calculation Action
D. DataRaptor Extract Action
E. Steps


DataRaptor Post Action
DataRaptor Extract Action

The three elements that the consultant should recommend to meet these requirements using an OmniScript are: Messaging, DataRaptor Post Action, and Steps. A Messaging element is an element that can display a text message with an icon and a color, such as blue for information or yellow for warning. The consultant can use a Messaging element to display the user’s details on a page. A DataRaptor Post Action is an action that can write data to a Salesforce object or invoke a Salesforce API. The consultant can use a DataRaptor Post Action to save the case details to Salesforce. A Step element is an element that can group related fields and elements in an OmniScript, and display them in a page or a section. The consultant can use multiple Step elements to organize the OmniScript into logical steps, such as entering employee id, displaying user details, and entering case details.


A consultant has a project with the following requirement: “Agents need to follow a standard customer greeti…. script in order to ensure brand consistency.”

Which OmniScript element should the consultant recommend to ensure the agents can see and follow these standard scripts?

A. Input Block
B. Text Area
C. Headline
D. Step



Para asegurarse de que los agentes puedan ver y seguir un guion estándar de saludo al cliente, es importante elegir un elemento de OmniScript que permita mostrar texto de manera clara y legible, sin requerir entrada del usuario.

Análisis de Opciones:

  1. Input Block:
    • El Input Block se utiliza para agrupar varios elementos de entrada. No es adecuado para mostrar un guion estático que los agentes deben seguir.
  2. Text Area:
    • El Text Area es un campo de entrada que permite a los usuarios ingresar texto en múltiples líneas. No es adecuado para mostrar texto estático porque está diseñado para la entrada de datos, no para la visualización.
  3. Headline:
    • El Headline es un elemento de OmniScript utilizado para mostrar texto destacado, como títulos o instrucciones importantes. Es adecuado para mostrar un guion estático que los agentes deben seguir, ya que se puede utilizar para destacar el texto de manera clara y visible.
  4. Step:
    • El Step es un contenedor que agrupa varios elementos y define una etapa del proceso en un OmniScript. Aunque es útil para estructurar el flujo, no es adecuado para mostrar texto estático por sí mismo.

Para mostrar un guion estándar que los agentes deben seguir, el Headline es la opción más adecuada, ya que permite mostrar texto de manera clara y visible sin requerir entrada del usuario.

La respuesta correcta es:

  • C. Headline

Este elemento permitirá a los agentes ver y seguir fácilmente el guion estándar de saludo al cliente, asegurando la consistencia de la marca.


An insurance company decides to implement a sales console for the sales representatives that displays or provide access to customer information. The consultant reviews all the information required and determines that FlexCards would be the best solution to display part of the required information.

Which two pieces of data should the consultant recommend displaying using FlexCards’

Choose 2 answers

A. Policies including type, issue date, amount
B. Terms and Conditions for each policy
C. Guided troubleshooting process
D. Customer name, title, phone, email


Policies including type, issue date, amount
Customer name, title, phone, email

The two pieces of data that the consultant should recommend displaying using FlexCards are: Policies including type, issue date, amount and Customer name, title, phone, email. A FlexCard is a tool that can display data and actions in a card format. The consultant can use FlexCards to show important and summary information about the customer and their policies, such as name, title, phone, email, type, issue date, and amount. These pieces of data are suitable for FlexCards because they are concise and relevant for the agents


A business is creating an agent console with FlexCards to provide a 360° view of their customers. The business wants the following information displayed:

  • Account information including account name, phone, and website
  • Active opportunities related to the account
  • Active contracts related to the account
  • The ability to view and renew contracts

An Integration Procedure will be used to retrieve Account, Opportunity, and Contract data.

How should the consultant design the FlexCards to meet these requirements?

A. Parent FlexCard with multiple Child and Card Actions
B. Parent FlexCard with multiple Child and different Card States
C. Parent FlexCard with single Child and multiple Card States
D. Parent FlexCard with single Child and Card Actions


Parent FlexCard with multiple Child and Card Actions

The consultant should design the FlexCards using a Parent FlexCard with multiple Child and Card Actions to meet these requirements. A Parent FlexCard is a FlexCard that can display data and actions in a card format, and also contain one or more Child FlexCards. The consultant can use a Parent FlexCard to display the account information, including account name, phone, and website. A Child FlexCard is a FlexCard that can display data and actions in a card format within a Parent FlexCard. The consultant can use multiple Child FlexCards to display the active opportunities and contracts related to the account. A Card Action is a button or a link that can invoke an OmniScript or an Integration Procedure from a FlexCard. The consultant can use multiple Card Actions to enable the user to view and renew contracts


A consultant must design a 360 view of the customer. The business requirements are:

  • A header card with account information (name, account number, next billing date, invoice method)
  • A list of related contacts (first name, last name, phone)
  • All the open cases related to the account (subject, priority, SLA)

An account will not have more than 2 contacts, but it could have more than 10 open cases. It is necessary to the different sections available at a glance.

Which two FlexCard features should the consultant recommend to improve the user experience?

Choose 2 answers

A. Use a Datatable element
B. Use a Block Element with the Collapse property enabled
C. Use a Zone Template
D. Use a Custom Style to adjust height and width


Use a Datatable element
Use a Block Element with the Collapse property enabled

Análisis de Opciones:
A. Use a Datatable element: Los elementos de tabla de datos (Datatable) son útiles para mostrar grandes cantidades de datos de manera estructurada y ordenada. Esto sería especialmente útil para mostrar más de 10 casos abiertos.

B. Use a Block Element with the Collapse property enabled: Permite expandir o colapsar secciones de la FlexCard, lo cual es útil para manejar grandes listas de datos y mejorar la experiencia del usuario.

C. Use a Zone Template: Permite definir el diseño y estilo de la FlexCard, incluyendo el número de columnas, filas y márgenes, lo cual es útil para organizar la información de manera clara y accesible.

Por lo tanto, las respuestas correctas son:

A. Use a Datatable element: Para mostrar los más de 10 casos abiertos de manera estructurada.
B. Use a Block Element with the Collapse property enabled: Para permitir que el usuario expanda o colapse secciones, mejorando la accesibilidad a la información.


A business requires a solution to generate an event {platform event) using account information. All the event information is related to the customer and is stored in Salesforce.

Using an Integration Procedure, which two actions are necessary to design this solution?

Choose 2 answers

B. Response
C. DataRaptor Post
D. DataRaptor Extract


DataRaptor Post
DataRaptor Extract
The two actions that are necessary to design this solution using an Integration Procedure are DataRaptor Post and DataRaptor Extract. A DataRaptor Post is an action that can write data to a Salesforce object or invoke a Salesforce API. The consultant can use a DataRaptor Post action to create an event (platform event) using account information. A DataRaptor Extract is an action that can retrieve data from a Salesforce object or invoke a Salesforce API. The consultant can use a DataRaptor Extract action to get the account information from Salesforce


A company plans to rebuild a process that includes functionality that was originally written in APEX and Visual pages using OmniScript. The consultant reviews the process and sees in the first step, the user reviews data and, then enters additional information. In the next step, the process retrieves data from an external system.

In this scenario, which OmniStudio data tool should the consultant recommend?

A. DataRaptor Turbo
B. Calculation Procedure
C. Integration Procedure
D. DataRaptor Extract


Integration Procedure
The OmniStudio data tool that the consultant should recommend in this scenario is an Integration Procedure. An Integration Procedure can execute multiple DataRaptor actions, such as Extract, Transform, and Load, and also invoke REST or SOAP services. In this case, the Integration Procedure can retrieve data from an external system via a REST API and store it in a JSON object for the OmniScript to display


A business needs to display installed products for field service technicians on service calls using a mobile device The installed product information must besummarized so the technician can see key details at a glance. However, the technician also needs to sometimes access a list of past service dates for each product.Which two FlexCards features should the consultant recommend to meet this requirement? Choose 2 answers
A. Use flyouts
B. Use card states
C. Enable the Responsive property
D. Customize the styling


Use flyouts
Enable the Responsive property

The two FlexCard features that the consultant should recommend to meet this requirement ara Flyouts and Responsive property. A Flyout is a pop-up window that can display additional information or actions for a FlexCard. The
consultant can use a Flyout to show the list of past service dates for each product, without cluttering the main FlexCard The Responsive property is a property that determines how a FlexCard adapts to diferent screen sizes and
orientations. The consultant can enable the Responsive property to make the FlexCard display well on mobile devices, such as tablets or phones


A business wants to create a reusable OmniScript to capture customer payment information during the order process. The business decides that the first step ofthe payment process should include:
* Payment type (credit card or bank account)
* Payment amount
Which two elements should the consultant recommend for this step of the process? Choose 2 answers
A. Number
B. Radio
C. Multi-select
D. Currency



Para capturar información de pago durante el proceso de pedido, es importante seleccionar los elementos adecuados que faciliten la entrada de datos y aseguren la precisión.

Requisitos Clave:

  1. Tipo de pago (tarjeta de crédito o cuenta bancaria).
  2. Monto del pago.

Análisis de Opciones:

  1. Number:
    • Este elemento permite la entrada de valores numéricos. Aunque es útil para datos numéricos en general, no es específico para capturar montos de pago, donde la precisión y el formato de moneda son importantes.
  2. Radio:
    • Este elemento permite a los usuarios seleccionar una opción entre varias predefinidas. Es ideal para capturar el tipo de pago, ya que los usuarios pueden seleccionar fácilmente entre “tarjeta de crédito” o “cuenta bancaria”.
  3. Multi-select:
    • Este elemento permite a los usuarios seleccionar múltiples opciones de una lista. No es adecuado para el tipo de pago, ya que solo se debe seleccionar una opción.
  4. Currency:
    • Este elemento es específico para la entrada de montos de pago. Formatea automáticamente la entrada como una cantidad de dinero, asegurando precisión y claridad en el monto ingresado.

Para capturar el tipo de pago y el monto del pago de manera efectiva, las opciones más adecuadas son:

  • B. Radio: Para seleccionar el tipo de pago (tarjeta de crédito o cuenta bancaria).
  • D. Currency: Para ingresar el monto del pago, asegurando que se formatee correctamente como una cantidad de dinero.

Por lo tanto, las respuestas correctas son:

  • B. Radio
  • D. Currency

Estos elementos permitirán una entrada de datos precisa y fácil de usar para los usuarios durante el proceso de pago.


In which two scenarios should a DataRaptor be used? Choose 2 answers
A. To retrieve an account and Its related contacts
B. To retrieve today’s financial news
C. To send an SMS alert to the user when a process completes
D. To merge the city and state fields into a single field


To retrieve an account and Its related contacts
To merge the city and state fields into a single field

The two scenarios where a DataRaptor should be used are: to retrieve an account and its related contacts, and to merge the city and state fields into a single field. A DataRaptor is a too’ that can read, transform, and write data
from Salesforce objects or JSON objects. A DataRaptor Extract can retrieve data from one or more Salesforce objects using SOQL queries, and store it in an Interface object or a JSON object A DataRaptor Transform can map
data from one Interface object or JSON object to another, and apply formulas and functions to transform the data. For example, a DataRaptor Transform can concatenate two fields into one using the + operator


A company plans to use OmniScript to digitally transform Its business. During the discovery phase of the project the team reviews all of the business processesincluding the Individual steps of each process. As a result of analysis, it is clear that many processes need to update contact data at different points in the process.What solution should the consultant recommend to efficiently meet these requirements?
A. Create an Integration Procedure to update contact data with “Chain On Step” enabled and invoke it from all OmniScripts.
B. Create an OmniScript that uses the reusable property to update contact data and embed it In other OmniScripts.
C. Create an OmniScript to update contact data and invoke it when other OmniScripts complete.
D. Create a FlexCard for contacts, and add an Update Contact Details OmniScript as an action.


Para abordar las necesidades de actualización de datos de contacto en múltiples puntos del proceso de negocio de manera eficiente, es importante considerar una solución que sea reusable y modular. Esto permitirá mantener la consistencia y reducir la redundancia en la implementación.

Análisis de Opciones:

  1. Create an Integration Procedure to update contact data with “Chain On Step” enabled and invoke it from all OmniScripts:
    • Esta opción implica crear un procedimiento de integración que se puede invocar desde múltiples OmniScripts. Usar “Chain On Step” habilitado permite encadenar pasos dentro del procedimiento, proporcionando una forma eficiente de actualizar datos de contacto en diferentes puntos del proceso.
  2. Create an OmniScript that uses the reusable property to update contact data and embed it in other OmniScripts:
    • Esta opción implica crear un OmniScript específico para actualizar datos de contacto que se puede reutilizar en otros OmniScripts. La propiedad reusable permite que este OmniScript se incruste en otros, promoviendo la modularidad y la reutilización.
  3. Create an OmniScript to update contact data and invoke it when other OmniScripts complete:
    • Esta opción sugiere crear un OmniScript que se invoque al finalizar otros OmniScripts. Sin embargo, esto puede no ser tan eficiente, ya que se ejecutaría después de que otros procesos hayan completado, lo cual podría no ser ideal si los datos de contacto necesitan actualizarse en diferentes puntos intermedios.
  4. Create a FlexCard for contacts, and add an Update Contact Details OmniScript as an action:
    • Esta opción sugiere usar una FlexCard para mostrar información de contacto y agregar un OmniScript de actualización como una acción. Aunque esto es útil para la interfaz de usuario, puede no ser la solución más eficiente para actualizar datos de contacto en múltiples puntos del proceso.

La opción más eficiente y modular para actualizar datos de contacto en diferentes puntos del proceso es crear un OmniScript reusable que pueda incrustarse en otros OmniScripts. Esto permite mantener la consistencia y facilita la reutilización en diferentes contextos del negocio.

La respuesta correcta es:

  • B. Create an OmniScript that uses the reusable property to update contact data and embed it in other OmniScripts

Esta solución permite a la empresa mantener un enfoque modular y eficiente, actualizando los datos de contacto donde sea necesario a lo largo de los procesos de negocio.


A company has an existing OmniScript that gathers customer information. User feedback suggests that the current process requires too much typing because allthe data is entered into input text fields. The users also are concerned because there is no validation in the data that is entered, and users can sometimes enterdata that contains errors. The required inputs are first name, last name, age, and email, users are also presented a brief questionnaire regarding customersatisfaction.Which three input elements can the consultant recommend to improve usability and to provide validation? Choose 3 answers
A. Headline
B. Radio Group
C. Email
D. Text Area
E. Range


Radio Group
Text Area

TODO: Ver en internet cuál es la respuesta correcta, chat gpt me marca otras opciones


A company needs to create a process that allows call center admins to retrieve all open cases that have a case type of “network issue” and submit the case data”as-is” to a back office system for validation in batch on a daily basis. Once the cases have been submitted, the process should trigger an email to the supervisor.Which three OmniStudio tools should the consultant recommend to meet these requirements? Choose 3 answers
A. DataRaptor Turbo Extract
B. OmniScript
C. FlexCard
D. Integration Procedure
E. DataRaptor Load


DataRaptor Turbo Extract
Integration Procedure
DataRaptor Load DataRaptor

The three tools that should be used in the solution are DataRaptor Turbo Extract, Integration Procedure, and DataRaptor Load DataRaptor Turbo Extract can be used to retrieve all open cases that have a case type of
“network issue” from Salesforce in batch moda Integration Procedure can be used to orchestrate the data nov.’ between Salesforce and the back-office system, as well as trigger an email to the supervisor after the cases have
been submitted. DataRaptor Load can be used to write data to the back-office system using REST or SOAP APIs. OmniScnpt is not needed for this scenario, as there is no user interface involved. FlexCard is not relevant for this
scenario, as it is used to display contextual data on record pages.


A company has account Information that they want to display to agents in a summarized view. For each account they want to display icons that allow the user tolaunch guided processes for frequent tasks. The processes a reused in other parts of the business.Which three OmniStudio tools are needed to meet these requirements? Choose 3 answers
A. FlexCards
B. Flyouts
C. OmniStudio Actions
D. Navigate Actions
E. Omni Script


OmniStudio Actions
Omni Script

Para responder a esta pregunta, es importante entender las capacidades de las herramientas de OmniStudio y cómo se pueden utilizar para mostrar información resumida y lanzar procesos guiados desde iconos.

Requisitos Clave:

  1. Mostrar información resumida de cuentas a los agentes.
  2. Incluir iconos que permitan a los usuarios lanzar procesos guiados para tareas frecuentes.
  3. Reutilizar estos procesos en otras partes del negocio.

Análisis de Opciones:

  1. FlexCards:
    • FlexCards se utilizan para mostrar datos de manera resumida y pueden incluir iconos y acciones para interactuar con los datos. Son ideales para crear una vista resumida de la información de la cuenta.
  2. Flyouts:
    • Flyouts se utilizan para mostrar información adicional o detalles cuando se interactúa con un elemento de la FlexCard, como un icono o un botón. Pueden ser útiles para mostrar detalles adicionales sin desordenar la vista principal.
  3. OmniStudio Actions:
    • OmniStudio Actions permiten ejecutar acciones específicas, como lanzar un OmniScript o realizar una integración. Son esenciales para permitir que los iconos de la FlexCard lancen los procesos guiados.
  4. Navigate Actions:
    • Navigate Actions permiten a los usuarios navegar a diferentes partes de la aplicación o a otras aplicaciones. Sin embargo, no son específicamente utilizados para ejecutar procesos guiados desde los iconos.
  5. OmniScript:
    • OmniScripts son flujos guiados que pueden ser reutilizados en diferentes partes del negocio. Son ideales para implementar los procesos guiados que los usuarios deben lanzar desde los iconos en la FlexCard.

Las herramientas de OmniStudio necesarias para cumplir con los requisitos de mostrar información resumida y lanzar procesos guiados desde iconos son:

  • A. FlexCards: Para mostrar la información de la cuenta de manera resumida y proporcionar iconos para lanzar acciones.
  • C. OmniStudio Actions: Para permitir que los iconos lancen los procesos guiados.
  • E. OmniScript: Para implementar los procesos guiados reutilizables en diferentes partes del negocio.

Por lo tanto, las respuestas correctas son:

  • A. FlexCards
  • C. OmniStudio Actions
  • E. OmniScript

Estas herramientas combinadas permiten crear una vista resumida de la información de la cuenta, incluir iconos que lancen procesos guiados y reutilizar dichos procesos en otras partes del negocio.


A business wants to add typeahead functionality to an existing OmniScript. The business wants the user to begin entering the name of a contact in Salesforce. andallow the user to select the contact once it has found a match. Once the contact has been selected, the OmniScript should retrieve the contact’s email address foruse in a later step of the process.What data source is needed when using the TypeAhead element?
A. HTTP Action
B. Integration Procedure Action
C. DataRaptor Post Action
D. DataRaptor Extract Action


DataRaptor Extract Action

The data source that is needed when using the TypeAhead element is DataRaptor ExtractActiom A TypeAhead element is an element that can display a list of suggestions for the userto select from, as they type in a text field. A
DataRaptor ExtractAction is an action that can retrieve data from a Salesforce object or invoke a Salesforce API, using SOQL queries or Apex methods. The consultant can use a DataRaptor Extract Action as a data source for the
TypeAhead element, to get the contact names from Salesforce and display them as suggestions


Which element allows a user to retrieve data from a single field and display it in a dropdown list?
A. Calculation Action
B. DataRaptor Extract Action
C. Lookup
D. Select




A business process needs to perform a multi-step calculation on each contact record in a list. Using an Integration Procedure to process the list, what feature can be used to meet this requirement?
A. Loop Block
B. Batch Action
C. Conditional Block
D. DataRaptor Transform Action


Loop Block

TODO: Agregar a resumen
The feature that can be used to meet this requirement in an Integration Procedure is Loop Block. Loop Block allows the designer to iterate over a collection of data and perform actions on each item. In this case, a Loop Block can
be used to loop over each contact record in the list and perform a multi-step calculation using Calculation Actions or Calculation Procedures Batch Action is not a feature in Integration Procedure, but a type of Action element that
can perform bulk operations on data. Conditional Block is used to specify a condition that determines whether the actions inside the block Will run or not DataRaptor Transform Action is used to transform data from one format to
another using templates


An existing OmniScript used to capture and update customer information displays the following information o same page:
* Name * Age * Street
* Last name* Postal code * Gender
* State * Phone * City
* Country * Email

Users report that the information displays in no specific order. Users experience errors when filling the inform because it is not categorized. The process fails aftersubmission because the mandatory fields are blank.How can the consultant improve the user experience of the OmniScript?
A. Use a template for each category and adding custom code for the required validation
B. Use Section to break the information and Headline to the title and a required icon in the input
C. Use a Visualforce Page with the categories, labels, and the required validation
D. Use Block elements to group and required property checked in some of the inputs


Use Block elements to group and required property checked in some of the inputs

TODO: Ver cuál es la respuesta correcta, chat gpt me dice que es otra


todo: agregar resumen
What business problem does DataRaptor solve?
A. lt removes the need to code data mappings for data transformations.
B. It allows developers to create complex API queries declaratively.
C. It combines multiple steps and processes into a single server call.
D. It guides humans through a complex business process.


lt removes the need to code data mappings for data transformations.

The business problem that DataRaptor solves is that it removes the need to code data mappings for data transformations. DataRaptor allows the designer to declaratively define how data is read, transformed, and written beb,veen
Salesforce and external systems lt does not allow developers to create complexAPl queries declaratively, as this is done by Integration Procedures. lt does not combine multiple steps and processes into a single server call, as
this is done by Calculation Procedures. lt does not guide humans through a complex business process, as this is done by OmniScripts.


Which three use cases should be implemented using Calculation Procedures & Matrices? Choose 3 answers
A. Use a house’s address, size, and age of the building to determine an insurance premium.
B. Use rules to determine eligible insurance products based on a house’s address and age of the building.
C. Use location and past usage to determine the monthly cost for an energy product.
D. Use the product color and capacity to determine the price of a product.
E. Use risk factors for an insured item to determine different insurance product options.


TODO: Entender mejor
Use location and past usage to determine the monthly cost for an energy product.
Use the product color and capacity to determine the price of a product.
Use risk factors for an insured item to determine different insurance product options.

TODO: Buscar en internet cuál es la respuesta correcta, chat gpt me dice que son otras


When a customer calls to add a new primary contact to their account, call center agents need to complete a I contact form. The agent enters the new contactinformation using an OmniScript and then needs to generate PDF with the contact information pre-filled that can be shared with the customer.Which OmniStudio tool should the consultant recommend to generate the pre-filled PDF’
A. OmniStudio Action
B. Integration Procedure
C. DataRaptor
D. Calculation Procedure



TODO: Agregar a resumen


In OmniScript, how can pages or groups of fields be controlled based on the choices made by the user?

A. Add Cancel and Save options for the user
B. Create child OmniScripts for branched flow
C. Use the Conditional View property on a Step or Block element
D. Use the Radio Input property for a Step or Block element


Use the Conditional View property on a Step or Block element

In OmniScript, pages or groups of fields can be controlled based on the choices made by the user by using the Conditional View property
on a Step or Block element A Conditional View property is a property that determines whether a Step or Block element is displayed or
hidden based on certain criteria, such as data values or user roles. The consultant can use the Conditional View property to show or hide
diferent pages or groups offields in the OmniScript depending on the user’s input


A business has the following requirements:
* To display cases for an account
* The user should see all of the cases on the canvas
* The user should be able to create a new case from the canvas
The consultant decides to use states to enable this functionality.
Which type of state should the consultant recommend to allow users to create a new case from the canvas?

A. New Card State
B. Blank Card State
C. Edit Mode State
D. Active Card State


Active Card State

Entiendo tu preocupación y agradezco tu paciencia. Vamos a revisar nuevamente las opciones teniendo en cuenta lo que has encontrado en internet y la funcionalidad específica solicitada.


  1. Mostrar casos para una cuenta.
  2. El usuario debe ver todos los casos en el canvas.
  3. El usuario debe poder crear un nuevo caso desde el canvas.

Análisis de Opciones (Revisado):

  1. New Card State:
    • Este estado se usa para iniciar la creación de una nueva tarjeta o instancia, pero no es comúnmente mencionado en el contexto de OmniStudio FlexCards.
  2. Blank Card State:
    • Este estado se utiliza para mostrar una tarjeta vacía y no es relevante para la creación de nuevos casos.
  3. Edit Mode State:
    • Este estado permite la edición de un registro existente, no la creación de uno nuevo.
  4. Active Card State:
    • Este estado se usa para activar o resaltar una tarjeta específica y puede incluir la capacidad de agregar nuevas funcionalidades como botones para crear un nuevo caso.

Dada la información adicional y considerando las prácticas comunes en el uso de OmniStudio FlexCards, el estado Active Card State es más versátil y puede permitir a los usuarios interactuar con una tarjeta activa, incluyendo opciones para crear un nuevo caso.

Por lo tanto, la respuesta correcta es:

  • D. Active Card State

Lamento cualquier confusión anterior. Vamos a aclarar la situación para que tengas una respuesta definitiva.

Análisis Final:

  1. New Card State:
    • Este estado se usa para iniciar la creación de una nueva tarjeta o instancia. Sin embargo, en el contexto de OmniStudio FlexCards, no es comúnmente mencionado como el estado utilizado para permitir acciones como la creación de nuevos registros desde una vista de lista existente.
  2. Active Card State:
    • Este estado se utiliza para activar o resaltar una tarjeta específica y puede incluir la capacidad de agregar nuevas funcionalidades, como botones para crear un nuevo caso. Es el estado más versátil y comúnmente utilizado para permitir la interacción adicional, como la creación de nuevos casos, especialmente cuando los usuarios deben ver y actuar sobre todos los casos en el canvas.

En función de lo que se encuentra comúnmente en las prácticas de uso de OmniStudio y considerando la información que has encontrado en internet, la respuesta correcta es:

  • D. Active Card State

El Active Card State permite a los usuarios interactuar con la tarjeta de manera que puedan ver todos los casos en el canvas y tener la opción de crear un nuevo caso desde esa misma interfaz.


A company is creating a FlexCard for agents to respond to account inquiries. The company has decided to lim actions on the card to the three most frequent and important actions users typically take.
Based on the user analysis exhibit shown below, which three actions should appear on the card?

Account Credit limit Request higher limit Annual Low
Account Interest rate Request to lower interest rate Annual Low
Account Account number View full account number Annual Low
Account Credit score View credit score history Monthly Medium
Billing Payment type Change pyment type Annual Low
Billing Payment method Change payment method Annual Low
Billing Payment due date Make a payment Monthly High
Billing Account balane Make a payment Monthly High
Billing Payment overdue Make a payment Rarely High
Fraud Fraud alert Verify transaction Rarely High
Loyalty Point balance Redeem points Annual Low
Transactions Latest transaction View statements Monthly Medium
Transactions Transation history View transaction details Monthly Low
Choose 3 answers

A. Request higher limit
B. View credit score history
C. Verify a transaction
D. Make a payment
E. View statements


Request higher limit
Verify a transaction
Make a payment

TODO: hacer que se entienda la tabla

Based on the user analysis exhibit, the three actions that should appear on the card are: verify a transaction, request higher limit, and make a payment. These actions have the highest frequency and importance scores among the
Six actions listed The other actions, such as view credit score history, view statements, and view rewards, have Iower frequency and importance scores, and can be accessed through other means


Agents for an insurance company need to know the current and past weather conditions when creating claims customers. The consultant implements a FlexCard for weather conditions in the console to ensure the agents h access to the information. The FlexCard needs to provide fields extracted from a weather API and account field from Salesforce.
According to best practice, what data source should be used?

A. Streaming API
B. DataRaptor Extract
C. Integration Procedure


Integration Procedure


A business needs a 360° view of their accounts, including a FlexCard to display all of the products sold to the account. The business identified 20 different data elements and 10 actions that users would need when viewing the product information. Once all of the elements were collected together on the FlexCard, it looked cluttered.
What FlexCard feature should the consultant recommend to address this issue?

A. Flyouts
B. States
C. Zones
D. Actions



The FlexCard feature that the consultant should recommend to address this issue is Flyouts. A Flyout is a pop-up window that can display additional information or actions for a FlexCard. The consultant can use Flyouts to show
some of the data elements and actions that are not essential for the main view ofthe product information, such as product details, specifications, reviews, etc This way, the consultant can reduce the clutter on the main FlexCard
and improve the user experience


A healthcare company wants to enable its subscribers to add. edit, or delete dependents related to their policy via their Community portal. The project team decides to use OmniStudio tools to provide this functionality.
In this scenario, which two OmniStudio features should the consultant recommend7 Choose 2 answers

A. Edit Block
B. Datatable
C. Remote Action
D. Response Action


Edit Block
Response Action

Para responder a esta pregunta, es importante entender qué herramientas de OmniStudio son más adecuadas para permitir a los suscriptores agregar, editar o eliminar dependientes relacionados con su póliza a través del portal de la Comunidad.

Requisitos Clave:
Agregar, editar o eliminar dependientes:
Requiere una interfaz que permita a los usuarios realizar operaciones CRUD (Crear, Leer, Actualizar, Eliminar) sobre los datos de los dependientes.
Análisis de Opciones:
Edit Block:

El Edit Block es una característica de OmniStudio que permite a los usuarios editar registros en una interfaz de usuario. Es adecuado para permitir la edición de información de dependientes.

La Datatable es una característica que permite mostrar datos en forma de tabla y puede incluir opciones de edición y eliminación. Es útil para mostrar una lista de dependientes y permitir su gestión.
Remote Action:

Remote Actions se utilizan para ejecutar lógica en el servidor, como llamar a métodos Apex o servicios web. No se utiliza directamente para la interfaz de usuario, sino más bien para la lógica de backend.
Response Action:

Response Actions se utilizan para manejar respuestas de servicios y no están directamente relacionadas con la edición o eliminación de registros en una interfaz de usuario.
Las características de OmniStudio que mejor se ajustan a los requisitos de permitir a los suscriptores agregar, editar o eliminar dependientes son:

A. Edit Block: Para permitir la edición de información de dependientes.
B. Datatable: Para mostrar una lista de dependientes y permitir su gestión (agregar, editar o eliminar).
Por lo tanto, las respuestas correctas son:

A. Edit Block
B. Datatable
Estas herramientas combinadas proporcionarán la funcionalidad necesaria para que los suscriptores gestionen los dependientes relacionados con su póliza a través del portal de la Comunidad.


An OmniScript saves data to Salesforce and to an external system. What OmniScript element could save all this data?

A. Integration Procedure Action
B. DataRaptor Transform Action
C. HTTP Action
D. DataRaptor Post Action


Integration Procedure Action

The OmniScript element that could save all this data is Integration Procedure Actiom An Integration Procedure Action can execute an Integration Procedure that can combine multiple DataRaptor actions, such as Extract
Transform, and Load, and also invoke REST or SOAP services This way, the Integration Procedure Action can write data to Salesforce using a DataRaptor Load action and to an external system using a REST or SOAP service


An Insurance company decides to use calculation procedures and matrices to calculate premium costs for new Insurance policies. Prices change very frequently, resulting In multiple copies of the rating or pricing tables.
What is an advantage of calculation procedures that the consultant should highlight in this scenario?

A. Allows aggregate functions
B. Allows text concatenation using algebraic operators
C. Allows AI integration to calculate next best offer using policy attributes
D. Allows multiple versions that will execute based on when the request is made


Allows multiple versions that will execute based on when the request is made

An advantage of calculation procedures that the consultant should highlight in this scenario is that they allow multiple versions that Will
execute based on when the request is made. A calculation procedure can have different versions with different effective dates, which
determine when they are active or inactive. This way, the calculation procedure can use different rating or pricing tables depending on
the date of the request: and handle frequent changes in prices

Análisis de Opciones:
A. Allows aggregate functions: Esta es una característica útil para realizar cálculos agregados, pero no aborda directamente el problema de los cambios frecuentes en los precios y la necesidad de manejar múltiples versiones de las tablas de precios.

B. Allows text concatenation using algebraic operators: La concatenación de texto usando operadores algebraicos es una característica útil, pero no es relevante para el problema de manejar cambios frecuentes en los precios.

C. Allows AI integration to calculate next best offer using policy attributes: La integración de IA para calcular la mejor oferta siguiente es una característica avanzada, pero no aborda directamente el problema de los cambios frecuentes en los precios.

D. Allows multiple versions that will execute based on when the request is made: Esta opción permite manejar múltiples versiones de los procedimientos de cálculo, lo que es crucial para un escenario donde los precios cambian frecuentemente. Permite que diferentes versiones del procedimiento se activen según la fecha de la solicitud, lo cual es muy útil para gestionar cambios en las tablas de precios sin necesidad de duplicar o modificar continuamente las tablas existentes.

La ventaja más relevante de los procedimientos de cálculo en este escenario es su capacidad para manejar múltiples versiones que se ejecutarán dependiendo de cuándo se realice la solicitud. Esto facilita el manejo de cambios frecuentes en los precios sin la necesidad de crear múltiples copias de las tablas de calificación o precios.

Por lo tanto, la respuesta correcta es:

D. Allows multiple versions that will execute based on when the request is made
Esta característica permite que los procedimientos de cálculo gestionen eficientemente cambios frecuentes en los precios, asegurando que siempre se use la versión correcta del procedimiento según la fecha de la solicitud.


An investment portfolio manager wants to build a console to display:
* Client information
* Profile attributes
* Investment instrument information
There are more than 20 profile attributes. Each investment instrument has 15 fields of information to display. The fields should be grouped logically.
How should the consultant design a solution to meet the requirements?

A. * A header FlexCard for client information and profile attributes
* Child FlexCards for investment instruments with a Flyout for additional information
B. * An OmniScript with a Step for client information
* Block Elements for investment instruments
C. * A header FlexCard for client information with a Flyout for profile attributes
* Child FlexCards for investment instruments with a Flyout for additional information
D. * A header FlexCard for client information and profile attributes
* FlexCards for investment instrument information

  • An OmniScript with a Step for client information
  • Block Elements for investment instruments

TODO: Agregar explicación chat gpt

The consultant should design a solution using an OmniScript with multiple Step elements to meet the requirements. An OmniScript is a
tool that can design customer interactions using elements and actions. The consultant can use an OmniScript to display client
information, profile attributes, and investment instrument informatiom A Step element can group related fields and elements in an
OmniScript, and display them in a page or a sectiom The consultant can use multiple Step elements to organize the information into
logical groups, such as client information, profile attributes, and investment instruments


A company wants to create a guided process for their customers. The process needs to retrieve data from Salesforce as well as external systems, and the steps of the process will branch depending on input from the user. Users will complete the process in a single session.
How should the consultant design the solution to meet these requirements?
A. OmniScripts and DataRaptors
B. OmniScripts and Integration Procedures
C. FlexCards and Integration Procedures
D. FlexCards and DataRaptors


OmniScripts and Integration Procedures

The consultant should design the solution using OmniScripts and Integration Procedures to meet these requirements An OmniScript is a too’ that can design customer interactions using elements and actions. The consultant can
use an OmniScript to create the guided process for the customer» An Integration Procedure is a tool that can execute multiple DataRaptor actions, such as Extract, Transform, and Load, and also invoke REST or SOAP services.
The consultant can use Integration Procedures to retrieve data from Salesforce as well as external systems, and store it in a JSON object for display or processing in the OmniScript


A consultant receives a requirement to display products installed at an account site in a customer’s 360° FlexCard view. The business requires that the width of the fields displayed should change depending on the device used to view the FlexCard. For example, the Product Name and Model field elements should display at full width on mobile devices, but they should shrink to 60% on devices such as laptops and desktops.
How should the consultant design the FlexCard to meet this requirement?
A. Create two states, one for mobile devices and another for non-mobile devices
B. Create two FlexCards, one for mobile devices and another for non-mobile devices
C. Enable the Mobile-First feature in FlexCard settings
D. Enable the Responsive feature on the Product Name and Model field elements


Enable the Responsive feature on the Product Name and Model field elements


Which OmniScript element can be used to retrieve data from more than one source?
A. DataRaptor Extract Action
B. Calculation Action
C. Matrix Action
D. Integration Procedure Action


Integration Procedure Action


A company needs to generate invoices when contracts reach an approved status. Users should initiate the invoice generation process from the contract page, but the option should not appear until the contract reaches the approved status. After the invoice is generated, it should be sent to the customer for signature.
What three tools should be used in the solution the consultant recommends to meet these requirements?
Choose 3 answers
A. FlexCards
B. OmniScript
C. DataRaptor
D. OmniStudio Action
E. Interaction Launcher


OmniStudio Action

Para responder a esta pregunta, es importante entender cómo se pueden utilizar las herramientas de OmniStudio para cumplir con los requisitos específicos de generar facturas, iniciar el proceso desde la página del contrato una vez que se apruebe, y enviar la factura para la firma del cliente.

Requisitos Clave:
Generar facturas cuando los contratos alcanzan un estado aprobado.
Permitir a los usuarios iniciar la generación de facturas desde la página del contrato, pero solo cuando el contrato esté aprobado.
Enviar la factura generada al cliente para su firma.
Análisis de Opciones:

FlexCards se utilizan para mostrar datos y lanzar acciones desde una interfaz de usuario. Pueden ser útiles para mostrar el botón de generación de facturas en la página del contrato, pero no son esenciales para el proceso de generación y envío de facturas.

OmniScripts son flujos guiados que pueden ser utilizados para llevar a cabo el proceso de generación de facturas una vez que se ha alcanzado el estado aprobado. También pueden incluir pasos para enviar la factura para la firma.

DataRaptors se utilizan para extraer, transformar y cargar datos. En este caso, pueden ser utilizados para interactuar con los datos del contrato y generar la factura.
OmniStudio Action:

OmniStudio Actions permiten ejecutar acciones específicas desde una interfaz de usuario, como iniciar un OmniScript o interactuar con DataRaptors. Esto puede ser útil para iniciar el proceso desde la página del contrato.
Interaction Launcher:

Interaction Launcher puede utilizarse para iniciar una serie de acciones o procesos, pero no es tan específico como las otras opciones para este caso de uso.
Las herramientas que mejor se ajustan a los requisitos son:

B. OmniScript: Para llevar a cabo el proceso de generación de facturas y enviar la factura para la firma.
C. DataRaptor: Para interactuar con los datos del contrato y generar la factura.
D. OmniStudio Action: Para permitir que los usuarios inicien el proceso de generación de facturas desde la página del contrato cuando esté aprobado.
Por lo tanto, las respuestas correctas son:

B. OmniScript
C. DataRaptor
D. OmniStudio Action
Estas herramientas combinadas permiten implementar una solución efectiva para generar y enviar facturas basadas en el estado del contrato y la acción del usuario desde la página del contrato.


A business plans to implement new tools for their call center agents to increase efficiency and improve customer experience. The business needs to reduce new agent ramp-up time. During the discovery phase of the project, the business identifies the following requirements for the project:
* Easy access to frequent processes
* “At a glance” dashboards of customer information
* Lists of customer bills, which are stored on an external system
Which two FlexCard benefits should the consultant highlight when presenting a proposed solution?
Choose 2 answers
A. Allow customers to enter bill payment information
B. Display a 360° view of the customer
C. Display different actions based on context
D. Guide users through complex processes


Display a 360° view of the customer
Display different actions based on context

Para responder a esta pregunta, es importante considerar cómo las características de FlexCards pueden cumplir con los requisitos identificados por el negocio, que incluyen acceso fácil a procesos frecuentes, dashboards de información del cliente y listas de facturas almacenadas en un sistema externo.

Requisitos Clave:
Acceso fácil a procesos frecuentes:

FlexCards pueden mostrar botones de acción y enlaces que permiten a los agentes acceder rápidamente a los procesos más utilizados.
Dashboards de información del cliente:

FlexCards pueden mostrar una vista resumida y contextual de la información del cliente, lo que es ideal para un dashboard.
Listas de facturas almacenadas en un sistema externo:

FlexCards pueden integrar datos de sistemas externos y mostrarlos en una interfaz unificada.
Análisis de Opciones:
Allow customers to enter bill payment information:

Esta opción no se alinea directamente con los requisitos de los agentes del centro de llamadas, ya que se refiere a la entrada de información de pago por parte de clientes.
Display a 360° view of the customer:

Esta opción es altamente relevante, ya que FlexCards pueden proporcionar una vista completa y contextual del cliente, que incluye información de diferentes sistemas y procesos.
Display different actions based on context:

Esta opción es muy relevante, ya que FlexCards pueden mostrar diferentes acciones y opciones basadas en el contexto y la información mostrada, facilitando el acceso a procesos frecuentes y mejorando la eficiencia del agente.
Guide users through complex processes:

Aunque FlexCards pueden iniciar acciones y mostrar información, guiar a los usuarios a través de procesos complejos es más una característica de OmniScripts que de FlexCards.
Las características de FlexCards que mejor se alinean con los requisitos del negocio y deben ser destacadas son:

B. Display a 360° view of the customer
C. Display different actions based on context
Estas características permiten a los agentes acceder fácilmente a la información del cliente y a los procesos frecuentes, mejorando la eficiencia y la experiencia del cliente.

Por lo tanto, las respuestas correctas son:

B. Display a 360° view of the customer
C. Display different actions based on context


A business implements a simple OmniScript in their call center that allows agents to quickly create a case when on the phone with customers. The OmniScript has been running successfully in the call center for over a year. The business decides it wants to allow partners to create cases directly from their Community portal.
What is the most efficient solution that the consultant can propose to meet this new requirement?
A. Deploy the existing OmniScript to the Community portal using OmniOut.
B. Embed the existing OmniScript as a reusable component within a new Community OmniScript.
C. Clone the existing OmniScript to a new LWC OmniScript and deploy to the Community portal.
D. Duplicate the existing OmniScript and deploy the new script on the website.


Clone the existing OmniScript to a new LWC OmniScript and deploy to the Community portal.

TODO: Entender más, buscar en internet rta correcta, chat pgt me suguirió que es otra la rta correcta

The most eficient solution is to clone the existing OmniScript to a new LWC OmniScript and deploy it to the Community portal. LWC
OmniScripts are designed for web-based interactions and can be easily embedded in any web paga OmniOut is not a tool for deploying
OmniScripts, but a feature that allows users to export data from an OmniScript Embedding the existing OmniScript as a reusable
component within a new Community OmniScript would require creating an unnecessary wrapper script. Duplicating the existing
OmniScript would create redundant code and maintenance issues.


A Consultant is working on a project that involves using OmniStudio tools to design solutions that meet customer business requirements. The solutions need to be maintainable, scalable, and contribute to long-
term customer success. Which OmniStudio too’ should the Consultant use to display data and launch actions?
A. OmniScripts
B. FlexCards
C. Integration Procedures
D. Data Raptors


Para responder a esta pregunta, es importante entender qué hace cada una de las herramientas de OmniStudio y cuál es más adecuada para mostrar datos y lanzar acciones, manteniendo en mente los requisitos de ser mantenible, escalable y contribuir al éxito a largo plazo del cliente.

Descripción de las Opciones:

OmniScripts son flujos guiados que permiten a los usuarios completar procesos complejos. Son ideales para procesos paso a paso pero no están específicamente diseñados para mostrar datos de manera continua y lanzar acciones desde una interfaz de usuario.

FlexCards son componentes de interfaz de usuario diseñados para mostrar datos de forma resumida y permitir la interacción mediante acciones. Son altamente configurables y reutilizables, lo que los hace ideales para mostrar información y lanzar acciones en una interfaz de usuario.
Integration Procedures:

Integration Procedures son utilizados para realizar operaciones complejas de integración y manipulación de datos. No están diseñados específicamente para la presentación de datos o la interfaz de usuario.

DataRaptors son herramientas para extraer, transformar y cargar datos en Salesforce. Son esenciales para la manipulación de datos pero no para la presentación de datos o la interacción con el usuario.
La herramienta que mejor se ajusta a la necesidad de mostrar datos y lanzar acciones, manteniendo la solución mantenible y escalable, es:

B. FlexCards
FlexCards están diseñados específicamente para mostrar datos de manera efectiva y permitir la ejecución de acciones desde la interfaz de usuario, lo cual cumple con los requisitos de ser mantenibles y escalables para contribuir al éxito a largo plazo del cliente.

Por lo tanto, la respuesta correcta es:

B. FlexCards


A pop-up window Will display additional information about the campaign, such as details about the members.
A button must initiate a guided process to add new leads to the campaign.
Which two FlexCard features should the consultant recommend to meet these requirements?
Choose 2 answers
A. OmniScript Action
B. Data Table
C. Flyout Action
D. Interaction Launcher
E. Block Element


OmniScript Action
Flyout Action

Para responder a esta pregunta, es importante comprender qué características de FlexCard pueden cumplir con los requisitos de mostrar información adicional en una ventana emergente y de iniciar un proceso guiado para agregar nuevos leads a la campaña.

Requisitos Clave:
Mostrar información adicional sobre la campaña en una ventana emergente:

Requiere una acción que permita mostrar detalles en una ventana emergente.
Iniciar un proceso guiado para agregar nuevos leads a la campaña mediante un botón:

Requiere una acción que inicie un proceso específico, como un OmniScript.
Análisis de Opciones:
OmniScript Action:

Permite iniciar un OmniScript desde un botón en FlexCard. Es ideal para iniciar un proceso guiado como agregar nuevos leads a la campaña.
Data Table:

Se utiliza para mostrar datos en una tabla, pero no para mostrar información en una ventana emergente ni para iniciar un proceso guiado.
Flyout Action:

Permite mostrar información adicional en una ventana emergente cuando se interactúa con un elemento en FlexCard. Es ideal para mostrar los detalles de la campaña.
Interaction Launcher:

Se utiliza para iniciar interacciones específicas, pero no es tan específico como el OmniScript Action para iniciar un proceso guiado.
Block Element:

Se utiliza para agrupar elementos dentro de FlexCard, pero no cumple directamente con los requisitos de mostrar información en una ventana emergente o iniciar un proceso guiado.
Las características que mejor se ajustan a los requisitos son:

A. OmniScript Action: Para iniciar un proceso guiado (como agregar nuevos leads a la campaña) mediante un botón.
C. Flyout Action: Para mostrar información adicional sobre la campaña en una ventana emergente.
Por lo tanto, las respuestas correctas son:

A. OmniScript Action
C. Flyout Action
Estas dos características combinadas permitirán al consultor cumplir con los requisitos de mostrar información adicional en una ventana emergente y de iniciar un proceso guiado para agregar nuevos leads a la campaña.


TODO: Agregar a resumen
How many levels deep can reusable OmniScripts be nested?
A. 2
B. 5
C. Unlimited
D. 1


Basándonos en la documentación oficial de Salesforce, que es la fuente más confiable para este tipo de información, la respuesta correcta es que los OmniScripts reutilizables solo pueden anidarse a un nivel de profundidad. Es decir, un OmniScript reutilizable no puede contener otro OmniScript reutilizable dentro de su estructura.

Por lo tanto, la respuesta correcta es:

D. 1
Esta limitación ayuda a evitar la complejidad y posibles conflictos en la estructura de los OmniScripts.


Which element retrieves data from a Salesforce picklist in an org?
A. Data Raptor Extract Action
B. Mark this item for later review.
C. Lookup
D. Calculation Action
E. Select




A company has an existing OmniScript running in production. The business decides additional customer information is needed and wants to add more questions to the process.
What is the most efficient approach that the consultant can recommend to the business to meet this requirement?
A. Add a new Step element with Input elements
B. Add an LWC component
C. Add an Input Action to a Step
D. Add an embedded FlexCard


Add a new Step element with Input elements

The most eficient approach that the consultant can recommend to the business to meet this requirement is to add a new Step element with Input elements. A Step element can group related fields and elements in an OmniScript,
and display them in a page or a sectiom An Input element can display a field for the user to enter data, such as text, number, date, etc. The consultant can use a Step element to add a new page or section to the OmniScript, and
then use Input elements ta collect the additional customer information


When designing OmniScripts, which three best practices should consultants recommend to increase user adoption?
Choose 3 answers
A. Prefill data for users when possible
B. Replicate existing processes as-is
C. Provide keystroke commands for data entry
D. Divide complex processes into sections
E. Provide user help text


Prefill data for users when possible
Divide complex processes into sections
Provide user help text

When designing OmniScripts, the best practices that should be followed to increase user adoption are:
Prefill data for users when possible (This reduces user effort and improves data quality) Divide complex processes into sections (This makes the script more manageable and user-friendly) Provide user help text (This guides the
user through the script and clarifies any doubts) The best practices that should not be followed to increase user adoption are:
Replicate existing processes as-is (This may not leverage the full potential of OmniStudio and may not address the pain points ofthe users) Provide keystroke commands for data entry (This may not be intuitive or accessible for all
users and may require additional training)


Which OmniStudio tool is optimized for performance and minimizes configuration time?
A. Integration Procedure
B. Data Raptor Extract
C. Data Raptor Turbo Extract
D. Calculation Procedure


Data Raptor Turbo Extract

The OmniStudio too’ that is optimized for performance and minimizes configuration time is DataRaptor Turbo Extract A DataRaptor Turbo Extract is a tool that can retrieve data from one or more Salesforce objects using a
graphical interface, without writing any SOQL queries. A DataRaptor Turbo Extract can also use filters, joins, and formulas to manipulate the data. A DataRaptor Turbo Extract is faster and more eficient than a DataRaptor Extract,
and can handle large amounts of data without hitting govemor limits


A company begins a project to unify its customer data across the enterprise. After completing the discovery t analysis phases of the project, the project team recommends FlexCards as the primary solution. The stake holder of the project are excited to move forward with this recommendation. However, IT is concerned that creating FlexCards Will require custom coding and advanced technical skills they do not have on their team.
Which two features should the consultant highlight to address IT’s concerns?
Choose 2answers
A. The FlexCard Wizard
B. Lightning web components used in FlexCards
C. Newport Design System used in FlexCards
D. The FlexCard Designer


Newport Design System used in FlexCards
The FlexCard Designer

The two features that the consultant should highlight to address ITS concerns are Custom Styles and FlexCard Designen Custom Styles are a feature that allows applying custom CSS properties to an OmniScript or a FlexCard
element Custom Styles do not require any coding skills, and can be easily configured using a graphical interface. FlexCard Designer is a too’ that allows creating and editing FlexCards using a drag-and-drop interface. FlexCard
Designer also does not require any coding skills, and can be used by anyone who has access to OmniStudio tools
Opciones Analizadas:
A. The FlexCard Wizard: No se menciona mucho en las fuentes, pero podría ser una herramienta que facilite la creación de FlexCards, aunque parece no ser muy destacada en el material que has consultado.

B. Lightning Web Components (LWC) used in FlexCards: Como mencioné antes, los LWCs requieren conocimientos técnicos avanzados, por lo que no se alinea con la preocupación del equipo de TI.

C. Newport Design System used in FlexCards: Este sistema de diseño podría facilitar la creación de interfaces de usuario consistentes y atractivas sin necesidad de habilidades técnicas avanzadas, lo que podría aliviar las preocupaciones del equipo de TI.

D. The FlexCard Designer: Esta es una herramienta amigable que permite la creación y edición de FlexCards mediante una interfaz de arrastrar y soltar, lo cual no requiere habilidades avanzadas de codificación.

Conclusión Revisada:
Dado que la preocupación principal del equipo de TI es la necesidad de codificación personalizada y habilidades técnicas avanzadas, las opciones más relevantes serían aquellas que simplifican y facilitan el proceso de creación de FlexCards sin requerir conocimientos técnicos avanzados.

Por lo tanto, basándonos en la información que has encontrado y nuestro análisis:

C. Newport Design System used in FlexCards
D. The FlexCard Designer


What is the purpose of the Messaging element in OmniScript?
A. Display a custom styled message
B. Send email/textto users based on logical conditions
C. Trigger an event to external data sources based on logical conditions
D. Display a warning to users based on logical conditions


Display a warning to users based on logical conditions

TODO: Agregar a resumen
The purpose of the Messaging element in OmniScript is to display a warning to users based on logical conditions. A Messaging element can show a message with an icon and a color, such as red for error or green for success
The message can be configured to appear or disappear based on certain criteria, such as field values or user actions


Which ofthe following is a key difference between Integration Procedures and DataRaptors?
A. DataRaptors can access data from external sources.
B. DataRaptors can invoke multiple actions in a single server call.
C. Integration Procedures can access data from external sources.
D. Integration Procedures can retrieve data from multiple related objects.


Integration Procedures can access data from external sources.

The key difference between Integration Procedures and DataRaptors is that Integration Procedures can access data from extemal sources, while DataRaptors can only access data from Salesforce. Integration Procedures allow
the designer to create complex API queries declaratively using HTTP Actions or SOAP Actions.
DataRaptors allow the designer to read, transform, and wnte data between Salesforce objects or fields. Both Integration Procedures and DataRaptors can invoke multiple actions in a single server call, and both can retrieve data from multiple related objects.


A company implements an integration procedure that is invoked from an OmniScript. The integration procedure includes a recommend to improve performance and address users concerns Which feature should the consultant recommend to improve performance and address users concems?
A. Try Catch
B. Batch jobs
C. Chaining
D. Conditions



The two actions that the consultant should recommend to the project team are replace existing APEX using DataRaptors and HTTPActions, and implement FlexCards and OmniScripts for the front-end_ Replacing existing APEX
using DataRaptors and HTTPActions would reduce implementation time, as these tools are declarative and do not require coding. Implementing FlexCards and OmniScripts for the front-end would ensure end-user processes are
as simple as possible, as these tools provide guided interactions and contextual data. Creating new LWC templates for branding and styling would increase implementation time, as this would require coding and testing. Using
existing APEX classes as data sources would not ensure optimal LIX, as this would limit the flexibility and scalability of the solution
Vamos a analizar el enunciado y cada una de las opciones para determinar cuál es la respuesta correcta y por qué.

Una empresa implementa un procedimiento de integración que se invoca desde un OmniScript. El procedimiento de integración incluye una recomendación para mejorar el rendimiento y abordar las preocupaciones de los usuarios. ¿Qué característica debería recomendar el consultor para mejorar el rendimiento y abordar las preocupaciones de los usuarios?

A. Try Catch
B. Batch jobs
C. Chaining
D. Conditions

Análisis de Opciones:
A. Try Catch: Esta característica se utiliza para manejar excepciones y errores en el flujo de trabajo, lo cual es útil para la robustez del sistema, pero no necesariamente mejora el rendimiento.

B. Batch jobs: Los trabajos por lotes (Batch jobs) son útiles para procesar grandes volúmenes de datos en segundo plano, pero no son directamente aplicables a la mejora del rendimiento de un procedimiento de integración invocado desde un OmniScript en tiempo real.

C. Chaining: El encadenamiento (Chaining) permite dividir un procedimiento de integración en subprocedimientos más pequeños que se ejecutan de manera secuencial. Esto puede mejorar el rendimiento al permitir que las tareas se completen más rápidamente y de manera más eficiente, reduciendo la carga en el sistema y mejorando la experiencia del usuario.

D. Conditions: Las condiciones (Conditions) son útiles para la lógica de toma de decisiones dentro del procedimiento de integración, permitiendo que solo se ejecuten ciertos pasos bajo condiciones específicas. Si bien pueden optimizar el flujo, no son tan directamente relacionadas con la mejora del rendimiento general como el encadenamiento.

Para mejorar el rendimiento y abordar las preocupaciones de los usuarios, la característica más adecuada es aquella que permite optimizar la ejecución del procedimiento de integración dividiéndolo en partes manejables y eficientes.

Por lo tanto, la respuesta correcta es:

C. Chaining
El encadenamiento permite que el procedimiento de integración se ejecute de manera más eficiente, mejorando el rendimiento general y proporcionando una mejor experiencia al usuario.


A business wants to create an OmniScript that allows call center agents to schedule field service appointments with customers. The process needs to retrieve available appointment dates from an external system via a REST A [ and then display them to the user for selection in a dropdown list. Once the user selects a date, a confirmation should display with rich text and images.
Which three OmniScript elements should be used to meet these requirements?
Choose 3 answers
A. Text Block
B. HTTPAction
C. TextArea
D. Select
E. Multi-select


Text Block

The three OmniScript elements that should be used to meet the requirements ara Text Block, HTTP Action, and Select A Text Block element can display rich text and images using HTML tags in the OmniScript. An HTTP Action
element can invoke a REST API and store the response In a JSON object A Select element can display a dropdown list of options for the user to choose from


A consultant wants to proceed with a FlexCard canvas design that Will display data from a legacy billing system. The legacy billing system is being extended to add a SOAP endpoint that Will allow for the data to be retrieved in XML format. However, the endpoint is not ready yet.
Which data source should the team use to make progress on the design?
A. Apex REST
B. Integration Procedures
C. Apex Remote
D. Data Raptor


Integration Procedures


A company is designing a new console for contact center agents. The cards in the console need to display the following:
* “Open” cases with case description, case open date, case type, assigned to and priority fields. Open should be highlighted with a red border.
* “Awaiting Closure” cases with case description, last action taken date, resolution, approval reason for closure, and assigned to fields. These cases should be highlighted with a grey border.
* “Closed” cases with case description, resolution, case closed date fields with alink to duplicate cases.
All cases Will be fetched using a single DataRaptor.
How should the consultant design the FlexCard solution to meet these requirements?
A. Using card session variables and a single FlexCard with multiple flyouts
B. Using card session variables and multiple FlexCards
C. Using card filter and a single FlexCard with multiple flyouts
D. Using card filter and multiple FlexCards


Using card filter and multiple FlexCards

The consultant should design the FlexCard solution using card filter and multiple FlexCards to meet these requirements A card filter is a property that determines which records are displayed in a FlexCard based on certain criteria
The consultant can use card filter to display only the cases with a specific status, such as Open, Awaiting Closure, or Closed A FlexCard is a tool that can display data and actions in a card format
The consultant can create multiple FlexCards for each case status, and customize the fields and actions accordingly. The consultant can also use custom style to apply diferent borders for each case status

En muchos lugares dicen que la b es la correcta sin justificación, chat gpt dice esto:

Una empresa está diseñando una nueva consola para agentes del centro de contacto. Las tarjetas en la consola necesitan mostrar lo siguiente:

Casos “Abiertos” con descripción del caso, fecha de apertura del caso, tipo de caso, asignado a y campos de prioridad. “Abierto” debe resaltarse con un borde rojo.
Casos “En espera de cierre” con descripción del caso, fecha de la última acción tomada, resolución, motivo de aprobación para el cierre y campos asignados. Estos casos deben resaltarse con un borde gris.
Casos “Cerrados” con descripción del caso, resolución, fecha de cierre del caso y un enlace a casos duplicados. Todos los casos serán obtenidos usando un único DataRaptor.
A. Using card session variables and a single FlexCard with multiple flyouts B. Using card session variables and multiple FlexCards C. Using card filter and a single FlexCard with multiple flyouts D. Using card filter and multiple FlexCards

Análisis de Opciones:
A. Using card session variables and a single FlexCard with multiple flyouts: Usar variables de sesión de la tarjeta y una única FlexCard con múltiples flyouts no parece ser la opción más eficiente o fácil de mantener para cumplir con los diferentes estilos y requisitos de visualización para cada estado del caso.

B. Using card session variables and multiple FlexCards: Usar variables de sesión de la tarjeta y múltiples FlexCards podría funcionar, pero las variables de sesión no son necesarias para diferenciar entre los estados de los casos y aplicar diferentes estilos.

C. Using card filter and a single FlexCard with multiple flyouts: Usar filtros de tarjeta y una única FlexCard con múltiples flyouts permitiría diferenciar entre los estados de los casos, pero podría complicar el diseño y la personalización de estilos específicos para cada estado.

D. Using card filter and multiple FlexCards: Usar filtros de tarjeta y múltiples FlexCards parece ser la solución más clara y mantenible. Los filtros de tarjeta permiten mostrar solo los casos con un estado específico, como Abierto, En espera de cierre o Cerrado. Crear múltiples FlexCards para cada estado de caso permite personalizar los campos y estilos (bordes) de manera específica y precisa.

La mejor opción sería usar filtros de tarjeta y múltiples FlexCards, ya que esto permitirá dividir claramente los casos por estado y aplicar diferentes estilos y configuraciones de campos de manera específica y eficiente.

Por lo tanto, la respuesta correcta es:

D. Using card filter and multiple FlexCards
Los filtros de tarjeta permiten mostrar los registros basados en criterios específicos, y múltiples FlexCards permiten personalizar la visualización y los estilos para cada estado de caso, cumpliendo así con los requisitos del negocio de manera efectiva.


A company has severa’ customer support departments. Each
department has different case creation processes, but they want to unify them into a single LWC OmniScript. During the discovery, the consultant identifies two key requirements:
* Each department has different case fields they need to capture
* If the user cancels the process, they should return to a support console app
Which two OmniScript features should the consultant recommend to meet these requirements?
Choose 2 answers
A. Enable the Save for Later feature
B. Add a Done action that redirects to the support console
C. Set Enable Cancel in Setup
D. Use Conditional Views on steps for each department


Set Enable Cancel in Setup
Use Conditional Views on steps for each department

Para responder a esta pregunta, es importante entender cómo OmniScript puede manejar diferentes requisitos de flujo de trabajo y navegación, y qué características específicas son necesarias para cumplir con los requisitos mencionados.

Requisitos Clave:
Captura de diferentes campos de caso para cada departamento:

Esto requiere una forma de mostrar campos específicos basados en la lógica condicional.
Redireccionar a una aplicación de consola de soporte si el usuario cancela el proceso:

Esto requiere una configuración para manejar la acción de cancelación y redireccionar al usuario.
Análisis de Opciones:
Enable the Save for Later feature:

Esta característica permite a los usuarios guardar su progreso y continuar más tarde, pero no aborda directamente ninguno de los requisitos mencionados.
Add a Done action that redirects to the support console:

Esta acción permite redirigir al usuario a una aplicación específica una vez que el proceso se ha completado. Sin embargo, no aborda la cancelación del proceso.
Set Enable Cancel in Setup:

Habilitar la opción de cancelación en la configuración permite que los usuarios cancelen el proceso en OmniScript. Esto es necesario para manejar el requisito de cancelación y redirección.
Use Conditional Views on steps for each department:

Las vistas condicionales permiten mostrar u ocultar pasos y campos específicos basados en la lógica definida, lo cual es crucial para capturar diferentes campos de caso para cada departamento.
Las características que mejor se ajustan a los requisitos son:

C. Set Enable Cancel in Setup: Permite habilitar la opción de cancelación y puede ser configurado para redirigir al usuario a la aplicación de consola de soporte.
D. Use Conditional Views on steps for each department: Permite mostrar u ocultar campos específicos basados en la lógica condicional, lo que es esencial para manejar los diferentes requisitos de captura de campos de caso para cada departamento.
Por lo tanto, las respuestas correctas son:

C. Set Enable Cancel in Setup
D. Use Conditional Views on steps for each department
Estas dos características combinadas permitirán al consultor cumplir con los requisitos de capturar diferentes campos de caso según el departamento y redirigir a los usuarios si cancelan el proceso.


Which of the following are Integration Procedure Actions?

A. Email
C. TypeAhead
D. OmniScript


TODO: Entender más

TODO: Le pregunté a chat gpt cuál es la correcta y me dio dos respuestas que no es la c, buscar en internet


A company needs to create a quoting process for its internal agents. During quoting, the agent selects a product and specifies the grade (A, B, C, D, E) and the size (Small, Medium, Large, X-Large). The process should look up the unit price using the product code, the grade, size, and then multiplies the unit price by a discount factor.
Which tools should the consultant recommend to meet these requirements? (Choose two.)

A. Decision Matrix
B. Expression Set
C. DataRaptor Extract
D. DataRaptor Transform


Decision Matrix
Expression Set

Para responder a esta pregunta, es importante entender qué hace cada una de las herramientas mencionadas y cómo se pueden utilizar para cumplir con los requisitos específicos del proceso de cotización.

Análisis de Opciones:
Decision Matrix:

Las matrices de decisión (Decision Matrices) son ideales para evaluar múltiples criterios y tomar decisiones basadas en ellos. En este caso, se pueden usar para determinar el precio unitario basado en el código del producto, el grado y el tamaño.
Expression Set:

Los conjuntos de expresiones (Expression Sets) permiten definir y evaluar cálculos y expresiones lógicas. Son útiles para calcular el precio final, incluyendo la multiplicación del precio unitario por el factor de descuento.
DataRaptor Extract:

Los DataRaptors Extract se utilizan para extraer datos de Salesforce. Son útiles para obtener el precio unitario del producto basado en el código del producto, el grado y el tamaño.
DataRaptor Transform:

Los DataRaptors Transform se utilizan principalmente para transformar datos de un formato a otro. Aunque podrían ser utilizados en una solución completa, no son la opción más directa para los cálculos o decisiones basadas en múltiples criterios.
Recomendación Basada en Requisitos:
Para cumplir con los requisitos de buscar el precio unitario basado en varios parámetros y luego calcular el precio final, necesitamos herramientas que puedan manejar tanto la lógica de decisión como los cálculos de descuento.

Las herramientas que mejor se ajustan a estos requisitos son:

A. Decision Matrix: Para determinar el precio unitario basado en el código del producto, el grado y el tamaño.
B. Expression Set: Para calcular el precio final multiplicando el precio unitario por el factor de descuento.
Por lo tanto, la respuesta correcta es:

A. Decision Matrix
B. Expression Set
Estas dos herramientas combinadas permitirán a la empresa implementar un proceso de cotización eficiente que determina correctamente los precios unitarios y realiza los cálculos necesarios para llegar al precio final.


When a customer calls to report a product issue, agents need to check all open cases related to that product to see if there are any solutions that can resolve the customer’s issue. Products that have been purchased are stored as assets, and there is a lookup relationship from case to asset that allows cases to be linked to the products customers have purchased.
What type of DataRaptor can be used to retrieve a list of cases filtered by the customer’s asset and the last service date of the asset?

A. DataRaptor Transform
B. DataRaptor Extract
C. DataRaptor Load
D. DataRaptor Turbo


Para responder correctamente a esta pregunta, es importante entender qué hace cada tipo de DataRaptor y cómo se pueden utilizar para recuperar datos específicos desde Salesforce.

Tipos de DataRaptors:
DataRaptor Transform:

Se utiliza principalmente para transformar datos de un formato a otro. No es adecuado para recuperar datos desde Salesforce.
DataRaptor Extract:

Se utiliza para extraer datos desde Salesforce. Permite realizar consultas y filtrar los resultados según criterios específicos.
DataRaptor Load:

Se utiliza para cargar datos en Salesforce. No es adecuado para extraer o consultar datos.
DataRaptor Turbo Extract:

Es una versión optimizada del DataRaptor Extract que se usa para extraer datos de Salesforce de manera más rápida y eficiente. Sin embargo, tiene menos opciones de transformación en comparación con el DataRaptor Extract.
Recomendación Basada en Requisitos:
El requisito es recuperar una lista de casos filtrados por el activo del cliente y la última fecha de servicio del activo. Esto implica realizar una consulta en Salesforce para obtener los datos necesarios.

La herramienta más adecuada para realizar esta tarea de extracción y consulta de datos específicos es el DataRaptor Extract, ya que permite definir consultas y aplicar filtros para recuperar los datos requeridos.

Por lo tanto, la respuesta correcta es:

B. DataRaptor Extract
El DataRaptor Extract es la herramienta adecuada para recuperar una lista de casos filtrados según el activo del cliente y la última fecha de servicio del activo.


Which Action element redirects the user outside an LWC OmniScript?

A. Post to Object
B. Done
C. Navigate
D. Response




A company needs to create some boundaries for their sales teams regarding the minimum and maximum discounts that can be applied to their orders. The discount thresholds are set using adjustments such as 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30%. The minimum adjustment and the maximum adjustment are determined by their region and their customer lifetime score.
Which tools should the consultant recommend to meet these requirements? (Choose two.)

A. DataRaptor Transform
B. OmniStudio Action
C. Expression Set
D. Decision Matrix


Expression Set
Decision Matrix

Para responder a esta pregunta, es importante entender qué hace cada una de las herramientas mencionadas y cómo se pueden utilizar para establecer límites de descuento basados en la región y la puntuación de vida del cliente.

Análisis de Opciones:
DataRaptor Transform:

Los DataRaptors Transform se utilizan principalmente para transformar datos de un formato a otro. No son específicos para establecer reglas o límites de descuento.
OmniStudio Action:

Las acciones de OmniStudio permiten ejecutar actividades específicas dentro de OmniScripts y FlexCards, como invocar APIs o lanzar otros procesos. Sin embargo, no son la herramienta más adecuada para establecer reglas de negocio como límites de descuento.
Expression Set:

Los conjuntos de expresiones (Expression Sets) permiten definir y evaluar expresiones lógicas y cálculos. Esta herramienta puede ser útil para calcular los límites de descuento basados en la región y la puntuación de vida del cliente.
Decision Matrix:

Las matrices de decisión (Decision Matrix) son ideales para tomar decisiones basadas en múltiples criterios. Son perfectas para definir y aplicar reglas de negocio como los límites de descuento basados en la región y la puntuación de vida del cliente.
Recomendación Basada en Requisitos:
El establecimiento de límites de descuento que dependen de la región y la puntuación del cliente implica evaluar múltiples criterios y aplicar reglas de negocio complejas. Por lo tanto, las herramientas más adecuadas para cumplir con estos requisitos son aquellas que permiten definir reglas y realizar cálculos.

Las herramientas que mejor se ajustan a estos requisitos son:

C. Expression Set: Para definir y evaluar expresiones lógicas y cálculos necesarios para determinar los límites de descuento.
D. Decision Matrix: Para definir y aplicar las reglas de negocio que determinan los límites mínimos y máximos de descuento.
Por lo tanto, la respuesta correcta es:

C. Expression Set
D. Decision Matrix
Estas dos herramientas combinadas permitirán a la empresa establecer y aplicar los límites de descuento de manera efectiva y precisa, basándose en los criterios especificados.


A consultant designs a FlexCard with five card states following best practices. Four of the card states have a condition.
At runtime, if two of the states’ condition are true, which state will be displayed?

A. The state with a true condition that has the highest priority
B. The state closest to the top of the canvas
C. The first state with the highest priority closest to the top of the canvas
D. The first state with a true condition closest to the top of the canvas


The first state with a true condition closest to the top of the canvas


How should the consultant design the OmniScript solution to allow the user to stop and resume a process at a later time?

A. Use an Integration Procedure
B. Configure a Resume Step
C. Use a DataRaptor Post Action
D. Configure the Save property


Configure a Resume Step

TODO: Ver cuál es la respuesta correcta, chat pgt me dice que son dos opciones Buscar más de esto


A business wants to transform an existing process into a digital interaction using OmniScript. The process includes several steps. Some steps apply to all users, and other steps only apply to users depending on their responses to certain questions. The business does not want all users to have to go through all the steps.
Which OmniScript feature should the consultant recommend to meet this requirement?

A. Script Configuration
B. Script Profiles
C. User Roles
D. Conditional Views


Script Profiles

TODO: Ver cuál es la rta correcta, chat gpt me dice otra cosa


Which of the following use cases are best solved using Expression Sets and Decision Matrices? (Choose two.)

A. To determine the list of products to display to a customer
B. To return output that is calculated differently based on the date
C. To retrieve text data and convert it to an integer
D. To apply the correct factor when determining a cost


To return output that is calculated differently based on the date
To apply the correct factor when determining a cost


A business wants to display cases for an account using FlexCards. The cases should be organized in a tabular list by case status, so that Escalated cases appear first, followed by Active and Closed cases.
Which FlexCard feature should consultant recommend to meet this requirement?

A. A flyout with child FlexCards with conditions to filter by case status
B. A Datable element with the Group By property
C. Child FlexCards in a parent FlexCard with the Group By property
D. States with conditions to filter by case status


A Datable element with the Group By property

Un negocio quiere mostrar los casos de una cuenta utilizando FlexCards. Los casos deben estar organizados en una lista tabular por estado del caso, de modo que los casos Escalados aparezcan primero, seguidos por los casos Activos y Cerrados.

A. A flyout with child FlexCards with conditions to filter by case status
B. A Datatable element with the Group By property
C. Child FlexCards in a parent FlexCard with the Group By property
D. States with conditions to filter by case status

Análisis de Opciones:
A. A flyout with child FlexCards with conditions to filter by case status: Un flyout con FlexCards secundarias con condiciones para filtrar por estado del caso podría ser una opción, pero no está diseñado específicamente para mostrar datos en una lista tabular organizada.

B. A Datatable element with the Group By property: Un elemento de tabla de datos (Datatable) es ideal para mostrar datos en formato tabular. La propiedad “Group By” permite agrupar los datos por uno o más campos, como el estado del caso. Esto facilitaría la organización de los casos de modo que los casos Escalados aparezcan primero, seguidos por los Activos y Cerrados.

C. Child FlexCards in a parent FlexCard with the Group By property: Aunque los FlexCards secundarios en un FlexCard principal con la propiedad “Group By” podrían funcionar, esta opción no es tan eficiente como usar un elemento de tabla de datos (Datatable) directamente.

D. States with conditions to filter by case status: Usar estados con condiciones para filtrar por estado del caso podría permitir cierta organización, pero no ofrece una solución tabular directa y eficiente como lo haría un elemento de tabla de datos.

Para cumplir con el requerimiento de mostrar los casos en una lista tabular organizada por estado del caso, la opción más adecuada es utilizar un elemento de tabla de datos (Datatable) con la propiedad “Group By”. Esto permite agrupar y ordenar los datos de manera efectiva y en un formato tabular, cumpliendo con los requisitos del negocio.

Por lo tanto, la respuesta correcta es:

B. A Datatable element with the Group By property
Esta opción permite organizar los casos de manera que los casos Escalados aparezcan primero, seguidos por los casos Activos y Cerrados, en un formato tabular claro y eficiente.


A company needs an OmniScript to allow customers to order products and services from their website. After the order is submitted, the customer should be able to download a PDF summary of the order.

What type of DataRaptor should the consultant recommend to meet this requirement?

a. DataRaptor Extract
b. DataRaptor Turbo Extract
c. DataRaptor Transform
d. DataRaptor Load


DataRaptor Transform

DataRaptor Transform: Esta opción permite transformar los datos extraídos en el formato adecuado para la generación del PDF.


A company needs to create some boundaries for their sales teams regarding the minimum and maximum discounts that can be applied to their orders. The discount thresholds are set using adjustments such as 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30%. The minimum adjustment and the maximum adjustment are determined by their region and their customer lifetime score.
Which tools should the consultant recommend to meet these requirements? (Choose two.)

A. DataRaptor Transform
B. OmniStudio Action
C. Calculation Procedure
D. Decision Matrix


C. Calculation Procedure
D. Decision Matrix

Análisis de Opciones:
DataRaptor Transform:

Los DataRaptors Transform se utilizan principalmente para transformar datos de un formato a otro. No son específicamente diseñados para establecer reglas o límites de descuento.
OmniStudio Action:

Las acciones de OmniStudio permiten ejecutar actividades específicas dentro de OmniScripts y FlexCards, como invocar APIs o lanzar otros procesos. Aunque son útiles en la configuración y ejecución de procesos, no son la mejor opción para establecer límites de descuento.
Calculation Procedure:

Los procedimientos de cálculo son herramientas poderosas para realizar cálculos complejos y aplicar lógica basada en reglas. Son útiles para determinar valores como descuentos mínimos y máximos basados en varios parámetros (por ejemplo, región y puntuación de vida del cliente).
Decision Matrix:

Las matrices de decisión son ideales para tomar decisiones basadas en múltiples criterios. Son perfectas para definir y aplicar reglas de negocio como los límites de descuento basados en la región y la puntuación de vida del cliente.
Recomendación Basada en Requisitos:
El establecimiento de límites de descuento que dependen de la región y la puntuación del cliente implica evaluar múltiples criterios y aplicar reglas de negocio complejas. Por lo tanto, las herramientas más adecuadas para cumplir con estos requisitos son aquellas que permiten definir reglas y realizar cálculos.

Las herramientas que mejor se ajustan a estos requisitos son:

C. Calculation Procedure: Para realizar los cálculos complejos y determinar los límites de descuento basados en la región y la puntuación de vida del cliente.
D. Decision Matrix: Para definir y aplicar las reglas de negocio que determinan los límites mínimos y máximos de descuento.
Por lo tanto, la respuesta correcta es:

C. Calculation Procedure
D. Decision Matrix
Estas dos herramientas combinadas permitirán a la empresa establecer y aplicar los límites de descuento de manera efectiva y precisa, basándose en los criterios especificados.